What are the odds any welfare recipient will vote republican?

Imagine this scenario. A person is receiving benefits from the government. That person has to make a choice between two candidates. One promises to extend this benefits forever and the other wants to end them. Who do you think that person will vote for?

It just seems like that the candidate promising to maintain those benefits has an advantage over the one that doesn't. I've spoken with people who are on these programs and they say they are great. It almost impossible for anyone to run on taking them away from them and you definitely can't tell them that to their face especially when they tell you they have a billion kids to feed. How does anyone run on taking away those benefits?

You would be very surprised at how many redneck welfare Republicans are actually out there. They are so dumb they don't even understand that they are on welfare. This is because they work low paying jobs but still need some government assistance to make it. But they think when Republicans talk about welfare Queens, they are talking about someone else, so they agree with the cons. It's the funniest shit I've seen in some time, but I see this shit on Facebook all the time.
Are you dishonest with yourself as well?

Dishonest about what? I know these people personally. You really should learn about people in general. Not everyone has it as good as some of us. There are a lot of people just scraping by, and they do get some government assistance. Most of them are the ones you cons are always crying about.
Imagine this scenario. A person is receiving benefits from the government. That person has to make a choice between two candidates. One promises to extend this benefits forever and the other wants to end them. Who do you think that person will vote for?

It just seems like that the candidate promising to maintain those benefits has an advantage over the one that doesn't. I've spoken with people who are on these programs and they say they are great. It almost impossible for anyone to run on taking them away from them and you definitely can't tell them that to their face especially when they tell you they have a billion kids to feed. How does anyone run on taking away those benefits?

White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country

It s Official White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp Moochers in the Country Americans Against the Tea Party

The problem I have with this is that most of them are not moochers. Most of them actually work but don't earn enough to keep food on the table. Everyone seems to miss the point that most people are not on welfare because they want to be on welfare. They are on it because it is the only way they can keep a roof over their head and food on the table.
Imagine this scenario. A person is receiving benefits from the government. That person has to make a choice between two candidates. One promises to extend this benefits forever and the other wants to end them. Who do you think that person will vote for?

It just seems like that the candidate promising to maintain those benefits has an advantage over the one that doesn't. I've spoken with people who are on these programs and they say they are great. It almost impossible for anyone to run on taking them away from them and you definitely can't tell them that to their face especially when they tell you they have a billion kids to feed. How does anyone run on taking away those benefits?

White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country

It s Official White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp Moochers in the Country Americans Against the Tea Party

The problem I have with this is that most of them are not moochers. Most of them actually work but don't earn enough to keep food on the table. Everyone seems to miss the point that most people are not on welfare because they want to be on welfare. They are on it because it is the only way they can keep a roof over their head and food on the table.

And yet they attack others and vote against their interests
What are the odds any welfare recipient will vote republican?

Lots will. Some of them post on this board.

Others who are anxious to cut off their own noses with their votes: women, vets, gays and more. Apparently, a lot of people vote against their own interests, the interests of their families and against their own country.
Imagine this scenario. A person is receiving benefits from the government. That person has to make a choice between two candidates. One promises to extend this benefits forever and the other wants to end them. Who do you think that person will vote for?

It just seems like that the candidate promising to maintain those benefits has an advantage over the one that doesn't. I've spoken with people who are on these programs and they say they are great. It almost impossible for anyone to run on taking them away from them and you definitely can't tell them that to their face especially when they tell you they have a billion kids to feed. How does anyone run on taking away those benefits?

You would be very surprised at how many redneck welfare Republicans are actually out there. They are so dumb they don't even understand that they are on welfare. This is because they work low paying jobs but still need some government assistance to make it. But they think when Republicans talk about welfare Queens, they are talking about someone else, so they agree with the cons. It's the funniest shit I've seen in some time, but I see this shit on Facebook all the time.

Yeah.....i'm sure you see people on face book all the time telling the world they're on welfare.

I happen to know a number of people who work full-time but still need some assistance to get by. They don't tell me on Facebook. They've told me in person. I happen to live in the real world where I see and know people from many different life situations.

So let me guess,they have a min wage job,five kids and no skills.
What are the odds any welfare recipient will vote republican?

Lots will. Some of them post on this board.

Others who are anxious to cut off their own noses with their votes: women, vets, gays and more. Apparently, a lot of people vote against their own interests, the interests of their families and against their own country.
Perhaps their interests are not the same as yours. I imagine that never even crossed your excuse for a mind.
The very reason liberals are always screaming for us to "tax the rich more" is precisely because they are too simple minded to see that wealth is being transferred up the food chain legislatively. That's why you will find I have opposed taxing the rich more every time the subject comes up. Raising tax rates on the rich is treating the symptom rather than the disease.

