What a real President says about events like the New Zealand shooting

Butt still burnin' Davie? Awwww...:itsok: poor little TDSer.

See, another with nothing to say about Hillary Clinton.

Was she a proven fraud?
Was she a Business Cheat?
Did she cheat on her husband?
Did she have three kids to three different husbands?
Did she fuck a porn star & pay them off?
Did over twenty men claim she assaulted them?
Did she walk in on teenage boys while they were dressing fora beauty pageant?
Did she claim to know more than the generals about ISIS?
Did she have a campaign manager with contacts with Putin & who was just sentenced to jail?
Did she call all Muslims terrorists?
Did she say most Mexicans were murderers & rapists.
Did she hide her tax retruns?

I bet she has not been taking her TDS meds, just like you.
Another assfuck Trumpette who can't list all the bad stuff Hillary did.

Let's start with her bleach bitting her very, very secret yoga emails.
When do we get to read all of Trump's e-mails?

Employees are allowed to have personnel e-mails that are actually none of your fucking business.
Not when they mixed them with classified government emails, and not when they are under subpoena.
To me pap it's not an either or or situation It's who would have been best And Trump is 3rd rate , 3rd rate as a human being ,3rd rate as a leader

Both were third rate, they were disgusting, and lack the moral compass to lead a nation. Still anyone that voted for these two loons got what they deserved. Maybe next election we vote for the best candidate and not the lesser of two evils. This two party system is disgusting.
I must say I respect your opinion While I disagree on your thoughts of Clinton you are able to call out Trump at the same time

I see both sides and why Trump was elected, however I wish both sides would just simmer down and move on. While I do not like Trump, the left is knit picking and driving votes away. Pelosi, a career politician sees that and that is why she will back off impeachment. In the short term, they’d be rid of Trump, the long term it would put Republicans in charge of the House and the Senate and perhaps the Presidency for a long time to come. Now that she is speaker again realizes how close she is to losing their gains by the inexperienced House members.
I'll wait to see if Mueller is nit picking Of course all trumpers will cry out liar liar That's their thing when faced with truth they don't like
We already know the whole thing is a scam. You're providing cover for the coup.
Only coup I see is a coup d'ville
See, another with nothing to say about Hillary Clinton.

Was she a proven fraud?
Was she a Business Cheat?
Did she cheat on her husband?
Did she have three kids to three different husbands?
Did she fuck a porn star & pay them off?
Did over twenty men claim she assaulted them?
Did she walk in on teenage boys while they were dressing fora beauty pageant?
Did she claim to know more than the generals about ISIS?
Did she have a campaign manager with contacts with Putin & who was just sentenced to jail?
Did she call all Muslims terrorists?
Did she say most Mexicans were murderers & rapists.
Did she hide her tax retruns?

I bet she has not been taking her TDS meds, just like you.
Another assfuck Trumpette who can't list all the bad stuff Hillary did.

Let's start with her bleach bitting her very, very secret yoga emails.
When do we get to read all of Trump's e-mails?

Employees are allowed to have personnel e-mails that are actually none of your fucking business.
Not when they mixed them with classified government emails, and not when they are under subpoena.
The House sent out 81 subpoenas Think they're barking at the moon? Like repubs did with Hillary?
I bet she has not been taking her TDS meds, just like you.
Another assfuck Trumpette who can't list all the bad stuff Hillary did.

Let's start with her bleach bitting her very, very secret yoga emails.
When do we get to read all of Trump's e-mails?

Employees are allowed to have personnel e-mails that are actually none of your fucking business.
Not when they mixed them with classified government emails, and not when they are under subpoena.
The House sent out 81 subpoenas Think they're barking at the moon? Like repubs did with Hillary?
Yes, you are barking at the moon. I predict no one will respond to these subpoenas. Their purpose is solely to harass and financially damage the people they were sent to. They have no lawful purpose.
Another assfuck Trumpette who can't list all the bad stuff Hillary did.

Let's start with her bleach bitting her very, very secret yoga emails.
When do we get to read all of Trump's e-mails?

