What about Keith Ellison?

Did he try to rape her at any point during their lovers’ quarrels?

This thread is no Bernie Sanders fantasy hour sicko.
The answer is no.

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I don’t get it. You guys love rapists, and you always use Bill Clinton to justify that. Makes no sense.

Probably because he paid off Paula Jones almost a million dollars to shut up about getting raped ?

well taking money and being quiet isn't a thing anymore. right stormy?
I don't need any moral preaching from a group that allowed a kennedy who killed a woman to sit on committees and change policy in the US. nope ain't ever gonna persuade me while I'm alive. they do not care for women. and women, shame on you for supporting such haters and soulless human beings.

We know they arent supported by women. Just by feminists. Any abortionist gives my wife the creeps and she supports anyone fighting that evil. Its a funny thing...mention 2nd amendment or states rights or even taxes and her eyes glaze over. No interest. She is really not that political. But as a woman and a mother she has a hatred for abortion and here is the thing...just by picking a candidate by abortion policy she comes out right on guns, taxes, homosexual predators and everything else.
It is amazing that the evil of abortion always comes with such a predictable host of other evils. Women get it. Watch the men here call the women on this board "trumpbots"and worse for not toeing the leftist line.
This thread is no Bernie Sanders fantasy hour sicko.
The answer is no.

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I don’t get it. You guys love rapists, and you always use Bill Clinton to justify that. Makes no sense.

Probably because he paid off Paula Jones almost a million dollars to shut up about getting raped ?

well taking money and being quiet isn't a thing anymore. right stormy?
I think this discussion may be better served by discussing the FISA court and wether it should exist or not. I am not very excited about having it.
The answer is no.

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I don’t get it. You guys love rapists, and you always use Bill Clinton to justify that. Makes no sense.

Probably because he paid off Paula Jones almost a million dollars to shut up about getting raped ?

well taking money and being quiet isn't a thing anymore. right stormy?
I think this discussion may be better served by discussing the FISA court and wether it should exist or not. I am not very excited about having it.
I'm good with getting rid of it. don't like it all. it's bullshit. doesn't remove that it was used by leftists in a coup.
Define "is"

I don’t get it. You guys love rapists, and you always use Bill Clinton to justify that. Makes no sense.

Probably because he paid off Paula Jones almost a million dollars to shut up about getting raped ?

well taking money and being quiet isn't a thing anymore. right stormy?
I think this discussion may be better served by discussing the FISA court and wether it should exist or not. I am not very excited about having it.
I'm good with getting rid of it. don't like it all. it's bullshit. doesn't remove that it was used by leftists in a coup.
Republicans and democrats a like use what ever tools available to get to their own ends. Given the chance it has been used by both sides. I say get rid of it. Bad legislation does not care about party. Get rid of it and we do not have to worry. Fuck secret courts!
The woman who accused Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) of emotional and physical abuse is claiming that the Democratic Party “smeared, threatened [and] isolated” her after she went public with the allegations.

Karen Monahan’s comments come as a growing number of Democrats have expressed support for the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, saying they find her allegations credible.

Monahan on Monday tweeted that Democrats have not stood by her.

“I’ve been smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party,” Monahan tweeted. “I provided medical records from 2017, stating on two different Dr. Visits, I told them about the abuse and who did it. My therapist released records stating I have been dealing and healing from the abuse.”

“Four people, including my supervisor at the time, stated that I came to them after and shared the exact story I shared publicly, I shared multiple text between me and Keith, where I discuss the abuse with him and much more,” she wrote. “As I said before, I knew I wouldn’t be believed.”

Ellison accuser: Dems 'smeared, threatened, isolated' me

But I thought we were supposed to believe the woman.

They are hypocrites.
This thread is no Bernie Sanders fantasy hour sicko.
The answer is no.

Define "is"

I don’t get it. You guys love rapists, and you always use Bill Clinton to justify that. Makes no sense.

Probably because he paid off Paula Jones almost a million dollars to shut up about getting raped ?

Oh so that’s why you support rapists now?
Trump's nominee didn't rape anyone. Anyway someone came up with her yearbook. Them girls bragged about blacking out while drinking. Seems your witness, is having credibility issues. Lol, a red wave is coming! Just found out a democrat seat of 139 years. Went republican in texas on tuesday. Like i said keep up the good work, you loons are continue what Obama was doing.
Did he try to rape her at any point during their lovers’ quarrels?

