What a real President says about events like the New Zealand shooting

A real president wouldn't open his blabber mouth like this
Trump Again Lashes Out at John McCain
The president tweets about the former senator and war hero, provoking criticism from members of both parties.

I don’t like McCain at all, however Trump needs to move on, bashing a dead ex-war veteran lacks class.
Well imho he doesn't have a drop of class in his whole body and hasn't shown any from way before his presidency ,,,,yet stupid people still voted for him Amazes me

Yeah,. and just ooze class and grace.

About like an Oompa-Loompa. Dar te Dar. Derp!
A real president wouldn't open his blabber mouth like this
Trump Again Lashes Out at John McCain
The president tweets about the former senator and war hero, provoking criticism from members of both parties.

I don’t like McCain at all, however Trump needs to move on, bashing a dead ex-war veteran lacks class.
Well imho he doesn't have a drop of class in his whole body and hasn't shown any from way before his presidency ,,,,yet stupid people still voted for him Amazes me

What amazes me is that the two major parties could only come up with Trump or Clinton as their nominees and how anyone could have voted for either of them, that is beyond stupid.
What the President of the US should say:

"New Zealand is a country of idiots allowing Muslim immigrants."
It's hard to believe that anyone thinks that voting for Hillary makes you a good person.

When you voted for Trumo. you have no standing to complain about anyone else's vote ever.
You're full of shit, of course. Given a choice between Trump and Hilary, Trump is the obvious choice. Only a terminal douchebag would choose the latter.
I'm sure if I were a dumbass, bigot & racist that hated America that I would also have chosen Trump.
You don't have a clue to the real America. You're probably not even originally from here.
I know the real America & Real Americans. They ain't asshole bigoted fucks like you.
Yeah, everybody is a bigot that disagrees with you leftarded trash.
I don't believe you.

I don't care. :04:

We were allowed 2 guns in the truck when I was in high school. Everybody made their gun rack in shop class.
I don't care whether you care or not.

Boy, you have no clue how much freedom you've lost, because you never had it. Trump's trying to get that back for ya, but you''re digging your heels in like a retarded mule.

I grew up in a much freer America. I would like for future generations to experience the freedom I had, not be constricted to leftist constructs. The American Way is about freedom, leftism is definitely not.
LOL Explain to me how much freedom I've lost and how the orange asshole is getting it back for me He and you are full of manure

Uhhhuhuhuhuhuhuhu. Fuck off, tard. You're a fucking Oompa-Loompa.

Okay bitch.

If you couldn't leave 2 guns in your truck at school, you haven't been as free as me.

If you weren't allowed to carry a pocktknife to school, you haven't been as free as me.

If you can't pay for your housing for one month with 1 week's worth of work, you're not as free as me.
The NZ murderer had 3 guns in his truck He was free??
A real president wouldn't open his blabber mouth like this
Trump Again Lashes Out at John McCain
The president tweets about the former senator and war hero, provoking criticism from members of both parties.

I don’t like McCain at all, however Trump needs to move on, bashing a dead ex-war veteran lacks class.
Well imho he doesn't have a drop of class in his whole body and hasn't shown any from way before his presidency ,,,,yet stupid people still voted for him Amazes me

What amazes me is that the two major parties could only come up with Trump or Clinton as their nominees and how anyone could have voted for either of them, that is beyond stupid.
To me pap it's not an either or or situation It's who would have been best And Trump is 3rd rate , 3rd rate as a human being ,3rd rate as a leader
When you voted for Trumo. you have no standing to complain about anyone else's vote ever.
You're full of shit, of course. Given a choice between Trump and Hilary, Trump is the obvious choice. Only a terminal douchebag would choose the latter.
I'm sure if I were a dumbass, bigot & racist that hated America that I would also have chosen Trump.
You don't have a clue to the real America. You're probably not even originally from here.
I know the real America & Real Americans. They ain't asshole bigoted fucks like you.
Yeah, everybody is a bigot that disagrees with you leftarded trash.
your leader is ,,,How strongly has he spoken out about the NZ white nationalist murderer? Some of them are good people ?? Are you kidding?
A real president wouldn't open his blabber mouth like this
Trump Again Lashes Out at John McCain
The president tweets about the former senator and war hero, provoking criticism from members of both parties.

