What a tragedy, Louie Gohmert tests positive.

Right, no accountability for Trump. We know the cult line.
Like getting videos of the current unrest to use in campaign ads to show what America will be like with Biden as president.
Like getting videos of the current unrest to use in campaign ads to show what America will be like with Biden as president.
But that's what it's like while he is president!
View attachment 369083
So by that rationale anything the Democrats do can be blamed on Trump because he's president.

Why wasn't Obama blamed for Benghazi, ISIS, Deep Water Horizon, or spying on the Trump Campaign????
So by that rationale anything the Democrats do can be blamed on Trump because he's president.

Why wasn't Obama blamed for Benghazi, ISIS, Deep Water Horizon, or spying on the Trump Campaign????
No. Not in any way, dope. Apparently my post was too complex for you to understand which is funny because I thought it was simple.

You're fluent in simpleton for sure.

Actually, you whiffed on it.

You said Trump is President, he gets the blame, period.

Mudwhistle pointed out a bunch of shit you don't blame Obama for. In fact you don't blame Obama for anything over the entire eight years, you blame W.

You're a hypocrite
No but you blamed Obama. So why are you not blaming trump? You sure as hell would have blamed Hillary even if she handled it perfectly. How do we know? It’s what you did to governor Whitmer.

Trump tweeted before he won, “leadership, no matter what happens, you’re responsible.”

Now I’m assuming that still applies to him right? Or was this just another time trump was lying/talking out of his ass?
Funny how your ilk was trying to give Barry credit for the Trump economy................right up until the shutdown.............then all the sudden it's Trump's economy, and his fault Governors shut down their states. :abgg2q.jpg:
Obama handed him a great economy. And trump didn’t do much to it other than those huge tax breaks in 2018 which only gave us 2.3% growth in 2019.

You didn’t let us point to the stock market on Obama’s watch but now you point to it.

You didn’t believe the unemployment numbers until trump took over.

Obama had like the exact same jobs numbers as don but they weren’t good enough when Obama was president.

You pointed to the interest rates and said Obama’s economy was fake but trump hasn’t raised interest rates.

I could name 100 ways youre so fos.
In this thread we see how faggot liberals are too stupid to understand that a positive Rona test is not a death sentence.

However, TDS can be fatal.

So is COVID, moron.

I know Cain died. He was an at risk demographic. He could have died from seasonal flu just as easily.

How many under 40 have died?
Yes and he went to a trump rally and didn’t wear a mask. So he rolled the dice and lost. Maybe he should have wore a mask or better yet he shouldn’t have gone to that rally.
Wearing a stupid mask won't protect you from airborne viruses. You need something to cover your eyes.

Try really, really hard not to be so incredibly stupid.

I’ve given up on right wingers. And don’t try to convince moderates they’re wrong and you are right. Then you sound just as partisan as they do. America is going to reject republicans this year. If they don’t then blacks, women, Mexicans, Muslims and people who are generally more liberal than conservative get what they deserve.

Republicans say they won’t cut social security but they’ve been trying for years. If republicans win this year I hope they cut everyone’s social security 20% in order to “save” the program.

And anyone poor who likes Obamacare, I hope they take it away from them. Our governor sent absentee ballots to everyone this year. No excuse for a poor black woman in detroit with 5 kids and no car now. Before I would say how is she going to get there. Now she doesn’t have to worry about that. Now the only reason she won’t vote is laziness and ignorance
Just wondering where you fit into this tidy class of folks, "blacks, women, Mexicans, Muslims and people who are generally more liberal than conservative."
I grew up in metro Detroit. Unions created a middle class the world had never seen before. conservative corporate republicans didn’t like how much they made so hw bush invented nafta and sent all those good manufacturing jobs overseas. I wasn’t happy with Clinton for signing it but today free trade is now a done deal. But I saw how this hurt manufacturing, every countries key industry. 1 manufacturing job is worth 10 service jobs.

