What are we going to do?

Chances are I won't be voting. Again.

same here. David Stockman has it right. He said that politicians are:

"They're essentially glorified concierges who introduce politicians to the money, the PACs and K Street."

Stockman also went on to savage Reagan for selling-out to his zaney cabinet ;)

I agree but I still have to vote.

What if we had stayed home and mittens the figure head had been elected?

The GObP/pub/pots are dangerous to our country. If they get into power, they will bleed us dry.
Chances are I won't be voting. Again.

same here. David Stockman has it right. He said that politicians are:

"They're essentially glorified concierges who introduce politicians to the money, the PACs and K Street."

Stockman also went on to savage Reagan for selling-out to his zaney cabinet ;)

I agree but I still have to vote.

What if we had stayed home and mittens the figure head had been elected?

The GObP/pub/pots are dangerous to our country. If they get into power, they will bleed us dry.

You mean, you're not already bleed dry?
c'mon why don't we stand united and vote all these same career politicians out in the next election. UNITED WE STAND.

You're dreaming. There is nothing united about this country at this point.

We have two very distinct versions of statism and they both want the same thing - Control.

The distinctions are minimal in principle (both parties support and are supported by corporate-driven plutocracies) but significant in practice, nutballs favoring return to a bare-bones feudal culture controlled openly by corporate royalty, while fake-liberals favor a veneer of government control pretending to manage corporate royalty and more entitlements for more people.

Results are the same for the US workforce. The end of the middle class is the big similarity, the big difference is in levels of protection from corporate crimes. Nutballs don't want any and fake-liberals want too many.

No choice there for people like me.

Another idiot who thinks the government should protect him from the big bad corporations.

As long as we have people like this voting, we're screwed.

The government is part of the big bad corporations, you moron. The more power you give it to regulate corporations, the bigger corporations will become.

People who do not understand the difference between feudalism and free markets are dunces.

We really should bring back literacy tests before people can vote.
:banghead: Ladies & Gentlemen - I give you the reason why we have $16 trillion in debt and a radical Marxist sitting in the Oval Office of the White House:

Chances are I won't be voting. Again.

same here

We will probably elect the same assholes again yes. But by then I'll be living on a beach and won't give the least bit of a damn about any of it.

We have the idiot libtard dumbocrat (Dot Cum swallow), the idealist libertarian "take-my-ball-and-go-home" cry-baby who makes perfect the enemy of better (Kevin_Kennedy), and the average self-absorbed disinterested American who allowed people to die for their freedom but is not willing to make the big "sacrifice" of voting properly so future generations can enjoy what this selfish fool did (TheOldSchool).

Yep, this is the perfect snapshot of America right here - the complete gauntlet of of who is responsible for the collapse of America! :banghead:

Yeah and the GOP is full of people ready to save the country LOL Fool get the head out your ass and look at the big picture Reps and Dems are fucking us in the ass
those of you saying you would not vote, are hurting all of us and giving the election away to the liberal communist. wouldn't it be better if we are stood united and voted all these politicians out and elected people that aould actually work for us, and not for themselves? Think about it.

It's not like George Bush was a Free Market prodigy. Both parties are very complicit in this hell hole called Central Planning. Neither of them -- Republican or Democrat -- deserves your vote, or anyone else's.
:banghead: Ladies & Gentlemen - I give you the reason why we have $16 trillion in debt and a radical Marxist sitting in the Oval Office of the White House:

Chances are I won't be voting. Again.

We will probably elect the same assholes again yes. But by then I'll be living on a beach and won't give the least bit of a damn about any of it.

We have the idiot libtard dumbocrat (Dot Cum swallow), the idealist libertarian "take-my-ball-and-go-home" cry-baby who makes perfect the enemy of better (Kevin_Kennedy), and the average self-absorbed disinterested American who allowed people to die for their freedom but is not willing to make the big "sacrifice" of voting properly so future generations can enjoy what this selfish fool did (TheOldSchool).

Yep, this is the perfect snapshot of America right here - the complete gauntlet of of who is responsible for the collapse of America! :banghead:

Yeah and the GOP is full of people ready to save the country LOL Fool get the head out your ass and look at the big picture Reps and Dems are fucking us in the ass

Which is why you need to vote to replace them, you fuck'n moron....
I'll be voting DEM, because I'm not a greedy a-hole idiot, or a brainwashed, fear mongered functional moron. Keep up the radical Marxist foolishness and hanging your disaster of a party.
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Replace as many incumbents from both corrupt parties as possible by choosing between candidates from already established third parties, i.e., Greens, Libertarians, Independent, Peace and Freedom. FLUSH hundreds of Democrats AND Republicans from DC next November, and watch the fun begin. Unless you're afraid of a democracy that isn't controlled by 1% of the voters?
I will probably not vote this time around.
Living in NY my vote is wasted as this state is a liberal stronghold.
The other reason to stay away is the republican party is probably going to move left in order to
try to get the Hispanic,women,gay,lesbian,Hispanic gay transgender transsexual dwarf Pakistani cab drivers.

