What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

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The term black is used too loosely but I understand what is meant. The thing preventing "black" advancement is biology. They simply don't have the tools to compete with modern humans in today's world. Of course they didn't have the tools hundreds and thousands of years ago either.

I have a fan. :lol:

You know youre a fuck up when people hate you so much that they make fake accounts for you. Youre just a terrible person. You think hes bad for having an avatar with MLKs face on a monkey? You are worse.

You may think you are a fuck up for that reason but I dont attribute the actions of clowns as something to be concerned about. I dont think he is bad. I think he is funny. Why would I feel bad because someone that is an ignorant, bigoted, simpleton gets frustrated?
Did the white man invent over 70% of your kids with no father?? Kids with only a single parents at home(if they have a home) have three strikes against them and their kids end up the same!!!
What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

Republicans. They are the biggest reason the country is going backwards.

You show me one republican that does'nt want blacks to have jobs and do well, you cant.

I can show you democrats that dont want blacks to do well, all of them. They dont want to lose thier votes, so they keep blacks poor,uneducated and on the dole.

If more blacks got a good education, good job and out of the hood, more blacks would turn away from the democarts in a hurry.

Yea, they want blacks to have unpaid jobs working in the field picking cotton. Remember the Republican convention? Republicans also want to feed black people? The Republicans trying to feed a black CNN camera women with peanuts?
I can't understand what makes these right wingers feel they are so superior? Red States are economic and polluted disasters. I suspect right wing southerners are having huge numbers of babies out of wedlock. When it becomes normal for the children of their elected leaders, then it's a problem.

Worse, they wear confederate flags and play in pigshit.


Take a good hard look at "advanced" and "superior".


Can we say, "Right Wingers in Pigshit"?
What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement? SAME AS FOR ALL MANKIND=HIS CHOICE TO REJECT GOD AND GOD'S LOVE.

Blacks are some of the most devout church going folks in this country, you dumb fuck.
Good church going folks don't have 70% of all children born to single parents!!! Duh!!!
Truth may hurt!!! Huh?? Those that reject god and choose to live in sin then live lives of ruin,shame,guilt and poverty!!!
Obama laid out his goals and policies when seeking election. Limbaugh said he hoped he failed to achieve them. I concur.
Obama is a raging fucking Socialist.

Actually, your MessiahRushie said he hoped ALL hard working average Americans would lose their jobs for crime of electing Obama and he would enjoy watching Americans learn the hard way.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
Nice quotes, where is the term "black man" in those quotes?
If you want to support your position, why don't you use quotes that actually support your position?
Oh wait, I already know the answer to that question. You can't.
If you had followed the discussion you would have asked where the policies are in those quotes!

The poster claimed your MessiahRushie wanted Obama's policies to fail, but those quotes show he wanted Americans to suffer.
Obama laid out his goals and policies when seeking election. Limbaugh said he hoped he failed to achieve them. I concur.
Obama is a raging fucking Socialist.

Actually, your MessiahRushie said he hoped ALL hard working average Americans would lose their jobs for crime of electing Obama and he would enjoy watching Americans learn the hard way.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
Nice quotes, where is the term "black man" in those quotes?
If you want to support your position, why don't you use quotes that actually support your position?
Oh wait, I already know the answer to that question. You can't.

I don't have to use quotes. Limbaugh said he wanted Obama to fail. Obama IS considered a Black man so my cute little paraphrasing is correct! Nice try, silly rabbit!
The term black is used too loosely but I understand what is meant. The thing preventing "black" advancement is biology. They simply don't have the tools to compete with modern humans in today's world. Of course they didn't have the tools hundreds and thousands of years ago either.

I have a fan. :lol:

You may have a fan but I see an unbridled feral racist. I'm surprised his post got pass the moderators.
The term black is used too loosely but I understand what is meant. The thing preventing "black" advancement is biology. They simply don't have the tools to compete with modern humans in today's world. Of course they didn't have the tools hundreds and thousands of years ago either.

I have a fan. :lol:

You may have a fan but I see an unbridled feral racist. I'm surprised his post got pass the moderators.

I'm surprised the account has not been banned. Oh well.
Actually, your MessiahRushie said he hoped ALL hard working average Americans would lose their jobs for crime of electing Obama and he would enjoy watching Americans learn the hard way.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
Nice quotes, where is the term "black man" in those quotes?
If you want to support your position, why don't you use quotes that actually support your position?
Oh wait, I already know the answer to that question. You can't.
If you had followed the discussion you would have asked where the policies are in those quotes!

