what are white people superior at?

This is basically the correct answer.

The more complete answer might be that white people seem to be better at organizing people to do things that lead to better community. The problem being that a reliable formula for organizing people has seemingly not yet been deliberated to transfer to non-white people. This is apparent in the uniqueness of each "white" corporate entity and the lack of successful "Black" corporate entities. Which explains why Blacks do not own sports franchises in proportion to their expectations.
Lol! You are way wrong.
Excellent counter-argument - I see what you are saying.
lol, where are all your black created space craft launch facilities? Where are the black built car manufacturers? All the black built industry? Black built anything besides crime and misery?
You would think that maybe they would invent an athletic game and league that would be the envy of the world.
No racial group is superior. Only certain individuals are superior to other individuals.

Race is a bogus concept and it has to be treated as nothing but a bogus concept.
they keep talking about their pets...constantly

Hello, basquebromance. Keeping it 100% REAL, Factual And Respectful.

Sadly, according to National Child Abuse, Neglect and Maltreatment statistics, unlike citizens of African descent, citizens of Euro descent, as well as American citizens of ALL other backgrounds, are "superior at" maintaining a significantly lower rate of potential life scarring Child Neglect, Abuse, Abandonment and Maltreatment.

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates by BlackVoiceNews

MD, PhD Scientist spills the beans to Oprah about how a potential life scarring MEDICAL DISEASE known as Childhood Trauma affects ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:

Cali Surgeon General explains Childhood Trauma, Neglect, Maltreatment & ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:

basquebromance, I believe medical research shared by the above health professionals helps American Society at Large better understand why citizens residing in communities largely populated by African American citizens...

...suffer higher rates of nonviolent, as well as violent crime...

...and why many American citizens of African descent are forced to deal with emotional STRESSES most American citizens will never experience or even think about.

One of those emotional stresses is experiencing great concern for their family, friend's and neighbor's SAFETY while listening to the sound of semi-automatic gunfire echoing through their residential neighborhood at any time of day or night.

Sadly, fears of unjustifiably being labeled RACIST are preventing caring, responsible citizens from asking a very logical question:

"Specifically, who is raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy newborns maturing into angry, depressed, apparent emotionally troubled, suic!dal, homicidal minded teen and adult citizens largely lacking EMPATHY, compassion and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors?"

basquebromance, I look forward to reading your thoughtful, as well as intelligent reply that hopefully will include your SOLUTIONS for preventing American children and teens from SUFFERING, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a potential life scarring medical disease impeding far too many American kids from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy childhood upbringing that Medical Doctors and Child Brain Development Scientists firmly declare all kids have an ABSOLUTE NEED to enjoy during a critical period of childhood development.


"9-Year-Old Shot Dead in Ferguson While Sitting in Bed Doing Her Homework"

basquebromance, is the late 9-year-old Ms. Jamyla Bolden one of countless EVERYONES Tupac had in mind when creating his often misinterpreted, much ignored THUGLIFE Child Neglect, Abuse & Maltreatment AWARENESS PREVENTION PSA!

THUGLIFE = *"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur, Childhood Trauma (ACEs) Victim

*Mental Health*
*Mental Illness*
*Single Parenting*
*Maternal Responsibility*
*Parental Responsibility*
*Child Neglect*
*Child Abuse*
*Child Abandonment*
*Child Maltreatment*
*Childhood Trauma*
*Childhood Depression*
*Teen Depression*
*Teen Violence*
*Gun Violence*
*Community Violence*
*Community Mayhem*
*Community Fear*
*Community Code of Silence*
*No Snitching*

As long as people like you deny the problem, you guarantee more generations of Fatherless Black kids.

How does a blk kid without a father affect white people ?

Why aren't you concerned with fatherless white kids ?
How does a blk kid without a father affect white people ?

Why aren't you concerned with fatherless white kids ?
Three generations of Black kids without fathers and the illegal drug industry has created the Inner City hell holes. I don't believe Americans of any color should have to live in war zone conditions, which is why I continue to maintain my Black Deaths Matter thread. It is wrong for the greatest country in the world to ignore this terrible problem.
As long as people like you deny the problem, you guarantee more generations of Fatherless Black kids.

How does a blk kid without a father affect white people ?

Why aren't you concerned with fatherless white kids ?
I’m concerned about any kid being raised without a competent mother or father.

Are you concerned about blacks being 13% of our population while being responsible for more than 50% of our our crime rate?
No racial group is superior. Only certain individuals are superior to other individuals.
Some people are better at some things than others. Some people just have a superiority complex, and if they aren't better at anything else, they build themselves up by virtue of the color of their skin.
Race is a bogus concept and it has to be treated as nothing but a bogus concept.
It depends. People have families, tribes, clans, ethnic traditions, cultures, races with which they identify, or "fit in" with as a social group. Traditional foods, languages, architecture, etc.
As long as people like you deny the problem, you guarantee more generations of Fatherless Black kids.

How does a blk kid without a father affect white people ?

Why aren't you concerned with fatherless white kids ?
All we have to do is reduce any taxes for all of this. And it will end. Mercifully it will end. Agree with it.
they keep talking about their pets...constantly

white people are superior at acting all superior

But it is not those asses of what it is about. And the ones who live in the lily white areas who promote Prog love for all who do your job for you. It is those who may not have your views who just want to live in relative peace who you have an issue with.
No racial group is superior. Only certain individuals are superior to other individuals.
Some people are better at some things than others. Some people just have a superiority complex, and if they aren't better at anything else, they build themselves up by virtue of the color of their skin.
Race is a bogus concept and it has to be treated as nothing but a bogus concept.
It depends. People have families, tribes, clans, ethnic traditions, cultures, races with which they identify, or "fit in" with as a social group. Traditional foods, languages, architecture, etc.
I definitely agree with your first point that those with nothing to be proud over for themselves will look for it in their pride and/or ridicule another tribe's perceived shortcomings to feel better about themselves.

I do not agree with your second point. Everyone has a family and if it is a good family, they will like them regardless of what skin they happen to have. As far as culture goes, it is only relevant as long as the traditions one relates with are rational. If they are stupid, every individual has the ability to break free and choose his/her own set of ideas.

What defines You is You.

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