What a man! Blaming his wife for his failures...

Ben Carson Denies Trying to Mislead Public About $31,000 Dining Set

Nothing says "fine, upstanding man" more than blaming your wife for what is your responsibility! :21:

Dumbass, men don't order dish sets.
asshat, men order whatever the fuck they want

you should ask one

:gay: Oh so you order dish sets and silverware do ya? Who did the catalogue shopping for your wedding? You or your husband?
We're talking about a table and chairs and a hutch (ya know, where you store the tablecloth and silver). Since you seem to be struggling about what Carson ordered. It was FURN-I-TURE.

Yeah, well, I bet he didn't pick it out.

This is how that works; His wife says: "Move it an inch to the right, okay, one more, okay.(pause) "You know what? Let's turn the whole thing 90 degrees."
I'll bet he didn't either. You'd think he had to sign something approving it, though, which would have included the price. He's a doctor, though, so maybe $31,000 for a dining suite sounds about right to him.
Ben is caught lying and bullshytting his way out of an embarrassing situation where he got caught being a typical corrupt political hack. Not man enough to admit his faults, and has no integrity, he is blaming anyone but himself.
OH, so the fake news deep state controlled media makes up some scandal and he denies it.....that automatically makes him a corrupt political hack?
Not a fake scandal made up by media. Real deal. Overpaying for luxury comfort by a politician. He got caught. Abuse of taxpayer funds. Definition of a scandal.
It's great that a bunch of these guys splurging and misspending our money are getting caught, but you know it's the tip of the iceberg, right? Too bad the press hasn't been so motivated to nose out scandals in previous administrations, because if you think this is something new, I'm afraid you're sorely mistaken.
Ben Carson Denies Trying to Mislead Public About $31,000 Dining Set

Nothing says "fine, upstanding man" more than blaming your wife for what is your responsibility! :21:

When did snowflakes become concerned about wasting tax payer money?

Taxpayer tab for Clinton Inc.: $16 million

GSA Threw an $800,000 Party and All You Got Was the Bill

Thank you for joining in the reason for my thread, to get hypocritical morons like you to show your true colors.

You sheep are so predictable.
You know what? I will be reasonable and fair on this topic, and consistent with my core values.

With the money our Fed Gov wastes daily, this seems like much ado about nothing, but should it be? Asking the We the People (those of us who work our asses off) to pay for government shit should require those who are responsible for such spending to be frugal, like We the People must do. No government furnishings should be better than the higher-end quality of what the average citizen can afford. I say higher-end quality because government shit tends to get a lot more use than the average citizen's shit.

Government officials should approach the spend OUR money like we spend our money, as if it can't simply be printed, and is in finite supply.

Ben Carson should be fired for doing this shit.

ALL OTHER MOTHERFUCKERS in government who have wasted OUR money should be fired and forced to pay restitution.


That's being too harsh. You probably didn't like him from the start. Paying it back is fair, but one slip--learn your lesson. Second time--fire him.
Thank you for joining in the reason for my thread, to get hypocritical morons like you to show your true colors.


You got me wrong, snowflake....I just POINTED OUT 'Hypocrisy'.

I am sorry you do not want to be reminded of it.

Remember when Pelosi, among others, used military airlift as their AND THEIR FAMILIES" 'Taxi Service? Remember when a C-130 aircrew died, not in combat, but died when their airplane crashed delivering Clinton's camping gear to their vacation location.....

Pelosi's Speaker Shuttle: The Inside Story

I am not picking on the Democrats alone. I am picking more on hypocrites who want to partisanly single out 1 member of the opposing political party and make it seem as if they just committed an UNPRECEDENTED atrocity, when the truth is this sh!te has been going on in DC by both sides for seemingly ever.

If you think I like ANYONE - either party - wasting my tax dollars then you are wrong.

Carson should have been reprimanded - 1st strike. The furniture should have been sent back or he be made to pay for it.

Accountability is supposed to be evenly enforced.
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You know what? I will be reasonable and fair on this topic, and consistent with my core values.

With the money our Fed Gov wastes daily, this seems like much ado about nothing, but should it be? Asking the We the People (those of us who work our asses off) to pay for government shit should require those who are responsible for such spending to be frugal, like We the People must do. No government furnishings should be better than the higher-end quality of what the average citizen can afford. I say higher-end quality because government shit tends to get a lot more use than the average citizen's shit.

