What About Any Tea Party Organization Is For The Purpose of Social Welfare?


I guess this all depends on what a person considers to be "social welfare".

For some, "social welfare" doesn't necessarily have to mean just giving someone something. It may mean inspiring them to earn it for themselves, to lift themselves up without the help of others. To help someone by expecting more from them.

I'm no Tea Partier, but that makes perfect sense to me.


WOW. You must have a lot different TEa party than I do. Out here in Ohio, the TEa party does not try to lift anyone up. All they do is bitch about how the hated governmnet is holding them down. And how the hated government is trying to make them slaves. And how the hated governmnet wants to take all your money and guns.

Yea I guess if giving people a dose of hatred is "uplifting" then the Ohio Tea party is right in line with the rest of the nations Tea party.

However, since you disagree with that message, you have no qualms about the government harassing them?
It is a non-partisan group here, anyone and everyone is welcome to join and have a voice in the discussions. There are no limits based upon gender, such as NOW, or race, such as the NAACP and La Raza, as to who they welcome into their meetings and aim to help and assist as they can. They believe that every one is important regardless of race or gender and has and equal voice.

There are no gender or racial requirements to join either the NAACP or NOW.

I am a white male, and a member of both.

I was thinking of joining the NAACP so they can't sue me
There are no gender or racial requirements to join either the NAACP or NOW.

I am a white male, and a member of both.

All we need to do to know the truth about the NAACP is consider how the libturds would react if an organization called "The National Association for the Advancement of White People" was applying for tax exempt status.

The NAACP was formed in 1909 - when "colored" people had significantly less legal rights than white people. Ignoring historical context is why you guys come up with this baffling nonsense.

and now the context is that the naacp is a bunch of bigots
There are no gender or racial requirements to join either the NAACP or NOW.

I am a white male, and a member of both.

But as a White Male, neither one cares about you or works for you.


the naacp claims they are for the rights of everyone

let us know when they have ever advocated for, instead of against, white people.

I'll wait
the naacp claims they are for the rights of everyone

let us know when they have ever advocated for, instead of against, white people.

I'll wait

How have the NAACP advocated "against" white people?

Why are you worried about the NAACP suing you?

the denial is in

are you really that stupid, yes you are

and yes

I'm a white school; teacher
I'm in the gunsights,

That was a pretty complicated way to say "I have nothing to support my prejudice."
How have the NAACP advocated "against" white people?

Why are you worried about the NAACP suing you?

the denial is in

are you really that stupid, yes you are

and yes

I'm a white school; teacher
I'm in the gunsights,

That was a pretty complicated way to say "I have nothing to support my prejudice."

To be fair, the NAACP has a history of it's members making anti-semitic remarks. Not to mention famed anti-semites like Louis Farrakahn and Jerimiah Wright being invited to speak at their organization.
Much like the NAACP and other Left Wing groups, the local Tea Party group ( I can only speak for what I have seen them do, not others in the country), they have become a group of like-minded people, diverse in their appearance (Unlike the NAACP and many Left Wing Groups) for mutual support and education in the local community.

Community outreach, dinners, parades, meetings, and as I mentioned earlier education. Studies of American History are of particular importance to them along with fiscal education. The history of American immigration and it's effects and affects on the local community and the country at large seems to be another area of study they enjoy. They have been faithful in the study of Obama-care and how it is going to affect them and the effect it will have on the country also.

It is a non-partisan group here, anyone and everyone is welcome to join and have a voice in the discussions. There are no limits based upon gender, such as NOW, or race, such as the NAACP and La Raza, as to who they welcome into their meetings and aim to help and assist as they can. They believe that every one is important regardless of race or gender and has and equal voice.
What part of what you just stated is for the social welfare of the people?

Do you really need a crayoned picture?

I thought you were educated enough to understand what I posted.

He is, just brainwashed at birth, don't hold it against him...
I'd like to hear this one.

BTW, that's what the IRS REQUIRES for 501(c)4 status, which is what this made up scandal is all about.

