What are the odds any welfare recipient will vote republican?

They don't?

Then why do Republicans keep telling people in those communities to "Get a job"?

This should go without saying but apparently it needs to said to democrats.
If there are no jobs in your community? Move.

Oh...I see now

Just move. Republicans are sure you have a financial rainy day fund to allow you to move to communities with abundant jobs. Republicans will also do all that is possible to be welcomed in those communities

Funny,I managed to do just that. It's real simple although somewhat unpleasant...you ride the bus to the community that has jobs until you save enough for that first and last months rent. I know putting out a little effort is foreign to some people but thats what it takes.
And if they arent criminals they will be welcomed.

YOU did

That does not prove that the entire populations of our inner cities can take the same route

Why not?

Because one person can come into a town looking for work and may find it

100,000 people cannot

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Imagine this scenario. A person is receiving benefits from the government. That person has to make a choice between two candidates. One promises to extend this benefits forever and the other wants to end them. Who do you think that person will vote for?
That's the whole purpose of the program.

"When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always be assured of the votes of Paul."

At least until you run out of Peter's money.
This should go without saying but apparently it needs to said to democrats.
If there are no jobs in your community? Move.

Oh...I see now

Just move. Republicans are sure you have a financial rainy day fund to allow you to move to communities with abundant jobs. Republicans will also do all that is possible to be welcomed in those communities

Funny,I managed to do just that. It's real simple although somewhat unpleasant...you ride the bus to the community that has jobs until you save enough for that first and last months rent. I know putting out a little effort is foreign to some people but thats what it takes.
And if they arent criminals they will be welcomed.

YOU did

That does not prove that the entire populations of our inner cities can take the same route

Why not?

Because one person can come into a town looking for work and may find it

100,000 people cannot

Guess they should look harder.
Why do you think these people are so helpless?
The federal govern
Imagine this scenario. A person is receiving benefits from the government. That person has to make a choice between two candidates. One promises to extend this benefits forever and the other wants to end them. Who do you think that person will vote for?

It just seems like that the candidate promising to maintain those benefits has an advantage over the one that doesn't. I've spoken with people who are on these programs and they say they are great. It almost impossible for anyone to run on taking them away from them and you definitely can't tell them that to their face especially when they tell you they have a billion kids to feed. How does anyone run on taking away those benefits?
I have bad news for you.

EVERYONE is on government welfare.

The government gives away $1.2 trillion a year in exemptions, deductions, and credits.

Just watch the people who take advantage of those line up to scream and wail about "their money" being taken away from them if you end those government gifts.
The federal govern
Imagine this scenario. A person is receiving benefits from the government. That person has to make a choice between two candidates. One promises to extend this benefits forever and the other wants to end them. Who do you think that person will vote for?

It just seems like that the candidate promising to maintain those benefits has an advantage over the one that doesn't. I've spoken with people who are on these programs and they say they are great. It almost impossible for anyone to run on taking them away from them and you definitely can't tell them that to their face especially when they tell you they have a billion kids to feed. How does anyone run on taking away those benefits?
I have bad news for you.

EVERYONE is on government welfare.

The government gives away $1.2 trillion a year in exemptions, deductions, and credits.

Just watch the people who take advantage of those line up to scream and wail about "their money" being taken away from them if you end those government gifts.

So I shouldnt take advantage of deductions when possible?
And you're conveniently leaving out the fact that they are taking money from us in the first place.
Keep 'em on the dole and convince them that they can never do better. The democrat party has deteriorated to the point that they can only count on welfare votes . Democrats even encourage illegal entry into the U.S. to cultivate a new welfare generation when smart Black people escape the government plantation. Ignorant racist democrats even convince themselves that Black people are too socially retarded to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. After six years of the Hussein administration the welfare numbers have increased and ignorant lefties blame republicans. The democrat party has been reduced to a pathetic shell pandering to welfare recipients like a community activist waving a $20 on a street corner for a vote.
Imagine this scenario. A person is receiving benefits from the government. That person has to make a choice between two candidates. One promises to extend this benefits forever and the other wants to end them. Who do you think that person will vote for?

It just seems like that the candidate promising to maintain those benefits has an advantage over the one that doesn't. I've spoken with people who are on these programs and they say they are great. It almost impossible for anyone to run on taking them away from them and you definitely can't tell them that to their face especially when they tell you they have a billion kids to feed. How does anyone run on taking away those benefits?
According to the super libs, republicans are the ones on welfare.

And republicans are the party of the rich.

Quite a juxtaposition.
Imagine this scenario. A person is receiving benefits from the government. That person has to make a choice between two candidates. One promises to extend this benefits forever and the other wants to end them. Who do you think that person will vote for?

