What are the chances of Benghazi Committee calling Hillary back?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Did the Committee shower itself with "bravos" from the GOP voters?

Did the families of those poor 4 dead Americans feel "avenged" by those Rep. committee members' charming questions?

Hillary has received a HUGE boost in her poll numbers and fund raising by both her performance at the debate and yesterday's futile witch hunt.....

So, if you want to really help Hillary virtual shoe-in to the oval office, contact Gowdy and ask for committee to recall her.
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If the committee comes up with anything they think they can redeem themselves to their fellow members and the public you can bet Hillary will be recalled. But once the FBI gives her a clean bill of health it will be all but over.
Just recall that it's taken years for Congress to receive any of Hillary's e-mails on Benghazi. When you have a corrupt Obama Administration, the Justice Department and the State Department are simply corrupt tentacles of the Democratic Party. I'm not sure what Democrats are so happy about, celebrating the Democratic Party getting away with corruption, lawlessness and dragging their feet on providing the facts I guess.
Zero chance. Hillary won yesterday. All that's left for the committee to do is cobble together a report they no longer care about, and put together a conclusion without having ever really figured out what they were investigating in the first place.
Zero chance. Hillary won yesterday. All that's left for the committee to do is cobble together a report they no longer care about, and put together a conclusion without having ever really figured out what they were investigating in the first place.
Don't underestimate their stupidity to go for Round Two.
Just recall that it's taken years for Congress to receive any of Hillary's e-mails on Benghazi. When you have a corrupt Obama Administration, the Justice Department and the State Department are simply corrupt tentacles of the Democratic Party. I'm not sure what Democrats are so happy about, celebrating the Democratic Party getting away with corruption, lawlessness and dragging their feet on providing the facts I guess

Now, don't forget to flush and wash your hands thoroughly.
Don't underestimate their stupidity to go for Round Two.

Actually, NO...those right wing committee members are now going to scramble to keep their seat in the House. Moronic right wingers in their district are going to hold them "responsible: for failing to take Hillary down.
Just recall that it's taken years for Congress to receive any of Hillary's e-mails on Benghazi. When you have a corrupt Obama Administration, the Justice Department and the State Department are simply corrupt tentacles of the Democratic Party. I'm not sure what Democrats are so happy about, celebrating the Democratic Party getting away with corruption, lawlessness and dragging their feet on providing the facts I guess

Now, don't forget to flush and wash your hands thoroughly.

Eh, get your head out of your ass , celebrating the murder of 4 patriotic American citizens and supporting lawlessness is considered unbecoming by everyone of moral character.
Eh, get your head out of your ass , celebrating the murder of 4 patriotic American citizens and supporting lawlessness is considered unbecoming by everyone of moral character.

OK....I'll appeal to those remaining functioning brain cells of yours.....Who is actually "celebrating" the murder of 4 Americans....

Here's what YOUR party has actually done:

Chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi Trey Gowdy (R-SC) pulled out of a fundraiser hosted by the Virginia Republican Party Monday after it was revealed that the fundraiser was Benghazi-themed.

National Review’s Jim Geraghty first reported on the fundraiser Monday morning, tickets for which started at $75 apiece, with VIP options maxing out $5,000.
Eh, get your head out of your ass , celebrating the murder of 4 patriotic American citizens and supporting lawlessness is considered unbecoming by everyone of moral character.

OK....I'll appeal to those remaining functioning brain cells of yours.....Who is actually "celebrating" the murder of 4 Americans....

Here's what YOUR party has actually done:

Chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi Trey Gowdy (R-SC) pulled out of a fundraiser hosted by the Virginia Republican Party Monday after it was revealed that the fundraiser was Benghazi-themed.

National Review’s Jim Geraghty first reported on the fundraiser Monday morning, tickets for which started at $75 apiece, with VIP options maxing out $5,000.

You're trying hard but failing miserably with your childish insults.