See: Social Welfare Organizations


The IRS is supposed to review applications where there is a genuine question as to the the applicability of a given exemption.

This particular exemption stipulates "Social Welfare".

And in 2010 the GOP filed over 300 applications for this "Social Welfare" exemption, whereas the Left had under 50 applications because it was a "Republican Year" (as the midterms usually are), and... the Left has always had trouble getting corporations to consistently invest into a party that wants to raise their taxes (so corporations tend only to give the Dems cash when it's a "Democratic Year" for the presidency and there is no reason to invest in the GOP).

Let's be clear: the IRS can't exhaustively review every application, so they use "red flag" terms in hopes of being able to review the greatest number of applications with potential issues.

Why is the "Tea Party" a "red flag" term? For starters, the Tea Party wants to abolish the IRS, so yeah, they're the most likely group to scam the IRS ergo they should expect extra scrutiny. C'mon people, this is not complicated. But also, the 300+ Tea Party applications were competing against Liberal groups that wanted to do actual Welfare, like extend food to poor school children, many from Red States. The bulk of these liberal groups fit the textbook definition of Social Welfare, which targets the poor and marginalized groups. I understand if the Right has an issue with the exemption (because they hate welfare), but the exemption is what it is. If you don't like it, than change the law. No big deal. The Right has changed the tax code way more than the Left since Reagan, so they shouldn't be complaining that this one exemption does not fit into their typical modus.

Irony of Ironies. The Tea Party is a purely political organization designed to crush Social Welfare for the purpose of lowering the tax burden on the wealthy. The Tea Party is the antithesis of this particular exemption. Does the Left have similar organizations that are purely political and not designed for social welfare. Of course they do, and those Lefty organizations should have been denied too. But, the number of Lefty groups who applied in 2010 for this exemption does not hold a candle to the quantity of Tea Party groups who applied, which represented the greatest Tsunami of "Citizens United" cash the IRS has ever seen. So for many reasons, the IRS needed search tools to efficiently process the greatest number of potentially bogus applications.

Meaning: this is another manufactured scandal.

As long as the FOX News viewer gets angry at this "scandal"... More specifically, as long as the heavily manipulated xenophobic racist Revanchist god-fearing patriot shrugs his shoulders and says "it's always something with the government", than it doesn't matter if the scandal is false. The point of movement conservatism is to plant anti-government sentiments in the limbic and lizardly part of the unconscious brain. The facts don't matter.

So, in summary, you think it is just fine for the IRS to target organizations based soley on political bias.

Duly noted and also duly noted that you are completely ignorant of why that smacks the first and fourteenth amendments squarely in the face.

I also like how you claim that they are more likely to ‘cheat’ on their taxes but that there is a complete lack of proof for that statement.
I'd like to hear this one.

BTW, that's what the IRS REQUIRES for 501(c)4 status, which is what this made up scandal is all about.

See: Social Welfare Organizations

Supporting the Constitution.

and since that isn't enough for leftist

responsible spending of our tax dollars

Those 2 issues affect everyone, not just special interests.

You know, one of the buzz words was ‘constitution.’ I really fail to see how any of these arguments can claim that particular word applies to their obstructions.

I guess this all depends on what a person considers to be "social welfare".

For some, "social welfare" doesn't necessarily have to mean just giving someone something. It may mean inspiring them to earn it for themselves, to lift themselves up without the help of others. To help someone by expecting more from them.

I'm no Tea Partier, but that makes perfect sense to me.


WOW. You must have a lot different TEa party than I do. Out here in Ohio, the TEa party does not try to lift anyone up. All they do is bitch about how the hated governmnet is holding them down. And how the hated government is trying to make them slaves. And how the hated governmnet wants to take all your money and guns.

Yea I guess if giving people a dose of hatred is "uplifting" then the Ohio Tea party is right in line with the rest of the nations Tea party.

