What are children in public schools at most risk for?

But the school knew and you don't care.

But caring is not something the democrats do much of, like for those poor folk struggling with inflation.

The kids were out protesting yesterday blaming the administration for failing to act and protect them

They only need to look at themselves
When this girl was beaten up, she needed the support of her fellow students. She needed her fellow students to make life hell for her attackers and their friends

Instead, her fellow students posted videos and mocked her

That is why she killed herself

You post a story about a teen who killed herself after being bullied at school and then rant about teachers molesting, groomers and Transexuals

Did you bother to read the story?
The FAUX MAGAPHONE outrages the Flock and focus their attention, limited as it may be, on their culture war by hyping only instances when the perp is a Trans-(whatever) while ignoring the bulk of the offenses.

"For months, her attacker’s friends tormented her. They called her a “crazy bitch” and a “porn star” on social media. One suggested that they show her “what rape actually is,” according to a lawsuit the Colorado student filed this year against her school district.

In the summer of 2017, the girl, a high school junior referred to as Jane Doe in court records, reported that she’d been sexually assaulted the previous year by a classmate, identified by the pseudonym John Smith. Smith later pleaded guilty to assault in juvenile court, and was placed on probation and required to participate in sex offender therapy. Yet throughout the 2017-18 academic year, his friends made Doe’s life miserable at Glenwood Springs High School, she says in her suit filed in the U.S. District Court of Colorado against the Roaring Fork School District."

Yes, a microscopic number of those cases exist. Generally, that is NOT the case. Why do you assume that the isolated incidents are widespread? Simple. You listen to the media who exaggerate everything.
what happened to this girl is no exaggeration

And it cant be a case of a single isolated incident in an otherwise sea of calm

This is just the worst case that we know of

There is a long list. Every day we are inundated with news stories about teachers molesting children, or children being groomed for a gender transformation without their parents knowing, but there is also bullying, leading to a lot of children taking their own lives like in this sad story. School is not like it used to be. Schools are now full of children without any sort of moral teaching and shun religions that try to instill it into them. Now they are all full of hate and sexual confusion and fear.

But really, all that matters is they use the right pronouns and are woke, so nothing to see here.

Teachers can hide the fact the children are changing genders from their parents but also hide the bullying as well.

Funny that.

They are most at risk of not learning how to read, write and do math......the democrat party is destroying our education system, in particular in the cities they control.

Bullying is bad, but when the majority of public school children in democrat party controlled cities can't read by the 3rd grade or do math, their lives are going to end in gangs and violence, and generational poverty.....all according to the desires of the democrat party.

A Baltimore City teacher came forward with devastating information that showed 77% of students tested at one high school are reading at an elementary school level.

The kids were out protesting yesterday blaming the administration for failing to act and protect them

They only need to look at themselves
When this girl was beaten up, she needed the support of her fellow students. She needed her fellow students to make life hell for her attackers and their friends

Instead, her fellow students posted videos and mocked her

That is why she killed herself

Blame the Children? SMH.

There is a long list. Every day we are inundated with news stories about teachers molesting children, or children being groomed for a gender transformation without their parents knowing, but there is also bullying, leading to a lot of children taking their own lives like in this sad story. School is not like it used to be. Schools are now full of children without any sort of moral teaching and shun religions that try to instill it into them. Now they are all full of hate and sexual confusion and fear.

But really, all that matters is they use the right pronouns and are woke, so nothing to see here.

Teachers can hide the fact the children are changing genders from their parents but also hide the bullying as well.

Funny that.
Unfriended! That's the movie. I should see that one again; I've watched it twice. It has the same plot as your lead article -- kids or a kid take a video of a girl doing, ahem, what she would least like to have shown all over the Internet (and it IS bad, shocking). This is one of those "found footage" type movies like epistolary novels, so a group of kids talk over the Internet, and somehow somebody (supernatural?) gets in there and they all start to die. Deeply satisfying.

Yeah, it's bullying. Forget all the other stuff. Bullying is what needs the most correction everywhere.
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Blame the Children? SMH.
Putin made the children do it, but Climate change forced Putin's hand to force the children to do it

Or is it the other way round?

Let me turn on CNN again and I will let you know.
It would be solvable if they'd try and put the resources into it.
Put together a sufficient number of humans and a pecking order will result. Bullying is a way to move up. It's human nature. Not going away because it works. The best you can do is manage it. Kids will always find a way to torture each other.
Put together a sufficient number of humans and a pecking order will result. Bullying is a way to move up. It's human nature. Not going away because it works. The best you can do is manage it. Kids will always find a way to torture each other.
It's a bad and harmful way to move up, IMO. Mostly done by future criminals. It works, so what needs to be done is stop letting it work. That's what I think.
It's a bad and harmful way to move up, IMO. Mostly done by future criminals. It works, so what needs to be done is stop letting it work. That's what I think.
It's the worst thing about us humans. You can try to teach empathy and responsibility but being a hardassed bastard/bitch still seems to bring social and monetary benefits in even the most enlightened societies.

There is a long list. Every day we are inundated with news stories about teachers molesting children, or children being groomed for a gender transformation without their parents knowing, but there is also bullying, leading to a lot of children taking their own lives like in this sad story. School is not like it used to be. Schools are now full of children without any sort of moral teaching and shun religions that try to instill it into them. Now they are all full of hate and sexual confusion and fear.

But really, all that matters is they use the right pronouns and are woke, so nothing to see here.

Teachers can hide the fact the children are changing genders from their parents but also hide the bullying as well.

Funny that.
Well, at least they can be furries and shit in a litterbox in the classroom, right?

There is a long list. Every day we are inundated with news stories about teachers molesting children, or children being groomed for a gender transformation without their parents knowing, but there is also bullying, leading to a lot of children taking their own lives like in this sad story. School is not like it used to be. Schools are now full of children without any sort of moral teaching and shun religions that try to instill it into them. Now they are all full of hate and sexual confusion and fear.

But really, all that matters is they use the right pronouns and are woke, so nothing to see here.

Teachers can hide the fact the children are changing genders from their parents but also hide the bullying as well.

Funny that.
Have to say the shooting of kids in school, and the foisting of political propaganda on them through their angry parents are the biggest problem.
I went to public schools in the early 80s. We were actually taught math, physics, english, history. Today, it takes private school to learn that stuff.
Wrong. My daughter graduated from a public high school in 2012. She had an outstanding education and later graduated from college with a degree in biology. My grandchildren are in public middle and high schools. They are getting an excellent education, far better than I did in the 70s.

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