I don’t like McCain at all, however Trump needs to move on, bashing a dead ex-war veteran lacks class.
Well imho he doesn't have a drop of class in his whole body and hasn't shown any from way before his presidency ,,,,yet stupid people still voted for him Amazes me

What amazes me is that the two major parties could only come up with Trump or Clinton as their nominees and how anyone could have voted for either of them, that is beyond stupid.
To me pap it's not an either or or situation It's who would have been best And Trump is 3rd rate , 3rd rate as a human being ,3rd rate as a leader

Both were third rate, they were disgusting, and lack the moral compass to lead a nation. Still anyone that voted for these two loons got what they deserved. Maybe next election we vote for the best candidate and not the lesser of two evils. This two party system is disgusting.
A real president wouldn't open his blabber mouth like this
Trump Again Lashes Out at John McCain
The president tweets about the former senator and war hero, provoking criticism from members of both parties.

I don’t like McCain at all, however Trump needs to move on, bashing a dead ex-war veteran lacks class.
Well imho he doesn't have a drop of class in his whole body and hasn't shown any from way before his presidency ,,,,yet stupid people still voted for him Amazes me

What amazes me is that the two major parties could only come up with Trump or Clinton as their nominees and how anyone could have voted for either of them, that is beyond stupid.
To me pap it's not an either or or situation It's who would have been best And Trump is 3rd rate , 3rd rate as a human being ,3rd rate as a leader

Both were third rate, they were disgusting, and lack the moral compass to lead a nation. Still anyone that voted for these two loons got what they deserved. Maybe next election we vote for the best candidate and not the lesser of two evils. This two party system is disgusting.
I must say I respect your opinion While I disagree on your thoughts of Clinton you are able to call out Trump at the same time
1) When the perpetrator mentions Trump as a source for inspiration
2) When the President fails to condemn his white nationalism
3) When the Presient has a history of supporting white nationalism
4) When the President has encouraged violence in the past
5) When the President calls refugees an invasion.


1. So if some freak acquires some irrational obsession with you and cites you as an 'inspiration' for their massive crime YOU automatically share part of the blame. Of course, this did not actually happen - the New Zealand shooter expressed hatred of the President, not admiration or 'inspiration' to carry out a mass murder.
** D-Obama was just praised by a member of the KKK. She has to date not officially come out and openly declared she rejects the KKK and his praise. According to you Omar fully advocates and shares the view of the KKK. (From her actual public comments it sounds like she at least does support some of their views.)

2. The President has condemned white nationalism...on several occasions. What he has not done is condemn it with the exact words you demand he use. He has not condemned it in a way that it can not be spun by the Trump-Hating Fake News media and snowflakes like you.

3. The President does NOT have a history of 'supporting' white nationalism. This is a lie that started I Charlottesville when the President DEBUNKED the false narrative that the white supremacists, who had a permit to assemble / march, instigated violence. The President pointed out the FACT that Antifa ADMITTEDLY showed up with the intent to INSTIGATE violence, which they did.
- Pointing out FACT is not 'supporting white supremacy'
- Debunking the Fake News Left's false narratives is NOT 'supporting white supremacy'
- Defending EVERY Americans' right to freely assemble and of Free Speech, not just the Americans with whose opinions and beliefs we agree with, is NOT 'supporting white supremacy'. Defending EVERYONE'S Constitutional Rights is actually the President's job.

4. The President has engaged in strong, tough speech, but at least he was never caught paying thugs to beat and bloody his opposition's supporters at their rallies LIKE HILLARY AND HER TEAM WAS CAUGHT DOING. At least he never called on live TV for Americans to abandon civility and to increase violent intolerance LIKE HILLARY AND HER TEAM WAS CAUGHT DOING.

