What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

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Thank you for the transcript. The fact that JQPublic1 simply lied through his teeth when he pretended that Limbaugh said he wanted a black man to fail leads me to question his other assertions. However, Limbaugh certainly sounded pissy by wishing Obama voters to lose their jobs. I mean, they did anyway but Limbaugh was still pissy.
Welfare ruined the black community. Even if we got rid of welfare today, it would take decades to heal the damage that liberals did to black culture.

Do Republicans support a policy of increasing welfare for family units rather than single mothers?

Yes, we go back to the days when half the black community wasn't on welfare. You know, back to the days when family was important in that community.

Didn't answer the question

Would Republicans support a welfare system where intact families get paid more than a family with a single mother?
Welfare ruined the black community. Even if we got rid of welfare today, it would take decades to heal the damage that liberals did to black culture.

Do Republicans support a policy of increasing welfare for family units rather than single mothers?

Yes, we go back to the days when half the black community wasn't on welfare. You know, back to the days when family was important in that community.

Didn't answer the question

Would Republicans support a welfare system where intact families get paid more than a family with a single mother?

Which of the two comments you posed the question to would suggest the poster you are asking thinks increasing welfare for anyone would not be contradictory to solving the problem?
The poster is in no way required to answer a question that doesn't relate to the context or at least a minimal understanding of what they posted.

Do Republicans support a policy of increasing welfare for family units rather than single mothers?

Yes, we go back to the days when half the black community wasn't on welfare. You know, back to the days when family was important in that community.

Didn't answer the question

Would Republicans support a welfare system where intact families get paid more than a family with a single mother?

I think that is an EXCELLENT idea! Right now 76% of African-American children are born out of wedlock. That means that 76% of the African-American children being born have FOUR TIMES a greater risk of living in poverty and are SIX TIMES more likely to go to prison. I would add another rider to entitlements. For African-American men who receive government assistance, if they father a child out of wedlock, they receive 20% less. For each child, 20% of the assistance that they receive would disappear. If they did not receive government assistance, then I think that their taxes should INCREASE by 20% for each child that they father out of wedlock. I'd go even farther and make it ANY person, not just African-American.

The problem is that women who are single and have children get an ever increasing amount of welfare and assistance for each child that they have. In the state of Oklahoma, those benefits INCREASE up to six children. Guess how many kids a large majority of these mothers have before they go and get their tubes tied? Yep, you guessed it, six. All six with different fathers. They get paid more, if they're alone. That's why a guy can stay with them for the weekend, but they want them gone after about three or four days. I've seen it so many times, I couldn't count them all.

Excellent point RW. Excellent.
Racism stemming from subtle media stereotyping and classical racist bigotry. Being a bit of a media watchdog the way blacks are portrayed in advertising can only be described as stereotypical. In one credit counselling ad the white guy lived in a fancy house and had only minor credit problems, whereas the black man lived in what looked like an apartment and had much more severe credit problems. Thus perptuating the 'blacks are poor' stereotype. A fast food commercial for fried chicken of all things has a black woman doing the narrative with thick southern accent. Luxury car commercials as on CNN, Fox, and MSNBC almost never have blacks of non-whites featured. Watch advertising critically and you'll see a lot of this sort of stereotypical depictions of ethnic minorities, and preferential bias for whites.
HISTORY is their greatest problem.

Overcoming the pernicious effects of it.

Which makes the BLACKS absolutely no different than any other people dealing with problems today.
Racism stemming from subtle media stereotyping and classical racist bigotry. Being a bit of a media watchdog the way blacks are portrayed in advertising can only be described as stereotypical. In one credit counselling ad the white guy lived in a fancy house and had only minor credit problems, whereas the black man lived in what looked like an apartment and had much more severe credit problems. Thus perptuating the 'blacks are poor' stereotype. A fast food commercial for fried chicken of all things has a black woman doing the narrative with thick southern accent. Luxury car commercials as on CNN, Fox, and MSNBC almost never have blacks of non-whites featured. Watch advertising critically and you'll see a lot of this sort of stereotypical depictions of ethnic minorities, and preferential bias for whites.