The poster claimed your MessiahRushie wanted Obama's policies to fail, but those quotes show he wanted Americans to suffer.

I don't really think those quotes mean anything when taken on their own. I'm assuming those quotes are not placed in context for a reason.
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Actually, your MessiahRushie said he hoped ALL hard working average Americans would lose their jobs for crime of electing Obama and he would enjoy watching Americans learn the hard way.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
Nice quotes, where is the term "black man" in those quotes?
If you want to support your position, why don't you use quotes that actually support your position?
Oh wait, I already know the answer to that question. You can't.

I don't have to use quotes. Limbaugh said he wanted Obama to fail. Obama IS considered a Black man so my cute little paraphrasing is correct! Nice try, silly rabbit!

Oh! If that's your definition of paraphrasing then Obama said he wanted forced abortions of only female embryos. Ya know, because he's pro abortion and most children are female? My cute little paraphrasing is correct of course.
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Nice quotes, where is the term "black man" in those quotes?
If you want to support your position, why don't you use quotes that actually support your position?
Oh wait, I already know the answer to that question. You can't.

I don't have to use quotes. Limbaugh said he wanted Obama to fail. Obama IS considered a Black man so my cute little paraphrasing is correct! Nice try, silly rabbit!

Oh! If that's your definition of paraphrasing then Obama said he wanted forced abortions of only female embryos. Ya know, because he's pro abortion and most children are female? My cute little paraphrasing is correct of course.

Yeah, chum, but this op isn't about abortions...stay on topic and your paraphrasing might get to be as cute as mine!
Nice quotes, where is the term "black man" in those quotes?
If you want to support your position, why don't you use quotes that actually support your position?
Oh wait, I already know the answer to that question. You can't.
If you had followed the discussion you would have asked where the policies are in those quotes!

The poster claimed your MessiahRushie wanted Obama's policies to fail, but those quotes show he wanted Americans to suffer.

I don't really think those quotes mean anything when taken on their own. I'm assuming those quotes are not placed in context for a reason.
The first quote establishes his own definition for his use of the phrase "Joe the Plumber" meaning an average American. So when he says in the second quote he HOPES all Joe the Plumbers lose their jobs, he is talking about average Americans suffering the loss of their jobs. The last quote shows how the hatful scumbag enjoys the suffering of others.

Here is his whole rant for you to decide if I accurately summed it up with mmy quotes:

Parsing The Messiah's Speech
November 5, 2008
RUSH: That's why I'm nitpicking this 'cause I want people to understand what they have done. Like I said yesterday, I love enlightening stupid people. There is nothing to me -- well, I can't say nothing, there are things I like more than this -- but, folks, you talk about euphoria, I get euphoric when I turn the light on inside some stupid person's brain. Well, does that sound cruel, Mr. Snerdley? What's wrong with the word "stupid"? It has a definition. There are some stupid people. There are also some ignorant people. (interruption) You prefer "ignorant"? Now you're starting to sound like people, "Don't offend them, Rush, don't offend them." All right, I'll say ignorant people. (interruption) I'm not talking about our side. I'm talking about the people that voted for Obama. (interruption) No, I'm not talking to the people on our side that voted for Obama. I doubt they're still listening. I hope that they have been humiliated in the first hour and are gone in meditation and contemplation. I'm confident they'll be back.

Folks, don't you like teaching people things? When people have just fallen for a bunch of nothing and you are able to point out what they have fallen for, don't you love it when you see in their face, uh-oh? We are trying to help them, Snerdley. I am trying to be helpful. You are misunderstanding my tone here. I get gleeful when I teach somebody something. That's why I'm nitpicking this; that's why I'm parsing this. "I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face." What challenges? I didn't think there were any. Once we had hope and change taken care of and once he was elected, that was it. "I will listen to you, especially when we disagree." Oh! Now, I happen to disagree. Are you going to listen to me or are you going to implement the Fairness Doctrine? "And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation." Now, that, remaking the nation? That's not fixing something. Remaking it? What the hell is that? And I maintain to you that the vast majority of people that voted for Obama aren't even thinking about this the way I'm thinking about it. They're not even contemplating it. There was no substance to the people electing him, most of them who did. He was a symbol, represented all kinds of stuff. That's why I'm nitpicking this. "Rush, are you trying to make people bad? Are you trying to make them feel bad for the decision they made?" Yes! Of course I am.

RUSH: And furthermore, ladies and gentlemen, as I was saying, I hope you people in Ohio lose your coal industry; and I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

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