What a classic example of Why Americans are trusting Trump more!

Is there ANY Wonder why more Americans are finding they can't believe the MSM.
Read this thoroughly... and see if you can see why the MSM is no longer believable.
A) Note the headline.. "allegedly urged"...
B) Then note the quote from the story:
"Mr.Trump told those present....leave except Mr. Comey."
C) Question for the reporter and all you other anti-Trump people:
How did the reporter know that Mr. Trump ....saying "Mr. Comey should consider putting reporters in prison"?
Did Trump tell the reporter?
Did Comey tell the reporter?
How did the reporter KNOW that Trump said the above?

This again is the reason common sense Americans by the droves are ignoring the MSM.
This is why Trump is becoming more and more believable to common sense.."deplorables"!
This is why the MSM has continued to lose their status as the least respected just above big business and Congress!
In a private meeting, President Trump allegedly urged Comey to imprison journalists
View attachment 127490

View attachment 127492
Confidence in Institutions

Nice poll from JUNE 2016, that makes your poll damn near a year old!
Here are the results of a recent poll.
QU Poll Release Detail
Is Trump honest? 61% -NO. 33%-YES
Trust the media? 51%-YES Trust Trump? 31% YES.
Of course if you ask 10% more Democrats you'll get more votes saying Trump not honest!
From May 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
So 24% GOP or 258 polled
YET 34% Democrat of 366
A difference of 107 more Democrats then GOP.
So if there an equal number of Democrats/GOP.. that would have DECREASED the 61% not honest and DECREASE
trust the Media.. !
You will never convince me there are more Democrats then GOP either when you look at the last Gallup question
what is your party preference:Party Affiliation
So with MORE GOP why did Quinnipiac ask 10% MORE DEMOCRATS??
1% More Democrats then GOP! Party Affiliation
Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 3.13.50 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 3.06.30 PM.png
Of course if you ask 10% more Democrats you'll get more votes saying Trump not honest!
From May 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
So 24% GOP or 258 polled
YET 34% Democrat of 366
A difference of 107 more Democrats then GOP.
So if there an equal number of Democrats/GOP.. that would have DECREASED the 61% not honest and DECREASE
trust the Media.. !
You will never convince me there are more Democrats then GOP either when you look at the last Gallup question
what is your party preference:Party Affiliation
So with MORE GOP why did Quinnipiac ask 10% MORE DEMOCRATS??
1% More Democrats then GOP! Party Affiliation
View attachment 127598
View attachment 127596

LOL- did you expect them to keep asking until they managed to find more Republicans?

That is not how polls work- you do know that right?

They take a random sample- and in that random sample- as in the United States- there were more registered Voters who were Democrats than registered voters who were Republicans.
Of course if you ask 10% more Democrats you'll get more votes saying Trump not honest!
From May 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
So 24% GOP or 258 polled
YET 34% Democrat of 366
A difference of 107 more Democrats then GOP.
So if there an equal number of Democrats/GOP.. that would have DECREASED the 61% not honest and DECREASE
trust the Media.. !
You will never convince me there are more Democrats then GOP either when you look at the last Gallup question
what is your party preference:Party Affiliation
So with MORE GOP why did Quinnipiac ask 10% MORE DEMOCRATS??
1% More Democrats then GOP! Party Affiliation
View attachment 127598
View attachment 127596

LOL- did you expect them to keep asking until they managed to find more Republicans?

That is not how polls work- you do know that right?

They take a random sample- and in that random sample- as in the United States- there were more registered Voters who were Democrats than registered voters who were Republicans.

YES I do expect them to keep asking until they have as many GOP as Democrats!
That's the reason the responses are ALWAYS skewed to favor Democrats!
This crap about "random sampling"...
A) Did you read the survey methodology? https://poll.qu.edu/images/polling/us/us05102017_demos_U392prfb.pdf/
This survey uses statistical weighting procedures to account for deviations in the survey sample from known population characteristics, which helps correct for differential survey participation and random variation in samples. The overall adult sample is weighted to recent Census data using a sample balancing procedure to match the demographic makeup of the population by region, gender, age, education and race. Margins of sampling error for this survey are not adjusted for design effect.
NOTHING about "weighing" for party affiliation!
And that is just plain BIASED!

