what a waste!

JESUS SAYS==For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. 18"No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. =John 10:18

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani ....

'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'

intoxication of a different kind -

GISMO, no one stands before The Almighty - the words ascribed to Jesus may not have been his, but for what his cause may have been, a martyrs death is just that, a death and no different from one to the other.


your ignorance knows no bounds!!! even worse is you allowing satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet!! try to think!

it is your book that does not understand the simple condition to render the desired Final Judgement - the Triumph of Good over Evil.

there will be no survivors per your books rendition of a Triumph of Evil that is your expectation.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani ....

'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'

intoxication of a different kind -

GISMO, no one stands before The Almighty - the words ascribed to Jesus may not have been his, but for what his cause may have been, a martyrs death is just that, a death and no different from one to the other.


your ignorance knows no bounds!!! even worse is you allowing satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet!! try to think!

it is your book that does not understand the simple condition to render the desired Final Judgement - the Triumph of Good over Evil.

there will be no survivors per your books rendition of a Triumph of Evil that is your expectation.


GOD'S WORD=BELIEVE AND LIVE!=== a new earth (with no oceans!) and a new sky, for the present earth and sky had disappeared. 2 And I, John, saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven. It was a glorious sight, beautiful as a bride at her wedding.

3 I heard a loud shout from the throne saying, “Look, the home of God is now among men, and he will live with them and they will be his people; yes, God himself will be among them.[a] 4 He will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. All of that has gone forever.”

5 And the one sitting on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true: 6 It is finished! I am the A and the Z—the Beginning and the End. I will give to the thirsty the springs of the Water of Life—as a gift! 7 Everyone who conquers will inherit all these blessings, and I will be his God and he will be my son. 8 But cowards who turn back from following me, and those who are unfaithful to me, and the corrupt, and murderers, and the immoral, and those conversing with demons, and idol worshipers and all liars—their doom is in the Lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This is the Second Death.”
Ive never thought of sleep as a waste of time. It's when I dream. It's when I heal. It's when I am reenergized to take on the world. How is that waste?

Yes but. You must be regenerated because you wear down. How is that an advantage? That is kind of like saying you have a broken leg and cannot do anything but IT FEELS SO GOOD!
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

Please go to a University and show them how to design something that can run for 16 hours a day for a hundred years, until it needs to be scraped. :lol: They will pay you a lot of money for that...

Once again you cannot get beyond comparing the lord's (so called) signature creation with an ordinary man made machine. I will grant that we, and other life forms, are remarkable. It is just that we lack any sign of intelligent design.

The master engineer would not combine stupidities, like the need for sleep, or vulnerability to all sorts of disease and virus, in the design.

By the way the list goes on and on. I just picked the second worst for the thrust of this post.
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

Please go to a University and show them how to design something that can run for 16 hours a day for a hundred years, until it needs to be scraped. :lol: They will pay you a lot of money for that...

Once again you cannot get beyond comparing the lord's (so called) signature creation with an ordinary man made machine. I will grant that we, and other life forms, are remarkable. It is just that we lack any sign of intelligent design.

The master engineer would not combine stupidities, like the need for sleep, or vulnerability to all sorts of disease and virus, in the design.

By the way the list goes on and on. I just picked the second worst for the thrust of this post.

OH!!! THE IGNORANCE OF little man! you think you are smarter than ALMIGHTY GOD!!= FOOL!!! GOD'S CREATION WAS PERFECT,IT WAS little man's choice to live in sin that brought "vulnerability to all sorts of disease and virus, in the design." and death and ruin to all creation!!!
Your glass is half empty I guess. If you lived to be fifty but never had to sleep would you feel better?

But I do agree with the engineering issue, no ID to be seen.

DNA, a complex ID from day 1. :eusa_angel:

No surprise I'm sure but I disagree.

Humans are not designed from the beginning to be what we are. We are an old design repurposed, just as DNA is an old design reused again and again. There is a reason we look like chimps, both inside and outside. If God wanted to he could have made us totally unique. The truth is there is not a single totally living creature on this planet.

Now carry that thought to its logical conclusion.
DNA, a complex ID from day 1. :eusa_angel:

NOTHING in the known universe is more complex and well designed than the human body and brain.