Employees are allowed to have personnel e-mails that are actually none of your fucking business.
Not when they mixed them with classified government emails, and not when they are under subpoena.
The House sent out 81 subpoenas Think they're barking at the moon? Like repubs did with Hillary?
Yes, you are barking at the moon. I predict no one will respond to these subpoenas. Their purpose is solely to harass and financially damage the people they were sent to. They have no lawful purpose.
not in the least looking for info? Of course not
Another assfuck Trumpette who can't list all the bad stuff Hillary did.

Let's start with her bleach bitting her very, very secret yoga emails.
When do we get to read all of Trump's e-mails?

Employees are allowed to have personnel e-mails that are actually none of your fucking business.
Not when they mixed them with classified government emails, and not when they are under subpoena.
The House sent out 81 subpoenas Think they're barking at the moon? Like repubs did with Hillary?
Yes, you are barking at the moon. I predict no one will respond to these subpoenas. Their purpose is solely to harass and financially damage the people they were sent to. They have no lawful purpose.

Hillarty testified & Trump & his crew are afraid to testify.

Uhmmmmm wonder what that says?
See, another with nothing to say about Hillary Clinton.

Was she a proven fraud?
Was she a Business Cheat?
Did she cheat on her husband?
Did she have three kids to three different husbands?
Did she fuck a porn star & pay them off?
Did over twenty men claim she assaulted them?
Did she walk in on teenage boys while they were dressing fora beauty pageant?
Did she claim to know more than the generals about ISIS?
Did she have a campaign manager with contacts with Putin & who was just sentenced to jail?
Did she call all Muslims terrorists?
Did she say most Mexicans were murderers & rapists.
Did she hide her tax retruns?

I bet she has not been taking her TDS meds, just like you.
Another assfuck Trumpette who can't list all the bad stuff Hillary did.

Let's start with her bleach bitting her very, very secret yoga emails.
When do we get to read all of Trump's e-mails?

Employees are allowed to have personnel e-mails that are actually none of your fucking business.
Not when they mixed them with classified government emails, and not when they are under subpoena.

So, you know what was in Trump's e-mails?
See, another with nothing to say about Hillary Clinton.

Was she a proven fraud?
Was she a Business Cheat?
Did she cheat on her husband?
Did she have three kids to three different husbands?
Did she fuck a porn star & pay them off?
Did over twenty men claim she assaulted them?
Did she walk in on teenage boys while they were dressing fora beauty pageant?
Did she claim to know more than the generals about ISIS?
Did she have a campaign manager with contacts with Putin & who was just sentenced to jail?
Did she call all Muslims terrorists?
Did she say most Mexicans were murderers & rapists.
Did she hide her tax retruns?

I bet she has not been taking her TDS meds, just like you.
Another assfuck Trumpette who can't list all the bad stuff Hillary did.

Let's start with her bleach bitting her very, very secret yoga emails.
When do we get to read all of Trump's e-mails?

Employees are allowed to have personnel e-mails that are actually none of your fucking business.
Not when they mixed them with classified government emails, and not when they are under subpoena.

Hillary ordered her personal e-mails deleted before any subpoena,.

I know even a stupid lying fuck like you knows that to be true.
To me pap it's not an either or or situation It's who would have been best And Trump is 3rd rate , 3rd rate as a human being ,3rd rate as a leader

Both were third rate, they were disgusting, and lack the moral compass to lead a nation. Still anyone that voted for these two loons got what they deserved. Maybe next election we vote for the best candidate and not the lesser of two evils. This two party system is disgusting.
I must say I respect your opinion While I disagree on your thoughts of Clinton you are able to call out Trump at the same time

I see both sides and why Trump was elected, however I wish both sides would just simmer down and move on. While I do not like Trump, the left is knit picking and driving votes away. Pelosi, a career politician sees that and that is why she will back off impeachment. In the short term, they’d be rid of Trump, the long term it would put Republicans in charge of the House and the Senate and perhaps the Presidency for a long time to come. Now that she is speaker again realizes how close she is to losing their gains by the inexperienced House members.
I'll wait to see if Mueller is nit picking Of course all trumpers will cry out liar liar That's their thing when faced with truth they don't like
We already know the whole thing is a scam. You're providing cover for the coup.
A scam begun by a Republican & run by a Republican.
What the President of the US should say:

"New Zealand is a country of idiots allowing Muslim immigrants."