Democrats whine about this being political but the political aspect started with them. Recall Obama had just lied to the American people telling them that AlQaeda was on the run, then Benghazi happened and they promoted the lie that it was all about some stupid video..

Moron, you are motivated by politics and lying to win is perfectly fine with you , certainly you're not motivated by gaining knowledge of the truth.
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The LUMP, has NO problem with almost 60 other diplomats dying under the Bush regime......The LUMP has no problem with this Benghazi "investigation: taking longer than the 9-11 inquiry where 3,000 Americans died.......and if you want to know why????

Its because the LUMP is full of shit. (and a loser)............LOL
That circus committee yesterday,,served its purpose she got another poll bounce, that put her so far ahead of Sanders, he won't be able to catch up:badgrin:...

Debbie Schultz was smart enough to schedule only 6 debates, it's starting to look like Bernie, Hill will have the stage all to themselves , for the last 4, and to just debate each other, which of course is very bad news for Sanders..

I'm thinking:banned: Hillary will go easy on Bernie, just to keep him around for a while, like her own personal sparring partner, to keep her sharp, for the Repug nominee..
That circus committee yesterday,,served its purpose she got another poll bounce, that put her so far ahead of Sanders, he won't be able to catch up:badgrin:...

Debbie Schultz was smart enough to schedule only 6 debates, it's starting to look like Bernie, Hill will have the stage all to themselves , for the last 4, and to just debate each other, which of course is very bad news for Sanders..

I'm thinking:banned: Hillary will go easy on Bernie, just to keep him around for a while, like her own personal sparring partner, to keep her sharp, for the Repug nominee..
Perhaps they'll use the debates to just attack the republican nominees. Bernie already came to Hillary's defense in the best moment so far of any of the debates with the "damn e-mails" comment. Civility will be the Democrats best weapon, a stark contrast to the circus going on in the GOP.
The LUMP, has NO problem with almost 60 other diplomats dying under the Bush regime......The LUMP has no problem with this Benghazi "investigation: taking longer than the 9-11 inquiry where 3,000 Americans died.......and if you want to know why????

Its because the LUMP is full of shit. (and a loser)............LOL

:laugh: .. you're subject change and conjecture is a sure sign of your failure. Let's test your honesty, why do you believe this Benghazi investigation has taken so long to accomplish and still far from completion, include who you feel is ultimately responsible?
Did the Committee shower itself with "bravos" from the GOP voters?

Did the families of those poor 4 dead Americans feel "avenged" by those Rep. committee members' charming questions?

Hillary has received a HUGE boost in her poll numbers and fund raising by both her performance at the debate and yesterday's futile witch hunt.....

So, if you want to really help Hillary virtual shoe-in to the oval office, contact Gowdy and ask for committee to recall her.
Considering she trickles out new revelations every week, I'd say 99% probability.
That circus committee yesterday,,served its purpose she got another poll bounce, that put her so far ahead of Sanders, he won't be able to catch up:badgrin:...

Debbie Schultz was smart enough to schedule only 6 debates, it's starting to look like Bernie, Hill will have the stage all to themselves , for the last 4, and to just debate each other, which of course is very bad news for Sanders..

I'm thinking:banned: Hillary will go easy on Bernie, just to keep him around for a while, like her own personal sparring partner, to keep her sharp, for the Repug nominee..

Bernie's too busy kissing Hillary's ass to be considered a serious candidate. Basically, he's been pussy whipped to submission by Schultz and Clinton. Let the coronation continue..:lmao:
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Just recall that it's taken years for Congress to receive any of Hillary's e-mails on Benghazi. When you have a corrupt Obama Administration, the Justice Department and the State Department are simply corrupt tentacles of the Democratic Party. I'm not sure what Democrats are so happy about, celebrating the Democratic Party getting away with corruption, lawlessness and dragging their feet on providing the facts I guess.
Getting away with murder.

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