what a waste!

???....perfect for what purpose?.....certainly nothing that required free will......

Perfection is to be valued only if it is created by free will? That's an odd thought.

God created man in HIS image, GOD HAS FREEWILL AND SO DOES MAN, MAN CHOSE SIN and ruined perfection!!!

Man was created from a singular event that occurred 13 billion years ago.

God exists only in the remnants of that most ancient of events. His free will no longer exists.

Man has the only free will in this universe. Yes, man has chosen to sin against fellow man. But perfection is non-existent in the post-creation world.
Perfection is to be valued only if it is created by free will? That's an odd thought.

God created man in HIS image, GOD HAS FREEWILL AND SO DOES MAN, MAN CHOSE SIN and ruined perfection!!!

Man was created from a singular event that occurred 13 billion years ago.

God exists only in the remnants of that most ancient of events. His free will no longer exists.

Man has the only free will in this universe. Yes, man has chosen to sin against fellow man. But perfection is non-existent in the post-creation world.

God created man in HIS image, GOD HAS FREEWILL AND SO DOES MAN, MAN CHOSE SIN and ruined perfection!!!

Man was created from a singular event that occurred 13 billion years ago.

God exists only in the remnants of that most ancient of events. His free will no longer exists.

Man has the only free will in this universe. Yes, man has chosen to sin against fellow man. But perfection is non-existent in the post-creation world.


God WAS perfect. Man's "sin" has ruined nothing but man.

Jesus is dead. Get over it, bitch.
The creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. 23And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.…Romans 8:22
God created the universe and everything in it in six actual days. At the end of His creative acts on the sixth day, God “saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good” (Genesis 1:31).

To have been very good, God’s creation must have been without blemish, defect, disease, suffering, or death. There was no “survival of the fittest.” Animals did not prey on each other, and the first two humans, Adam and Eve, did not kill animals for food. The original creation was a beautiful place, full of life and joy in the presence of the Creator.

Both humans and animals were vegetarians at the time of creation. In Genesis 1:29–30 the Lord said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food.”

This passage shows clearly that in God’s very good creation, animals did not eat each other (and thus, there was no animal death), as God gave Adam, Eve, and the animals only plants to eat. (It was was not until after the worldwide Flood of Noah’s Day—1,600 years later—that man was allowed to eat meat, according to Genesis 9:3.)
there was no animal or human death when God finished His creation and pronounced it very good, why do we die now? We see death all around us today. Something must have happened to change creation—that something was sin.

God placed Adam and Eve in a perfect paradise. As their Creator, He had authority over them. In His authority, God gave Adam a rule: “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:17).

Sometime after God declared His completed creation “very good” at the end of the sixth day, one of God’s angels, Lucifer, led a rebellion against their Creator.3 Lucifer then took on the form of a serpent and tempted Eve to eat the fruit God had forbidden. Both Adam and Eve ate it. Their actions resulted in the punishment that God had warned them about. God is holy and cannot tolerate sin in His presence. The just Creator righteously kept His promise that punishment would follow their disobedience. With the rebellious actions of one man, death entered God’s creation.

Ashamed and afraid, Adam and Eve tried to escape the consequences of their sin by making coverings of fig leaves. But by themselves, they could not cover what they had done. They needed something else to provide a covering. According to the writer of Hebrews, “Without shedding of blood, there is no remission [of sin]” (9:22). A blood sacrifice was necessary to cover their guilt before God.

To illustrate the horrible consequences of sin, God killed an animal and made coats of skin to cover Adam and Eve. We are not told what type of animal was killed, but perhaps it was something like a lamb to symbolize Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who would shed His own blood to take away our sins.
The Restoration of All Things

The Fall and final restoration
The Bible describes death as the last enemy that will be destroyed (1 Corinthians 15:26). Revelation 21:4 says that “God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Those who have received salvation look forward to the time when the Lord will revoke the Curse and restore the universe to a perfect state like the one it had before man sinned (Revelation 22:3).

The Lord not only loves His children enough to die for their sin, He also promises to fix the ruined world by creating a new heavens and new earth (Revelation 21:1). And just as the first Adam brought death into the world, Christ, as the “last Adam,” brings renewed life into the world.
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

Our bodies are not useless while we sleep.
Sleep is essential for our body cells that have worked hard all day and become worn out are repaired, replaced, and build up new supplies of energy for the following day.
It is also the time when you grow the most, especially children.

Even machines who have batteries need to be recharged.

I'll agree with that and +1.

Machines always need maintenance. But it's incredible what the human body can go through without it's maintenance, it seemingly auto adjusts.

Ever see what a "Human Machine" does when it's not cared for?
not a young earther....but I do question this......if human beings and sequoias both evolved from a single celled organism, why is it science has never been able to reproduce a single celled organism evolving into something simple, like a multicelled organism?.......

