What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

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Less dark blacks are discriminated against less in their own communities than darker blacks.

Of course. Blacks know better than anyone that black means stupid. They can see that whites run the country and produce the fantastic technology we all benefit from. Blacks know that whites are smart and they want that white blood in themselves.

As for him being black, I guess being raised by white grandparents, going to elite colleges is SOP for most blacks.

Yup, his own black daddy abandoned him. Prolly just as well since obama senior was a wife beater and serial DUI who once killed a man by his driving. Just your typical black male.
He wanted Obama to fail, not "a black man'. I want Obama to fail because of his sosialist ideology. If Obama succeeds, America fails! You Moron!

Is not Obama a Black man? BTW he HAS succeeded and American businesses have prospered and profitted greatly while he has been in office! I guess he is following a conservative Democrat tradition. I hope he continues to succeed! Here is why:

+Personal disposable income has grown nearly 6 times more under Democratic presidents

+Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown 7 times more under Democratic presidents

+Corporate profits have grown over 16% more per year under Democratic presidents (they actually declined under Republicans by an average of 4.53%/year)

+Average annual compound return on the stock market has been 18 times greater under Democratic presidents (If you invested $100k for 40 years of Republican administrations you had $126k at the end, if you invested $100k for 40 years of Democrat administrations you had $3.9M at the end)

+Republican presidents added 2.5 times more to the national debt than Democratic presidents

+The two times the economy steered into the ditch (Great Depression and Great Recession) were during Republican, laissez faire administrations

Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat! - Forbes

Obama isn't black, he's mulatto, meaning of mixed races.

The "Black" community is full of people like Obama. Most Blacks are probably mixed to some degree. Being Black is a state of mind just as being White is. There are no absolutes as far as race is concerned. Its just a social construct created by racialists with a nefarious agenda!
Hey black people, you want to advance?

Get off your self-entitled ass and work for it. This isn't the 50's, you don't have to drink from a separate water fountain anymore. There are black CEO's and black government officials. Hell, there's even a black President for Christ's sake.

Shut your trap about how much harder you have it than anybody else.

You want to see racism? How many Native Americans do you see in executive offices or positions of power? What's the last sign you've seen for a Native American running for public office?

You want to feel entitled because of slavery? Go back where your ancestors came from if it's so offensive. That's an option that Native Americans don't have because our land was invaded and stolen from us after we extended our hand in friendship.

Piss off with your attitude, black people. You have 100x more opportunities than we do, but you don't see us crying about it.
natstew said:
He wanted Obama to fail, not "a black man'. I want Obama to fail because of his sosialist ideology. If Obama succeeds, America fails! You Moron!

Hopefully we have settled Limbaugh's twist on him wanting his black president to fail. Strangely enough there were no comments on the quote I posted showing how the business community has fared far better under democrat presidents. No takers? Its probably a wise decision.

I think it is pretty damn stupid to stand in the way of a president who is trying to carry on the democratic traditions as outlined in my quote.
natstew said:
He wanted Obama to fail, not "a black man'. I want Obama to fail because of his sosialist ideology. If Obama succeeds, America fails! You Moron!

Hopefully we have settled Limbaugh's twist on him wanting his black president to fail. Strangely enough there were no comments on the quote I posted showing how the business community has fared far better under democrat presidents. No takers? Its probably a wise decision.

I think it is pretty damn stupid to stand in the way of a president who is trying to carry on the democratic traditions as outlined in my quote.

Obama's not a black president, he's a mulatto president.
The "Black" community is full of people like Obama. Most Blacks are probably mixed to some degree. Being Black is a state of mind just as being White is. There are no absolutes as far as race is concerned. Its just a social construct created by racialists with a nefarious agenda!

Now ... That really settles it doesn't it?

Some of us have been saying what you needed to hear in regards to your statements above from the beginning of this thread right on through to here.
It is all a construct or state of mind ... The only people holding the Black community back are the Black community itself.
Nothing anyone can actually give any person will ever make that person equal to anyone else ... As long as the Black community looks for the solution to their problem outside of their inability to do what is necessary to survive and prosper ... Oh Well.

Free your mind and your ass will follow!

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natstew said:
He wanted Obama to fail, not "a black man'. I want Obama to fail because of his sosialist ideology. If Obama succeeds, America fails! You Moron!

Hopefully we have settled Limbaugh's twist on him wanting his black president to fail. Strangely enough there were no comments on the quote I posted showing how the business community has fared far better under democrat presidents. No takers? Its probably a wise decision.