Overall, 48% of all registered voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic compared with 44% who identify as Republican or lean toward the GOP.
2. Party affiliation among voters: 1992-2016
NOT 10% as the Quinnipiac University Poll did!
And of course being the mindless idiot believer in the MSM sanctity and honesty you have never heard of this:
To use the jargon of the social psychologist, that basis is now called “Evaluation Apprehension.”
Simply put, EA is the respondent’s concern that he be positively evaluated by the interviewer who is on the phone or at the other end of the social media link. How Poll Bias Obscures Trump’s Likely Election

To put in your vernacular so you understand... the person being polled does NOT want to appear in the case of polling for Trump a Trump supporter!
I know because I coined the phrase "cowards for Trump"...people like me that find idiots like you when you hear I support Trump your emotional,childish
response is "oh you got to be crazy" or something of that ilk!
Never mind you don't take the facts as they are presented, i.e. like the vast majority of Anti-Trump you think he is "anti-immigrant"!
How f...king dumb you and they are! Trump's married to a "LEGAL" immigrant and as you and the vast majority are wont to do, you don't use the
adjective "ILLEGAL" in the phrase. Hence the vast majority of idiots like you don't even comprehend what dumb attitude you have about Trump!
So yes the polls are biased! People are afraid as I am in public to say I support Trump because all too often we've seen idiotic emotional responses
like yours and your ilk.
So take it from me who had college courses in statistics you aren't bluffing me.
You have no idea what a standard deviation from the mean means much less what the "random" sample that you so pompously claimed.
Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 7.20.01 PM.png

So please don't embarrass yourself again!
The pollsters are re-adjusting the basic assumptions about party affiliation affecting responses...i.e. EA for example!
Of course if you ask 10% more Democrats you'll get more votes saying Trump not honest!
From May 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
So 24% GOP or 258 polled
YET 34% Democrat of 366
A difference of 107 more Democrats then GOP.
So if there an equal number of Democrats/GOP.. that would have DECREASED the 61% not honest and DECREASE
trust the Media.. !
You will never convince me there are more Democrats then GOP either when you look at the last Gallup question
what is your party preference:Party Affiliation
So with MORE GOP why did Quinnipiac ask 10% MORE DEMOCRATS??
1% More Democrats then GOP! Party Affiliation
View attachment 127598
View attachment 127596

LOL- did you expect them to keep asking until they managed to find more Republicans?

That is not how polls work- you do know that right?

They take a random sample- and in that random sample- as in the United States- there were more registered Voters who were Democrats than registered voters who were Republicans.

YES I do expect them to keep asking until they have as many GOP as Democrats!!

But then that would not be a representative sample- it would be a deliberate skewing of numbers to try to influence the numbers.

If you have a population of 100 people- and 55 of them are Democrats and 45 of them are Republicans- and you take a sample- and you insist the sample must have equal numbers of both parties- 5 Democrats and 5 Republicans- then Republicans would be over represented out of the population.
[ople are afraid as I am in public to say I support Trump because all too often we've seen idiotic emotional responses
like yours and your ilk.
So take it from me who had college courses in statistics you aren't bluffing me.
You have no idea what a standard deviation from the mean means much less what the "random" sample that you so pompously claimed.

Wow- you took college courses in statistics? Hot Damn.

I did to- as part of my degree in Economics.

If you knew anything about statistics you would know that you have to take a representative sample to come up with an accurate statistic.

Not a purposely skewed sample like you are proposing.
The right is winning by default because of how incredibly childish the left is acting.
At some point the right might start acting like they're in charge & no longer the opposition party.....i hope

This is how you think you sound:

This is how you actually sound:

NOTHING about the left will make Trumps self-made problems and deep character flaws go away.

Thank you! That made my day!
[ople are afraid as I am in public to say I support Trump because all too often we've seen idiotic emotional responses
like yours and your ilk.
So take it from me who had college courses in statistics you aren't bluffing me.
You have no idea what a standard deviation from the mean means much less what the "random" sample that you so pompously claimed.

