What About Any Tea Party Organization Is For The Purpose of Social Welfare?

Much like the NAACP and other Left Wing groups, the local Tea Party group ( I can only speak for what I have seen them do, not others in the country), they have become a group of like-minded people, diverse in their appearance (Unlike the NAACP and many Left Wing Groups) for mutual support and education in the local community.

Community outreach, dinners, parades, meetings, and as I mentioned earlier education. Studies of American History are of particular importance to them along with fiscal education. The history of American immigration and it's effects and affects on the local community and the country at large seems to be another area of study they enjoy. They have been faithful in the study of Obama-care and how it is going to affect them and the effect it will have on the country also.

It is a non-partisan group here, anyone and everyone is welcome to join and have a voice in the discussions. There are no limits based upon gender, such as NOW, or race, such as the NAACP and La Raza, as to who they welcome into their meetings and aim to help and assist as they can. They believe that every one is important regardless of race or gender and has and equal voice.
What part of what you just stated is for the social welfare of the people?

Define "social welfare" exactly what do you mean by that term?

I guess this all depends on what a person considers to be "social welfare".

For some, "social welfare" doesn't necessarily have to mean just giving someone something. It may mean inspiring them to earn it for themselves, to lift themselves up without the help of others. To help someone by expecting more from them.

I'm no Tea Partier, but that makes perfect sense to me.


WOW. You must have a lot different TEa party than I do. Out here in Ohio, the TEa party does not try to lift anyone up. All they do is bitch about how the hated governmnet is holding them down. And how the hated government is trying to make them slaves. And how the hated governmnet wants to take all your money and guns.

Yea I guess if giving people a dose of hatred is "uplifting" then the Ohio Tea party is right in line with the rest of the nations Tea party.

I guess this all depends on what a person considers to be "social welfare".

For some, "social welfare" doesn't necessarily have to mean just giving someone something. It may mean inspiring them to earn it for themselves, to lift themselves up without the help of others. To help someone by expecting more from them.

I'm no Tea Partier, but that makes perfect sense to me.


WOW. You must have a lot different TEa party than I do. Out here in Ohio, the TEa party does not try to lift anyone up. All they do is bitch about how the hated governmnet is holding them down. And how the hated government is trying to make them slaves. And how the hated governmnet wants to take all your money and guns.

Yea I guess if giving people a dose of hatred is "uplifting" then the Ohio Tea party is right in line with the rest of the nations Tea party.

its obvious that you have never been to a tea party rally. but nice job reciting the dem/lib talking points.:cuckoo:
Much like the NAACP and other Left Wing groups, the local Tea Party group ( I can only speak for what I have seen them do, not others in the country), they have become a group of like-minded people, diverse in their appearance (Unlike the NAACP and many Left Wing Groups) for mutual support and education in the local community.

Community outreach, dinners, parades, meetings, and as I mentioned earlier education. Studies of American History are of particular importance to them along with fiscal education. The history of American immigration and it's effects and affects on the local community and the country at large seems to be another area of study they enjoy. They have been faithful in the study of Obama-care and how it is going to affect them and the effect it will have on the country also.

It is a non-partisan group here, anyone and everyone is welcome to join and have a voice in the discussions. There are no limits based upon gender, such as NOW, or race, such as the NAACP and La Raza, as to who they welcome into their meetings and aim to help and assist as they can. They believe that every one is important regardless of race or gender and has and equal voice.

I'm just curious...

...how is it possible for you to be so ignorant as to think that NOW prohibits men from joining their organization?

I guess this all depends on what a person considers to be "social welfare".

For some, "social welfare" doesn't necessarily have to mean just giving someone something. It may mean inspiring them to earn it for themselves, to lift themselves up without the help of others. To help someone by expecting more from them.

I'm no Tea Partier, but that makes perfect sense to me.