See, you are a bigoted asshole.

To you. its the Muslim's fault that one of your ilk killed them.
A real president wouldn't open his blabber mouth like this
Trump Again Lashes Out at John McCain
The president tweets about the former senator and war hero, provoking criticism from members of both parties.

I don’t like McCain at all, however Trump needs to move on, bashing a dead ex-war veteran lacks class.
Well imho he doesn't have a drop of class in his whole body and hasn't shown any from way before his presidency ,,,,yet stupid people still voted for him Amazes me

What amazes me is that the two major parties could only come up with Trump or Clinton as their nominees and how anyone could have voted for either of them, that is beyond stupid.
To me pap it's not an either or or situation It's who would have been best And Trump is 3rd rate , 3rd rate as a human being ,3rd rate as a leader

Both were third rate, they were disgusting, and lack the moral compass to lead a nation. Still anyone that voted for these two loons got what they deserved. Maybe next election we vote for the best candidate and not the lesser of two evils. This two party system is disgusting.
So, you were duped by the Republicans to think Clinton was a bad choice.

Do you have anything real on that?

I don't care. :04:

We were allowed 2 guns in the truck when I was in high school. Everybody made their gun rack in shop class.
I don't care whether you care or not.

Boy, you have no clue how much freedom you've lost, because you never had it. Trump's trying to get that back for ya, but you''re digging your heels in like a retarded mule.

I grew up in a much freer America. I would like for future generations to experience the freedom I had, not be constricted to leftist constructs. The American Way is about freedom, leftism is definitely not.
What freedom have you lost?
I'm sure if I were a dumbass, bigot & racist that hated America that I would also have chosen Trump.
You don't have a clue to the real America. You're probably not even originally from here.
I know the real America & Real Americans. They ain't asshole bigoted fucks like you.
Ah, now the America hater knows *real* Americans too!
This country was based on freedom of religion & immigration and all have equal rights.

Let me know when you or any one of you dumbass Trumpettes believe in those things.

Is that why Democrats attack Jews and Christians so often and create religious tests for government appointments?

Christians should not try to legislate their religion. No one is attacking Jews.
Bill Clinton after the McVey bombing.
I miss real Presidents.

Real Dave on Real Presidents, like Bill Clinton, who:
  • 99% of his administration rided on the accomplishments of Ronald Reagan.
  • Could have stopped Bin Laden and refused to.
  • Snorted his way through the governorship with coke and a stream of underage girls.
  • Ran from his military responsibilities using a Rhodes Scholarship to run off to Russia.
  • Left a fantastic wake of dead bodies in his path who all died mysteriously in the Clinton's rise to power. Protected by deep state interests.
  • Serial rapist and assaulter of women leaving many of them dead or badly damaged for life, protected by the deep state. Continues likely to this day to abuse under age girls and women as a perennial guest to Orgy Island.
  • Connected up with AG Lynch on his private jet in secrecy while his wife running for office was under investigation as a felon and a traitor. Protected by the deep state.
Boy, Unreal Dave sure can pick a winner! The Left are just as forgiving of the travails of their white knights as they are critical of the Right's!
I don’t like McCain at all, however Trump needs to move on, bashing a dead ex-war veteran lacks class.
Well imho he doesn't have a drop of class in his whole body and hasn't shown any from way before his presidency ,,,,yet stupid people still voted for him Amazes me

What amazes me is that the two major parties could only come up with Trump or Clinton as their nominees and how anyone could have voted for either of them, that is beyond stupid.
To me pap it's not an either or or situation It's who would have been best And Trump is 3rd rate , 3rd rate as a human being ,3rd rate as a leader

Both were third rate, they were disgusting, and lack the moral compass to lead a nation. Still anyone that voted for these two loons got what they deserved. Maybe next election we vote for the best candidate and not the lesser of two evils. This two party system is disgusting.
So, you were duped by the Republicans to think Clinton was a bad choice.

Do you have anything real on that?

Yep, a big money establishment Democrat that like her opponent couldn’t tell us the truth to save her life. She was beholding to Wall St. and her lobbyists. Republicans didn’t dupe me, but it is for sure the Democratic Party duped you.