Wow- you took college courses in statistics? Hot Damn.

I did to- as part of my degree in Economics.

If you knew anything about statistics you would know that you have to take a representative sample to come up with an accurate statistic.

Not a purposely skewed sample like you are proposing.

Is that why HIllary lost when the polls said she would win ?
[ople are afraid as I am in public to say I support Trump because all too often we've seen idiotic emotional responses
like yours and your ilk.
So take it from me who had college courses in statistics you aren't bluffing me.
You have no idea what a standard deviation from the mean means much less what the "random" sample that you so pompously claimed.

Wow- you took college courses in statistics? Hot Damn.

I did to- as part of my degree in Economics.

If you knew anything about statistics you would know that you have to take a representative sample to come up with an accurate statistic.

Not a purposely skewed sample like you are proposing.

But it is skewed when you ask the party affiliation! What it does is allows the reader of the poll to question the bias of the pollster.
When you are asked your party affiliation several results occur.
As I mentioned which you seemed to ignore as do the pollsters is the “Evaluation Apprehension.” Where the person polled answers questions
with apprehension that the pollster has a negative perception based on the answer.

Look at yourself. You are so defensive of the MSM/Pollsters/phony intellectual elites that have disdain for those of us in the "fly-over" country, i.e."deplorables", that to align with a boisterous, loud, ebullient New York real estate mogul is very hard for you. You have "Evaluation Apprehension"!
But the facts are what I deal with and when you defend the MSM/Pollsters you ARE ignoring the facts.
Facts like this: Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias
I just don't understand someone with a degree in economics doesn't seem to take economics in consideration when asking the simple question
of the MSM... Why are you doing this to a President? You are suppose to be objective, dispassionate, reporters. Not opinion makers.
[ople are afraid as I am in public to say I support Trump because all too often we've seen idiotic emotional responses
like yours and your ilk.
So take it from me who had college courses in statistics you aren't bluffing me.
You have no idea what a standard deviation from the mean means much less what the "random" sample that you so pompously claimed.

Wow- you took college courses in statistics? Hot Damn.

I did to- as part of my degree in Economics.

If you knew anything about statistics you would know that you have to take a representative sample to come up with an accurate statistic.

Not a purposely skewed sample like you are proposing.

But it is skewed when you ask the party affiliation! What it does is allows the reader of the poll to question the bias of the pollster.
When you are asked your party affiliation several results occur.
As I mentioned which you seemed to ignore as do the pollsters is the “Evaluation Apprehension.” Where the person polled answers questions
with apprehension that the pollster has a negative perception based on the answer.

Look at yourself. You are so defensive of the MSM/Pollsters/phony intellectual elites that have disdain for those of us in the "fly-over" country, i.e."deplorables", that to align with a boisterous, loud, ebullient New York real estate mogul is very hard for you. You have "Evaluation Apprehension"!
But the facts are what I deal with and when you defend the MSM/Pollsters you ARE ignoring the facts.
Facts like this: Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias
I just don't understand someone with a degree in economics doesn't seem to take economics in consideration when asking the simple question
of the MSM... Why are you doing this to a President? You are suppose to be objective, dispassionate, reporters. Not opinion makers.
View attachment 127768

I think it will totally improve - Trump just needs to double down on the stupid, the lying, the unethical behavior and calling media "fake news". He got this :rolleyes:
Dershowitz says there is NO Crime!
So again tell me there is no BIAS in the MSM?
What Is the Crime?!’ Dershowitz Goes on Wild Rant, Says Mueller’s Powers Limited
‘What Is the Crime?!’ Dershowitz Goes on Wild Rant, Says Mueller’s Powers Limited
Well, during a pretty wild little segment on CNN, famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz let it be known that he doesn’t think Mueller has any jurisdiction when it comes to investigating potential collusion between Trump and the Russians over election interference. Why? Because Dershowitz doesn’t think that is a criminal act.