WOW. You must have a lot different TEa party than I do. Out here in Ohio, the TEa party does not try to lift anyone up. All they do is bitch about how the hated governmnet is holding them down. And how the hated government is trying to make them slaves. And how the hated governmnet wants to take all your money and guns.

Yea I guess if giving people a dose of hatred is "uplifting" then the Ohio Tea party is right in line with the rest of the nations Tea party.
So, you don't understand what the T.E.A. Party is about at all. Got it.
I'd like to hear this one.

BTW, that's what the IRS REQUIRES for 501(c)4 status, which is what this made up scandal is all about.

See: Social Welfare Organizations

Can you name any left-wing 502 (c) 4 that operates for the social welfare?

LOL Like that question doesn't come with an agenda...

Well, I don't have an "agenda", but it's interesting that the OP is looking for the "social welfare" basis of conservative 501(c)(4)s without considering the social welfare basis for more liberal groups. Here are two groups that operate under 501(c)(4); please explain what you see as the significant difference between the two:

Crossroads GPS is dedicated to holding Washington’s feet to the fire on the practical issues that will actually improve our country and our lives. We have discovered that most people support action on these issues, so we call it the New Majority Agenda, and you can read all about it here.

We use every available means – from TV ads to constituent letters – to help educate busy people and urge our leaders to take action on this commonsense punch-list for positive change.

Our bottom line is this: we believe that if we educate, equip and mobilize millions of regular Americans, we can make our country great again – from the ground up.

MoveOn.org Civic Action, a nonprofit educational and advocacy organization, set up in 2001, is home to MoveOn's issue advocacy campaigns as well as many of the online tools MoveOn makes available to progressives across the country.

We are currently focusing on what we call our Million Leaders strategy -- an audacious plan to unleash progressive people power by encouraging and supporting MoveOn members and other progressives to step up as the leaders of their own campaigns for social change. This strategy includes SignOn.org, our online petition tool that empowers you to lead and win your own MoveOn-style campaigns.
MoveOn.org: Democracy in Action

Don't both seem to be using the same "social welfare" basis?
Can you name any left-wing 502 (c) 4 that operates for the social welfare?

LOL Like that question doesn't come with an agenda...

Well, I don't have an "agenda", but it's interesting that the OP is looking for the "social welfare" basis of conservative 501(c)(4)s without considering the social welfare basis for more liberal groups. Here are two groups that operate under 501(c)(4); please explain what you see as the significant difference between the two:

Crossroads GPS is dedicated to holding Washington’s feet to the fire on the practical issues that will actually improve our country and our lives. We have discovered that most people support action on these issues, so we call it the New Majority Agenda, and you can read all about it here.

We use every available means – from TV ads to constituent letters – to help educate busy people and urge our leaders to take action on this commonsense punch-list for positive change.

Our bottom line is this: we believe that if we educate, equip and mobilize millions of regular Americans, we can make our country great again – from the ground up.

MoveOn.org Civic Action, a nonprofit educational and advocacy organization, set up in 2001, is home to MoveOn's issue advocacy campaigns as well as many of the online tools MoveOn makes available to progressives across the country.

We are currently focusing on what we call our Million Leaders strategy -- an audacious plan to unleash progressive people power by encouraging and supporting MoveOn members and other progressives to step up as the leaders of their own campaigns for social change. This strategy includes SignOn.org, our online petition tool that empowers you to lead and win your own MoveOn-style campaigns.
MoveOn.org: Democracy in Action

Don't both seem to be using the same "social welfare" basis?

excellent points----------but to liberals "social welfare" means "social justice" which means taking from those who earned it and giving to those who "need" it. Need is to be determined by some all-knowing govenment bureau filled with marginally competent government union employees.

I guess this all depends on what a person considers to be "social welfare".

For some, "social welfare" doesn't necessarily have to mean just giving someone something. It may mean inspiring them to earn it for themselves, to lift themselves up without the help of others. To help someone by expecting more from them.

I'm no Tea Partier, but that makes perfect sense to me.


