What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

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Breakdown of the black family structure

This is number one, but the entire pop culture reflects a debased morality that I believe most black people do not subscribe to. But it's cancerous, destroying them from within, and spreading to weak whites (wiggers) without whom, the garbage that passes for entertainment would have never become so pervasive.

And it's leftist policies that have led to the family destruction. Sorry Rightwinger, but that is true.

Social programs had nothing to do with it

It is leftist policies that led to affirmative action and increased opportunities for blacks
Breakdown of the black family structure

This is number one, but the entire pop culture reflects a debased morality that I believe most black people do not subscribe to. But it's cancerous, destroying them from within, and spreading to weak whites (wiggers) without whom, the garbage that passes for entertainment would have never become so pervasive.

And it's leftist policies that have led to the family destruction. Sorry Rightwinger, but that is true.

Social programs had nothing to do with it

It is leftist policies that led to affirmative action and increased opportunities for blacks

Welfare ruined the black community. Even if we got rid of welfare today, it would take decades to heal the damage that liberals did to black culture.
What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement in the United States?

I just picked one … The Legacy of Slavery and Jim Crow … Because it pretty much accounts for all the others, or the problems people associate with the others.

Racism, culture, political policies, family status and social programs are not restricted to blacks as a sole beneficiary or victim.
What sets the black community apart from others is their legacy as slaves and the wrongs perpetrated under Jim Crow legislation.
Two wrongs established and brought down on the black community so long ago that the guilty are dead and gone or at least out of power … Are the primary reason the black community has to demand any special treatment whatsoever.

We cannot change history and it is a problem that cannot be fixed … The people who benefit from the windfall have the perfect excuse for their behavior and demands.
The people they have a grievance against are no longer present to answer the charges … And so it is essentially a “blank check” for societal reparations.
Failure to comply or acquiesce gets you labeled as an abuser or worse ... Sensibility is replaced by the convoluted notion that something is owed beyond what is essentially a true equality.

The Justice Department still monitors local school districts in several locations … And sets criteria for eligible hires in regards to racial demographics.
Then they bitch and complain when the school systems cannot perform at an acceptable level … Blame families that move out of poor performing schools, taking better test scores with them … And then bus the children right back into the failing schools.
The whole time … Racial Quotas are put before the better interests of the children … And nothing can be said about it because white people owned black slaves more than a century ago … And then were asshole up until 1965.

That is just one example … And nothing will ever change until people take responsibility for themselves … Meet whatever challenges are before them fair or unfair … And strive to excel without the desire to accept any excuse otherwise.

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"What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?". Answer: The same problems that prevent other Americans from advancing.

Other people are succeeding and doing the right things:

Year Up
I can tell you this: Rush Limbaugh stated publically over his hot air broadcasting system that he wanted a black man to fail...he did not want him to succeed. Can you deny that?

Obama laid out his goals and policies when seeking election. Limbaugh said he hoped he failed to achieve them. I concur.
Obama is a raging fucking Socialist.

Actually, your MessiahRushie said he hoped ALL hard working average Americans would lose their jobs for crime of electing Obama and he would enjoy watching Americans learn the hard way.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
Nice quotes, where is the term "black man" in those quotes?
If you want to support your position, why don't you use quotes that actually support your position?
Oh wait, I already know the answer to that question. You can't.
What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement in the United States?

You may choose more than one.

For a list of problems in the black community see here >>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/race-relations-racism/335010-the-state-of-the-black-union.html

Your OP is misleading, illogical, and flawed again. Nothing is preventing Black advancement. What I think you mean is what are some of the barriers Blacks as a group have to face in order to be successful over and above what other ethnicities face.
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This is number one, but the entire pop culture reflects a debased morality that I believe most black people do not subscribe to. But it's cancerous, destroying them from within, and spreading to weak whites (wiggers) without whom, the garbage that passes for entertainment would have never become so pervasive.

And it's leftist policies that have led to the family destruction. Sorry Rightwinger, but that is true.

Social programs had nothing to do with it

It is leftist policies that led to affirmative action and increased opportunities for blacks

Welfare ruined the black community. Even if we got rid of welfare today, it would take decades to heal the damage that liberals did to black culture.

Do Republicans support a policy of increasing welfare for family units rather than single mothers?
Racism is whats keeping blacks down, no matter how much better we can do the job, lower qualified whites always get it
Racism is whats keeping blacks down, no matter how much better we can do the job, lower qualified whites always get it

We just have additional barriers. Racism only keeps you down if you quit and give up. I know its not fair but think of what your forefathers went through and survived. We were built to last.
The term black is used too loosely but I understand what is meant. The thing preventing "black" advancement is biology. They simply don't have the tools to compete with modern humans in today's world. Of course they didn't have the tools hundreds and thousands of years ago either.
The term black is used too loosely but I understand what is meant. The thing preventing "black" advancement is biology. They simply don't have the tools to compete with modern humans in today's world. Of course they didn't have the tools hundreds and thousands of years ago either.

I have a fan. :lol:
What are the biggest problems causing Pubic1787 to be a passive-aggressive racist pussy?
Social programs had nothing to do with it

It is leftist policies that led to affirmative action and increased opportunities for blacks

Welfare ruined the black community. Even if we got rid of welfare today, it would take decades to heal the damage that liberals did to black culture.

Do Republicans support a policy of increasing welfare for family units rather than single mothers?

Yes, we go back to the days when half the black community wasn't on welfare. You know, back to the days when family was important in that community.
The term black is used too loosely but I understand what is meant. The thing preventing "black" advancement is biology. They simply don't have the tools to compete with modern humans in today's world. Of course they didn't have the tools hundreds and thousands of years ago either.

I have a fan. :lol:

You know youre a fuck up when people hate you so much that they make fake accounts for you. Youre just a terrible person. You think hes bad for having an avatar with MLKs face on a monkey? You are worse.
What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement? SAME AS FOR ALL MANKIND=HIS CHOICE TO REJECT GOD AND GOD'S LOVE.

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