“Let’s assume that’s true,” he exclaimed. “Show me the criminal statute. I still sit here as a civil libertarian. I don’t want us ever to become what Stalinist Russia became when Stalin was saying, show me the man I’ll find you the crime. What is the crime?!”

My comments:
1) Why did this biased web site declare "Dershowitz goes on wild rant? What was so wild about stating there was nothing criminal involved.
2) Why didn't this biased web site inform people Dershowitz is a Democrat!
Dershowitz says there is NO Crime!
So again tell me there is no BIAS in the MSM?
What Is the Crime?!’ Dershowitz Goes on Wild Rant, Says Mueller’s Powers Limited
‘What Is the Crime?!’ Dershowitz Goes on Wild Rant, Says Mueller’s Powers Limited
Well, during a pretty wild little segment on CNN, famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz let it be known that he doesn’t think Mueller has any jurisdiction when it comes to investigating potential collusion between Trump and the Russians over election interference. Why? Because Dershowitz doesn’t think that is a criminal act.

“Let’s assume that’s true,” he exclaimed. “Show me the criminal statute. I still sit here as a civil libertarian. I don’t want us ever to become what Stalinist Russia became when Stalin was saying, show me the man I’ll find you the crime. What is the crime?!”

My comments:
1) Why did this biased web site declare "Dershowitz goes on wild rant? What was so wild about stating there was nothing criminal involved.
2) Why didn't this biased web site inform people Dershowitz is a Democrat!

Conspiracy to commit wire fraud.
Obstruction of justice.

[ople are afraid as I am in public to say I support Trump because all too often we've seen idiotic emotional responses
like yours and your ilk.
So take it from me who had college courses in statistics you aren't bluffing me.
You have no idea what a standard deviation from the mean means much less what the "random" sample that you so pompously claimed.

Wow- you took college courses in statistics? Hot Damn.

I did to- as part of my degree in Economics.

If you knew anything about statistics you would know that you have to take a representative sample to come up with an accurate statistic.

Not a purposely skewed sample like you are proposing.

But it is skewed when you ask the party affiliation! What it does is allows the reader of the poll to question the bias of the pollster.
When you are asked your party affiliation several results occur.
As I mentioned which you seemed to ignore as do the pollsters is the “Evaluation Apprehension.” Where the person polled answers questions
with apprehension that the pollster has a negative perception based on the answer.

Look at yourself. You are so defensive of the MSM/Pollsters/phony intellectual elites that have disdain for those of us in the "fly-over" country, i.e."deplorables", that to align with a boisterous, loud, ebullient New York real estate mogul is very hard for you. You have "Evaluation Apprehension"!
But the facts are what I deal with and when you defend the MSM/Pollsters you ARE ignoring the facts.
Facts like this: Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias
I just don't understand someone with a degree in economics doesn't seem to take economics in consideration when asking the simple question
of the MSM... Why are you doing this to a President? You are suppose to be objective, dispassionate, reporters. Not opinion makers.
View attachment 127768

I think it will totally improve - Trump just needs to double down on the stupid, the lying, the unethical behavior and calling media "fake news". He got this :rolleyes:

I have to tell you that Trump is grossly exaggerating a lot of the events. But I'm going to shout here!
This all started with the biased MSM grossly disappointed with the election!
The MSM as more and more objective studies are showing, the MSM has gone beyond reporting. They are MAKING the news!
Case in point:
Headlines: Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
But when you read the article:
As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.
So why was the headline so biased? "Trump revealed ....."?
Of course if you ask 10% more Democrats you'll get more votes saying Trump not honest!
From May 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
So 24% GOP or 258 polled
YET 34% Democrat of 366
A difference of 107 more Democrats then GOP.
So if there an equal number of Democrats/GOP.. that would have DECREASED the 61% not honest and DECREASE
trust the Media.. !
You will never convince me there are more Democrats then GOP either when you look at the last Gallup question
what is your party preference:Party Affiliation
So with MORE GOP why did Quinnipiac ask 10% MORE DEMOCRATS??
1% More Democrats then GOP! Party Affiliation
View attachment 127598
View attachment 127596
You post this where it has democrats having exactly 10% more registered voters...