WOW. You must have a lot different TEa party than I do. Out here in Ohio, the TEa party does not try to lift anyone up. All they do is bitch about how the hated governmnet is holding them down. And how the hated government is trying to make them slaves. And how the hated governmnet wants to take all your money and guns.

Yea I guess if giving people a dose of hatred is "uplifting" then the Ohio Tea party is right in line with the rest of the nations Tea party.

All groups with political ties are polluted and hamstrung by kooks, loons, crackpots, crazies and zealots. Political leanings irrelevant.

I know a few Tea Partiers. Not thousands, but a few. I've never experienced any of them to be anything other than good, decent, hard-working people who would give you the shirt off their back, as long as the federal government wasn't forcing them to.

And they agree with me that addicting people to government in the name of "compassion" can be, in fact, the opposite of compassion.

Much like the NAACP and other Left Wing groups, the local Tea Party group ( I can only speak for what I have seen them do, not others in the country), they have become a group of like-minded people, diverse in their appearance (Unlike the NAACP and many Left Wing Groups) for mutual support and education in the local community.

Community outreach, dinners, parades, meetings, and as I mentioned earlier education. Studies of American History are of particular importance to them along with fiscal education. The history of American immigration and it's effects and affects on the local community and the country at large seems to be another area of study they enjoy. They have been faithful in the study of Obama-care and how it is going to affect them and the effect it will have on the country also.

It is a non-partisan group here, anyone and everyone is welcome to join and have a voice in the discussions. There are no limits based upon gender, such as NOW, or race, such as the NAACP and La Raza, as to who they welcome into their meetings and aim to help and assist as they can. They believe that every one is important regardless of race or gender and has and equal voice.

I am guessing BUT I would say there are MORE Democrats that belong to Tea Party organizations then there are GOP that belong to the NAACP, Center for American Progress (funded by George Soros and run by former CofStaff John Podesta), all 501cs.

I am also guessing but there were MORE Democrats endorsed by the TEA PARTY then there were GOP endorsed by NAACP, Center for American Progress ,etc.
Much like the NAACP and other Left Wing groups, the local Tea Party group ( I can only speak for what I have seen them do, not others in the country), they have become a group of like-minded people, diverse in their appearance (Unlike the NAACP and many Left Wing Groups) for mutual support and education in the local community.

Community outreach, dinners, parades, meetings, and as I mentioned earlier education. Studies of American History are of particular importance to them along with fiscal education. The history of American immigration and it's effects and affects on the local community and the country at large seems to be another area of study they enjoy. They have been faithful in the study of Obama-care and how it is going to affect them and the effect it will have on the country also.

It is a non-partisan group here, anyone and everyone is welcome to join and have a voice in the discussions. There are no limits based upon gender, such as NOW, or race, such as the NAACP and La Raza, as to who they welcome into their meetings and aim to help and assist as they can. They believe that every one is important regardless of race or gender and has and equal voice.
What part of what you just stated is for the social welfare of the people?

Define "social welfare" exactly what do you mean by that term?

By "social welfare" they mean liberalism.
It is a non-partisan group here, anyone and everyone is welcome to join and have a voice in the discussions. There are no limits based upon gender, such as NOW, or race, such as the NAACP and La Raza, as to who they welcome into their meetings and aim to help and assist as they can. They believe that every one is important regardless of race or gender and has and equal voice.

There are no gender or racial requirements to join either the NAACP or NOW.

I am a white male, and a member of both.

But as a White Male, neither one cares about you or works for you.


I guess this all depends on what a person considers to be "social welfare".

For some, "social welfare" doesn't necessarily have to mean just giving someone something. It may mean inspiring them to earn it for themselves, to lift themselves up without the help of others. To help someone by expecting more from them.

I'm no Tea Partier, but that makes perfect sense to me.


WOW. You must have a lot different TEa party than I do. Out here in Ohio, the TEa party does not try to lift anyone up. All they do is bitch about how the hated governmnet is holding them down. And how the hated government is trying to make them slaves. And how the hated governmnet wants to take all your money and guns.

