What about Keith Ellison?

Liberals why are you not outrage on Ellison domestic violence claim?

Simple - Ellison is a Liberal.
you know you've impressed a leftist when they call you an old white man, racist or bigot. Yep, the bullet hit home.

If the broad wants some love from the libs, she should change her story and say that she was mistaken. It wasn't Ellison, it was Kavanaugh who did it. Then her word would be treated as the gospel truth.

........ got pregnant then aborted after converting to Islam with a pussy hat on her head.

Fixed it for you

Oh, in a Prius.
Liberals are such masochistic slaves to Islam, that in their tiny little brains muslim inbreds can do no wrong. Because they're oh-soooo-oppressed victims. Liberals get off on that muslim crybaby mentality in which they taqqiya-lie and do that whole woe-is-me bullshit. I've had my leftist relatives admit they judge minorities less harshly because they're somehow being oppressed and therefore are perpetual victims.

That, ladies and gents, is one of the liberal qualities I find most detestable: complete LACK of personal responsibility of any kind. Everything is somebody else's fault.
Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser posts 2017 medical document identifying Democrat as abuser There are medical records now posted. Why is this case being brought up over and over and over again? Does this woman's claim doesnt matter because her person she accused is the Co Democratic chair ??
I am...and have said so on other threads about this....but I'm not in his district so I can not vote him out like I would if I were in his district but I am not soooooooo what else can I do? Are you in his district?
Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser posts 2017 medical document identifying Democrat as abuser There are medical records now posted. Why is this case being brought up over and over and over again? Does this woman's claim doesnt matter because her person she accused is the Co Democratic chair ??
I am...and have said so on other threads about this....but I'm not in his district so I can not vote him out like I would if I were in his district but I am not soooooooo what else can I do? Are you in his district?
you should be asking for him to step down. why haven't you?
Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser posts 2017 medical document identifying Democrat as abuser There are medical records now posted. Why is this case being brought up over and over and over again? Does this woman's claim doesnt matter because her person she accused is the Co Democratic chair ??
So I take republicans are either to lazy or stupid to investigate Go investigate. Get er done. Let us know what you come up with. If Keith was up for supreme court nomination he would be getting grilled more.
Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser posts 2017 medical document identifying Democrat as abuser There are medical records now posted. Why is this case being brought up over and over and over again? Does this woman's claim doesnt matter because her person she accused is the Co Democratic chair ??
So I take republicans are either to lazy or stupid to investigate Go investigate. Get er done. Let us know what you come up with. If Keith was up for supreme court nomination he would be getting grilled more.
they did, the fbi didn't find anything. next?
Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser posts 2017 medical document identifying Democrat as abuser There are medical records now posted. Why is this case being brought up over and over and over again? Does this woman's claim doesnt matter because her person she accused is the Co Democratic chair ??
So I take republicans are either to lazy or stupid to investigate Go investigate. Get er done. Let us know what you come up with. If Keith was up for supreme court nomination he would be getting grilled more.
they did, the fbi didn't find anything. next?
So why are we still talking about it? Investigation done nothing found where exactly is the problem?
Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser posts 2017 medical document identifying Democrat as abuser There are medical records now posted. Why is this case being brought up over and over and over again? Does this woman's claim doesnt matter because her person she accused is the Co Democratic chair ??
So I take republicans are either to lazy or stupid to investigate Go investigate. Get er done. Let us know what you come up with. If Keith was up for supreme court nomination he would be getting grilled more.
they did, the fbi didn't find anything. next?
So why are we still talking about it? Investigation done nothing found where exactly is the problem?
I know right, the vote should have been this morning. instead, they allowed the slut the time to come in and testify to her story and she refused. so as to not look soulless they are postponing the vote until Monday.
Of course the left doesn't care.

He's a Dem after all.

If he were a Rep they would be demanding anything and everything.

Another lady who sees the truth :)

Democrats have a long history of sexual abuse. One of their leaders evgen killed a woman. Left her in a car underwater to gasp out her last hours in an air pocket. How much did it bother him? While she was dying he called the front desk of his hotel and complained that loud music in another room was keeping him awake.
This is also the same guy who led the Democrats efforts to work with the Soviet Union to "resist" Ronald Reagan

DOTR's rule #2 for understanding liberals: Liberals always project. Always.
Its a sort of sick compulsion within them to accuse others of their own darkest secrets. Satanic at its root I'm sure.
Of course the left doesn't care.

He's a Dem after all.

If he were a Rep they would be demanding anything and everything.

Another lady who sees the truth :)

Democrats have a long history of sexual abuse. One of their leaders evgen killed a woman. Left her in a car underwater to gasp out her last hours in an air pocket. How much did it bother him? While she was dying he called the front desk of his hotel and complained that loud music in another room was keeping him awake.
This is also the same guy who led the Democrats efforts to work with the Soviet Union to "resist" Ronald Reagan

DOTR's rule #2 for understanding liberals: Liberals always project. Always.
Its a sort of sick compulsion within them to accuse others of their own darkest secrets. Satanic at its root I'm sure.
I don't need any moral preaching from a group that allowed a kennedy who killed a woman to sit on committees and change policy in the US. nope ain't ever gonna persuade me while I'm alive. they do not care for women. and women, shame on you for supporting such haters and soulless human beings.
The woman who accused Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) of emotional and physical abuse is claiming that the Democratic Party “smeared, threatened [and] isolated” her after she went public with the allegations.

Karen Monahan’s comments come as a growing number of Democrats have expressed support for the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, saying they find her allegations credible.

Monahan on Monday tweeted that Democrats have not stood by her.

“I’ve been smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party,” Monahan tweeted. “I provided medical records from 2017, stating on two different Dr. Visits, I told them about the abuse and who did it. My therapist released records stating I have been dealing and healing from the abuse.”

“Four people, including my supervisor at the time, stated that I came to them after and shared the exact story I shared publicly, I shared multiple text between me and Keith, where I discuss the abuse with him and much more,” she wrote. “As I said before, I knew I wouldn’t be believed.”

Ellison accuser: Dems 'smeared, threatened, isolated' me

But I thought we were supposed to believe the woman.
Here we go waisting a lot of fucking time! If they have a penis or a pussy they will misbehave no matter whether they are a republican or a democrat. Did some democrats accuse this lady of lying likely. I would bet some repubicans called her a liar. What I can tell you is that it was not me. I say let the powers that be investigate and if they find enough evidence prosecute regardless of the guys voting registration. If they find nothing then shut the fuck up about it. If they find some thing and prosecute along with a guilty finding in court let him go to jail and still shut up about it. If you live in his area vote his ass down if you want.

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