What are the Democrats plans for those without Life Insurance?

Maybe, RW, you are angling for a concession that the government should get into the business of providing life insurance. That ought to be good for the life insurance carriers, but it would lead to interference, and the cost of life insurance would go up for everyone. It would no longer be nearly as cheap as it is to purchase.

I have been insured by some major companies for health insurance since my discharge from the Marine Corps in 64. At one time my health insurance was as little as $30 a month for my dependent and myself. It was good insurance, something I know, because about two years after we married my wife went into the hospital in the capital city for two weeks and we were able to handle all the costs from our meager income of about $1,000/month combined. It simply did not comprise a hardship at all.

At that time the government was not involved in regulating the health insurance industry, at least not to any real degree that I'm aware.

It's not my thread

Personally, I am fine the way things are. Some have life insurance, some don't. If you die without insurance and leave your family with debt, the nanny state comes in and takes care of you

My challenge was to the OP with his derogatory swipe at Democrats. How does he want to handle surviving family whose main breadwinner dies without life insurance
I think Life insurance should be a pre-tax incentive. Paying Life insurance with pre tax dollars or post tax credits would benefit everyone.
Why would life insurance be necessary in a socialist utopia? The family is receiving wealth distribution and all the property escheats to the state.
Why would life insurance be necessary in a socialist utopia? The family is receiving wealth distribution and all the property escheats to the state.

I don't understand what point you are trying to make
I think Life insurance should be a pre-tax incentive. Paying Life insurance with pre tax dollars or post tax credits would benefit everyone.

It would only benefit people with disposable income enough to buy life insurance.
And if someone doesn't have life insurance?

Welfare or destitute?

It's all or nothing with you, hunh?

This thread was, originally, meant as a spoof of Deanie-Weanie's dumbassed thread asking what the republicans' plan is for people without health insurance.

I see now that the dem-bulbs plan for people without health insurance is exactly what you would have done for people without life insurance:
Force everyone else to pay for it for them.

If everyone can afford to have a simple term life insurance policy on themselves while still in the workforce, they should seriously consider this now more than ever because of the recession, deficit and abysmal performance of the economy. The rates of return on term insurance are higher especially for growing families that want to cover debt in case of the loss of an earning family member. As for the widows, widowers and orphans, we can only hope that the national deficit is controlled in time for SS payouts to cover themsufficiently.

Denise Mancini
Disclaimer: I work for AccuQuote and this is my personal opinion.

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