I'm of the opinion that people have a have a hard time understanding things they dont want to understand. People cant even see that there is a racial caste system in place. Expecting them to understand social conditioning through the media is a lost cause until it hits them between the eyes.
Racism stemming from subtle media stereotyping and classical racist bigotry. Being a bit of a media watchdog the way blacks are portrayed in advertising can only be described as stereotypical. In one credit counselling ad the white guy lived in a fancy house and had only minor credit problems, whereas the black man lived in what looked like an apartment and had much more severe credit problems. Thus perptuating the 'blacks are poor' stereotype. A fast food commercial for fried chicken of all things has a black woman doing the narrative with thick southern accent. Luxury car commercials as on CNN, Fox, and MSNBC almost never have blacks of non-whites featured. Watch advertising critically and you'll see a lot of this sort of stereotypical depictions of ethnic minorities, and preferential bias for whites.

I see more television ads where men, especially fathers, are portrayed as bumbling idiots.
In most cases ... Their children and wives are far more intelligent, coordinated, reasonable and equipped to handle everyday life.

I don't see where that has influenced a lot of men around here to believe they are stupid dipshits.

Thank you for the transcript. The fact that JQPublic1 simply lied through his teeth when he pretended that Limbaugh said he wanted a black man to fail leads me to question his other assertions. However, Limbaugh certainly sounded pissy by wishing Obama voters to lose their jobs. I mean, they did anyway but Limbaugh was still pissy.
Well we don't know that, we only know that those who said that he wanted Obama's "policies" to fail were lying through their teeth. He wanted Obama to fail and he calls Obama "the black guy." He wanted Americans to learn a very PAINFUL lesson and watching then learn the hard way was "EUPHORIC" to him. So he wanted Americans to suffer for electing "the black guy."

January 14, 2008
RUSH: I don't know if we've had our Fort Sumter yet, but Mrs. Clinton has already declared that she is the victim of the black guy!* The black guy is attacking Mrs. Clinton!* That would be Obama
Thank you for the transcript. The fact that JQPublic1 simply lied through his teeth when he pretended that Limbaugh said he wanted a black man to fail leads me to question his other assertions. However, Limbaugh certainly sounded pissy by wishing Obama voters to lose their jobs. I mean, they did anyway but Limbaugh was still pissy.
Well we don't know that, we only know that those who said that he wanted Obama's "policies" to fail were lying through their teeth. He wanted Obama to fail and he calls Obama "the black guy." He wanted Americans to learn a very PAINFUL lesson and watching then learn the hard way was "EUPHORIC" to him. So he wanted Americans to suffer for electing "the black guy."

January 14, 2008
RUSH: I don't know if we've had our Fort Sumter yet, but Mrs. Clinton has already declared that she is the victim of the black guy!* The black guy is attacking Mrs. Clinton!* That would be Obama

I love it that Rush rents space in your head.

Hell you probably listen to him more than his adoring fans do.

I guess you could be called a "dittohead".
Thank you for the transcript. The fact that JQPublic1 simply lied through his teeth when he pretended that Limbaugh said he wanted a black man to fail leads me to question his other assertions. However, Limbaugh certainly sounded pissy by wishing Obama voters to lose their jobs. I mean, they did anyway but Limbaugh was still pissy.
Well we don't know that, we only know that those who said that he wanted Obama's "policies" to fail were lying through their teeth. He wanted Obama to fail and he calls Obama "the black guy." He wanted Americans to learn a very PAINFUL lesson and watching then learn the hard way was "EUPHORIC" to him. So he wanted Americans to suffer for electing "the black guy."

January 14, 2008
RUSH: I don't know if we've had our Fort Sumter yet, but Mrs. Clinton has already declared that she is the victim of the black guy!* The black guy is attacking Mrs. Clinton!* That would be Obama

As long as you can equate President Obama's failing without the idea that his policies would be the root of his failure ... Then that may make your assertion correct.
I can see where that would be a popular position ... Because President Obama is less than enthusiastic to claim any of his failing policies.

I guess you are trying to suggest we are reduced to believing that Rush Limbaugh's desire to see people suffer for their poor decision to put President Obama in office ... Is essentially what is presenting an obstacle to the black community.
At best ... I believe Rush has somewhere around 20 million listeners ... Which would hardly account for anything more than an excuse and opportunity to focus attention outside of root cause analysis.