Good luck to us all if we get another Democrat president.
You're dreaming. There is nothing united about this country at this point.

We have two very distinct versions of statism and they both want the same thing - Control.

The distinctions are minimal in principle (both parties support and are supported by corporate-driven plutocracies) but significant in practice, nutballs favoring return to a bare-bones feudal culture controlled openly by corporate royalty, while fake-liberals favor a veneer of government control pretending to manage corporate royalty and more entitlements for more people.

Results are the same for the US workforce. The end of the middle class is the big similarity, the big difference is in levels of protection from corporate crimes. Nutballs don't want any and fake-liberals want too many.

No choice there for people like me.

Another idiot who thinks the government should protect him from the big bad corporations.

As long as we have people like this voting, we're screwed.

The government is part of the big bad corporations, you moron. The more power you give it to regulate corporations, the bigger corporations will become.

People who do not understand the difference between feudalism and free markets are dunces.

We really should bring back literacy tests before people can vote.

We can agree on literacy tests as long as they include basic logic problems as part of the elimination process. If there had been comprehensive literacy tests in 2000, there never would have been a Bush League; had there been comprehensive literacy tests in 2004 there would not be a president Barack Obama today. Reason: about half the white trash in America couldn't have voted.

Let's take a minute to prove that to your white trash nutball friends, shall we?

A. My post is clear the problem is the balance.

Your claim is apparently there should be no regulations against 36" pipes pumping industrial wastes into drinking water.

Bottom line: people too stupid to realize that at no time in the last six thousand years has there ever been a legal free market are not capable of adding more than scut labor value to any society. Not now. Not when people like you were made eunuchs to serve people like Clinton and Romney (you are too stupid to see how alike they are). Not ever.

B. Government should NOT be an extension of private sector corporations; government should represent natural born citizens.

My view of government is keep it poor, underfed and on a short leash. Beat it from time to time. Based on FACTS - including nutballs electing Reagan and Junebug, the biggest spenders in history before you nutball white trash elected Obama in 2004, your view is big government and spend, spend, spend.

The literate nutballs among your halfwit nutball pals may understand some of this; those ones likely take the Quaker view of 'queer' about you.

To conclude: you are part of a herd of human cattle corporations stimulate with pictures and florid language into voting the worst instincts of humanity every other year. This year's red meat is some cowboy diplomat getting himself and some better people killed in one of the few places that doesn't track back to the halfwit tejan and white trash icon, Junebug.

Last night you Sir Galahad'd a halfwit accusing me of being 'self unaware' whatever that means, but one suspects it means something like where were you when Bush killed 60 people in diplomatic missions? One suspects it means something like where were you nutball scum when Bush invaded two sovereign nations for basically no reason other than he wanted to show his mommy he could penetrate deeper and stay longer than daddy-o.

You people were fooled by Reagan and Junebug Bush. You elected Clinton voting against old man Bush. You elected Obama voting for his halfwit boy. The only reasons you are right about Clinton and Obama is they are not part of your gaggle of party loyalists ready to destroy America rather than admit the need for common sense regulation for public safety.

You people are sick, twisted, nutball scum.

What tickles me is that while you people circle the drain in the vortex above the government cesspool, corporations have convinced you human cattle you are sharks and the naked bulb hanging from a thin wire on the ceiling is the sun of bright new days ahead.

Stick to circling the drain with your pals. Now get lost.
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You're dreaming. There is nothing united about this country at this point.

We have two very distinct versions of statism and they both want the same thing - Control.

The distinctions are minimal in principle (both parties support and are supported by corporate-driven plutocracies) but significant in practice, nutballs favoring return to a bare-bones feudal culture controlled openly by corporate royalty, while fake-liberals favor a veneer of government control pretending to manage corporate royalty and more entitlements for more people.

Results are the same for the US workforce. The end of the middle class is the big similarity, the big difference is in levels of protection from corporate crimes. Nutballs don't want any and fake-liberals want too many.

No choice there for people like me.

Another idiot who thinks the government should protect him from the big bad corporations.

As long as we have people like this voting, we're screwed.