My poor immigrant grand parents were able to come here and become successful. It was easy to become middle class and affordable to go to college. I saw how socia security and Medicare allowed her to retire with dignity. Two programs republicans hate.

From birth to 4th grade I grew up in Detroit so I have empathy for the black community. I believe in programs like affirmative action. I know white america is racist. They weren’t very nice to us foreigners either. I had a long Greek name. I know how racist whites are.

im not religious so I know gays aren’t hurting anybody.

I believe in science.

Yeah, obviously you stayed here because we're a bunch of intolerant racists who reject outsiders with long names. Fuck you lying sack of shit.

You should leave so we can replace you with someone who's a better human being. Someone who loves this country, our freedom and wants to be here. I don't care what color they are as long as they are not you
Please anyone supporting that unqualified AH racist and thief Trump , shouldn't be talking about who's a better human being

Speaking of crappy human beings, when you call people racists because they differ with your political party like you just did, you are in fact a crappy human being

The Democrat garbage is out early this morning
Right, no accountability for Trump. We know the cult line.
Like getting videos of the current unrest to use in campaign ads to show what America will be like with Biden as president.
Like getting videos of the current unrest to use in campaign ads to show what America will be like with Biden as president.
But that's what it's like while he is president!
View attachment 369083
So by that rationale anything the Democrats do can be blamed on Trump because he's president.

Why wasn't Obama blamed for Benghazi, ISIS, Deep Water Horizon, or spying on the Trump Campaign????
So by that rationale anything the Democrats do can be blamed on Trump because he's president.

Why wasn't Obama blamed for Benghazi, ISIS, Deep Water Horizon, or spying on the Trump Campaign????
No. Not in any way, dope. Apparently my post was too complex for you to understand which is funny because I thought it was simple.

You're fluent in simpleton for sure.

Actually, you whiffed on it.

You said Trump is President, he gets the blame, period.

Mudwhistle pointed out a bunch of shit you don't blame Obama for. In fact you don't blame Obama for anything over the entire eight years, you blame W.

You're a hypocrite
No but you blamed Obama. So why are you not blaming trump? You sure as hell would have blamed Hillary even if she handled it perfectly. How do we know? It’s what you did to governor Whitmer.

Trump tweeted before he won, “leadership, no matter what happens, you’re responsible.”

Now I’m assuming that still applies to him right? Or was this just another time trump was lying/talking out of his ass?
Funny how your ilk was trying to give Barry credit for the Trump economy................right up until the shutdown.............then all the sudden it's Trump's economy, and his fault Governors shut down their states. :abgg2q.jpg:
Obama handed him a great economy. And trump didn’t do much to it other than those huge tax breaks in 2018 which only gave us 2.3% growth in 2019.

You didn’t let us point to the stock market on Obama’s watch but now you point to it.

You didn’t believe the unemployment numbers until trump took over.

Obama had like the exact same jobs numbers as don but they weren’t good enough when Obama was president.

You pointed to the interest rates and said Obama’s economy was fake but trump hasn’t raised interest rates.

I could name 100 ways youre so fos.
In this thread we see how faggot liberals are too stupid to understand that a positive Rona test is not a death sentence.

However, TDS can be fatal.

So is COVID, moron.

I know Cain died. He was an at risk demographic. He could have died from seasonal flu just as easily.

How many under 40 have died?
Yes and he went to a trump rally and didn’t wear a mask. So he rolled the dice and lost. Maybe he should have wore a mask or better yet he shouldn’t have gone to that rally.
Wearing a stupid mask won't protect you from airborne viruses. You need something to cover your eyes.

Try really, really hard not to be so incredibly stupid.

I’ve given up on right wingers. And don’t try to convince moderates they’re wrong and you are right. Then you sound just as partisan as they do. America is going to reject republicans this year. If they don’t then blacks, women, Mexicans, Muslims and people who are generally more liberal than conservative get what they deserve.

