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What Are They Protesting?

Comrade traitor, in rough numbers can you explain to us how many WIC and SNAP recipients have not gotten handouts?

Would that be zero, or would it be zero? :dunno:

their funding will end in mid february.
President Trump has made it crystal clear that the wall is going up and Chuck and Nancy will bend a knee. Capitulation isn't an option to the President. He can outlast the left.

BTW, Chuck and Nancy supported a wall before, they should find a way to support it again.

Maybe if Trump does a 180 and says he is suddenly opposed to Border Security they would change their minds?

trump will most likely try to impose a national emergency, but that will go straight to court. then of course the eminent domain lawsuits will also start up. you think congress will outlast the uprisings? especially all the senate (R)s up for reelection? mitch better watch his back for a mutiny.

A 2/3 Majority in both houses is required to overturn a Presidential veto. I don't see that in Chuck and Nancy's future.

Republicans aren't likely to "do a Brutus" and stab the leader of their 2020 ticket in the back, mainly because they don't have anyone better who can vanquish the left next year.

some have already cracked & 3 weeks ago- just b4 trump was proud to take the mantle & shut gov'ment down.... the senate had 92 votes to keep it open. if mitch doesn't do something - the senators up for reelection in 2020 ( & there are many more than 2018) might force mitch's hand.

80% of federal workers are in California and Virginia. Neither will go for Trump.

You're dreaming if you think this will hurt Trump, Comrade.
hermaphrodites are born with both male & female naughty parts

"Naughty parts"? :auiqs.jpg:

You have some deep-seated issues or something?

<poorly educated trumpanzee says what?>

adjective: facetious

  1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
    "a facetious remark"
    synonyms: flippant, flip, glib, frivolous, tongue-in-cheek, waggish, whimsical, joking, jokey, jesting, jocular, playful, roguish, impish, teasing, arch, mischievous, puckish;
their funding will end in mid february.
President Trump has made it crystal clear that the wall is going up and Chuck and Nancy will bend a knee. Capitulation isn't an option to the President. He can outlast the left.

BTW, Chuck and Nancy supported a wall before, they should find a way to support it again.

Maybe if Trump does a 180 and says he is suddenly opposed to Border Security they would change their minds?

trump will most likely try to impose a national emergency, but that will go straight to court. then of course the eminent domain lawsuits will also start up. you think congress will outlast the uprisings? especially all the senate (R)s up for reelection? mitch better watch his back for a mutiny.

A 2/3 Majority in both houses is required to overturn a Presidential veto. I don't see that in Chuck and Nancy's future.

Republicans aren't likely to "do a Brutus" and stab the leader of their 2020 ticket in the back, mainly because they don't have anyone better who can vanquish the left next year.

some have already cracked & 3 weeks ago- just b4 trump was proud to take the mantle & shut gov'ment down.... the senate had 92 votes to keep it open. if mitch doesn't do something - the senators up for reelection in 2020 ( & there are many more than 2018) might force mitch's hand.

80% of federal workers are in California and Virginia. Neither will go for Trump.

You're dreaming if you think this will hurt Trump, Comrade.

it already is. he's trying like hell to get the tables to turn on whose to blame--- but the american people ain't having none of it. that will soon translate into CONcern for those (R)s up for reelection as this goes on. remember when town halls were filled with scared people when the ACA was in jeopardy?
hermaphrodites are born with both male & female naughty parts

"Naughty parts"? :auiqs.jpg:

You have some deep-seated issues or something?

<poorly educated trumpanzee says what?>

adjective: facetious

  1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
    "a facetious remark"
    synonyms: flippant, flip, glib, frivolous, tongue-in-cheek, waggish, whimsical, joking, jokey, jesting, jocular, playful, roguish, impish, teasing, arch, mischievous, puckish;


I'm afraid leftist humor is way too puerile for my taste.
hermaphrodites are born with both male & female naughty parts

"Naughty parts"? :auiqs.jpg:

You have some deep-seated issues or something?

<poorly educated trumpanzee says what?>

adjective: facetious

  1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
    "a facetious remark"
    synonyms: flippant, flip, glib, frivolous, tongue-in-cheek, waggish, whimsical, joking, jokey, jesting, jocular, playful, roguish, impish, teasing, arch, mischievous, puckish;


I'm afraid leftist humor is way too puerile for my taste.

as if that mattered?

He should sue the Church if one can call it a church.

What grounds would he sue them over?

Exactly. A lot of people are of the opinion that Bruce Jenner isn't a broad at all. And IMHO, this opinion has a lot of merit.

If Mr. Jenner wants to disagree and contend that he is now in drag , so that makes him a broad, that's fine. He can argue that in the court of public opinion. But there isn't anything to sue over.
Bruce Jenner still has his penis and testicles. The reason why he lost his reality show was because the producers thought he should get a boyfriend. He said no. He prefers women. He's a man. He joined the Brentwood Country Club as a man because he didn't want to use the women's locker room.