5. When there are 20+ million illegals in this country, when there are endless caravans coming 1 behind the other, when there are approx. 1 Million more illegals breaking our laws and coming into the US EVERY YEAR, THEY ARE NOT F*ING REFUGESS! THEY ARE CRIMINALS WHO HAVE VIOLATED EXISTING US LAW!

You hate Trump - we got it.

You hate Trump so much you are willing to spin, lie, and recite talking points - we got it.
1) When the perpetrator mentions Trump as a source for inspiration
2) When the President fails to condemn his white nationalism
3) When the Presient has a history of supporting white nationalism
4) When the President has encouraged violence in the past
5) When the President calls refugees an invasion.


1. So if some freak acquires some irrational obsession with you and cites you as an 'inspiration' for their massive crime YOU automatically share part of the blame. Of course, this did not actually happen - the New Zealand shooter expressed hatred of the President, not admiration or 'inspiration' to carry out a mass murder.
** D-Obama was just praised by a member of the KKK. She has to date not officially come out and openly declared she rejects the KKK and his praise. According to you Omar fully advocates and shares the view of the KKK. (From her actual public comments it sounds like she at least does support some of their views.)

2. The President has condemned white nationalism...on several occasions. What he has not done is condemn it with the exact words you demand he use. He has not condemned it in a way that it can not be spun by the Trump-Hating Fake News media and snowflakes like you.

3. The President does NOT have a history of 'supporting' white nationalism. This is a lie that started I Charlottesville when the President DEBUNKED the false narrative that the white supremacists, who had a permit to assemble / march, instigated violence. The President pointed out the FACT that Antifa ADMITTEDLY showed up with the intent to INSTIGATE violence, which they did.
- Pointing out FACT is not 'supporting white supremacy'
- Debunking the Fake News Left's false narratives is NOT 'supporting white supremacy'
- Defending EVERY Americans' right to freely assemble and of Free Speech, not just the Americans with whose opinions and beliefs we agree with, is NOT 'supporting white supremacy'. Defending EVERYONE'S Constitutional Rights is actually the President's job.

4. The President has engaged in strong, tough speech, but at least he was never caught paying thugs to beat and bloody his opposition's supporters at their rallies LIKE HILLARY AND HER TEAM WAS CAUGHT DOING. At least he never called on live TV for Americans to abandon civility and to increase violent intolerance LIKE HILLARY AND HER TEAM WAS CAUGHT DOING.

5. When there are 20+ million illegals in this country, when there are endless caravans coming 1 behind the other, when there are approx. 1 Million more illegals breaking our laws and coming into the US EVERY YEAR, THEY ARE NOT F*ING REFUGESS! THEY ARE CRIMINALS WHO HAVE VIOLATED EXISTING US LAW!

You hate Trump - we got it.

You hate Trump so much you are willing to spin, lie, and recite talking points - we got it.
""" beat the hell out of him,,,I'll pay for the lawyers"""
""We hear so many loud and angry voices in America today whose sole goal seems to be to try to keep some people as paranoid as possible and the rest of us all torn up and upset with each other. They spread hate. They leave the impression that, by their very words, that violence is acceptable." He continued: "When they talk of violence, we must stand against them. When they say things that are irresponsible, that may have egregious consequences, we must call them on it."

What a president should say after a hate-driven massacre (opinion) - CNN

Bill Clinton after the McVey bombing.

When we read this, we know exactly why Trump could not say it. For Clinton was talking about people like Donald J Trump.

Trump whose statement quickly went to collusion & how poor poor Donnie suffers so much.

I miss real Presidents.
Why do liberals continue to try to claim the President in any way supports mentally disturbed extremists like the individual who perpetrated the mass shooting in New Zealand?

Your post / thread is another example of Trump-haters pushing their hate instead of being factual.