So you believe the earth to be billions of years old yet expect science to compress those billions of years into a matter of months? My guess is that we'll develop ever-more sophisticated theories of how it MAY have happened (we already have some of those) but to expect science ot duplicate the process? Ain't gonna happen.
nope....I'm saying there may be a perfectly good reason for cells to have the capacity to divide in non uniform ways.....such as adapting to changing environments.....not to mention saying that you've done a jack shit poor job so far of coming up with a more satisfactory method of reproduction......

So you believe in evolution and an old earth. Now I don't understand your objections.
TRY TO THINK!!! ONE LIVING HUMAN CELL IS FAR MORE COMPLEX AND WELL DESIGNED THAN THE BEST SUPER COMPUTER little man has built!! no accident of time and chance could evolve into a living human cell in any amount of time.===========http://www.awmi.net/tv/2014/week29 ==2014 TV Broadcasts - Week 29 Observing All Things

You may be right about the cell but what you fail to appreciated is that the cell was not the first life but the end product of billions of years of evolution.

I'm guessing you're a young earther. Is that true? I'm sorry but those that position is only possible if you assume God is intientionally trying to deceive us by creating a universe that LOOKS ancient.

I'm thinking I've wandered too far from the OP. My appologies.
The ancestor we shared lived 100's of billions of generations ago. We've since gone our separate ways and the bark that protects the sequoia would hinder our movements.

Of course, if you're a Bible literalist/young earther you'll dispute the 4.5 billion year age of the earth and assert evolution would be impossible due to the lack of time. Is that the case?
not a young earther....but I do question this......if human beings and sequoias both evolved from a single celled organism, why is it science has never been able to reproduce a single celled organism evolving into something simple, like a multicelled organism?.......

you know perfectly well all multicelled organisms originate from a single cell and as you have been informed before, there is no fundamental distinction between single and multicellular organisms in their evolution.

???...no one has ever been able to demonstrate that a multicelled organism evolved from a single celled organism.......why on earth would anyone "know that perfectly well"?......because they shared your mythology?......
The really REALLY damning thing about our anatomy and god as a creator is that nothing on the face of the earth breeds true. Every species, including us, is susceptible to birth defects. Some good, some are improvements and thereby evolution but the overwhelming majority are bad. Defects in every sense of the word and there are millions of them every year. A very small percentage you say? Great! Tell that to the millions of people who receive them.

This is god's handiwork? Were I god, with god's powers I would not want to claim man as the zenith of my creative ability.

you can create cells that can divide trillions of times a day and not have a million defects?......you should go into competition.....God wouldn't stand a chance....

Apparently not. God seems quite lacking in that ability.

I am pleased to hear your designs are working so well.....is GIS one of yours?....
you can create cells that can divide trillions of times a day and not have a million defects?......you should go into competition.....God wouldn't stand a chance....

Apparently not. God seems quite lacking in that ability.

I am pleased to hear your designs are working so well.....is GIS one of yours?....

not a young earther....but I do question this......if human beings and sequoias both evolved from a single celled organism, why is it science has never been able to reproduce a single celled organism evolving into something simple, like a multicelled organism?.......

So you believe the earth to be billions of years old yet expect science to compress those billions of years into a matter of months? My guess is that we'll develop ever-more sophisticated theories of how it MAY have happened (we already have some of those) but to expect science ot duplicate the process? Ain't gonna happen.

I agree, it ain't gonna happen....not that it ever did.....I'm curious though....why did it only happen once?......I mean if shit happening can result in life if there are billions of years in which shit happens, why don't we have evidence of it happening five or even six times in those billions of years?.......
nope....I'm saying there may be a perfectly good reason for cells to have the capacity to divide in non uniform ways.....such as adapting to changing environments.....not to mention saying that you've done a jack shit poor job so far of coming up with a more satisfactory method of reproduction......

So you believe in evolution and an old earth. Now I don't understand your objections.

why not?.....my objections are not overcome by a belief in evolution.....perhaps you don't understand evolution.....two weeks ago someone here claimed that evolution explained the origin of life.......are you one of those with a gross misunderstanding of evolution?.......
TRY TO THINK!!! ONE LIVING HUMAN CELL IS FAR MORE COMPLEX AND WELL DESIGNED THAN THE BEST SUPER COMPUTER little man has built!! no accident of time and chance could evolve into a living human cell in any amount of time.===========http://www.awmi.net/tv/2014/week29 ==2014 TV Broadcasts - Week 29 Observing All Things

You may be right about the cell but what you fail to appreciated is that the cell was not the first life but the end product of billions of years of evolution.

????....ohoh....I sense a problem.....do you believe the first living cell was the end product of evolution?.....
Since god is supposedly omniscient and omnipotent he should have had the ability to produce a working design, especially since he knew what was coming.

and is there something about the design that you believe isn't working?.....

Not paying attention? go back and read the posts starting with #1.

I think we've established that isn't a problem with design, merely with your expectations.....

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