Chaz Bono is still quite happy with her vagina and is a lesbian. She is a woman.

Both are dressed up playing pretend.

I don’t think he..Er she..no wait it, oh whatever still possesses a crank.

Caitlyn Jenner: Cutting Penis Off 'Not That Big a Deal,' But Didn't Trust Family to Keep It Secret
Bruce Jenner still has his penis and testicles. The reason why he lost his reality show was because the producers thought he should get a boyfriend. He said no. He prefers women. He's a man. He joined the Brentwood Country Club as a man because he didn't want to use the women's locker room.

Chaz Bono is still quite happy with her vagina and is a lesbian. She is a woman.

Both are dressed up playing pretend.

I don’t think he..Er she..no wait it, oh whatever still possesses a crank.

Caitlyn Jenner: Cutting Penis Off 'Not That Big a Deal,' But Didn't Trust Family to Keep It Secret

A man who has his penis cut off isn't a woman.
actually how he lives his life & who he sleeps with or how & with what genitals he does it with has nothing to do with me - nor do i care... so there's that.

& i'm sure he will continue to do so regardless of what you have to say & there is nothing you can do about it.
And there is no way you can change your gender.

Yup. Another denial of science brought to you by the Democratic Party.

lol... what about hermaphrodites?

Herms are anomalous.

science also confirms that sexual identity starts in the brain.

Tough titty. Got balls yer a guy, got a slot yer a girl. Got both yer anomalous.

One doesn't become George Washington just because one puts on a wig and a tricorn hat, no matter how strongly one believes it to be true..

what an absurd comparison. it matters not - because the medical field - that is also quite sciency tends to disagree with you. & your opinion sorely lacks credibility among those that know how science works.

"The medical field" = "People saying what I want to hear in order to make money"

Never mind the many OTHER people with equal or even greater medical qualifications who disagree with you. THEY, apparently, are not part of "the medical field".
i think that 'church' has better & more important things to do than worry about whether jenner still has a weeny. perhaps their energy can be better spent on those fed workers not being paid & those whose WIC & SNAP will be cut off in just a few short weeks.

Sorry, but that made even less sense than your posts usually do, and that's saying something. In what twisted pretense of logic is federal workers not being paid and people on WIC and SNAP related in any way to this church and their "time better spent"?

And while we're at it, who the hell are you to tell anyone, let alone a church, what "better and more important" things they're supposed to be doing? Are you God?


I'll take that to mean you know you were babbling unrelated shit, but you're too big an asshole to admit it.
i think that 'church' has better & more important things to do than worry about whether jenner still has a weeny. perhaps their energy can be better spent on those fed workers not being paid & those whose WIC & SNAP will be cut off in just a few short weeks.

Comrade traitor, in rough numbers can you explain to us how many WIC and SNAP recipients have not gotten handouts?

Would that be zero, or would it be zero? :dunno:

their funding will end in mid february.

Look, I realize that you desperately, obsessively want to talk about the government shutdown, but would it be at all possible for you to go do it IN A THREAD ABOUT THE GOVT SHUTDOWN, rather than trying to shoehorn it into every other fucking thread on the board, no matter how unrelated it is? Would that be a thing that could happen, or are you too droolingly stupid and deranged to handle even something that simple?

^^^ what a drama queen. get off the stage.

I agree. You should take your obession and your melodrama and go to a stage where it's actually relevant.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
i think that 'church' has better & more important things to do than worry about whether jenner still has a weeny. perhaps their energy can be better spent on those fed workers not being paid & those whose WIC & SNAP will be cut off in just a few short weeks.

Comrade traitor, in rough numbers can you explain to us how many WIC and SNAP recipients have not gotten handouts?

Would that be zero, or would it be zero? :dunno:

their funding will end in mid february.
President Trump has made it crystal clear that the wall is going up and Chuck and Nancy will bend a knee. Capitulation isn't an option to the President. He can outlast the left.

BTW, Chuck and Nancy supported a wall before, they should find a way to support it again.

Maybe if Trump does a 180 and says he is suddenly opposed to Border Security they would change their minds?

And while we're at it, would you be so kind as to quit encouraging him to hijack the damned thread because everything has to be about his current obsessive hobbyhorse? Thanks.

Not my thread, but I would like to actually talk about the thread topic I came here to talk about. If I wanted to listen to a slapfight about the shutdown, I'd go to a thread about it. Jeez.

i highjacked nothing. i made a post with an observation. if others reply & encourage a b/f - i will oblige. & i am not a he. i am a she.


You made multiple posts all with the same observation WHICH ISN'T RELATED TO THIS THREAD TOPIC.