You are about as wrong about me as it gets, Acorn.

Eliminating tax expenditures would allow us to LOWER tax rates for EVERYONE.
$18 trillion national debt.....If it's going to get paid off, those with the money are going to have to pay it. Don't pay it and money will be worthless.

Oh BTW, it was the rich that ran up that debt....there are no poor or even middle class in congress.

You would not have to raise tax rates on anyone. Period.

There are $1.2 trillion in tax expenditures given away each year. What's the deficit each year? A lot less than that.

So if you ban all tax expenditures, not only would you have a balanced budget, you would have a massive surplus, which means you could lower everyone's tax rates and pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, you could lower tax rates even further.

There is absolutely no need to raise tax rates on the rich. That would be treating the symptom rather than curing the disease.
Having had businesses and rentals in minority (mostly Hispanic) communities, I can honestly say that most people on government assistance aren't lazy bums like rush and fox news fans are led to believe. Many work, but have wages below the subsistence level. Why do republicans hate the poor? They don't really. It's just that the republican party has only one goal. Tax cuts and subsidies for corporations and the very wealthy, and everybody else can pound sand.
Most of them actually work but don't earn enough to keep food on the table. Everyone seems to miss the point that most people are not on welfare because they want to be on welfare. They are on it because it is the only way they can keep a roof over their head and food on the table.

most of them are poor single mothers without Republican family values, instead they have liberal hip hop values. Do you understand now?
The very reason liberals are always screaming for us to "tax the rich more" is precisely because they are too simple minded to see that wealth is being transferred up the food chain legislatively. That's why you will find I have opposed taxing the rich more every time the subject comes up. Raising tax rates on the rich is treating the symptom rather than the disease.

You are about as wrong about me as it gets, Acorn.

Eliminating tax expenditures would allow us to LOWER tax rates for EVERYONE.
$18 trillion national debt.....If it's going to get paid off, those with the money are going to have to pay it. Don't pay it and money will be worthless.

Oh BTW, it was the rich that ran up that debt....there are no poor or even middle class in congress.

You would not have to raise tax rates on anyone. Period.

There are $1.2 trillion in tax expenditures given away each year. What's the deficit each year? A lot less than that.

So if you ban all tax expenditures, not only would you have a balanced budget, you would have a massive surplus, which means you could lower everyone's tax rates and pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, you could lower tax rates even further.

There is absolutely no need to raise tax rates on the rich. That would be treating the symptom rather than curing the disease.

Which is why America did so well when corporations and multimillionaires paid higher taxes.
Imagine this scenario. A person is receiving benefits from the government. That person has to make a choice between two candidates. One promises to extend this benefits forever and the other wants to end them. Who do you think that person will vote for?

It just seems like that the candidate promising to maintain those benefits has an advantage over the one that doesn't. I've spoken with people who are on these programs and they say they are great. It almost impossible for anyone to run on taking them away from them and you definitely can't tell them that to their face especially when they tell you they have a billion kids to feed. How does anyone run on taking away those benefits?

BTW - why would you expect poor people to vote for the Republican Party? The Republican Party hates poor people. Would you vote for someone who hates you?
Most of them actually work but don't earn enough to keep food on the table. Everyone seems to miss the point that most people are not on welfare because they want to be on welfare. They are on it because it is the only way they can keep a roof over their head and food on the table.

most of them are poor single mothers without Republican family values, instead they have liberal hip hop values. Do you understand now?
And they play jigaboo music and eat lots of fried chicken and watermelon.
Most of them actually work but don't earn enough to keep food on the table. Everyone seems to miss the point that most people are not on welfare because they want to be on welfare. They are on it because it is the only way they can keep a roof over their head and food on the table.

most of them are poor single mothers without Republican family values, instead they have liberal hip hop values. Do you understand now?

How do you know? You just know, right ed?
The very reason liberals are always screaming for us to "tax the rich more" is precisely because they are too simple minded to see that wealth is being transferred up the food chain legislatively. That's why you will find I have opposed taxing the rich more every time the subject comes up. Raising tax rates on the rich is treating the symptom rather than the disease.

You are about as wrong about me as it gets, Acorn.

Eliminating tax expenditures would allow us to LOWER tax rates for EVERYONE.
$18 trillion national debt.....If it's going to get paid off, those with the money are going to have to pay it. Don't pay it and money will be worthless.

Oh BTW, it was the rich that ran up that debt....there are no poor or even middle class in congress.

You would not have to raise tax rates on anyone. Period.

There are $1.2 trillion in tax expenditures given away each year. What's the deficit each year? A lot less than that.