You may be right about the complexity but what criteria do you use for something being well designed? My cynicism tells me you believe God is perfect and he created us, ergo we are perfect. I think it is wondrous we work at all, in spite of our design flaws.

Another conundrum. How does a perfect, all knowing, do anything kind of guy create imperfection?

If you do not believe God to be all of the above then there is no way in hell you can be a Christian, or a Muslim or even a Mormon.
NOTHING in the known universe is more complex and well designed than the human body and brain.

You may be right about the complexity but what criteria do you use for something being well designed? My cynicism tells me you believe God is perfect and he created us, ergo we are perfect. I think it is wondrous we work at all, in spite of our design flaws.

First man was created perfect but his choice to live in sin brought ruin and death to all creation, but JESUS IS RETURNING VERY SOON AND he WILL RE-NEW CREATION BACK TO PERFECTION.

Had man been created perfect he would be incapable of sin.
You may be right about the complexity but what criteria do you use for something being well designed? My cynicism tells me you believe God is perfect and he created us, ergo we are perfect. I think it is wondrous we work at all, in spite of our design flaws.

First man was created perfect but his choice to live in sin brought ruin and death to all creation, but JESUS IS RETURNING VERY SOON AND he WILL RE-NEW CREATION BACK TO PERFECTION.

Had man been created perfect he would be incapable of sin.

???....perfect for what purpose?.....certainly nothing that required free will......
DNA, a complex ID from day 1. :eusa_angel:

No surprise I'm sure but I disagree.

Humans are not designed from the beginning to be what we are. We are an old design repurposed, just as DNA is an old design reused again and again. There is a reason we look like chimps, both inside and outside. If God wanted to he could have made us totally unique. The truth is there is not a single totally living creature on this planet.

Now carry that thought to its logical conclusion.

We evolved from a common ancestor.

The counter would be that God just reused other body plans. Not logical certainly but not impossible. God could certainly have been more creative since he didn't need to have not only functional but advantageous intermediate steps as is required of evolution. He could have made us with wheels for instance.
NOTHING in the known universe is more complex and well designed than the human body and brain.

You may be right about the complexity but what criteria do you use for something being well designed? My cynicism tells me you believe God is perfect and he created us, ergo we are perfect. I think it is wondrous we work at all, in spite of our design flaws.

First man was created perfect but his choice to live in sin brought ruin and death to all creation, but JESUS IS RETURNING VERY SOON AND he WILL RE-NEW CREATION BACK TO PERFECTION.

He was perfect but choose to sin? Seems like an oxymoron. God created him knowing he would choose sin with his free will. God created other men with free will that did not choose sin. Why did he start out with a sinner and then hold it against the rest of us. Seems to me he could have started out with a truly perfect man and let the rest of us be judged by how close we come to that perfection. Gods judgment was pretty rough if you had to get 100% or fail.
First man was created perfect but his choice to live in sin brought ruin and death to all creation, but JESUS IS RETURNING VERY SOON AND he WILL RE-NEW CREATION BACK TO PERFECTION.

Had man been created perfect he would be incapable of sin.

???....perfect for what purpose?.....certainly nothing that required free will......

The concept of free will. A great cop out but it makes god appear to be quite the bumbler.

As one poster has pointed out god knew Eve would sin. Therefore he created us to sin. No other choice if you believe the dogma.
No surprise I'm sure but I disagree.

Humans are not designed from the beginning to be what we are. We are an old design repurposed, just as DNA is an old design reused again and again. There is a reason we look like chimps, both inside and outside. If God wanted to he could have made us totally unique. The truth is there is not a single totally living creature on this planet.

Now carry that thought to its logical conclusion.

We evolved from a common ancestor.

The counter would be that God just reused other body plans. Not logical certainly but not impossible. God could certainly have been more creative since he didn't need to have not only functional but advantageous intermediate steps as is required of evolution. He could have made us with wheels for instance.

The really REALLY damning thing about our anatomy and god as a creator is that nothing on the face of the earth breeds true. Every species, including us, is susceptible to birth defects. Some good, some are improvements and thereby evolution but the overwhelming majority are bad. Defects in every sense of the word and there are millions of them every year. A very small percentage you say? Great! Tell that to the millions of people who receive them.

This is god's handiwork? Were I god, with god's powers I would not want to claim man as the zenith of my creative ability.
No surprise I'm sure but I disagree.