If others encourage your trollery, they will get reported for being off-topic, just like you. I realize an attention whore like you won't understand this, but just because people notice your bad behavior, that doesn't mean it isn't still bad.

You're a she? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't care.
actually how he lives his life & who he sleeps with or how & with what genitals he does it with has nothing to do with me - nor do i care... so there's that.

& i'm sure he will continue to do so regardless of what you have to say & there is nothing you can do about it.
And there is no way you can change your gender.

Yup. Another denial of science brought to you by the Democratic Party.

lol... what about hermaphrodites?

science also confirms that sexual identity starts in the brain.

"LOL" What about them? Please, explain to us what a rare genetic defect has to do with a discussion of people who do not have that defect pretending that they can magically become the opposite sex. By all means, do let us all in on the "brilliant" point you imagine you made here (much the same way trans people imagine that they're a different sex).

"Science also confirms" = a bunch of media whores said it in interviews

tsk tsk tsk... such anger. you should really do something about that. it's not good for the heart.

hermaphrodites are born with both male & female naughty parts... & usually are surgically made to grow up as female because it is simply easier. however, as they mature - sometimes a 'female' is actually male oriented. that's because the brain largely dictates sexuality & just because one has certain genitals does not mean they are programmed to be the sex that match those parts.

now go have a drink, a warm bath & a nap b4 you stroke out.

Thank you so much for 'helpfully" explaining already-known facts, Captain Obvious. Now if you could turn your three brain cells toward explaining how that even remotely makes your insanity meaningful, it would be much appreciated.

Although I should be grateful that you took a couple of seconds out of trying to hijack the thread to actually post something remotely related to the actual topic, however stupid and pointless it was.
hermaphrodites are born with both male & female naughty parts

"Naughty parts"? :auiqs.jpg:

You have some deep-seated issues or something?

<poorly educated trumpanzee says what?>

adjective: facetious

  1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
    "a facetious remark"
    synonyms: flippant, flip, glib, frivolous, tongue-in-cheek, waggish, whimsical, joking, jokey, jesting, jocular, playful, roguish, impish, teasing, arch, mischievous, puckish;

"No, really, I'm saying smart stuff! Stop laughing at me!"
hermaphrodites are born with both male & female naughty parts

"Naughty parts"? :auiqs.jpg:

You have some deep-seated issues or something?

<poorly educated trumpanzee says what?>

adjective: facetious

  1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
    "a facetious remark"
    synonyms: flippant, flip, glib, frivolous, tongue-in-cheek, waggish, whimsical, joking, jokey, jesting, jocular, playful, roguish, impish, teasing, arch, mischievous, puckish;

"No, really, I'm saying smart stuff! Stop laughing at me!"

your whining is off topic.
hermaphrodites are born with both male & female naughty parts

"Naughty parts"? :auiqs.jpg:

You have some deep-seated issues or something?

<poorly educated trumpanzee says what?>

adjective: facetious

  1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
    "a facetious remark"
    synonyms: flippant, flip, glib, frivolous, tongue-in-cheek, waggish, whimsical, joking, jokey, jesting, jocular, playful, roguish, impish, teasing, arch, mischievous, puckish;

"No, really, I'm saying smart stuff! Stop laughing at me!"

your whining is off topic.

Well, you would be the resident expert on that.
Impressive that every line on the sign could be wrong.

Jenner's DNA has not changed but is his brain that of a man? How does anyone know?

WTF is "the brain of a man"? What the hell does that actually MEAN?
  • My brain tells me I'm a man so I dress and act like a man.
  • I'm attracted to women.
  • I have a Y chromosome.
What if only 2 of those were true, would I still be a man?
Impressive that every line on the sign could be wrong.

Jenner's DNA has not changed but is his brain that of a man? How does anyone know?

WTF is "the brain of a man"? What the hell does that actually MEAN?
  • My brain tells me I'm a man so I dress and act like a man.
  • I'm attracted to women.
  • I have a Y chromosome.
What if only 2 of those were true, would I still be a man?

Not really how this works.

If the last one is true, then you're a man, whether the others are or not.
hermaphrodites are born with both male & female naughty parts

"Naughty parts"? :auiqs.jpg:

You have some deep-seated issues or something?

<poorly educated trumpanzee says what?>

adjective: facetious

  1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
    "a facetious remark"
    synonyms: flippant, flip, glib, frivolous, tongue-in-cheek, waggish, whimsical, joking, jokey, jesting, jocular, playful, roguish, impish, teasing, arch, mischievous, puckish;

"No, really, I'm saying smart stuff! Stop laughing at me!"

your whining is off topic.

Well, you would be the resident expert on that.

oooOOOOOooo SNAP! you really showed me with that stellar retort.... :auiqs.jpg:

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