What Animal Do You See First?

Kind of both saw the dog and the butterfly... not sure which one it was first
3. The dog

Irrepressibly optimistic, the dog stays loyal until the end. Able to take great pleasure from the simple things in life, the dog is affectionate, committed, and steadfast. If you chose the dog, you are a huge-hearted individual who truly knows how to have fun.


Hey peeps! Down in the dungeons as well as up here...come test yourself! Found this on Parler (new place trying to do what GAB couldn't do and steal Tweeters). I found it interesting. The first animal you see in this photo will reveal hidden aspects of your personality
The first one I saw wasn't listed, can you see the monkey?
Mr. Trump, I think we have our next AG..., er Sec. of State..., er Press Secretary...(aside) what is it we need now?
I seen the dog first but I never seen a red assed baboon. Does that mean I am blind to the ridiculous?
The wolf...

Interesting... Looking at what your brain processes first...
After that was pointed out, I thought "Why didn't I see that first?

I think there's something to this. I saw the puppy dog, the eagle and preying mantis. Neat little game.
At first glance, I saw a freaky chimera with elegant butterfly wings and a scared looking fugly dog head about to be snatched up and eaten by a wolf/eagle chimera
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And now, having followed the link, and looked at the picture, it seems that the butterfly and the dog were the only two animals immediately apparent to me.

Next, I saw a nondescript collection of arthropod legs sticking out one side of the jumble, which turn out to belong to a crab and a mantis.

I went on to read the descriptions for what each animal is supposed to indicate about the personality of those who see it first, and decided that the whole page was solid digestive waste from a male bovine.

I should have left it at my previous post; which had much more genuine meaning than there is to be found at the link.
3. The dog

Irrepressibly optimistic, the dog stays loyal until the end. Able to take great pleasure from the simple things in life, the dog is affectionate, committed, and steadfast. If you chose the dog, you are a huge-hearted individual who truly knows how to have fun.
Yep, THAT'S me, and YOU, Kat!

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