Republicans say they won’t cut social security but they’ve been trying for years. If republicans win this year I hope they cut everyone’s social security 20% in order to “save” the program.

And anyone poor who likes Obamacare, I hope they take it away from them. Our governor sent absentee ballots to everyone this year. No excuse for a poor black woman in detroit with 5 kids and no car now. Before I would say how is she going to get there. Now she doesn’t have to worry about that. Now the only reason she won’t vote is laziness and ignorance
Just wondering where you fit into this tidy class of folks, "blacks, women, Mexicans, Muslims and people who are generally more liberal than conservative."
I grew up in metro Detroit. Unions created a middle class the world had never seen before. conservative corporate republicans didn’t like how much they made so hw bush invented nafta and sent all those good manufacturing jobs overseas. I wasn’t happy with Clinton for signing it but today free trade is now a done deal. But I saw how this hurt manufacturing, every countries key industry. 1 manufacturing job is worth 10 service jobs.

My poor immigrant grand parents were able to come here and become successful. It was easy to become middle class and affordable to go to college. I saw how socia security and Medicare allowed her to retire with dignity. Two programs republicans hate.

From birth to 4th grade I grew up in Detroit so I have empathy for the black community. I believe in programs like affirmative action. I know white america is racist. They weren’t very nice to us foreigners either. I had a long Greek name. I know how racist whites are.

im not religious so I know gays aren’t hurting anybody.

I believe in science.

Yeah, obviously you stayed here because we're a bunch of intolerant racists who reject outsiders with long names. Fuck you lying sack of shit.

You should leave so we can replace you with someone who's a better human being. Someone who loves this country, our freedom and wants to be here. I don't care what color they are as long as they are not you
Please anyone supporting that unqualified AH racist and thief Trump , shouldn't be talking about who's a better human being

Speaking of crappy human beings, when you call people racists because they differ with your political party like you just did, you are in fact a crappy human being

The Democrat garbage is out early this morning
LOL up 350K so far and market not open a half hour yet
Right, no accountability for Trump. We know the cult line.
Like getting videos of the current unrest to use in campaign ads to show what America will be like with Biden as president.
Like getting videos of the current unrest to use in campaign ads to show what America will be like with Biden as president.
But that's what it's like while he is president!
View attachment 369083
So by that rationale anything the Democrats do can be blamed on Trump because he's president.

Why wasn't Obama blamed for Benghazi, ISIS, Deep Water Horizon, or spying on the Trump Campaign????
So by that rationale anything the Democrats do can be blamed on Trump because he's president.

Why wasn't Obama blamed for Benghazi, ISIS, Deep Water Horizon, or spying on the Trump Campaign????
No. Not in any way, dope. Apparently my post was too complex for you to understand which is funny because I thought it was simple.

You're fluent in simpleton for sure.

Actually, you whiffed on it.

You said Trump is President, he gets the blame, period.

Mudwhistle pointed out a bunch of shit you don't blame Obama for. In fact you don't blame Obama for anything over the entire eight years, you blame W.

You're a hypocrite
No but you blamed Obama. So why are you not blaming trump? You sure as hell would have blamed Hillary even if she handled it perfectly. How do we know? It’s what you did to governor Whitmer.

Trump tweeted before he won, “leadership, no matter what happens, you’re responsible.”

Now I’m assuming that still applies to him right? Or was this just another time trump was lying/talking out of his ass?
Funny how your ilk was trying to give Barry credit for the Trump economy................right up until the shutdown.............then all the sudden it's Trump's economy, and his fault Governors shut down their states. :abgg2q.jpg:
Obama handed him a great economy. And trump didn’t do much to it other than those huge tax breaks in 2018 which only gave us 2.3% growth in 2019.

You didn’t let us point to the stock market on Obama’s watch but now you point to it.

You didn’t believe the unemployment numbers until trump took over.

Obama had like the exact same jobs numbers as don but they weren’t good enough when Obama was president.