People can blame Rush Limbaugh ... They can blame Democrats, Republicans, television ads, radio shows, social programs ... But in reality, it is the fault of the individual in failing to transgress whatever obstacle is put before them.
Own it ... Accept it ... Get over it ... And get on to a better life no longer inhibited by the perpetual excuse.

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Thank you for the transcript. The fact that JQPublic1 simply lied through his teeth when he pretended that Limbaugh said he wanted a black man to fail leads me to question his other assertions. However, Limbaugh certainly sounded pissy by wishing Obama voters to lose their jobs. I mean, they did anyway but Limbaugh was still pissy.
Well we don't know that, we only know that those who said that he wanted Obama's "policies" to fail were lying through their teeth. He wanted Obama to fail and he calls Obama "the black guy." He wanted Americans to learn a very PAINFUL lesson and watching then learn the hard way was "EUPHORIC" to him. So he wanted Americans to suffer for electing "the black guy."

January 14, 2008
RUSH: I don't know if we've had our Fort Sumter yet, but Mrs. Clinton has already declared that she is the victim of the black guy!* The black guy is attacking Mrs. Clinton!* That would be Obama

Limbaugh describing what he thinks of Mrs. Clinton's campaign is not racist. One might make the argument that Mrs. Clinton's campaign was racist. Ya know, the Clinton campaign starting the whole "was Obama born in the United States" thing. However, I am not going to play the whole race card game so I hope you have a nice day and thanks again for the transcript.
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What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

The head dealers don't get knocked off fast enough.
Your list of choices is bad. You left out the big reason for black failure. Their mental inferiority. With an average IQ of 75, blacks are doomed to failure.
Your list of choices is bad. You left out the big reason for black failure. Their mental inferiority.

You assume that because "mental inferiority" is the reason for YOUR failure that it must hold true universally?
Thank you for the transcript. The fact that JQPublic1 simply lied through his teeth when he pretended that Limbaugh said he wanted a black man to fail leads me to question his other assertions. However, Limbaugh certainly sounded pissy by wishing Obama voters to lose their jobs. I mean, they did anyway but Limbaugh was still pissy.

That was no lie! Limbaugh DID say that he wanted Obama to fail; and, to me and any same person who knows what Limbaugh is all about, we know the intentions with which he used that sentence. Obama is Black and Limbaugh wanted his Black president to fail.
Your protective stance with Rush is as traitorous as his utterance!

Oh yeah! You can question my assertions all you want, just as you ought to be questioning everyone else's. But most of mine are gleaned from reliable sources and they frequently come linked. The Limbaugh statement was so well publicized I did not find it necessary to link to it... That being duly noted, I posted my interpretation of what he said knowing backlash would come from curmudgeons like you!
Racism stemming from subtle media stereotyping and classical racist bigotry. Being a bit of a media watchdog the way blacks are portrayed in advertising can only be described as stereotypical. In one credit counselling ad the white guy lived in a fancy house and had only minor credit problems, whereas the black man lived in what looked like an apartment and had much more severe credit problems. Thus perptuating the 'blacks are poor' stereotype. A fast food commercial for fried chicken of all things has a black woman doing the narrative with thick southern accent. Luxury car commercials as on CNN, Fox, and MSNBC almost never have blacks of non-whites featured. Watch advertising critically and you'll see a lot of this sort of stereotypical depictions of ethnic minorities, and preferential bias for whites.

I see more television ads where men, especially fathers, are portrayed as bumbling idiots.
In most cases ... Their children and wives are far more intelligent, coordinated, reasonable and equipped to handle everyday life.

I don't see where that has influenced a lot of men around here to believe they are stupid dipshits.


Have heard this described as Oprahification, and on Fox wussification.'
Actually, your MessiahRushie said he hoped ALL hard working average Americans would lose their jobs for crime of electing Obama and he would enjoy watching Americans learn the hard way.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
Nice quotes, where is the term "black man" in those quotes?
If you want to support your position, why don't you use quotes that actually support your position?
Oh wait, I already know the answer to that question. You can't.
If you had followed the discussion you would have asked where the policies are in those quotes!

The poster claimed your MessiahRushie wanted Obama's policies to fail, but those quotes show he wanted Americans to suffer.
Quite different than wanting "a black man to fail".

By the way, all I was asking for was support of his post, I really don't give a shit what Rush says, and he failed to provide facts support his claim.

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