Partisanship makes damned fools of far too many of our fellow citizens.

The government is part of the big bad corporations, you moron. The more power you give it to regulate corporations, the bigger corporations will become.

True dat.

Sans government running interference for their pals, I suspect a lot of giant corporations would not (could not!) exist.

People who do not understand the difference between feudalism and free markets are dunces.

Sadly there never has been, nor will there ever be truly "FREE" markets without some kind of government.

In fact the concept of FREE MARKET is largely a misnomer in the respect of what most people think of when they use the word "free".

But certainly there are markets that are FREER than others.

We really should bring back literacy tests before people can vote.

Sometimes, especially after coming to as place like this one, I am sympathetic to that kind of proposal, too.

Of course to be truly effective such test would have to test more than merely testing literacy.

Throw in history, economics, civics and political science and I'm on board.
If you had to pick between Hillary or Jeb...?

Christ! I hope not.

I suspect in that case I will throw away my vote for some third party nobody.

I still believe in the Internet Reformation, ed.
Social networking like Twitter, Facebook, etc, etc, could motivate millions of US voters who never bother to cast a ballot. True. In most traditional situations these people should not be voting, IMHO. However, our current dilemma is anything but traditional.

Find a way to turn out 90% (dare I say it...99%) of all eligible voters in 2014 with but one mandate: FLUSH as many incumbents from DC in a single news cycle as possible. If nothing else, the Pentagon and Wall Street have some rebranding to do especially if the vote among active duty military mirrors that of the general population.

Set the stage for a Second Constitutional Convention or US Civil War 2.0?
Lots of devils in those details, but they don't change my belief that Republicans AND Democrats have outlived their usefulness to this republic.
I'll be voting DEM, because I'm not a greedy a-hole idiot, or a brainwashed, fear mongered functional moron. Keep up the radical Marxist foolishness and hanging your disaster of a party.

Actually, you'll voting DEM exactly because you are a greedy a-hole. You want government to take money from other people and hand it over to you. You want free healthcare, free housing, free food, and free money. All because you are greedy and lazy.
We can agree on literacy tests as long as they include basic logic problems as part of the elimination process. If there had been comprehensive literacy tests in 2000, there never would have been a Bush League; had there been comprehensive literacy tests in 2004 there would not be a president Barack Obama today. Reason: about half the white trash in America couldn't have voted.

Let's take a minute to prove that to your white trash nutball friends, shall we?

A. My post is clear the problem is the balance.

Your claim is apparently there should be no regulations against 36" pipes pumping industrial wastes into drinking water.

Bottom line: people too stupid to realize that at no time in the last six thousand years has there ever been a legal free market are not capable of adding more than scut labor value to any society. Not now. Not when people like you were made eunuchs to serve people like Clinton and Romney (you are too stupid to see how alike they are). Not ever.

B. Government should NOT be an extension of private sector corporations; government should represent natural born citizens.

My view of government is keep it poor, underfed and on a short leash. Beat it from time to time. Based on FACTS - including nutballs electing Reagan and Junebug, the biggest spenders in history before you nutball white trash elected Obama in 2004, your view is big government and spend, spend, spend.

The literate nutballs among your halfwit nutball pals may understand some of this; those ones likely take the Quaker view of 'queer' about you.

To conclude: you are part of a herd of human cattle corporations stimulate with pictures and florid language into voting the worst instincts of humanity every other year. This year's red meat is some cowboy diplomat getting himself and some better people killed in one of the few places that doesn't track back to the halfwit tejan and white trash icon, Junebug.

Last night you Sir Galahad'd a halfwit accusing me of being 'self unaware' whatever that means, but one suspects it means something like where were you when Bush killed 60 people in diplomatic missions? One suspects it means something like where were you nutball scum when Bush invaded two sovereign nations for basically no reason other than he wanted to show his mommy he could penetrate deeper and stay longer than daddy-o.

You people were fooled by Reagan and Junebug Bush. You elected Clinton voting against old man Bush. You elected Obama voting for his halfwit boy. The only reasons you are right about Clinton and Obama is they are not part of your gaggle of party loyalists ready to destroy America rather than admit the need for common sense regulation for public safety.

You people are sick, twisted, nutball scum.

What tickles me is that while you people circle the drain in the vortex above the government cesspool, corporations have convinced you human cattle you are sharks and the naked bulb hanging from a thin wire on the ceiling is the sun of bright new days ahead.

Stick to circling the drain with your pals. Now get lost.

99% of this post is a ranting lunacy that only Jared Loughner would write. But, I believe in giving the devil his due. Kudos for getting one point accurate....

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