Yea I guess if giving people a dose of hatred is "uplifting" then the Ohio Tea party is right in line with the rest of the nations Tea party.

Yep. they're trying to remove the main obstacle to people lifting themselves up: government.

Speaking of hatred, your hatred of the TEA Party is fairly evident.
This is the second thread (that I know of) where Media Matters is mentioned and Marc & Co. of equally dishonest progressives flee from it's similarities.

But, boy howdy, if the Bush Admin had delayed MM's requests for tax exemption there'd be riots in the fucking streets like we haven't seen since Watts.

:lol: :cuckoo: :lol:
Why does Media Matters warrant tax exempt status? If you feel the Tea Party does not warrant this because their main goal is political then you must feel the same about Media Matters who's main goal is clearly political as well if you don't want tax exempt groups taking clearly political stances then pull it from all of them if you do stop griping and trying to deny it for groups you don't agree with politically.
Why does Media Matters warrant tax exempt status? If you feel the Tea Party does not warrant this because their main goal is political then you must feel the same about Media Matters who's main goal is clearly political as well if you don't want tax exempt groups taking clearly political stances then pull it from all of them if you do stop griping and trying to deny it for groups you don't agree with politically.

We've all but assured no further Liberal replies to this thread

And don't forget about ACORN and Organizing For Action! Not only do they get tax exempt status, they are funnel up taxpayer money!
There is no requirement for either 501c3s or 501c4s to be "non-partisan".

Getting people elected to office can be considered in the interests of "social welfare".
This right here is just another excuse to funnel money to candidates anonymously.

Plain and simple.

Look on the bright side! Since Obama's IRS only infiltrates and demonizes conservative groups then there is no such thing as anonymous candidates when it comes to people donating to right leaning organizations! Yaaayyyy! Fascism is fun!
In 1959 the IRS changed the word "exclusively" to "primarily" without any legal authority to do so - which brought on the confusion.

The IRS didn't change a damned thing. They recognized that social welfare is not limited to non political activity. But, the IRS stipulated that the organization must be primarily non political. A stipulation that was supposed to apply to all applications from the left to the right.

What the IRS did not have was the legal authority to target any application based on the ideology of the applicant. That is the point that you mental midgets continue to attempt to obfuscate with your ignorant BS.
This is truly hilarious...

Crossroads GPS, the conservative nonprofit that directly spent more than $70 million on federal political campaigns in the 2012 election, believes that it is one of the organizations targeted for further review by the Internal Revenue Service, according to a Los Angeles Times report.

The organization, co-founded by Karl Rove after the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United ruling opened the door to new political spending, has been held up by campaign finance watchdogs as the primary example of a political group using the tax code to evade disclosure of its donors. Nonprofits organized under section 501(c)(4) of the tax code, as Crossroads GPS is, are not required to name their donors, while political organizations like 527s and super PACs must disclose who funds them.

Crossroads GPS Claims IRS Target Status

Too funny. Here's some more:

Crossroads GPS spent $16 million on political campaign ads in 2010, its first year of existence, and another $70 million during the 2012 electoral cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The group also spent tens of millions on issue ads aimed at specific candidates up for election. Moreover, Crossroads GPS is staffed largely by former Republican Party functionaries, something that has raised IRS eyebrows when it looked at other groups.

Without any inappropriate targeting, all these factors, reported both in the media and to the Federal Election Commission, could have led to a further review of Crossroads GPS' tax-exempt application.

And then they whine about being unfairly targeted. Please.

If the IRS believes that Crossroads GPS violated their 501(c)4 tax exempt status, then they should definitely investigate Crossroads GPS. We don't assume that everyone named Bill is a bank robber because one Bill is accused of robbing a bank. Nor do we assume that all right wing organizations are potential violators because one might be.

Your argument is nonsense.

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