You pointed to the interest rates and said Obama’s economy was fake but trump hasn’t raised interest rates.

I could name 100 ways youre so fos.
In this thread we see how faggot liberals are too stupid to understand that a positive Rona test is not a death sentence.

However, TDS can be fatal.

So is COVID, moron.

I know Cain died. He was an at risk demographic. He could have died from seasonal flu just as easily.

How many under 40 have died?
Yes and he went to a trump rally and didn’t wear a mask. So he rolled the dice and lost. Maybe he should have wore a mask or better yet he shouldn’t have gone to that rally.
Wearing a stupid mask won't protect you from airborne viruses. You need something to cover your eyes.

Try really, really hard not to be so incredibly stupid.

I’ve given up on right wingers. And don’t try to convince moderates they’re wrong and you are right. Then you sound just as partisan as they do. America is going to reject republicans this year. If they don’t then blacks, women, Mexicans, Muslims and people who are generally more liberal than conservative get what they deserve.

Republicans say they won’t cut social security but they’ve been trying for years. If republicans win this year I hope they cut everyone’s social security 20% in order to “save” the program.

And anyone poor who likes Obamacare, I hope they take it away from them. Our governor sent absentee ballots to everyone this year. No excuse for a poor black woman in detroit with 5 kids and no car now. Before I would say how is she going to get there. Now she doesn’t have to worry about that. Now the only reason she won’t vote is laziness and ignorance
Just wondering where you fit into this tidy class of folks, "blacks, women, Mexicans, Muslims and people who are generally more liberal than conservative."
I grew up in metro Detroit. Unions created a middle class the world had never seen before. conservative corporate republicans didn’t like how much they made so hw bush invented nafta and sent all those good manufacturing jobs overseas. I wasn’t happy with Clinton for signing it but today free trade is now a done deal. But I saw how this hurt manufacturing, every countries key industry. 1 manufacturing job is worth 10 service jobs.

My poor immigrant grand parents were able to come here and become successful. It was easy to become middle class and affordable to go to college. I saw how socia security and Medicare allowed her to retire with dignity. Two programs republicans hate.

From birth to 4th grade I grew up in Detroit so I have empathy for the black community. I believe in programs like affirmative action. I know white america is racist. They weren’t very nice to us foreigners either. I had a long Greek name. I know how racist whites are.

im not religious so I know gays aren’t hurting anybody.

I believe in science.

Yeah, obviously you stayed here because we're a bunch of intolerant racists who reject outsiders with long names. Fuck you lying sack of shit.

You should leave so we can replace you with someone who's a better human being. Someone who loves this country, our freedom and wants to be here. I don't care what color they are as long as they are not you
Please anyone supporting that unqualified AH racist and thief Trump , shouldn't be talking about who's a better human being

Speaking of crappy human beings, when you call people racists because they differ with your political party like you just did, you are in fact a crappy human being

The Democrat garbage is out early this morning
LOL up 350K so far and market not open a half hour yet

And you're hung over again
Right, no accountability for Trump. We know the cult line.
Like getting videos of the current unrest to use in campaign ads to show what America will be like with Biden as president.
Like getting videos of the current unrest to use in campaign ads to show what America will be like with Biden as president.
But that's what it's like while he is president!
View attachment 369083
So by that rationale anything the Democrats do can be blamed on Trump because he's president.

Why wasn't Obama blamed for Benghazi, ISIS, Deep Water Horizon, or spying on the Trump Campaign????
So by that rationale anything the Democrats do can be blamed on Trump because he's president.

Why wasn't Obama blamed for Benghazi, ISIS, Deep Water Horizon, or spying on the Trump Campaign????
No. Not in any way, dope. Apparently my post was too complex for you to understand which is funny because I thought it was simple.

You're fluent in simpleton for sure.

Actually, you whiffed on it.

You said Trump is President, he gets the blame, period.