It just seems like that the candidate promising to maintain those benefits has an advantage over the one that doesn't. I've spoken with people who are on these programs and they say they are great. It almost impossible for anyone to run on taking them away from them and you definitely can't tell them that to their face especially when they tell you they have a billion kids to feed. How does anyone run on taking away those benefits?
According to the super libs, republicans are the ones on welfare.

And republicans are the party of the rich.

Quite a juxtaposition.

Aint it though.
That's the whole purpose of the program.
"When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always be assured of the votes of Paul."
At least until you run out of Peter's money.
I have bad news for you.
EVERYONE is on government welfare.
The government gives away $1.2 trillion a year in exemptions, deductions, and credits.
Just watch the people who take advantage of those line up to scream and wail about "their money" being taken away from them if you end those government gifts.
And that's the purpose of THAT whole program.

Once the liberals (in both parties) get people hooked on "free stuff from the government", they'll scream like banshees at any suggestion the "free" stuff should be ended. And vote against whoever suggested it. No matter how unsustainable, unfair, or unconstitutional (for Federal) it is.

Vote-buying is the mainstay of liberalism everywhere. Without it, the liberals couldn't exist.

And unfortunately, with it, no one else can exist.

....until the liberals run out of Other People's Money to provide the "free" stuff with.

What do you suppose will happen then?
That's the whole purpose of the program.
"When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always be assured of the votes of Paul."
At least until you run out of Peter's money.
I have bad news for you.
EVERYONE is on government welfare.
The government gives away $1.2 trillion a year in exemptions, deductions, and credits.
Just watch the people who take advantage of those line up to scream and wail about "their money" being taken away from them if you end those government gifts.
And that's the purpose of THAT whole program.

Once the liberals (in both parties) get people hooked on "free stuff from the government", they'll scream like banshees at any suggestion the "free" stuff should be ended. And vote against whoever suggested it.

Vote-buying is the mainstay of liberalism everywhere. Without it, the liberals couldn't exist.

And with it, no one else can exist... until the liberals run out of Other People's Money.
It's a lie that government gifts are a liberal thing.

Deductions and exemptions and credits are very much a Republican thing, too.

Welfare is about the most bipartisan thing there is. We are ALL slaves, and it is both idiotic and hypocritical to try to paint it as a "liberal" thing.
Where alleged "conservatives" stand on tax expenditures will tell you a lot about whether or not they are actually fiscal conservatives or even understand one of the most basic conservative principles.

This stupid game of portraying government gifts as solely a liberal thing is just so much smoke and mirrors. It's bullshit. It's a thinly disguised war on the poor to protect their own government gifts.
That's the whole purpose of the program.
"When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always be assured of the votes of Paul."
At least until you run out of Peter's money.
I have bad news for you.
EVERYONE is on government welfare.
The government gives away $1.2 trillion a year in exemptions, deductions, and credits.
Just watch the people who take advantage of those line up to scream and wail about "their money" being taken away from them if you end those government gifts.
And that's the purpose of THAT whole program.

Once the liberals (in both parties) get people hooked on "free stuff from the government", they'll scream like banshees at any suggestion the "free" stuff should be ended. And vote against whoever suggested it.

Vote-buying is the mainstay of liberalism everywhere. Without it, the liberals couldn't exist.

And with it, no one else can exist... until the liberals run out of Other People's Money.
It's a lie that government gifts are a liberal thing.

Deductions and exemptions and credits are very much a Republican thing, too.

Welfare is about the most bipartisan thing there is. We are ALL slaves, and it is both idiotic and hypocritical to try to paint it as a "liberal" thing.

The big difference being some actually pay into the system and others only take. But you knew that.
That's the whole purpose of the program.
"When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always be assured of the votes of Paul."
At least until you run out of Peter's money.
I have bad news for you.
EVERYONE is on government welfare.
The government gives away $1.2 trillion a year in exemptions, deductions, and credits.
Just watch the people who take advantage of those line up to scream and wail about "their money" being taken away from them if you end those government gifts.
And that's the purpose of THAT whole program.

Once the liberals (in both parties) get people hooked on "free stuff from the government", they'll scream like banshees at any suggestion the "free" stuff should be ended. And vote against whoever suggested it.

Vote-buying is the mainstay of liberalism everywhere. Without it, the liberals couldn't exist.

And with it, no one else can exist... until the liberals run out of Other People's Money.
It's a lie that government gifts are a liberal thing.

Deductions and exemptions and credits are very much a Republican thing, too.

Welfare is about the most bipartisan thing there is. We are ALL slaves, and it is both idiotic and hypocritical to try to paint it as a "liberal" thing.

