What are we going to do?

When the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed (precursor to the FDA), a Republican was President.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Politicians dont We've had a war on poverty for decades and it has done nothing to diminish poverty.

What you're referring to is one of the two distinct versions of statism I mentioned earlier. You've obviously fallen into it head first.
You claim republicans this, republicans that. Well, the democrats are no better and are offering nothing different than their warped version of control. The same as republicans.

stop with the moronic phrases ... your ignorants is astounding ... it was the democrats that made laws to provide clean air, water, food or help the poor. not the republicans ... they voted against every Law for these things ... you have no Idea what democrats are about .... some day you will ... so you're saying that health care for the people is a bad thing ... yours saying that clean air is a bad thing ... your saying that helping the poor is a bad thing ... this is what the republicans believe ... vote against all these things ... the democrats don't believe in these things that the republicans want and has a history in helping these thing to be ... where we can see what the republicans have offer to us ... that would be a loss in jobs and protect the rich 1% at all cost

You really dont get it at all, do you?

These "laws" do nothing to protect anything and only further the favoritism created by legislation to keep competition at bay in any given sector of the economy. After that, you just offered up a lot of hyperbole, nonsense and ridiculous assumptions.
stuck in the stupid mode I see...
When the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed (precursor to the FDA), a Republican was President.
the c lean watter act was intIntroduced in the Senate as S. 2770 by Edmund Muskie on October 28, 1971 a democrat
Act(s) repealed Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
37 U.S. Stat. 416 (1912) (Sherley Amendment)
37 U.S. Stat. 732 (1913) (Gould Amendment)
41 U.S. Stat. 271 (1919) (Kenyon Amendment)
42 U.S. Stat. 1500 (1923)
44 U.S. Stat. 976-1003 (1927)
46 U.S. Stat. 1019 (1930) (McNary-Mapes Amendment)
48 U.S. Stat. 1204 (1934) (21 U.S.C. §§ 1-15)

if you're going to be credible, then list the whole story not your pathetic attempt to distort reality ... I realize that's the repub-lie-tard way, but hey !!! what can I say...
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it was the democrats that made laws to provide clean air, water

Why do people forget this history?

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or sometimes USEPA) is an agency of the U.S. federal government which was created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress.[2] The EPA was proposed by President Richard Nixon and began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order. The order establishing the EPA was ratified by committee hearings in the House and Senate.[3

I guess its because the GOP has so changed that it seems impossible that at one time the GOP actually gave a rat's ass about the environment.

CONSERVEative, ya know?
well, in the senate there were more dems in the senate and there were more democrats in the house edmund muskie wrote the epa laws ...a democrat ...the dems were responsible for the law ... a law the republicans have tried to repeal to this date....
When the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed (precursor to the FDA), a Republican was President.
the c lean watter act was intIntroduced in the Senate as S. 2770 by Edmund Muskie on October 28, 1971 a democrat
Act(s) repealed Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
37 U.S. Stat. 416 (1912) (Sherley Amendment)
37 U.S. Stat. 732 (1913) (Gould Amendment)
41 U.S. Stat. 271 (1919) (Kenyon Amendment)
42 U.S. Stat. 1500 (1923)
44 U.S. Stat. 976-1003 (1927)
46 U.S. Stat. 1019 (1930) (McNary-Mapes Amendment)
48 U.S. Stat. 1204 (1934) (21 U.S.C. §§ 1-15)

if you're going to be credible, then list the whole story not your pathetic attempt to distort reality ... I realize that's the repub-lie-tard way, but hey !!! what can I say...

What I posted is historical fact, moron.
It's not. Why don't you take a break from the hyper-partisan clown show and go address that shortcoming of yours?
why don't you go an fuck yourself ... nobody else will

Did they let you out of school early today or something, kid? Or did they just give up on you?
what tired of fucking yourself ???? and you want to be abused here ??? sorry no taker here...
go back playing with yourself ...nobody else will !!!!
Let's see:

Republican President: Signed an executive order creating the EPA.

democrat President: Signed an executive order throwing over 100,000 innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps.

And you're trying to be self-righteous about your affiliation with the latter? I guess we know a thing or two about you (and many other democrats) now...
why don't you go an fuck yourself ... nobody else will

Did they let you out of school early today or something, kid? Or did they just give up on you?
what tired of fucking yourself ???? and you want to be abused here ??? sorry no taker here...
go back playing with yourself ...nobody else will !!!!

You need some new material, kid. Just repeating one lame comment over and over isn't working for you.
When the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed (precursor to the FDA), a Republican was President.
the c lean watter act was intIntroduced in the Senate as S. 2770 by Edmund Muskie on October 28, 1971 a democrat
Act(s) repealed Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
37 U.S. Stat. 416 (1912) (Sherley Amendment)
37 U.S. Stat. 732 (1913) (Gould Amendment)
41 U.S. Stat. 271 (1919) (Kenyon Amendment)
42 U.S. Stat. 1500 (1923)
44 U.S. Stat. 976-1003 (1927)
46 U.S. Stat. 1019 (1930) (McNary-Mapes Amendment)
48 U.S. Stat. 1204 (1934) (21 U.S.C. §§ 1-15)

if you're going to be credible, then list the whole story not your pathetic attempt to distort reality ... I realize that's the repub-lie-tard way, but hey !!! what can I say...