Mudwhistle pointed out a bunch of shit you don't blame Obama for. In fact you don't blame Obama for anything over the entire eight years, you blame W.

You're a hypocrite
No but you blamed Obama. So why are you not blaming trump? You sure as hell would have blamed Hillary even if she handled it perfectly. How do we know? It’s what you did to governor Whitmer.

Trump tweeted before he won, “leadership, no matter what happens, you’re responsible.”

Now I’m assuming that still applies to him right? Or was this just another time trump was lying/talking out of his ass?
Funny how your ilk was trying to give Barry credit for the Trump economy................right up until the shutdown.............then all the sudden it's Trump's economy, and his fault Governors shut down their states. :abgg2q.jpg:
Obama handed him a great economy. And trump didn’t do much to it other than those huge tax breaks in 2018 which only gave us 2.3% growth in 2019.

You didn’t let us point to the stock market on Obama’s watch but now you point to it.

You didn’t believe the unemployment numbers until trump took over.

Obama had like the exact same jobs numbers as don but they weren’t good enough when Obama was president.

You pointed to the interest rates and said Obama’s economy was fake but trump hasn’t raised interest rates.

I could name 100 ways youre so fos.
In this thread we see how faggot liberals are too stupid to understand that a positive Rona test is not a death sentence.

However, TDS can be fatal.

So is COVID, moron.

I know Cain died. He was an at risk demographic. He could have died from seasonal flu just as easily.

How many under 40 have died?
Yes and he went to a trump rally and didn’t wear a mask. So he rolled the dice and lost. Maybe he should have wore a mask or better yet he shouldn’t have gone to that rally.
Wearing a stupid mask won't protect you from airborne viruses. You need something to cover your eyes.

Try really, really hard not to be so incredibly stupid.

I’ve given up on right wingers. And don’t try to convince moderates they’re wrong and you are right. Then you sound just as partisan as they do. America is going to reject republicans this year. If they don’t then blacks, women, Mexicans, Muslims and people who are generally more liberal than conservative get what they deserve.

Republicans say they won’t cut social security but they’ve been trying for years. If republicans win this year I hope they cut everyone’s social security 20% in order to “save” the program.

And anyone poor who likes Obamacare, I hope they take it away from them. Our governor sent absentee ballots to everyone this year. No excuse for a poor black woman in detroit with 5 kids and no car now. Before I would say how is she going to get there. Now she doesn’t have to worry about that. Now the only reason she won’t vote is laziness and ignorance
Just wondering where you fit into this tidy class of folks, "blacks, women, Mexicans, Muslims and people who are generally more liberal than conservative."
I grew up in metro Detroit. Unions created a middle class the world had never seen before. conservative corporate republicans didn’t like how much they made so hw bush invented nafta and sent all those good manufacturing jobs overseas. I wasn’t happy with Clinton for signing it but today free trade is now a done deal. But I saw how this hurt manufacturing, every countries key industry. 1 manufacturing job is worth 10 service jobs.

My poor immigrant grand parents were able to come here and become successful. It was easy to become middle class and affordable to go to college. I saw how socia security and Medicare allowed her to retire with dignity. Two programs republicans hate.

From birth to 4th grade I grew up in Detroit so I have empathy for the black community. I believe in programs like affirmative action. I know white america is racist. They weren’t very nice to us foreigners either. I had a long Greek name. I know how racist whites are.

im not religious so I know gays aren’t hurting anybody.

I believe in science.

Yeah, obviously you stayed here because we're a bunch of intolerant racists who reject outsiders with long names. Fuck you lying sack of shit.

You should leave so we can replace you with someone who's a better human being. Someone who loves this country, our freedom and wants to be here. I don't care what color they are as long as they are not you
Please anyone supporting that unqualified AH racist and thief Trump , shouldn't be talking about who's a better human being

Speaking of crappy human beings, when you call people racists because they differ with your political party like you just did, you are in fact a crappy human being
Gotcha, so that's not an underlying condition, that he recovered from stage 4 cancer. And I'm the dope, LOL
You are straight up retarded, dude. He had cancer years ago.