The big difference being some actually pay into the system and others only take. But you knew that.
The big difference is that some take a lot more than others. And I can guarantee you that tax expenditures far exceed food stamps and Obamaphones.

I bet you DIDN'T know that.
Amount spent on food stamps each year: $80 billion.

Amount spent on employer sponsored health insurance exemption each year: $659 billion.

And that's just ONE tax expenditure.

It's not even a competition in the taking game.
That's the whole purpose of the program.
"When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always be assured of the votes of Paul."
At least until you run out of Peter's money.
I have bad news for you.
EVERYONE is on government welfare.
The government gives away $1.2 trillion a year in exemptions, deductions, and credits.
Just watch the people who take advantage of those line up to scream and wail about "their money" being taken away from them if you end those government gifts.
And that's the purpose of THAT whole program.

Once the liberals (in both parties) get people hooked on "free stuff from the government", they'll scream like banshees at any suggestion the "free" stuff should be ended. And vote against whoever suggested it.

Vote-buying is the mainstay of liberalism everywhere. Without it, the liberals couldn't exist.

And with it, no one else can exist... until the liberals run out of Other People's Money.
It's a lie that government gifts are a liberal thing.

Deductions and exemptions and credits are very much a Republican thing, too.

Welfare is about the most bipartisan thing there is. We are ALL slaves, and it is both idiotic and hypocritical to try to paint it as a "liberal" thing.

The big difference being some actually pay into the system and others only take. But you knew that.
The big difference is that some take a lot more than others. And I can guarantee you that tax expenditures far exceed food stamps and Obamaphones.

Like General Electric?
I know I pay more in taxes than a person on welfare,how about you?
And we both know when you tax the crap out of business they pass on the added expense to the customer...you know the people with jobs who are already taxed?
Amount spent on Lifeline program ("Obamaphones") each year: $2.2 billion.

Amount spent on mortgage interest deduction each year: $484 billion.

The Lifeline program is not even a drop in the bucket in comparison.
The thing about the mortgage interest deduction is that it is factored into the price of a house. Your house payment is higher because of the deduction. You do not come out ahead, but the person who built the house did, as did the realtor who earned a commission. The mortgage interest deduction is a massive transfer of wealth UP the food chain by government legislation. That's why homebuilder associations and realtor associations lobby heavily to keep the mortgage interest deduction alive.

By "lobby heavily", I mean donate lots of cash to campaigns, of course. If that deduction was banned, they would have no incentive to donate that cash to incumbents and help keep them in office until they die.

Eliminate tax expenditures, you bring down the price of houses, and have instant campaign finance reform.
It's a lie that government gifts are a liberal thing.

Deductions and exemptions and credits are very much a Republican thing, too.

Welfare is about the most bipartisan thing there is. We are ALL slaves, and it is both idiotic and hypocritical to try to paint it as a "liberal" thing.
Here we see the usual confusion of someone who thinks Republicans are conservative.

Why do you think I usually put "in both parties" when I refer to liberals... as I did in the post you quoted?

"Government gifts" (more accurately called "Robbing Peter to pay Paul") is exclusively a liberal thing, regardless of which party they are in. Conservatives know that government has no business doing such a thing, and rightly regard it as theft, followed by distribution of stolen goods.

The Declaration of Independence points out that government are created to protect our fundamental rights... and for no other purpose.

And it also mentions that when a government starts abusing those rights instead of protecting them, we have a duty to alter that government to make it stop. And, if it won't alter, to overthrow it.

The DOI was referring to the British government of the 1700s when it said that. But the people who wrote it and enacted it, knew that the British government wasn't the only one that could abuse people's rights.

And stealing and distributing the stolen goods (that is, taxing to give the money to people you have no authority to give it to), is one of the most fundamental abuses.
But this is where he rightfully called BS on you

"Government gifts" (more accurately called "Robbing Peter to pay Paul") is exclusively a liberal thing, regardless of which party they are in. Conservatives know that government has no business doing such a thing, and rightly regard it as theft, followed by distribution of stolen goods"

That's BS.
Amount spent on Lifeline program ("Obamaphones") each year: $2.2 billion.

Amount spent on mortgage interest deduction each year: $484 billion.

The Lifeline program is not even a drop in the bucket in comparison.

How does anyone spend on a deduction?
Amount spent on employer sponsored health insurance exemption each year: $659 billion.
And here we see more confusion. When government decides not to tax something, that's not "additional spending". It's actually a small piece of "good government". The fact that the government then taxes lots of other things makes people complain that the taxation is not "even" (which they mistake for "fair"). But then they conclude that more taxation is needed, not less.

You've been listening to liberals too much.

He is a flaming lefty.

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