Sooooo, it's OK to beat women, as long as you don't rape them? That seems odd, but if the thought of it gets you all moist and shit, who am I to Judge?

OH DAMN, I'm going to Judge. You are one perverted Dyke!

After one of Bill Clinton's rapes he told his victim, Juanita Broaddrick, "you should put some ice on that" referring to her busted lip. What a guy! Always thinking of other people was Bill Clinton.

If the media is ignoring it...how did you hear about it?

One must have gotten past the goalie.

Now tell us how Ellison needs to step down

Do not know enough about it. My experience tells me that if he's in the news and he has that job...it's like the ref on an NFL game; he did something wrong.

Don't know enough about it?

Not enough coverage in the news, eh?

But I bet you can tell us all about Kav.
Who ever this guy is he is not up for appointment obviously or we would hear about it more. He is a state rep right. Bring it up during his election and vote him out. Problem solved.
Another woman steps up to accuse DNC co-chair Keith Ellison of abuse but the Left and their media IGNORE it to focus on Trump noise

Why should the co-chair of the DNC, who has been accused of abusing women, be ignored by most of the media and the DNC?

We have several women saying he abuses women and a witness, yet we should only believe the accuser of Kavanaugh why?
The idiot worships some rock in Mecca
That alone should disqualify em
They let John Brennan, a verified Communist and muslim run the run the CIA That shows how far our standard have sunk
Another woman steps up to accuse DNC co-chair Keith Ellison of abuse but the Left and their media IGNORE it to focus on Trump noise

Why should the co-chair of the DNC, who has been accused of abusing women, be ignored by most of the media and the DNC?

We have several women saying he abuses women and a witness, yet we should only believe the accuser of Kavanaugh why?
Actually, I read about this on CNN, which reported this before that embarrassing rag of a blog reported it.
Only Trump supporters could start a thread to out a guy for sexual harassment only to blame it on him being a Muslim. It makes you look like fucking idiots. If you want to bash someone for bad behavior that's righteous, but to blame it on his religion is ridiculous and counter-intuitive.

Trump brags about sexual assault and he's a "Christian." Are those two connected?
What about Ellison? He is a douche and should be exposed. Doesn’t make excuses for anybody else’s actions

You mean the millions of freakishly stupid parasites that vote for assholes like Ellison?


There is no excuse for being stupid enough to vote for a leftist sociopath. Yet in spite of having facts available they remain deliberately ignorant. I wonder how many people who've ever voted for Ted Kennedy knew or just didn't give a fuck what he did to Mary Jo Kopechne. I wonder how many of Hank Johnson's voters know islands can't capsize and of those that do know, are aware that he doesn't, and that someone that fuckin stupid represents them in congress. Do they care either?

Say anything you want about the worst of the republicrats, and all of them do not compare to Ted Kennedy alone as far as criminal misdeeds that would put an average person in prison for most of their natural life. Then there's his treasonous behavior seeking soviet assistance against Reagan.

Kennedy's message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. "The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations," the memorandum stated. "These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign."

Yet you watch, as soon as this bullshit sideshow with the SCOTUS is out of the way the bed wetter media will be harping on the Russia hoax again. They'll ignore Ellison's story until he goes away. What passes for "media" in this country is Journalistic Malpractice, and whatever credentials these assholes have should be revoked.

Only Trump supporters could start a thread to out a guy for sexual harassment only to blame it on him being a Muslim. It makes you look like fucking idiots. If you want to bash someone for bad behavior that's righteous, but to blame it on his religion is ridiculous and counter-intuitive.

Trump brags about sexual assault and he's a "Christian." Are those two connected?

The issue is a democrook's CRIMES being ignored, and a sudden allegation that can't be corroborated from 35 years ago being headline news.
Only Trump supporters could start a thread to out a guy for sexual harassment only to blame it on him being a Muslim. It makes you look like fucking idiots. If you want to bash someone for bad behavior that's righteous, but to blame it on his religion is ridiculous and counter-intuitive.

Trump brags about sexual assault and he's a "Christian." Are those two connected?

The issue is a democrook's CRIMES being ignored, and a sudden allegation that can't be corroborated from 35 years ago being headline news.

No it isn't, Trump supporters here instantly went from sexual harassment to him being a Muslim. There is a reason so many Muslims don't like America... they all get treated like trash just for practicing their religion. There are terrorists that Muslim extremist, but not every Muslim is a terrorist. Classes on philosophy and logic should be part of high school curriculum.

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