Government officials should approach the spend OUR money like we spend our money, as if it can't simply be printed, and is in finite supply.

Ben Carson should be fired for doing this shit.

ALL OTHER MOTHERFUCKERS in government who have wasted OUR money should be fired and forced to pay restitution.


/----/ Read the article, Twinkletoes. Dr Carson cancelled the order.

Last I heard, he was trying to cancel the order, after he found his nuts in a wringer for making it. It should have never been made to start with
Thank you for joining in the reason for my thread, to get hypocritical morons like you to show your true colors.


You got me wrong, snowflake....I just POINTED OUT 'Hypocrisy'.

Yes you did, all while hypocitally ignoring the spending by your beloved Trump and his minions.
Why did you have to bring Trump up in the discussion about this spending, snowflake? Bwuhahaha.....

Re-read my post.

Show YOU are not a hypocrite. Stop singling out members from one party, and begin holding them all accountable.
Thank you for joining in the reason for my thread, to get hypocritical morons like you to show your true colors.


You got me wrong, snowflake....I just POINTED OUT 'Hypocrisy'.

Yes you did, all while hypocitally ignoring the spending by your beloved Trump and his minions.
Why did you have to bring Trump up in the discussion about this spending, snowflake? Bwuhahaha.....

Re-read my post.

Show YOU are not a hypocrite. Stop singling out members from one party, and begin holding them all accountable.

You mean like you do?
Thank you for joining in the reason for my thread, to get hypocritical morons like you to show your true colors.


You got me wrong, snowflake....I just POINTED OUT 'Hypocrisy'.

Yes you did, all while hypocitally ignoring the spending by your beloved Trump and his minions.
Why did you have to bring Trump up in the discussion about this spending, snowflake? Bwuhahaha.....

Re-read my post.

Show YOU are not a hypocrite. Stop singling out members from one party, and begin holding them all accountable.

You mean like you do?
I just exposed the OP of being a massive hypocrite and you want to come after me because I burst your little partisan bubble? Bwuhahahaha... Whatever makes you happy, snowflake...
I don’t see where he blamed her. They were told the office needed a new one, he asked his wife to help pick one out, from what I’m sure was an already pared down list provided to her. I doubt she was sent out shopping with the HUD credit card.

yeah, they provided her with a list of items that exceeded the budget by thousands of dollars

that makes total sense

said no one

trumplings really will believe anything, the dummies

Shows how little you know about how our government works. They have approved vendor lists to choose things from.
Two aides of his said they got demoted for telling him his order was way over budget.

It's just fun to watch him squirming around and getting caught in lie after lie.

Ben Carson Denies Trying to Mislead Public About $31,000 Dining Set

Nothing says "fine, upstanding man" more than blaming your wife for what is your responsibility! :21:

Dumbass, men don't order dish sets.

Things are different in liberal households.

I suspect you are correct. In liberal households married couples are partners and equals. Clearly that is not the case for you faux conservatives.

LOL Hillary? I thought the Dem party told you to shut up.
Thank you for joining in the reason for my thread, to get hypocritical morons like you to show your true colors.


You got me wrong, snowflake....I just POINTED OUT 'Hypocrisy'.

Yes you did, all while hypocitally ignoring the spending by your beloved Trump and his minions.
Why did you have to bring Trump up in the discussion about this spending, snowflake? Bwuhahaha.....

Re-read my post.

Show YOU are not a hypocrite. Stop singling out members from one party, and begin holding them all accountable.

You changed your post after I responded, trying to pretend you did not ignore it from your Trump guy.

I brought up Trump because Carson is a Trump guy.

If you want to talk about holding them accountable, show me where you have complained about the fact the US is on track for 2.5 trillion dollar deficit this year.
Ben Carson Denies Trying to Mislead Public About $31,000 Dining Set

Nothing says "fine, upstanding man" more than blaming your wife for what is your responsibility! :21:

Real men let their wives select dining room things, sort of like how your boyfriend lets you select the drapes.

While that might be how you do things in your household, it is not how things should work in the government.

How would your manager at Wendy's feel if you wife came in and picked out the uniforms for all you fry cooks to wear?

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