What I posted is historical fact, moron.
and what I posted is historical fact idiot ...see where it says repealed??? guess ya didn't that because you're a repub-lie-tard like iI said moron, if you're going to tell it, tell the whole story ... we realize you repub-lie-tars love to distort the facts
Did they let you out of school early today or something, kid? Or did they just give up on you?
what tired of fucking yourself ???? and you want to be abused here ??? sorry no taker here...
go back playing with yourself ...nobody else will !!!!

You need some new material, kid. Just repeating one lame comment over and over isn't working for you.
what did ya wear it out ???your post doesn't work at ALL TALK ABOUT BEING UNINFORMED ... if ya just left it a lone for a while the swelling will stop ... and maybe you can get some blood circulating in you head ... r
the c lean watter act was intIntroduced in the Senate as S. 2770 by Edmund Muskie on October 28, 1971 a democrat
Act(s) repealed Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
37 U.S. Stat. 416 (1912) (Sherley Amendment)
37 U.S. Stat. 732 (1913) (Gould Amendment)
41 U.S. Stat. 271 (1919) (Kenyon Amendment)
42 U.S. Stat. 1500 (1923)
44 U.S. Stat. 976-1003 (1927)
46 U.S. Stat. 1019 (1930) (McNary-Mapes Amendment)
48 U.S. Stat. 1204 (1934) (21 U.S.C. §§ 1-15)

if you're going to be credible, then list the whole story not your pathetic attempt to distort reality ... I realize that's the repub-lie-tard way, but hey !!! what can I say...

What I posted is historical fact, moron.
and what I posted is historical fact idiot ...see where it says repealed???

And that changes what about the fact I posted, you semi-literate simpleton?
Let's see:

Republican President: Signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

Republican President: Signed an executive order creating the EPA.

democrat President: Signed an executive order throwing over 100,000 innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps....

It must be their ability to shamelessly deny the reality of what they were and what they are that allows democrats to pretend up is down and to still go on and on as if they are the 'good guys' and anyone who disagrees with any policy or attitude of theirs must be 'mean-spirited,' '___ist,' 'stupid,' 'ill-willed,' 'blind,' 'asleep,' or the like.
What are you going to do in the next election? Are we going to vote for the same old faces and people in washington, making a career off of all of us and taking all our money?
What do you plan to do.?
There is no choice between Republicans OR Democrats when it comes to issues of war and debt.
You can not "choose" in any meaningful sense when both parties rely on 1% of the voters to fund the election campaigns and their retirements.
Once upon a time there was no alternative; today there is.
If you're sick of endless war and eternal debt chose from established third party candidates appearing on your ballot.
FLUSH hundreds of DC incumbents, Republicans AND Democrats, from power in a single news cycle and you will get more Change than you can handle.

If there was a PUBLIC national movement this would be viable. Too many people are uninformed at this point for that to have any chance. That and thise who vote straight tickets no matter what.

Term limits would better protect us from life long leeches
The Internet is a mass public movement that's never been seen before.
Millions of eligible US voters don't vote in national elections because they see no choice.
Social media could be used to convince the skeptics to get involved and vote against every Republican AND Democrat running for reelection...FLUSH the DC toilet.

Should such a thing ever happen, reforms like term limits/Second Constitutional Convention would have a much better chance of accomplishing their purpose without being sidetracked by Wall Street and the Pentagon.
those of you saying you would not vote, are hurting all of us and giving the election away to the liberal communist. wouldn't it be better if we are stood united and voted all these politicians out and elected people that aould actually work for us, and not for themselves? Think about it.

Finally!!! The first voice of reason on this thread of pure insanity....
I'm going to watch this later today although I'm not a big fan of Rose's because he always seems to cut-off all the interviewees mid-sentence.

Charlie Rose - David Stockman

Off-topic, but yeah, Rose is a terrible interviewer. He strikes dramatic poses that make him seem like a keen observer and an intense intellectual. Only thing is, he's not.
:banghead: Ladies & Gentlemen - I give you the reason why we have $16 trillion in debt and a radical Marxist sitting in the Oval Office of the White House:

Chances are I won't be voting. Again.

same here

We will probably elect the same assholes again yes. But by then I'll be living on a beach and won't give the least bit of a damn about any of it.

We have the idiot libtard dumbocrat (Dot Cum swallow), the idealist libertarian "take-my-ball-and-go-home" cry-baby who makes perfect the enemy of better (Kevin_Kennedy), and the average self-absorbed disinterested American who allowed people to die for their freedom but is not willing to make the big "sacrifice" of voting properly so future generations can enjoy what this selfish fool did (TheOldSchool).

Yep, this is the perfect snapshot of America right here - the complete gauntlet of of who is responsible for the collapse of America! :banghead:
c'mon why don't we stand united and vote all these same career politicians out in the next election. UNITED WE STAND.

You're dreaming. There is nothing united about this country at this point.

We have two very distinct versions of statism and they both want the same thing - Control.

The distinctions are minimal in principle (both parties support and are supported by corporate-driven plutocracies) but significant in practice, nutballs favoring return to a bare-bones feudal culture controlled openly by corporate royalty, while fake-liberals favor a veneer of government control pretending to manage corporate royalty and more entitlements for more people.

Results are the same for the US workforce. The end of the middle class is the big similarity, the big difference is in levels of protection from corporate crimes. Nutballs don't want any and fake-liberals want too many.

No choice there for people like me.

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