Every time there is a crime like this the Left bends over backwards trying to connect the perpetrator to the President and to condemn him. They certainly did NOT do the same thing with Bernie Sanders when a Sanders supporter attempted to assassinate GOP politicians and gunned down Scalise.

Gee, why is that?!
They do it because they are mentally distributed extremists. They see nothing implausible about their idiotic accusations. All you have to know to understand what whack jobs they are is read one their psychotic geysers of ad hominems directed at Trump.
I don’t like McCain at all, however Trump needs to move on, bashing a dead ex-war veteran lacks class.
Well imho he doesn't have a drop of class in his whole body and hasn't shown any from way before his presidency ,,,,yet stupid people still voted for him Amazes me

What amazes me is that the two major parties could only come up with Trump or Clinton as their nominees and how anyone could have voted for either of them, that is beyond stupid.
To me pap it's not an either or or situation It's who would have been best And Trump is 3rd rate , 3rd rate as a human being ,3rd rate as a leader

Both were third rate, they were disgusting, and lack the moral compass to lead a nation. Still anyone that voted for these two loons got what they deserved. Maybe next election we vote for the best candidate and not the lesser of two evils. This two party system is disgusting.
I must say I respect your opinion While I disagree on your thoughts of Clinton you are able to call out Trump at the same time

I see both sides and why Trump was elected, however I wish both sides would just simmer down and move on. While I do not like Trump, the left is knit picking and driving votes away. Pelosi, a career politician sees that and that is why she will back off impeachment. In the short term, they’d be rid of Trump, the long term it would put Republicans in charge of the House and the Senate and perhaps the Presidency for a long time to come. Now that she is speaker again realizes how close she is to losing their gains by the inexperienced House members.
Well imho he doesn't have a drop of class in his whole body and hasn't shown any from way before his presidency ,,,,yet stupid people still voted for him Amazes me

What amazes me is that the two major parties could only come up with Trump or Clinton as their nominees and how anyone could have voted for either of them, that is beyond stupid.
To me pap it's not an either or or situation It's who would have been best And Trump is 3rd rate , 3rd rate as a human being ,3rd rate as a leader

Both were third rate, they were disgusting, and lack the moral compass to lead a nation. Still anyone that voted for these two loons got what they deserved. Maybe next election we vote for the best candidate and not the lesser of two evils. This two party system is disgusting.
I must say I respect your opinion While I disagree on your thoughts of Clinton you are able to call out Trump at the same time

I see both sides and why Trump was elected, however I wish both sides would just simmer down and move on. While I do not like Trump, the left is knit picking and driving votes away. Pelosi, a career politician sees that and that is why she will back off impeachment. In the short term, they’d be rid of Trump, the long term it would put Republicans in charge of the House and the Senate and perhaps the Presidency for a long time to come. Now that she is speaker again realizes how close she is to losing their gains by the inexperienced House members.
I'll wait to see if Mueller is nit picking Of course all trumpers will cry out liar liar That's their thing when faced with truth they don't like
I don't care. :04:

We were allowed 2 guns in the truck when I was in high school. Everybody made their gun rack in shop class.
I don't care whether you care or not.

Boy, you have no clue how much freedom you've lost, because you never had it. Trump's trying to get that back for ya, but you''re digging your heels in like a retarded mule.

I grew up in a much freer America. I would like for future generations to experience the freedom I had, not be constricted to leftist constructs. The American Way is about freedom, leftism is definitely not.
LOL Explain to me how much freedom I've lost and how the orange asshole is getting it back for me He and you are full of manure

Uhhhuhuhuhuhuhuhu. Fuck off, tard. You're a fucking Oompa-Loompa.

Okay bitch.

If you couldn't leave 2 guns in your truck at school, you haven't been as free as me.

If you weren't allowed to carry a pocktknife to school, you haven't been as free as me.

