What are covid shots doing to your blood?


safe and effective
safe and effective
safe and effective

im gonna roll up my sleeve
and im not gonna ask questions
i’m not gonna look it up
im just gonna be a gov. Bitch and take it no questions asked
( the bitch in ny told you so) lol

and now your all going to fall over wiht the smart ass fkn attitude you pricks have you prob. Deseve and will do humanity a favor.

Soceity really doesn’t need any more bastard “ forcing” ppl to take on their pos misery with them.
Do you realize you have no idea what our talking about, do you realize YOU WERE NOT TOLD WHAT WAS IN THOSE JABS. READ READ READ facts NOT WHAT YOUR TOLD only

Do you realize I've been a Life/Health Underwriter designate since Reagan was prez. Do you realize how many life/health apps I've seen

I've been there since Aids and Covid and everything in between

Even though I've grown 4 more fingers since the jab, I'm ok with it
I hope you enjoy ridicule...you certainly have earned all of it.
Oh we always get the last laugh.
Facui tried killing Mike JOrdan and what’s his name in Queen one took redesivir (death is near) one didn’t guess who took it

yeah ppl got polio—-(from the jab) too safe and effective you ppl aer gov. Lab rats who can’t even admit It.
Do you realize I've been a Life/Health Underwriter designate since Reagan was prez. Do you realize how many life/health apps I've seen

I've been there since Aids and Covid and everything in between

Even though I've grown 4 more fingers since the jab, I'm ok with it

Dear Jackss,

do you realize how many medical doctors said what you did, and as time went on they decided to DIG DEEPER into this instead of looking at a piece of paper from headquarters telling them what to do , ot what is wrong
YOU only comply and never bothered to research anything. “ YOU TAKE WHAT YOUR TOLD” and that’s it!!

Dear ass want to know how this comes to be, Doctors who were as stuck up about themselves as you are because your oh in the field and just know it all , guess what douche these doc. Decided to DIG DEEPER
and guess what stooge, those are the docotors trying to wake up IDIOTS like you and encourage


Excess deaths could be caused in some locales, though, by dangerous, new hospital protocols calling for the use of ventilators or powerful drugs like Remdesivir in cases where they would not have been used had the patient presented with the same symptoms but with a negative virus test.

Something new

What’s different is that in the case of AIDS there was a true, dramatic jump in overall deaths and particularly in an age group that should have expected a long life ahead of them. So there had to be something new, not just a relabeling of pneumonia and other illnesses as AIDS. Duesberg wrote a book, Inventing the AIDS Virus, about what was new.

The 1960s gained the reputation as the decade of freely available drugs, especially marijuana and psychedelics. But in reality, the widespread escalation in drug use began largely during the Vietnam War, about a decade before the appearance of AIDS. Much of the explosion has taken place only in recent years [in the 1980s]. Overall drug arrests in the United States totaled approximately 450,000 in 1980, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the total was up to 1.4 million by 1989 …
In the decade 1976 to 1985, the number of addicts admitted to hospitals doubled and then doubled again. During 1985, some 580 injection drug addicts died in hospitals, increasing to 2,483 such deaths by 1990 …
… the highest price of the American drug epidemic is the tens of thousands of drug diseases and drug deaths that it generates each year. Indeed, the drug epidemic appears to have generated the first really new disease epidemic in the Western world since World War II.
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Those vaccines were PROPERLY tested over the proper time periods, with the proper tests being administered to all subjects involved, in order to make it usable by humans.

Unlike these COVID "vaccines" which were tested on less than 20,000 subjects in less than a 6 month time period. All of those subjects had COVID, and thats ALL that was tested. And there has been NO WORD about if these people that had this toxin tested on them are still alive or not.
My doctor said those vaxes back then had traces of chicken poop in them and all other kinds of mercury and God knows what else

I got other better things to worry about............................If I fucking die, I die,.......See ya again relatively soon

safe and effective
safe and effective
safe and effective

im gonna roll up my sleeve
and im not gonna ask questions
i’m not gonna look it up
im just gonna be a gov. Bitch and take it no questions asked
( the bitch in ny told you so) lol

and now your all going to fall over wiht the smart ass fkn attitude you pricks have you prob. Deseve and will do humanity a favor.