Humans are not designed from the beginning to be what we are. We are an old design repurposed, just as DNA is an old design reused again and again. There is a reason we look like chimps, both inside and outside. If God wanted to he could have made us totally unique. The truth is there is not a single totally living creature on this planet.

Now carry that thought to its logical conclusion.

We evolved from a common ancestor.

The counter would be that God just reused other body plans. Not logical certainly but not impossible. God could certainly have been more creative since he didn't need to have not only functional but advantageous intermediate steps as is required of evolution. He could have made us with wheels for instance.

its also claimed that we share a common ancestor with the sequoia.....why don't we have bark?......
Now carry that thought to its logical conclusion.

We evolved from a common ancestor.

The counter would be that God just reused other body plans. Not logical certainly but not impossible. God could certainly have been more creative since he didn't need to have not only functional but advantageous intermediate steps as is required of evolution. He could have made us with wheels for instance.

The really REALLY damning thing about our anatomy and god as a creator is that nothing on the face of the earth breeds true. Every species, including us, is susceptible to birth defects. Some good, some are improvements and thereby evolution but the overwhelming majority are bad. Defects in every sense of the word and there are millions of them every year. A very small percentage you say? Great! Tell that to the millions of people who receive them.

This is god's handiwork? Were I god, with god's powers I would not want to claim man as the zenith of my creative ability.

you can create cells that can divide trillions of times a day and not have a million defects?......you should go into competition.....God wouldn't stand a chance....
We evolved from a common ancestor.

The counter would be that God just reused other body plans. Not logical certainly but not impossible. God could certainly have been more creative since he didn't need to have not only functional but advantageous intermediate steps as is required of evolution. He could have made us with wheels for instance.

The really REALLY damning thing about our anatomy and god as a creator is that nothing on the face of the earth breeds true. Every species, including us, is susceptible to birth defects. Some good, some are improvements and thereby evolution but the overwhelming majority are bad. Defects in every sense of the word and there are millions of them every year. A very small percentage you say? Great! Tell that to the millions of people who receive them.

This is god's handiwork? Were I god, with god's powers I would not want to claim man as the zenith of my creative ability.

you can create cells that can divide trillions of times a day and not have a million defects?......you should go into competition.....God wouldn't stand a chance....

Are you saying a perfect God was incapable of creating a perfect system? Well either he was unable or unwilling. Seems that is the only conclusion.
Now carry that thought to its logical conclusion.

We evolved from a common ancestor.

The counter would be that God just reused other body plans. Not logical certainly but not impossible. God could certainly have been more creative since he didn't need to have not only functional but advantageous intermediate steps as is required of evolution. He could have made us with wheels for instance.

its also claimed that we share a common ancestor with the sequoia.....why don't we have bark?......

The ancestor we shared lived 100's of billions of generations ago. We've since gone our separate ways and the bark that protects the sequoia would hinder our movements.

Of course, if you're a Bible literalist/young earther you'll dispute the 4.5 billion year age of the earth and assert evolution would be impossible due to the lack of time. Is that the case?
We evolved from a common ancestor.

The counter would be that God just reused other body plans. Not logical certainly but not impossible. God could certainly have been more creative since he didn't need to have not only functional but advantageous intermediate steps as is required of evolution. He could have made us with wheels for instance.

its also claimed that we share a common ancestor with the sequoia.....why don't we have bark?......

The ancestor we shared lived 100's of billions of generations ago. We've since gone our separate ways and the bark that protects the sequoia would hinder our movements.

Of course, if you're a Bible literalist/young earther you'll dispute the 4.5 billion year age of the earth and assert evolution would be impossible due to the lack of time. Is that the case?

its also claimed that we share a common ancestor with the sequoia.....why don't we have bark?......

The ancestor we shared lived 100's of billions of generations ago. We've since gone our separate ways and the bark that protects the sequoia would hinder our movements.

Of course, if you're a Bible literalist/young earther you'll dispute the 4.5 billion year age of the earth and assert evolution would be impossible due to the lack of time. Is that the case?


GISMO, the Almighty is waiting for the Triumph of Good over Evil to enable eternal life for everyone, don't let yourself be fooled, you have to win the battle yourself it will not be done for you.


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