What are we going to do?


Active Member
Jan 21, 2012
What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?
Chances are I won't be voting. Again.

same here. David Stockman has it right. He said that politicians are:

"They're essentially glorified concierges who introduce politicians to the money, the PACs and K Street."

Stockman also went on to savage Reagan for selling-out to his zaney cabinet ;)

I've got that book on my Kindle, but haven't read it yet.
Work as hard as I can to keep democrats out of office. ANY office.

what kind of work would that be krazy grrl? :eusa_eh: You get zanier as time goes by :thup: I don't know if you're going to make it the next three years of our proud African American President's 2nd-term :cool:

As to the OP. Yeah, I won't be voting for either of the big two parties ESPECIALLY Repubs :)
Chances are I won't be voting. Again.

same here. David Stockman has it right. He said that politicians are:

"They're essentially glorified concierges who introduce politicians to the money, the PACs and K Street."

Stockman also went on to savage Reagan for selling-out to his zaney cabinet ;)

I've got that book on my Kindle, but haven't read it yet.

I've heard two interviews of him on CSpan and he calls washington & its leeches what they are- scumbags (a lot of them anyway)

Did I mention that Katzndogz is a partisan hack of the lowest order? ;) :lol:
Chances are I won't be voting. Again.



The Means-End Argument
Although certain services and goods are necessary to our survival, it is not essential that they be provided by the government. Voluntaryists oppose the State because it uses coercive means. The means are the seeds which bud into flower and come into fruition. It is impossible to plant the seed of coercion and then reap the flower of voluntaryism. The coercionist always proposes to compel people to do some-thing, usually by passing laws or electing politicians to office. These laws and officials depend upon physical violence to enforce their wills. Voluntary means, such as non-violent resistance, for example, violate no one's rights. They only serve to nullify laws and politicians by ignoring them. Voluntaryism does not require of people that they violently overthrow their government, or use the electoral process to change it; merely that they shall cease to support their government, whereupon it will fall of its own dead weight. If one takes care of the means, the end will take care of itself.

The Consistency Argument
It is a commonplace observation that the means one uses must be consistent with the goal one seeks. It is impossible to "wage a war for peace" or "fight politics by becoming political." Freedom and private property are total, indivisible concepts that are compromised wherever and whenever the State exists. Since all things are related to one another in our complicated social world, if one man's freedom or private property may be violated (regardless of the justification), then every man's freedom and property are insecure. The superior man can only be sure of his freedom if the inferior man is secure in his rights. We often forget that we can secure our liberty only by preserving it for the most despicable and obnoxious among us, lest we set precedents that can reach us.

The Integrity, Self-Control, and Corruption Argument
It is a fact of human nature that the only person who can think with your brain is you. Neither can a person be compelled to do anything against his or her will, for each person is ultimately responsible for his or her own actions. Governments try to terrorize individuals into submitting to tyranny by grabbing their bodies as hostages and trying to destroy their spirits. This strategy is not successful against the person who harbors the Stoic attitude toward life, and who refuses to allow pain to disturb the equanimity of his or her mind, and the exercise of reason. A government might destroy one's body or property, but it cannot injure one's philosophy of life. - Furthermore, the voluntaryist rejects the use of political power because it can only be exercised by implicitly endorsing or using violence to accomplish one's ends. The power to do good to others is also the power to do them harm. Power to compel people, to control other people's lives, is what political power is all about. It violates all the basic principles of voluntaryism: might does not make right; the end never justifies the means; nor may one person coercively interfere in the life of another. Even the smallest amount of political power is dangerous. First, it reduces the capacity of at least some people to lead their own lives in their own way. Second, and more important from the voluntaryist point of view, is what it does to the person wielding the power: it corrupts that person's character.
What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?

We will probably elect the same assholes again yes. But by then I'll be living on a beach and won't give the least bit of a damn about any of it.
those of you saying you would not vote, are hurting all of us and giving the election away to the liberal communist. wouldn't it be better if we are stood united and voted all these politicians out and elected people that aould actually work for us, and not for themselves? Think about it.
Chances are I won't be voting. Again.

same here. David Stockman has it right. He said that politicians are:

"They're essentially glorified concierges who introduce politicians to the money, the PACs and K Street."

Stockman also went on to savage Reagan for selling-out to his zaney cabinet ;)

I've got that book on my Kindle, but haven't read it yet.

Stockman is a statist weasel. Nothing he wrote is worth reading.
Work as hard as I can to keep democrats out of office. ANY office.

what kind of work would that be krazy grrl? :eusa_eh: You get zanier as time goes by :thup: I don't know if you're going to make it the next three years of our proud African American President's 2nd-term :cool:

As to the OP. Yeah, I won't be voting for either of the big two parties ESPECIALLY Repubs :)

It's questionable whether the republic will survive 3 mores years of Obama.
I've heard two interviews of him on CSpan and he calls washington & its leeches what they are- scumbags (a lot of them anyway)

Did I mention that Katzndogz is a partisan hack of the lowest order? ;) :lol:

He's correct enough, every democrat in Washington is a scumbag. So are half of the republicans, but those are all the politicians you admire. Take Obama, for instance. The leaches in Washington all cater to ticks on the ass of society like you.
c'mon why don't we stand united and vote all these same career politicians out in the next election. UNITED WE STAND.
c'mon why don't we stand united and vote all these same career politicians out in the next election. UNITED WE STAND.

You're dreaming. There is nothing united about this country at this point.

We have two very distinct versions of statism and they both want the same thing - Control.
What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?

I think it would be just dandy if we as a people would not vote for anyone who was or is in Congress.

Both parties have presided over this trillion dollar deficitt; why would we want to keep/promote any of them. They're not doing anything effective to deal with it.

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