I think it is pretty damn stupid to stand in the way of a president who is trying to carry on the democratic traditions as outlined in my quote.

Obama's not a black president, he's a mulatto president.

The POTUS told the world he was Black. He didn't claim white, mixed, mulatto, or bi racial. He put an end to any speculation by checking African American on the census. End of discussion.

Obama Census Choice: African-American

He may be the world's foremost mixed-race leader, but when it came to the official government head count, President Barack Obama gave only one answer to the question about his ethnic background: African-American.

The White House confirmed on Friday that Obama did not check multiple boxes on his U.S. Census form, or choose the option that allows him to elaborate on his racial heritage. He ticked the box that says "Black, African Am., or Negro."
Hopefully we have settled Limbaugh's twist on him wanting his black president to fail. Strangely enough there were no comments on the quote I posted showing how the business community has fared far better under democrat presidents. No takers? Its probably a wise decision.

I think it is pretty damn stupid to stand in the way of a president who is trying to carry on the democratic traditions as outlined in my quote.

Obama's not a black president, he's a mulatto president.

The POTUS told the world he was Black. He didn't claim white, mixed, mulatto, or bi racial. He put an end to any speculation by checking African American on the census. End of discussion.

Obama Census Choice: African-American

He may be the world's foremost mixed-race leader, but when it came to the official government head count, President Barack Obama gave only one answer to the question about his ethnic background: African-American.

The White House confirmed on Friday that Obama did not check multiple boxes on his U.S. Census form, or choose the option that allows him to elaborate on his racial heritage. He ticked the box that says "Black, African Am., or Negro."

I could check that I'm Asian. Doesn't make me one.
Obama's not a black president, he's a mulatto president.

The POTUS told the world he was Black. He didn't claim white, mixed, mulatto, or bi racial. He put an end to any speculation by checking African American on the census. End of discussion.

Obama Census Choice: African-American

He may be the world's foremost mixed-race leader, but when it came to the official government head count, President Barack Obama gave only one answer to the question about his ethnic background: African-American.

The White House confirmed on Friday that Obama did not check multiple boxes on his U.S. Census form, or choose the option that allows him to elaborate on his racial heritage. He ticked the box that says "Black, African Am., or Negro."

I could check that I'm Asian. Doesn't make me one.

Thats your problem. No one cares what you are. It emphatically pointed out that the POTUS is Black which is the point.
I'm going to try being black after the next census comes around. I'm going to spend the month of Feburary practicing having that black state of mind in celebration black history month.
Nothing listed has prevented blacks from advancing. The major cause of the lack of black advancement is a pervasive belief that they are owed something. Every black person that has achieved success has done so because they rejected the concept of being owed and gone on to make their own future.
It emphatically pointed out that the POTUS is Black which is the point.

Which means you emphatically pointed out there is nothing holding a Black person back from doing anything ... Including becoming the President of the United States and leader of the free world.
I mean that would kind of defeat the entire purpose of the thread and support what I have been saying all along.

Nice Job ... Kudos To You!

It emphatically pointed out that the POTUS is Black which is the point.

Which means you emphatically pointed out there is nothing holding a Black person back from doing anything ... Including becoming the President of the United States and leader of the free world.
I mean that would kind of defeat the entire purpose of the thread and support what I have been saying all along.

Nice Job ... Kudos To You!


No it doesn't mean that. if I meant that I would have written it. I think if you read my posts I already stated there is nothing hold Black people back. Nothing can completely stop us. My contention is that institutionalized racism is hindering the speed of progress. You want more progress spend money on schools and teach the right curriculum instead of building prisons.
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Nothing listed has prevented blacks from advancing. The major cause of the lack of black advancement is a pervasive belief that they are owed something. Every black person that has achieved success has done so because they rejected the concept of being owed and gone on to make their own future.

You have skewed view. Blacks are owed an opportunity like everyone else. Waiting for that opportunity to be as obstruction free as whites have it has been the downfall of some Black people. I never rejected the concept of being owed that opportunity. I just decided to go through all the additional barriers instead of waiting.
You have skewed view. Blacks are owed an opportunity like everyone else. Waiting for that opportunity to be as obstruction free as whites have it has been the downfall of some Black people. I never rejected the concept of being owed that opportunity. I just decided to go through all the additional barriers instead of waiting.

Blacks get opportunity like everyone else. Of course opportunity does not always mean equal outcomes.

What additional barriers did you have to go through?

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