Go lift your own sorry ass up..They aren't obligated to do anything because you THINK that is what they are suppose to do..
what (social welfare) did the OWS provide besides taking over and destroying the peoples property...oh and lets not forget, bitching, they did a lot of that
Much like the NAACP and other Left Wing groups, the local Tea Party group ( I can only speak for what I have seen them do, not others in the country), they have become a group of like-minded people, diverse in their appearance (Unlike the NAACP and many Left Wing Groups) for mutual support and education in the local community.

Community outreach, dinners, parades, meetings, and as I mentioned earlier education. Studies of American History are of particular importance to them along with fiscal education. The history of American immigration and it's effects and affects on the local community and the country at large seems to be another area of study they enjoy. They have been faithful in the study of Obama-care and how it is going to affect them and the effect it will have on the country also.

It is a non-partisan group here, anyone and everyone is welcome to join and have a voice in the discussions. There are no limits based upon gender, such as NOW, or race, such as the NAACP and La Raza, as to who they welcome into their meetings and aim to help and assist as they can. They believe that every one is important regardless of race or gender and has and equal voice.
What part of what you just stated is for the social welfare of the people?

people meaning "you people" :eusa_angel:
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Instead of guessing (or simply making up our own) definition for what a 501-c4 is supposed to be?

Why not just look it up?

Social Welfare Organizations
Introduction Reg. 1. 501(c)(4)-1(a)(2)(i) provides that:
[A]n organization is operated exclusively for the promotion of
social welfare if it is primarily engaged in promoting in some
way the common good and general welfare of the community.

Obviously the language of both the statute and the regulations
comprehends a very broad category of organizations. As stated in the
1981 CPE text, Chapter G, "Social Welfare: What Does It Mean? How
Much Private Benefit Is Permissible?"
Although the Service has been making an effort to refine
and clarify this area, IRC 501(c)(4) remains in some
degree a catch-all for presumptively beneficial non-profit
organizations that resist classification under the other
exempting provisions of the Code. Unfortunately, this
condition exists because "social welfare" is inherently an
abstruse concept that continues to defy precise definition.
The general concept, however, can be expressed as follows:
Organizations that promote social welfare should primarily
promote the common good and general welfare of the
people of the community as a whole.
An organization that primarily benefits a private group of
citizens cannot qualify for IRC 501(c)(4) exempt status.

In Erie Endowment v. United States, 316 F.2d 151, 156 (2d Cir.
1963), the court, in defining a civic organization, summed up the
matter by stating that "the organization must be a community
movement designed to accomplish community ends."

Social Welfare Organizations, Continued
A Note on
Services to
While some activities promote social welfare only if the community as a
whole is the recipient of services, a membership organization is not
automatically precluded from exempt status under IRC 501(c)(4).
In the exceptional case, an organization whose services are made available
solely to its members may qualify. In such cases, it must be clearly
established that making the service available to the membership benefits the
community as a whole.
An organization that purchases acreage in a stated locality, makes
arrangements for water and sewage facilities and enters into arrangements
for the erection and sale of dwellings to low and moderate income
individuals qualifies as a social welfare organization. Rev. Rul. 55-439,
1955-2 C.B. 257.
A corporation organized for the purpose of rehabilitating and placing
unemployed persons over a stated age may be exempt as an organization
operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare. Although
substantial private benefit to the unemployed individuals exists, the
community benefit found in employing those individuals is dominant. Rev.
Rul. 57-297, 1957-2 C.B. 307.
A corporation formed to provide a school district with a stadium is exempt
as an organization operated for the promotion of social welfare. Title to the
stadium is to be transferred to the school district after all indebtedness has
been liquidated and its capital stock retired, with no profit to the
stockholders. Rev. Rul. 57-493, 1957-2 C.B. 314.
A corporation was formed to cooperate with the parent-teacher association
of a local school district. Its activity consists of reviewing the proposals of
and designating the insurance company allowed to solicit accident
insurance from the students, teachers, and other employees of the school
district. It qualifies for tax-exempt status under IRC 501(c)(4). Rev. Rul.
61-153, 1961-2 C.B. 114

