What are we going to do?

What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?

Lets all vote for unqualified misfits to teach them a lesson
those of you saying you would not vote, are hurting all of us and giving the election away to the liberal communist. wouldn't it be better if we are stood united and voted all these politicians out and elected people that aould actually work for us, and not for themselves? Think about it.

As there are no people running who would actually "work for us," nor do I even know what that means, the answer is no.
Lets face it.......we have no good politicians in washington in either party. Instead of voting party, why don't people vote for the best choice. I hate the two party system, which only divides us and causes hostility. We need to all be united as americans, not a party affliation. We need to stand united against what is happening to all of us due to these politicians in washington. We need to vote these all out and vote the next time for someone new and who will work for all of us, not for themselves.
Not Voting. One of my favorite episodes of South Park.

“I think voting is great, but, if I have to choose between a douche and a turd, I just don't see the point.”

-Stan, 808

“It's always between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Nearly every election since the beginning of time has been between some douche and some turd. They're the only people who suck up enough to make it that far in politics.”

-Some balding man, 808

Quotes: Legal System
Who's fighting for Liberty and who's fighting against it? Who's preserving Justice and Who's corroding Justice?
Who's fighting for Liberty and who's fighting against it? Who's preserving Justice and Who's corroding Justice?

Everyone is for Liberty and nobody is against it
Everyone supports preserving justice and nobody supports corroding it
What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?
well, after laughing at you, I will only vote for a politician with a (D) after their name I will only vote for a demcrats bill that are on the ballot.... you see emily I sick and tire of republican screwing up everything they touch ... you see, you being weak of mind,:cuckoo: we can't really take you serious .... As long as these same old faces have a (D) behind their name I'm good with it ...
c'mon why don't we stand united and vote all these same career politicians out in the next election. UNITED WE STAND.

You're dreaming. There is nothing united about this country at this point.

We have two very distinct versions of statism and they both want the same thing - Control.

i will not say you are wrong, but look at it from my view point, liberals/liarberals ARE united, no mater what the top lib says or does, every fucking lying liberal scumbag WILL stand behind him/her and support the lies, e.g., Benghazi

DemoncRATS, liberals, liarberals, commies, socialists and anyone with a LEFT wingnut view point are united against us true Patriots.
What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?

Assuming that we'll be getting more of the same old shit without any truly viable candidate from a party other than the Ds or Rs?

I will hold my nose and vote for the least worst choice.
Who's fighting for Liberty and who's fighting against it? Who's preserving Justice and Who's corroding Justice?

Everyone is for Liberty and nobody is against it
Everyone supports preserving justice and nobody supports corroding it

Yeah, sure. That's why we have had constant erosion of civil liberties from both democrats and republicans alike. Because they are for liberty.

That's why we have scandels, cover-ups and no accountability. Because they are all for justice.

It takes a prettty massive cognition failure to type something that stupid.
those of you saying you would not vote, are hurting all of us and giving the election away to the liberal communist. wouldn't it be better if we are stood united and voted all these politicians out and elected people that aould actually work for us, and not for themselves? Think about it.
you mean you would rather have them vote for those fascist Nazi Republicans instead ... not me man
c'mon why don't we stand united and vote all these same career politicians out in the next election. UNITED WE STAND.

You're dreaming. There is nothing united about this country at this point.

We have two very distinct versions of statism and they both want the same thing - Control.

i will not say you are wrong, but look at it from my view point, liberals/liarberals ARE united, no mater what the top lib says or does, every fucking lying liberal scumbag WILL stand behind him/her and support the lies, e.g., Benghazi

DemoncRATS, liberals, liarberals, commies, socialists and anyone with a LEFT wingnut view point are united against us true Patriots.

Oh, sure. Because republicans and conservatives are so patriotic. :lol:
c'mon why don't we stand united and vote all these same career politicians out in the next election. UNITED WE STAND.

You're dreaming. There is nothing united about this country at this point.

We have two very distinct versions of statism and they both want the same thing - Control.
control of what ???

Society. What you can choose to do, how you can do it, asking for state permission, etc...etc..etc..

That's what politicians do. They work to gain power.

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