Then two posts later post a poll that negated this poll by showing it as 4% more, and say "aha!!?"

So, you call polls that you decide to use as evidence......bullshit, when they dont help you ....and you wonder why the American public find partisans to be neanderthals, by nature.
Of course if you ask 10% more Democrats you'll get more votes saying Trump not honest!
From May 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
So 24% GOP or 258 polled
YET 34% Democrat of 366
A difference of 107 more Democrats then GOP.
So if there an equal number of Democrats/GOP.. that would have DECREASED the 61% not honest and DECREASE
trust the Media.. !
You will never convince me there are more Democrats then GOP either when you look at the last Gallup question
what is your party preference:Party Affiliation
So with MORE GOP why did Quinnipiac ask 10% MORE DEMOCRATS??
1% More Democrats then GOP! Party Affiliation
View attachment 127598
View attachment 127596
You post this where it has democrats having exactly 10% more registered voters...

Then two posts later post a poll that negated this poll by showing it as 4% more, and say "aha!!?"

So, you call polls that you decide to use as evidence......bullshit, when they dont help you ....and you wonder why the American public find partisans to be neanderthals, by nature.

The point is that almost ALL polls show more Democrats then GOP.
So naturally there will be MORE anti-Trump responses.
That is my point! I went to 4 different polls. All the polls had MORE Democrats then GOP.

A) http://www.realclearpolitics.com/docs/MonmouthPoll_US_051817.pdf
DEMOGRAPHICS (weighted) Self-Reported 24% Republican 45% Independent 31% Democrat
11% MORE Democrats

B) http://www.realclearpolitics.com/docs/Core_Political-Topline-2017-05-17.pdf
For the survey, a sample of 1,868 Americans date May 12-16, 2017 801 (42%) Democrats 630 (33%) Republicans
9% More Democrats!

C)NBC/WSJ May 2017 poll | Opinion Poll | Democratic Party (United States)
Total polled 677 Registered voters
Strong Democrat .............................22 Not very strong Democrat ...............10 Independent/lean Democrat ............10
Total Democrat 42
Independent/lean Republican ..........10 Not very strong Republican .............7 Strong Republican ...........................17
Total GOP.........34
8 More Democrats then GOP

D) http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/pdf/2017/PPP_Release_National_51617.pdf
Public Policy Polling surveyed 692 registered voters between May 12th and 14th
Generally speaking if there was an election for Congress today, would you vote for the Democratic or Republican candidate from your district?
Democrat ........................................................ 49% (339)
Republican ...................................................... 38% (262)
11% More Democrats then GOP!
[ople are afraid as I am in public to say I support Trump because all too often we've seen idiotic emotional responses
like yours and your ilk.
So take it from me who had college courses in statistics you aren't bluffing me.
You have no idea what a standard deviation from the mean means much less what the "random" sample that you so pompously claimed.

Wow- you took college courses in statistics? Hot Damn.

I did to- as part of my degree in Economics.

If you knew anything about statistics you would know that you have to take a representative sample to come up with an accurate statistic.

Not a purposely skewed sample like you are proposing.

But it is skewed when you ask the party affiliation! What it does is allows the reader of the poll to question the bias of the pollster.
When you are asked your party affiliation several results occur.
As I mentioned which you seemed to ignore as do the pollsters is the “Evaluation Apprehension.” Where the person polled answers questions
with apprehension that the pollster has a negative perception based on the answer.

Look at yourself. You are so defensive of the MSM/Pollsters/phony intellectual elites that have disdain for those of us in the "fly-over" country, i.e."deplorables", that to align with a boisterous, loud, ebullient New York real estate mogul is very hard for you. You have "Evaluation Apprehension"!
But the facts are what I deal with and when you defend the MSM/Pollsters you ARE ignoring the facts.
Facts like this: Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias
I just don't understand someone with a degree in economics doesn't seem to take economics in consideration when asking the simple question
of the MSM... Why are you doing this to a President? You are suppose to be objective, dispassionate, reporters. Not opinion makers.
View attachment 127768

I think it will totally improve - Trump just needs to double down on the stupid, the lying, the unethical behavior and calling media "fake news". He got this :rolleyes:

I have to tell you that Trump is grossly exaggerating a lot of the events. But I'm going to shout here!
This all started with the biased MSM grossly disappointed with the election!
The MSM as more and more objective studies are showing, the MSM has gone beyond reporting. They are MAKING the news!
Case in point:
Headlines: Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
But when you read the article:
As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.
So why was the headline so biased? "Trump revealed ....."?