And being in his 70s and having recovered from cancer means he has no underlying condition. You're the straight up retard
Keep "Kazzing".

Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
That's not what I said at all, dope. That's what you said. He died of complications from a covid infection. His past cancer is irrelevant to that fact.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon
No. Not like that at all, retard. The cancer can't kill him if he no longer had it, dope.
Gotcha, so that's not an underlying condition, that he recovered from stage 4 cancer. And I'm the dope, LOL
You are straight up retarded, dude. He had cancer years ago.

And being in his 70s and having recovered from cancer means he has no underlying condition. You're the straight up retard
Keep "Kazzing".

Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
That's not what I said at all, dope. That's what you said. He died of complications from a covid infection. His past cancer is irrelevant to that fact.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon
No. Not like that at all, retard. The cancer can't kill him if he no longer had it, dope.

Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Gotcha, so that's not an underlying condition, that he recovered from stage 4 cancer. And I'm the dope, LOL
You are straight up retarded, dude. He had cancer years ago.

And being in his 70s and having recovered from cancer means he has no underlying condition. You're the straight up retard
Keep "Kazzing".

Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
That's not what I said at all, dope. That's what you said. He died of complications from a covid infection. His past cancer is irrelevant to that fact.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon
No. Not like that at all, retard. The cancer can't kill him if he no longer had it, dope.

Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
This virus hits everyone differently. Some people get paralyzed. Lose feeling in their body. Some lose taste. Some don’t feel shit. One guy lost his leg? Wtf?

So a lot of us have underlying conditions we don’t even know about.
Gotcha, so that's not an underlying condition, that he recovered from stage 4 cancer. And I'm the dope, LOL
You are straight up retarded, dude. He had cancer years ago.

And being in his 70s and having recovered from cancer means he has no underlying condition. You're the straight up retard
Keep "Kazzing".

Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
That's not what I said at all, dope. That's what you said. He died of complications from a covid infection. His past cancer is irrelevant to that fact.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon
No. Not like that at all, retard. The cancer can't kill him if he no longer had it, dope.

Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Cain's cause of death was complications fom a covid 19 infection, dope. Not cancer.

Absent the covid infection, he would be fine. Keep trying, loser.
No. Not like that at all, retard. The cancer can't kill him if he no longer had it, dope.

Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
This virus hits everyone differently. Some people get paralyzed. Lose feeling in their body. Some lose taste. Some don’t feel shit. One guy lost his leg? Wtf?

So a lot of us have underlying conditions we don’t even know about.

That has zero do do with the post you responded to

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

Wearing a mask will not protect you.
You can get some minimal coverage with an n95 and an eye sheild.
But that's about it.

Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Cain's cause of death was complications fom a covid 19 infection, dope. Not cancer.

Absent the covid infection, he would be fine. Keep trying, loser.

LOL, you're so stupid you still don't understand what multiple causes to a death are. My God man. Did you graduate high school? If you did, it had to be social promotion
Gotcha, so that's not an underlying condition, that he recovered from stage 4 cancer. And I'm the dope, LOL
You are straight up retarded, dude. He had cancer years ago.

And being in his 70s and having recovered from cancer means he has no underlying condition. You're the straight up retard
Keep "Kazzing".

Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
That's not what I said at all, dope. That's what you said. He died of complications from a covid infection. His past cancer is irrelevant to that fact.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon
No. Not like that at all, retard. The cancer can't kill him if he no longer had it, dope.

Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Cain's cause of death was complications fom a covid 19 infection, dope. Not cancer.

Absent the covid infection, he would be fine. Keep trying, loser.

I guess you haven't kept up with the news articles on Herman Cain's health decline in the past few years.

Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Cain's cause of death was complications fom a covid 19 infection, dope. Not cancer.

Absent the covid infection, he would be fine. Keep trying, loser.