So if you ban all tax expenditures, not only would you have a balanced budget, you would have a massive surplus, which means you could lower everyone's tax rates and pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, you could lower tax rates even further.

There is absolutely no need to raise tax rates on the rich. That would be treating the symptom rather than curing the disease.

Which is why America did so well when corporations and multimillionaires paid higher taxes.
America did well because we profited handsomely from two world wars, and the economy boomed due to a massive imbalance in trade.
The very reason liberals are always screaming for us to "tax the rich more" is precisely because they are too simple minded to see that wealth is being transferred up the food chain legislatively. That's why you will find I have opposed taxing the rich more every time the subject comes up. Raising tax rates on the rich is treating the symptom rather than the disease.

You are about as wrong about me as it gets, Acorn.

Eliminating tax expenditures would allow us to LOWER tax rates for EVERYONE.
$18 trillion national debt.....If it's going to get paid off, those with the money are going to have to pay it. Don't pay it and money will be worthless.

Oh BTW, it was the rich that ran up that debt....there are no poor or even middle class in congress.

You would not have to raise tax rates on anyone. Period.

There are $1.2 trillion in tax expenditures given away each year. What's the deficit each year? A lot less than that.

So if you ban all tax expenditures, not only would you have a balanced budget, you would have a massive surplus, which means you could lower everyone's tax rates and pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, you could lower tax rates even further.

There is absolutely no need to raise tax rates on the rich. That would be treating the symptom rather than curing the disease.

Which is why America did so well when corporations and multimillionaires paid higher taxes.
America did well because we profited handsomely from two world wars, and the economy boomed due to a massive imbalance in trade.

And we taxed the rich accordingly as per progressive income tax. Progessive = progress.
Imagine this scenario. A person is receiving benefits from the government. That person has to make a choice between two candidates. One promises to extend this benefits forever and the other wants to end them. Who do you think that person will vote for?

It just seems like that the candidate promising to maintain those benefits has an advantage over the one that doesn't. I've spoken with people who are on these programs and they say they are great. It almost impossible for anyone to run on taking them away from them and you definitely can't tell them that to their face especially when they tell you they have a billion kids to feed. How does anyone run on taking away those benefits?
Most people on Welfare (TANF) do not vote....so you don't need to worry about them....

But if they were part of the voting public, which they are not....so a big BUT....on this....

Then the candidate that is going to take away welfare from the poorest among us, should be able to tell them WHY it will be better for them in the long run....

I mean, isn't that what Republicans keep saying....?
Then the candidate that is going to take away welfare from the poorest among us, should be able to tell them WHY it will be better for them in the long run....

because then they can get a job and support themselves and communicate those values to their familes and to others. Simple enough??
. Progessive = progress.

pure stupidity! govt is far bigger than ever before and far more believe we are on the wrong track than ever. LIberals spied for Stalin because they loved his really big govt.

Conservative=conservative,i.e. learning history and culture and preserving the best of it while moving forward slowly

Liberal= commie, i.e., forgetting history and culture and going boldly where no man has ever gone before like Hitler Stalin and Mao did. No surprise our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin.
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The very reason liberals are always screaming for us to "tax the rich more" is precisely because they are too simple minded to see that wealth is being transferred up the food chain legislatively. That's why you will find I have opposed taxing the rich more every time the subject comes up. Raising tax rates on the rich is treating the symptom rather than the disease.

You are about as wrong about me as it gets, Acorn.

Eliminating tax expenditures would allow us to LOWER tax rates for EVERYONE.
$18 trillion national debt.....If it's going to get paid off, those with the money are going to have to pay it. Don't pay it and money will be worthless.

Oh BTW, it was the rich that ran up that debt....there are no poor or even middle class in congress.

You would not have to raise tax rates on anyone. Period.

There are $1.2 trillion in tax expenditures given away each year. What's the deficit each year? A lot less than that.

So if you ban all tax expenditures, not only would you have a balanced budget, you would have a massive surplus, which means you could lower everyone's tax rates and pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, you could lower tax rates even further.

There is absolutely no need to raise tax rates on the rich. That would be treating the symptom rather than curing the disease.

Which is why America did so well when corporations and multimillionaires paid higher taxes.
America did well because we profited handsomely from two world wars, and the economy boomed due to a massive imbalance in trade.

100% stupid given that America grew tremendously before the wars. America profited because it believed in individual freedom, not welfare.
most of them are poor single mothers without Republican family values, instead they have liberal hip hop values. Do you understand now?

How do you know? You just know, right ed?[/QUOTE]
See why we have to be positive that a liberal is slow?? Is any other conclusion possible???

90% of welfare parents are single mothers

10% married

36% divorced/widowed/separated

54% never married

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