If you can't pay for your housing for one month with 1 week's worth of work, you're not as free as me.
The NZ murderer had 3 guns in his truck He was free??
If you live in fear, hiding behind your guns, you aren't free.
It's hard to believe that anyone thinks that voting for Hillary makes you a good person.

When you voted for Trumo. you have no standing to complain about anyone else's vote ever.
You're full of shit, of course. Given a choice between Trump and Hilary, Trump is the obvious choice. Only a terminal douchebag would choose the latter.
I'm sure if I were a dumbass, bigot & racist that hated America that I would also have chosen Trump.
You don't have a clue to the real America. You're probably not even originally from here.
I know the real America & Real Americans. They ain't asshole bigoted fucks like you.
You're fucking hilarious.
When you voted for Trumo. you have no standing to complain about anyone else's vote ever.
You're full of shit, of course. Given a choice between Trump and Hilary, Trump is the obvious choice. Only a terminal douchebag would choose the latter.
I'm sure if I were a dumbass, bigot & racist that hated America that I would also have chosen Trump.
You don't have a clue to the real America. You're probably not even originally from here.
I know the real America & Real Americans. They ain't asshole bigoted fucks like you.
You're fucking hilarious.
is he as funny as trump bashing hillary obama and mccain?
What amazes me is that the two major parties could only come up with Trump or Clinton as their nominees and how anyone could have voted for either of them, that is beyond stupid.
To me pap it's not an either or or situation It's who would have been best And Trump is 3rd rate , 3rd rate as a human being ,3rd rate as a leader

Both were third rate, they were disgusting, and lack the moral compass to lead a nation. Still anyone that voted for these two loons got what they deserved. Maybe next election we vote for the best candidate and not the lesser of two evils. This two party system is disgusting.
I must say I respect your opinion While I disagree on your thoughts of Clinton you are able to call out Trump at the same time

I see both sides and why Trump was elected, however I wish both sides would just simmer down and move on. While I do not like Trump, the left is knit picking and driving votes away. Pelosi, a career politician sees that and that is why she will back off impeachment. In the short term, they’d be rid of Trump, the long term it would put Republicans in charge of the House and the Senate and perhaps the Presidency for a long time to come. Now that she is speaker again realizes how close she is to losing their gains by the inexperienced House members.
I'll wait to see if Mueller is nit picking Of course all trumpers will cry out liar liar That's their thing when faced with truth they don't like
We already know the whole thing is a scam. You're providing cover for the coup.
You're full of shit, of course. Given a choice between Trump and Hilary, Trump is the obvious choice. Only a terminal douchebag would choose the latter.
I'm sure if I were a dumbass, bigot & racist that hated America that I would also have chosen Trump.
You don't have a clue to the real America. You're probably not even originally from here.
I know the real America & Real Americans. They ain't asshole bigoted fucks like you.
You're fucking hilarious.
is he as funny as trump bashing hillary obama and mccain?
If it's "funny," then why have you been crying about it for 3 years?
I don't care whether you care or not.

Boy, you have no clue how much freedom you've lost, because you never had it. Trump's trying to get that back for ya, but you''re digging your heels in like a retarded mule.

I grew up in a much freer America. I would like for future generations to experience the freedom I had, not be constricted to leftist constructs. The American Way is about freedom, leftism is definitely not.
LOL Explain to me how much freedom I've lost and how the orange asshole is getting it back for me He and you are full of manure

Uhhhuhuhuhuhuhuhu. Fuck off, tard. You're a fucking Oompa-Loompa.

Okay bitch.

If you couldn't leave 2 guns in your truck at school, you haven't been as free as me.

If you weren't allowed to carry a pocktknife to school, you haven't been as free as me.

If you can't pay for your housing for one month with 1 week's worth of work, you're not as free as me.
The NZ murderer had 3 guns in his truck He was free??
If you live in fear, hiding behind your guns, you aren't free.
What could be more idiotic than the idea that giving government more power over you makes you free?

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