LOL, you're so stupid you still don't understand what multiple causes to a death are. My God man. Did you graduate high school? If you did, it had to be social promotion

The orders from the DNC right now not to blame everything including sunspots on covid.

  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Cain's cause of death was complications fom a covid 19 infection, dope. Not cancer.

Absent the covid infection, he would be fine. Keep trying, loser.

LOL, you're so stupid you still don't understand what multiple causes to a death are. My God man. Did you graduate high school? If you did, it had to be social promotion
LOL, you're so stupid you still don't understand what multiple causes to a death are. My God man. Did you graduate high school? If you did, it had to be social promotion
There weren't multiple causes of death in cain's case, dope. Only one. Covid.

Feel free to post the stated cause, loser.
Gotcha, so that's not an underlying condition, that he recovered from stage 4 cancer. And I'm the dope, LOL
You are straight up retarded, dude. He had cancer years ago.

And being in his 70s and having recovered from cancer means he has no underlying condition. You're the straight up retard
Keep "Kazzing".

Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
Yes, kazzing is calling you out on your crap. You're arguing that a 74 year old man who recovered from stage 4 cancer had no underlying conditions. You have no brains, the echo in your head must be maddening
That's not what I said at all, dope. That's what you said. He died of complications from a covid infection. His past cancer is irrelevant to that fact.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon.
Just like the 20 year old coviid victim who crashed his motorcycle and split his head open like a watermelon
No. Not like that at all, retard. The cancer can't kill him if he no longer had it, dope.

Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Another stupid leftist who doesn't understand what an "underline condition" is and who thinks there can only be one cause of a death. Democrats are just the flat out dumbest people in humanity
Cain's cause of death was complications fom a covid 19 infection, dope. Not cancer.

Absent the covid infection, he would be fine. Keep trying, loser.

I guess you haven't kept up with the news articles on Herman Cain's health decline in the past few years.

guess you haven't kept up with the news articles on Herman Cain's health decline in the past few years.
What was his stated cause of death?

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?
What is gomert‘s medical condition?

I take it he has not died yet

You're right, Gohmert hasn't died. Unlike Herman Cain, and Stephen Miller's grandmother - both of whom have died, Gohmert is still walking around Washington, and he's still not wearing a mask. So he's speading the virus where ever he goes. Gohmert even called a meeting of his staff in his office, to announce to them that he has the virus.

Gohmert had previously told his staff that they could not telecommute or work from home, and they shouldn't wear masks so as to "set a good example" for the American people. Republican staffers are all living in terror of the virus, because so many GOP House Reps are behaving in a similar fashion.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

Wearing a mask will not protect you.
You can get some minimal coverage with an n95 and an eye sheild.
But that's about it.

Not true. That’s right wing nut job bullshit. I go up north to trump country and everyone’s wearing masks and keeping away from each other.

So you don’t think me sneezing or coughing in your direction you don’t mind if I don’t cover my face With my hand? Why not? Because you don’t want my snot b lining it into your mouth. I I’m wearing the shittiest mask it’s better than no mask at all.

And you don’t have to wear a mask just don’t go shopping.
I applaud jackasses like Gohmert getting the crud. He brought it on himself. I hope he soon gets so sick that HE STAYS THE FUCK AT HOME like any sane reasonable person would. I just pray people are smart enough to stay away from him and nobody else is infected by his idiocy.


Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

This give you a boner? Probably.... If you even have a dick
Right, no accountability for Trump. We know the cult line.
Like getting videos of the current unrest to use in campaign ads to show what America will be like with Biden as president.
Like getting videos of the current unrest to use in campaign ads to show what America will be like with Biden as president.
But that's what it's like while he is president!
View attachment 369083
So by that rationale anything the Democrats do can be blamed on Trump because he's president.

Why wasn't Obama blamed for Benghazi, ISIS, Deep Water Horizon, or spying on the Trump Campaign????
So by that rationale anything the Democrats do can be blamed on Trump because he's president.