I could have voted for Sanders, better than Trump or Clinton, but you nuts tried to keep the Clinton, Bush, Obama regime going. Maybe you will do better next time however, since you crazies haven’t learned, you will be doomed to repeat the past.
Bill Clinton after the McVey bombing.
I miss real Presidents.

Real Dave on Real Presidents, like Bill Clinton, who:
  • 99% of his administration rided on the accomplishments of Ronald Reagan.
  • Could have stopped Bin Laden and refused to.
  • Snorted his way through the governorship with coke and a stream of underage girls.
  • Ran from his military responsibilities using a Rhodes Scholarship to run off to Russia.
  • Left a fantastic wake of dead bodies in his path who all died mysteriously in the Clinton's rise to power. Protected by deep state interests.
  • Serial rapist and assaulter of women leaving many of them dead or badly damaged for life, protected by the deep state. Continues likely to this day to abuse under age girls and women as a perennial guest to Orgy Island.
  • Connected up with AG Lynch on his private jet in secrecy while his wife running for office was under investigation as a felon and a traitor. Protected by the deep state.
Boy, Unreal Dave sure can pick a winner! The Left are just as forgiving of the travails of their white knights as they are critical of the Right's!
Reagan was out of office for 4 years prior to Clinton.

Your Bin Laden story is somewhat of a myth as he opted not to take the shot due to civilian casualties on a not so well identified target.

George Bush was a cokehead & drunk until the age of 35. You didn't care then.

Clinton did dodge the draft. So dod Bush & so did Trump

Dead bodies???? Where?

Only one claim to rape ever had anything close to real & she testified under oath it never happened. Two women claimed he exposed himself & asked for sex. Trump had over 20 won=men accuse him & he admitted to grabbing pussies & you didn't care.

Clinton & Lynch were friends. They could have met anywhere & anytime to do any dirty deed they wanted. Why do it in such a public way?
What the President of the US should say:

"New Zealand is a country of idiots allowing Muslim immigrants."

See, you are a bigoted asshole.

To you. its the Muslim's fault that one of your ilk killed them.

But yet you stupid Moon Bats voted for a corrupt crazy woman Presidential nominee that advocated bringing a million asshole Muslim refugees into this country.

Could anybody be more idiotic than that?
Well imho he doesn't have a drop of class in his whole body and hasn't shown any from way before his presidency ,,,,yet stupid people still voted for him Amazes me

What amazes me is that the two major parties could only come up with Trump or Clinton as their nominees and how anyone could have voted for either of them, that is beyond stupid.
To me pap it's not an either or or situation It's who would have been best And Trump is 3rd rate , 3rd rate as a human being ,3rd rate as a leader

Both were third rate, they were disgusting, and lack the moral compass to lead a nation. Still anyone that voted for these two loons got what they deserved. Maybe next election we vote for the best candidate and not the lesser of two evils. This two party system is disgusting.
So, you were duped by the Republicans to think Clinton was a bad choice.

Do you have anything real on that?

Yep, a big money establishment Democrat that like her opponent couldn’t tell us the truth to save her life. She was beholding to Wall St. and her lobbyists. Republicans didn’t dupe me, but it is for sure the Democratic Party duped you.

I could have voted for Sanders, better than Trump or Clinton, but you nuts tried to keep the Clinton, Bush, Obama regime going. Maybe you will do better next time however, since you crazies haven’t learned, you will be doomed to repeat the past.

What lies were told? Wall Street was her district in the Senate - she was not supposed to represent them?

Doom in the past? That is some funny chit coming from a person who claims to be in the middle. A balanced budget & no wars under Clinton, a recovery under Obama. Bush left us in the worst recession in 80 years & Trump is killing America & dumbass you has a problem deciding which party did best? Really? I ain't buying the bullshit " I'm in the middle bullshit
What the President of the US should say:

"New Zealand is a country of idiots allowing Muslim immigrants."

See, you are a bigoted asshole.

To you. its the Muslim's fault that one of your ilk killed them.

But yet you stupid Moon Bats voted for a corrupt crazy woman Presidential nominee that advocated bringing a million asshole Muslim refugees into this country.

Could anybody be more idiotic than that?
To a bigoted POS ,like you probably scared the shit out of you.

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