Soceity really doesn’t need any more bastard “ forcing” ppl to take on their pos misery with them.
There is no reasoning with people who take and push the experimental injection. What they really need is a drug that will help them quell the urge to mindlessly play cheerleader for an experimental injection that DOES NOT prevent infection or transmission.
A member of the master race of of 100% purebloods checking in here.

And a pureskin as well: No jabs, piercings, or tats for me, you damned dirty vaxxies and inkies.

Dear Jackss,

do you realize how many medical doctors said what you did, and as time went on they decided to DIG DEEPER into this instead of looking at a piece of paper from headquarters telling them what to do , ot what is wrong
YOU only comply and never bothered to research anything. “ YOU TAKE WHAT YOUR TOLD” and that’s it!!

Dear ass want to know how this comes to be, Doctors who were as stuck up about themselves as you are because your oh in the field and just know it all , guess what douche these doc. Decided to DIG DEEPER
and guess what stooge, those are the docotors trying to wake up IDIOTS like you and encourage


Excess deaths could be caused in some locales, though, by dangerous, new hospital protocols calling for the use of ventilators or powerful drugs like Remdesivir in cases where they would not have been used had the patient presented with the same symptoms but with a negative virus test.

Something new

What’s different is that in the case of AIDS there was a true, dramatic jump in overall deaths and particularly in an age group that should have expected a long life ahead of them. So there had to be something new, not just a relabeling of pneumonia and other illnesses as AIDS. Duesberg wrote a book, Inventing the AIDS Virus, about what was new.
JC. Calm Down......lolololol

You're going to stroke out by the 3rd page and then you won't have to worry about this...lol
Even though I've grown 4 more fingers since the jab, I'm ok with it
Four, wow! I've only grown one. Although I have grown a bunch of extra toes.


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Oh we always get the last laugh.
Facui tried killing Mike JOrdan and what’s his name in Queen one took redesivir (death is near) one didn’t guess who took it

yeah ppl got polio—-(from the jab) too safe and effective you ppl aer gov. Lab rats who can’t even admit It.

Just like the 9/11 truthers....20+ years later and the only laughs you're getting are from people laughing at you.
Think its funny wait until your ass is in the hospital and because you laugh at knowledge which could save a life believe it or not , even knowing about Redesivir might save one of your dumb asses. But anyway

HEre is more bs showing they KILL YOU FOR PROFIT!!!

THE MEDICAL TEAM DECIDES TO SIGN A DNR FOR THE PERSON, not the family the fkn Doctors decides if you die or not take your wanna be God powers and shove them.

Four, wow! I've only grown one.

View attachment 630557

Im sure this kid is laughing too

I hope you enjoy ridicule...you certainly have earned all of it.
Safe and effective.

I hope you enjoy ridicule...you certainly have earned all of it.

I have thick skin ppl like you taught me to have it because know it all’s really never come out ahead and those who poked fun and laughed about others and this jab well think about where they are now. That’s what happens to rude and ignorant fkn smart ass pricks.

Souless selfish pigs force these jabs on ppl esp. knowing they are killing ppl too bad truth hurts and so does reality.

OMG I just came across this it is so gross!! SO WARNING IT IS REALLY NASTY GRAPHIC IF YOU DON’T HAVE A STRONG STOMACH !!!!!!!!!!!!

‘This Is Not Normal’ – Unbelievable Blood Clot Footage Released By Embalmer Richard Hirschman [VIDEO]​

I wonder why the CDC wouldn't want to know about stuff like that.

Okay, I don't really wonder about that. They've already proven themselves to be misinformation agents and criminals.

The real puzzler is why people still look to them for . . . anything! It'd be great if someone would care to explain their lapse in judgement concerning known liars and criminals. But they do have a right to not acknowledge the reality of things in favor of retaining whatever lie is necessary for maximum peace of mind.
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