Why wasn't Obama blamed for Benghazi, ISIS, Deep Water Horizon, or spying on the Trump Campaign????
No. Not in any way, dope. Apparently my post was too complex for you to understand which is funny because I thought it was simple.

You're fluent in simpleton for sure.

Actually, you whiffed on it.

You said Trump is President, he gets the blame, period.

Mudwhistle pointed out a bunch of shit you don't blame Obama for. In fact you don't blame Obama for anything over the entire eight years, you blame W.

You're a hypocrite
No but you blamed Obama. So why are you not blaming trump? You sure as hell would have blamed Hillary even if she handled it perfectly. How do we know? It’s what you did to governor Whitmer.

Trump tweeted before he won, “leadership, no matter what happens, you’re responsible.”

Now I’m assuming that still applies to him right? Or was this just another time trump was lying/talking out of his ass?
Funny how your ilk was trying to give Barry credit for the Trump economy................right up until the shutdown.............then all the sudden it's Trump's economy, and his fault Governors shut down their states. :abgg2q.jpg:
Obama handed him a great economy. And trump didn’t do much to it other than those huge tax breaks in 2018 which only gave us 2.3% growth in 2019.

You didn’t let us point to the stock market on Obama’s watch but now you point to it.

You didn’t believe the unemployment numbers until trump took over.

Obama had like the exact same jobs numbers as don but they weren’t good enough when Obama was president.

You pointed to the interest rates and said Obama’s economy was fake but trump hasn’t raised interest rates.

I could name 100 ways youre so fos.
In this thread we see how faggot liberals are too stupid to understand that a positive Rona test is not a death sentence.

However, TDS can be fatal.

So is COVID, moron.

I know Cain died. He was an at risk demographic. He could have died from seasonal flu just as easily.

How many under 40 have died?
Yes and he went to a trump rally and didn’t wear a mask. So he rolled the dice and lost. Maybe he should have wore a mask or better yet he shouldn’t have gone to that rally.
Wearing a stupid mask won't protect you from airborne viruses. You need something to cover your eyes.

Try really, really hard not to be so incredibly stupid.

I’ve given up on right wingers. And don’t try to convince moderates they’re wrong and you are right. Then you sound just as partisan as they do. America is going to reject republicans this year. If they don’t then blacks, women, Mexicans, Muslims and people who are generally more liberal than conservative get what they deserve.

Republicans say they won’t cut social security but they’ve been trying for years. If republicans win this year I hope they cut everyone’s social security 20% in order to “save” the program.

And anyone poor who likes Obamacare, I hope they take it away from them. Our governor sent absentee ballots to everyone this year. No excuse for a poor black woman in detroit with 5 kids and no car now. Before I would say how is she going to get there. Now she doesn’t have to worry about that. Now the only reason she won’t vote is laziness and ignorance
Just wondering where you fit into this tidy class of folks, "blacks, women, Mexicans, Muslims and people who are generally more liberal than conservative."
I grew up in metro Detroit. Unions created a middle class the world had never seen before. conservative corporate republicans didn’t like how much they made so hw bush invented nafta and sent all those good manufacturing jobs overseas. I wasn’t happy with Clinton for signing it but today free trade is now a done deal. But I saw how this hurt manufacturing, every countries key industry. 1 manufacturing job is worth 10 service jobs.

My poor immigrant grand parents were able to come here and become successful. It was easy to become middle class and affordable to go to college. I saw how socia security and Medicare allowed her to retire with dignity. Two programs republicans hate.

From birth to 4th grade I grew up in Detroit so I have empathy for the black community. I believe in programs like affirmative action. I know white america is racist. They weren’t very nice to us foreigners either. I had a long Greek name. I know how racist whites are.

im not religious so I know gays aren’t hurting anybody.

I believe in science.
Villainize whom ever you want to. NAFTA started with Ronald Reagan. And for good reason. Free Trade.


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