What About Trump's Dementia?

“Putin says that Biden’s — and this is a quote — politically motivated persecution of his political rival is very good for Russia, because it shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy.”

Some commentators see this and other Trump assertions about being persecuted as calculated efforts to fuel his base. But what if Trump really thinks he’s being persecuted? What if he has a persecution complex? What if he believes his paranoid fantasies?

Trump is not facing nearly the same scrutiny for his age as is Joe Biden, yet Trump should be — especially as to increasing signs of dementia.

Biden is sane. He’s getting major bills passed. He’s negotiating with world leaders. But Trump — who has a family history of dementia — is increasingly incoherent and unhinged.

He has confused Biden with Obama so often that he’s had to put out a statement that the slips have been intentional.

Dementia affects people differently, at different ages. Although Trump is only 2 years younger than Biden, he hasclearly demonstrated signs of dementia, while Biden has not. And given the fact the disease runs in Trumps family, the signs being demonstrated should come as no surprise.
You're an idiot...And that you open threads using "Raw Story" is telling....NO ONE should even respond to you anymore.
You're an idiot...And that you open threads using "Raw Story" is telling....NO ONE should even respond to you anymore.

The Left is melting like the Wicked Witch of the West, lol. President Joe Biden unwittingly revealed to all Americans how much the DNC, and MSM was gaslighting them. Unless you are a far Left Democrat, Joe proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you can NOT believe anything they say from the recent past, or what they might utter in the near future. You can NOT trust them, and as such, any opinion they put forth from garnering phony facts from their beloved MSM, should be laughed at, ignored, and not even be remarked on besides, lolololol! The Left has become the LAUGHINGSTOCK of current American politics.

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