What are we going to do?

What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?

Lets all vote for unqualified misfits to teach them a lesson
that would mean we would vote for the repub-lie-tards ... not falling for that one ... they're the unqualified misfits
What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?

Lets all vote for unqualified misfits to teach them a lesson
that would mean we would vote for the repub-lie-tards ... not falling for that one ... they're the unqualified misfits

Yes, because Obama and the democrats have proven to be so much different. :cuckoo:
Lets face it.......we have no good politicians in washington in either party. Instead of voting party, why don't people vote for the best choice. I hate the two party system, which only divides us and causes hostility. We need to all be united as americans, not a party affliation. We need to stand united against what is happening to all of us due to these politicians in washington. We need to vote these all out and vote the next time for someone new and who will work for all of us, not for themselves.

correct me if I'm wrong ... I was told yesterday that my English not so good ... I responded to the poster that I had to write in the manner that these republicans understood things ... I was told I was a fucking Idiot ... soooooooo answer me this .... shouldn't it be "we haven't any good politicians in washington in either party " just asking .... because if I used proper spelling and proper grammar, would these republicans understand what I was saying ??? again I'm just a askin'

now emily its not the two party system that cause the problem, unless you are referring to the republicans and the tea baggers I can understand that... the problem you have is you don't know when you are in a good place ...
c'mon why don't we stand united and vote all these same career politicians out in the next election. UNITED WE STAND.

You're dreaming. There is nothing united about this country at this point.

We have two very distinct versions of statism and they both want the same thing - Control.

i will not say you are wrong, but look at it from my view point, liberals/liarberals ARE united, no mater what the top lib says or does, every fucking lying liberal scumbag WILL stand behind him/her and support the lies, e.g., Benghazi

DemoncRATS, liberals, liarberals, commies, socialists and anyone with a LEFT wingnut view point are united against us true Patriots.

as if you repub-lie-tards would ever know when you're being lied to
You're dreaming. There is nothing united about this country at this point.

We have two very distinct versions of statism and they both want the same thing - Control.
control of what ???

Society. What you can choose to do, how you can do it, asking for state permission, etc...etc..etc..

That's what politicians do. They work to gain power.
was it the republicans that said we need clean air, water, we need our foods safe, we need to help the people who fall between the cracks ... it some time means what kind of power are you asking for ... to have power you have to be able to block any filibuster to have power ... you have to be able to explain to the people what you want ... there are two kinds of power ... the real question is what power do you want running the country ... after all its power that makes the country go round ... pull the power in two different directions and we have what we have now ... A stalemate
control of what ???

Society. What you can choose to do, how you can do it, asking for state permission, etc...etc..etc..

That's what politicians do. They work to gain power.
was it the republicans that said we need clean air, water, we need our foods safe, we need to help the people who fall between the cracks ... it some time means what kind of power are you asking for ... to have power you have to be able to block any filibuster to have power ... you have to be able to explain to the people what you want ... there are two kinds of power ... the real question is what power do you want running the country ... after all its power that makes the country go round ... pull the power in two different directions and we have what we have now ... A stalemate

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Politicians dont provide clean air, water, food or help the poor. We've had a war on poverty for decades and it has done nothing to diminish poverty.

What you're referring to is one of the two distinct versions of statism I mentioned earlier. You've obviously fallen into it head first.
You claim republicans this, republicans that. Well, the democrats are no better and are offering nothing different than their warped version of control. The same as republicans.
Society. What you can choose to do, how you can do it, asking for state permission, etc...etc..etc..

That's what politicians do. They work to gain power.
was it the republicans that said we need clean air, water, we need our foods safe, we need to help the people who fall between the cracks ... it some time means what kind of power are you asking for ... to have power you have to be able to block any filibuster to have power ... you have to be able to explain to the people what you want ... there are two kinds of power ... the real question is what power do you want running the country ... after all its power that makes the country go round ... pull the power in two different directions and we have what we have now ... A stalemate

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Politicians dont We've had a war on poverty for decades and it has done nothing to diminish poverty.

