What are "corporations" if not people?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
It's True: Corporations Are People
What else could they be?
Buildings don't hire people.
Buildings don't design cars that run on electricity or discover drug therapies to defeat cancer.

Elizabeth Warren introduced President Obama at a big fundraiser in Boston:
"Mitt Romney tells us, in his own words, he believes corporations are people. No, Mitt, corporations are NOT people," she pronounced. "People have hearts. They have kids. They get jobs. They get sick. They love and they cry and they dance. They live and they die. Learn the difference." The audience went wild.
Jack Welch and Suzy Welch: It's True—Corporations Are People - WSJ.com

Ms. Warren.. who makes corporate decisions? Computers? Buildings? Oil wells?
Seriously .. what else but "people" make those decisions? NOT corporations!
It's True: Corporations Are People
What else could they be?
Buildings don't hire people.
Buildings don't design cars that run on electricity or discover drug therapies to defeat cancer.

Elizabeth Warren introduced President Obama at a big fundraiser in Boston:
"Mitt Romney tells us, in his own words, he believes corporations are people. No, Mitt, corporations are NOT people," she pronounced. "People have hearts. They have kids. They get jobs. They get sick. They love and they cry and they dance. They live and they die. Learn the difference." The audience went wild.
Jack Welch and Suzy Welch: It's True—Corporations Are People - WSJ.com

Ms. Warren.. who makes corporate decisions? Computers? Buildings? Oil wells?
Seriously .. what else but "people" make those decisions? NOT corporations!

So when corporations kill people can we execute them? Put them in prison maybe? Slap their wrists?

(where the hell are those wrists?)
If corporations are people then they are people who continually shirk their responsibilities, easily over ride the interests of actual people, cause damage to society and the environment far in excess of what a single person could do and are practically impossible to punish for their wrong doings. If a person such as that lived next door you would hate their stinking guts.
It's True: Corporations Are People
What else could they be?
Buildings don't hire people.
Buildings don't design cars that run on electricity or discover drug therapies to defeat cancer.

Elizabeth Warren introduced President Obama at a big fundraiser in Boston:
"Mitt Romney tells us, in his own words, he believes corporations are people. No, Mitt, corporations are NOT people," she pronounced. "People have hearts. They have kids. They get jobs. They get sick. They love and they cry and they dance. They live and they die. Learn the difference." The audience went wild.
Jack Welch and Suzy Welch: It's True—Corporations Are People - WSJ.com

Ms. Warren.. who makes corporate decisions? Computers? Buildings? Oil wells?
Seriously .. what else but "people" make those decisions? NOT corporations!
So when corporations kill people can we execute them? Put them in prison maybe? Slap their wrists?

(where the hell are those wrists?)
Corporations don't have hands to make donations to Politicians either yet they do it collectively don't they?
It's True: Corporations Are People
What else could they be?
Buildings don't hire people.
Buildings don't design cars that run on electricity or discover drug therapies to defeat cancer.

Elizabeth Warren introduced President Obama at a big fundraiser in Boston:
"Mitt Romney tells us, in his own words, he believes corporations are people. No, Mitt, corporations are NOT people," she pronounced. "People have hearts. They have kids. They get jobs. They get sick. They love and they cry and they dance. They live and they die. Learn the difference." The audience went wild.
Jack Welch and Suzy Welch: It's True—Corporations Are People - WSJ.com

Ms. Warren.. who makes corporate decisions? Computers? Buildings? Oil wells?
Seriously .. what else but "people" make those decisions? NOT corporations!

So when corporations kill people can we execute them? Put them in prison maybe? Slap their wrists?

(where the hell are those wrists?)

Why dont you post those incidents blowhard..............
Corporations are groups of people. It's not really that hard to understand. The question is, what rights do groups of people have? Do corporations deserve special rights that other groups don't? Do they deserve less than other groups?
If corporations are people then they are people who continually shirk their responsibilities, easily over ride the interests of actual people, cause damage to society and the environment far in excess of what a single person could do and are practically impossible to punish for their wrong doings. If a person such as that lived next door you would hate their stinking guts.

BOY are YOU so on target! YES EVERY DAY ALL Corporations are :
1) killing their consumers!
2) Destroying ALL PROPERTY!

YES these CORPORATIONS are like the BORG!!!


YES we need to destroy CORPORATIONS and life will be 100% better!!!

Let us all return to the time BEFORE corporations and their MASSIVE DESTRUCTION!
Return to when Life expectancy was less then 40 years!
Return to when letters took 20 days to go 100 miles!
Return to when there was NO Rice Crispies.. NO KFC! YES LET's DESTROY them before these evil corporations ORDER their cars to KILL all their drivers!

Isn't that totally STUPID... much like YOUR comment!!!
It just seems like equivocation from all sides on the 'corporations as people' issue. Saying 'corporations are people' is about like saying 'teams are people'. It's true to an extent, but corporations are a specific type of organization that gets special rights granted to it be its corporate charter. That's what we need to be discussing. Are those rights justified and valid? Should they be changed?

I certainly don't see how people should have LESS rights because they are part of a corporation.
If corporations are people how is it fair those people get to have the rights as people and the rights as corporations too?

that gives the "people" who are the corporations extra rights non corporation people dont get.

dont you get that
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If they are "people" as you claim they are then I want haliburton put to death for electrocuting our troops in Iraq
It's True: Corporations Are People
What else could they be?
Buildings don't hire people.
Buildings don't design cars that run on electricity or discover drug therapies to defeat cancer.

Elizabeth Warren introduced President Obama at a big fundraiser in Boston:
"Mitt Romney tells us, in his own words, he believes corporations are people. No, Mitt, corporations are NOT people," she pronounced. "People have hearts. They have kids. They get jobs. They get sick. They love and they cry and they dance. They live and they die. Learn the difference." The audience went wild.
Jack Welch and Suzy Welch: It's True—Corporations Are People - WSJ.com

Ms. Warren.. who makes corporate decisions? Computers? Buildings? Oil wells?
Seriously .. what else but "people" make those decisions? NOT corporations!
A corporation can serve time in prison for a crime?
My main problem with the "corporations are people" ruling is quite simple.

What is the citizenship of the corporation?

If it is an american-center corp--I am ok with the ruling.

If it is a foreign corp, then how do we know they are not working for the benefit of a foreign entity?

I don't things are as simple as black and white in terms of the ruling. Also, I don't really understand what the left is arguing when they denounce the ruling. Are they suggesting that an individual is gaining to much power through the use of a for-profit organization? There are non-profit organizations that could do the same as the for-profit organizations, should we also ban these orgs from contributing as well? My guess is that the left wants to silence any economic entity that could favor the right.

When the supreme court decided that corporations can contribute--they essentially are saying that American citizens can contribute to the campaign of a candiate through their orgs wether they be profit or non-profit. A leftist has to explain why this should not be for me to understand their position. I think the supremes ruled fairly, but may need some nuance to help protect our democratic process.
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I want haliburton tried and executed for the death of 11 rig workers in the gulf spill

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