Social Welfare Organizations, Continued
A corporation organized to aid and promote the purposes of the Area
Redevelopment Act by providing loans to purchase or develop lands and
facilities to alleviate unemployment in areas classified as "redevelopment
areas" is entitled to exempt status as an organization described in IRC
501(c)(4). Rev. Rul. 64-187, 1964-1 (Part 1) C.B. 187.
A memorial association organized to study and develop methods of
achieving simplicity and dignity in funeral and memorial services, educate
and inform its members as well as the public as to the results of such study,
and maintain a registry for the wishes of its members in regard to
arrangements following death is entitled to exemption as a social welfare
organization described in IRC 501(c)(4). The organization serves a social
welfare purpose through education of the public and providing a useful
service to the community (membership is available to everyone) on a
noncommercial basis. Rev. Rul. 64-313, 1964-2 C.B. 146.
A junior chamber of commerce operated exclusively for the purpose of
rendering civic services for the promotion of the welfare of the community
and its citizens is exempt from federal income tax as an organization
described in IRC 501(c)(4). Its various programs, such as activities on
behalf of youth, community benefit projects, and community leadership
training, promote the common good and general welfare of the people of
the community. However, ordinary chambers of commerce, which are
organized to promote the business interests of a community, instead
generally qualify for exemption under IRC 501(c)(6). Rev. Rul. 65-195,
1965-2 C.B. 164.
An organization formed to advise, counsel, and assist individuals in solving
their financial difficulties by budgeting their income and expenses and
effecting an orderly program for the payment of their obligations is entitled
to exemption from federal income tax as a social welfare organization
described in IRC 501(c)(4). The objective and activities of the organization
contribute to the betterment of the community as a whole and are therefore
regarded as promoting social welfare. Rev. Rul. 65-299, 1965-2 C.B. 165.
Continued on next page

Social Welfare Organizations, Continued
An organization formed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a
system for storage and distribution of water in order to increase
underground water levels of a community is entitled to exemption from tax
under IRC 501(c)(4) as an organization operated exclusively for the
promotion of social welfare. The organization's activities benefited all
residents of the community whose wells were supplied by the raised water
table. Rev Rul. 66-148, 1966-1 C.B. 143.
An organization may qualify for exemption from federal income tax under
IRC 501(c)(4) where it provides a community with supervised facilities for
rifle, pistol, and shotgun practice and instructions in the safe handling and
proper care of weapons. Rev. Rul. 66-273, 1966-2 C.B. 222.
An organization formed to operate a roller skating rink as a recreational
facility for the benefit and use of all of the residents of a particular country
in a county-owned building that it operates rent-free in cooperation with the
county government may qualify for exemption under IRC 501(c)(4) where
the rink is open to the general public upon payment of such nominal dues
and admission charges as are needed to defray operating expense. Rev.
Rul. 67-109, 1967-1 C.B.136.
An organization created to make loans to businesses as an inducement to
locate in an economically depressed area in order to alleviate a community's
unemployment may be exempt under IRC 501(c)(4) because "promotion of
social welfare" includes efforts to relieve unemployment by inducing
industry to locate in a community. Rev. Rul. 67-294, 1967-2 C.B. 193.
An organization that stimulates the interest of youth in the community by
furnishing virtually free admission to youths and encouraging their
attendance at sporting events may qualify for exemption under IRC
501(c)(4). Rev. Rul. 68-118, 1968-1 C.B. 261.
An organization that conducts an annual festival centered around regional
customs and traditions may qualify for exemption under IRC 501(c)(4).
The organization provides the community with recreation and provides a
means for citizens to express their interest in the community's history,
customs, and traditions. Rev. Rul. 68-224, 1968-1 C.B. 262.
Continued on next page
IRC 501(c)(4) Organizations – page I-6 Exempt Organizations-Technical Instruction Program for F

continued here
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