What you're referring to is one of the two distinct versions of statism I mentioned earlier. You've obviously fallen into it head first.
You claim republicans this, republicans that. Well, the democrats are no better and are offering nothing different than their warped version of control. The same as republicans.

stop with the moronic phrases ... your ignorants is astounding ... it was the democrats that made laws to provide clean air, water, food or help the poor. not the republicans ... they voted against every Law for these things ... you have no Idea what democrats are about .... some day you will ... so you're saying that health care for the people is a bad thing ... yours saying that clean air is a bad thing ... your saying that helping the poor is a bad thing ... this is what the republicans believe ... vote against all these things ... the democrats don't believe in these things that the republicans want and has a history in helping these thing to be ... where we can see what the republicans have offer to us ... that would be a loss in jobs and protect the rich 1% at all cost
it was the democrats that made laws to provide clean air, water

Why do people forget this history?

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or sometimes USEPA) is an agency of the U.S. federal government which was created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress.[2] The EPA was proposed by President Richard Nixon and began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order. The order establishing the EPA was ratified by committee hearings in the House and Senate.[3

I guess its because the GOP has so changed that it seems impossible that at one time the GOP actually gave a rat's ass about the environment.

CONSERVEative, ya know?
was it the republicans that said we need clean air, water, we need our foods safe, we need to help the people who fall between the cracks ... it some time means what kind of power are you asking for ... to have power you have to be able to block any filibuster to have power ... you have to be able to explain to the people what you want ... there are two kinds of power ... the real question is what power do you want running the country ... after all its power that makes the country go round ... pull the power in two different directions and we have what we have now ... A stalemate

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Politicians dont We've had a war on poverty for decades and it has done nothing to diminish poverty.

What you're referring to is one of the two distinct versions of statism I mentioned earlier. You've obviously fallen into it head first.
You claim republicans this, republicans that. Well, the democrats are no better and are offering nothing different than their warped version of control. The same as republicans.

stop with the moronic phrases ... your ignorants is astounding ... it was the democrats that made laws to provide clean air, water, food or help the poor. not the republicans ... they voted against every Law for these things ... you have no Idea what democrats are about .... some day you will ... so you're saying that health care for the people is a bad thing ... yours saying that clean air is a bad thing ... your saying that helping the poor is a bad thing ... this is what the republicans believe ... vote against all these things ... the democrats don't believe in these things that the republicans want and has a history in helping these thing to be ... where we can see what the republicans have offer to us ... that would be a loss in jobs and protect the rich 1% at all cost

You really dont get it at all, do you?

These "laws" do nothing to protect anything and only further the favoritism created by legislation to keep competition at bay in any given sector of the economy. After that, you just offered up a lot of hyperbole, nonsense and ridiculous assumptions.
What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?

the next election 2014 is about which party will control Congress ... if the Republicans come up short in the Senate again, 2016 will be a Banner year for Democrats.

if Republicans only have Benghazi they deserve to lose.
those of you saying you would not vote, are hurting all of us and giving the election away to the liberal communist. wouldn't it be better if we are stood united and voted all these politicians out and elected people that aould actually work for us, and not for themselves? Think about it.

Until you get corporate and billionaire money out of our election process, that will never happen. The 1% will continue to choose who we get to vote for, and the rest of us will always lose in the end.
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What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?
There is no choice between Republicans OR Democrats when it comes to issues of war and debt.
You can not "choose" in any meaningful sense when both parties rely on 1% of the voters to fund the election campaigns and their retirements.
Once upon a time there was no alternative; today there is.
If you're sick of endless war and eternal debt chose from established third party candidates appearing on your ballot.
FLUSH hundreds of DC incumbents, Republicans AND Democrats, from power in a single news cycle and you will get more Change than you can handle.
What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?
There is no choice between Republicans OR Democrats when it comes to issues of war and debt.
You can not "choose" in any meaningful sense when both parties rely on 1% of the voters to fund the election campaigns and their retirements.
Once upon a time there was no alternative; today there is.
If you're sick of endless war and eternal debt chose from established third party candidates appearing on your ballot.
FLUSH hundreds of DC incumbents, Republicans AND Democrats, from power in a single news cycle and you will get more Change than you can handle.

If there was a PUBLIC national movement this would be viable. Too many people are uninformed at this point for that to have any chance. That and thise who vote straight tickets no matter what.

Term limits would better protect us from life long leeches
those of you saying you would not vote, are hurting all of us and giving the election away to the liberal communist. wouldn't it be better if we are stood united and voted all these politicians out and elected people that aould actually work for us, and not for themselves? Think about it.

Some tried and elected the tea party and they just turned into the same nitwits we didnt like. Sometimes I wish we could just get rid of everyone and start over fresh, They wouldnt have the experience but wouldnt beocme jaded right off the bat.

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