Come on, were you born yesterday? you don't know the game yet? MSM is lefty and would be biased any right-wingy admin, just as Fox is biased against lefties. But that's not anywhere near "fake news".

Trump's problem is that what he does and says gives tons of ammo to lefties and contributes to negative coverage well boyond the partisans. Its not the MSM that is investigating his admin
[ople are afraid as I am in public to say I support Trump because all too often we've seen idiotic emotional responses
like yours and your ilk.
So take it from me who had college courses in statistics you aren't bluffing me.
You have no idea what a standard deviation from the mean means much less what the "random" sample that you so pompously claimed.

Wow- you took college courses in statistics? Hot Damn.

I did to- as part of my degree in Economics.

If you knew anything about statistics you would know that you have to take a representative sample to come up with an accurate statistic.

Not a purposely skewed sample like you are proposing.

But it is skewed when you ask the party affiliation! What it does is allows the reader of the poll to question the bias of the pollster.
When you are asked your party affiliation several results occur.
As I mentioned which you seemed to ignore as do the pollsters is the “Evaluation Apprehension.” Where the person polled answers questions
with apprehension that the pollster has a negative perception based on the answer.

Look at yourself. You are so defensive of the MSM/Pollsters/phony intellectual elites that have disdain for those of us in the "fly-over" country, i.e."deplorables", that to align with a boisterous, loud, ebullient New York real estate mogul is very hard for you. You have "Evaluation Apprehension"!
But the facts are what I deal with and when you defend the MSM/Pollsters you ARE ignoring the facts.
Facts like this: Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias
I just don't understand someone with a degree in economics doesn't seem to take economics in consideration when asking the simple question
of the MSM... Why are you doing this to a President? You are suppose to be objective, dispassionate, reporters. Not opinion makers.
View attachment 127768

I think it will totally improve - Trump just needs to double down on the stupid, the lying, the unethical behavior and calling media "fake news". He got this :rolleyes:

I have to tell you that Trump is grossly exaggerating a lot of the events. But I'm going to shout here!
This all started with the biased MSM grossly disappointed with the election!
The MSM as more and more objective studies are showing, the MSM has gone beyond reporting. They are MAKING the news!
Case in point:
Headlines: Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
But when you read the article:
As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.
So why was the headline so biased? "Trump revealed ....."?

Come on, were you born yesterday? you don't know the game yet? MSM is lefty and would be biased any right-wingy admin, just as Fox is biased against lefties. But that's not anywhere near "fake news".

Trump's problem is that what he does and says gives tons of ammo to lefties and contributes to negative coverage well boyond the partisans. Its not the MSM that is investigating his admin

A) "boyond"?
B) Actually giving ammo is GREAT! It continually reinforces the biased reporting.
C) It is the MSM that is driving the congress into the investigations in that the vast majority of Congress including dumb Republicans still haven't caught on
to what Trump has..i.e. that the VAST majority of us "deplorables" are ignoring the MSM. The trust and creditability of MSM is at an all time low.
We "deployables" see how simply headlines/30 second sound bites don't tell the whole story but are used bogusly to bias the news.
Tell me when you read the head line "Trump revealed highly classified information" your first reaction is geez Trump disclosed secrets! Guilty.
Unless you read further to "As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law"
you wouldn't understand the whole story.
But the MSM and anti-trump people don't want you to know the whole story!
As I said do a google search on "Trump anti-immigrant"
Do you and these ignorant people KNOW Trump married a "LEGAL Immigrant"? Do you et.al. know that 40 million "legal" immigrants are pissed
because ignorant people like you don't know the difference?
Screen Shot 2017-05-20 at 11.26.47 AM.png

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