What are YOU doing to help stop terror?

Tell you what, when suicide bombers start blowing up malls and gas stations here left and right then I will worry about terrorism. I love how the US gets attacked once and we want to go to war. Places like Israel have been dealing with this for years and we get hit hard once and we want to destroy a whole country. Yet when other countries get attacked we tell them to urge restraint. It's all such BS. And Bush sucks. Thanks for reading. ;)

One of the things that disgusts me the most about the "war" on terror concept is that nearly everyone, regardless of whether they're on the far right or the far left, seems to think that dealing with terrorism is someone else's problem.

Time to wake up.

Traveling halfway around the world to guard some billionaire's oil well isn't deterring terrorism. Slapping a silly looped ribbon sticker on the back of your SUV isn't deterring terrorism. Peace marches don't deter terrorism.

At the end of the day, terrorists operate only on an individual or cell level. Which means that the civilized world has to fight them on the same level. Remember those "neighborhood watch" programs? If you haven't already done so, stop watching Idol and get to know your neighbors, dang it! Get to know the people who work in your favorite supermarket, and the people you commute with. (Maybe even read my signature, while you're at it.)

America was built by doers, not by partisan cheerleaders. What are you doing?
Dems have been the biggest allies the terrorists have in America

No, I think those would be the people who try and blow up shit here in the US. But if you think the Democrats are worse than those people...well I guess your free to have that absurd belief.
No, I think those would be the people who try and blow up shit here in the US. But if you think the Democrats are worse than those people...well I guess your free to have that absurd belief.

Desm rant when the US listens to the terrorists phone calls, track which banks they use, or locks them up

The NY Times publicshes classified documents which explaines what methods the US employs to locate and capture them

We can do without their support
No, I think those would be the people who try and blow up shit here in the US. But if you think the Democrats are worse than those people...well I guess your free to have that absurd belief.

Of course Dems are showing their support for the troops


  • $At the Arch.jpg
    $At the Arch.jpg
    64.2 KB · Views: 46
Walk away now, Larkinn..

bantering with RSR will land you Herpes of the Keyboard.
I don't think you have ever posted a fact. All you ever post is some blog article of some guy who seems to support whatever point it is that you make.. You call those facts.... Yet whenever someone else, say a democrat, posts an article that supports their view you state it as non-fact... Quite interesting.
I don't think you have ever posted a fact. All you ever post is some blog article of some guy who seems to support whatever point it is that you make.. You call those facts.... Yet whenever someone else, say a democrat, posts an article that supports their view you state it as non-fact... Quite interesting.

Truth is something libs are not used to
One of the things that disgusts me the most about the "war" on terror concept is that nearly everyone, regardless of whether they're on the far right or the far left, seems to think that dealing with terrorism is someone else's problem.

Time to wake up.

Traveling halfway around the world to guard some billionaire's oil well isn't deterring terrorism. Slapping a silly looped ribbon sticker on the back of your SUV isn't deterring terrorism. Peace marches don't deter terrorism.

At the end of the day, terrorists operate only on an individual or cell level. Which means that the civilized world has to fight them on the same level. Remember those "neighborhood watch" programs? If you haven't already done so, stop watching Idol and get to know your neighbors, dang it! Get to know the people who work in your favorite supermarket, and the people you commute with. (Maybe even read my signature, while you're at it.)

America was built by doers, not by partisan cheerleaders. What are you doing?

Me? I'm advocating that we kill all Christians.

After all, they are the prime mover of America's self-imposed Middle East crisis.

Common justice dictates that if Muslim countries deserve death and destruction visited on them in Hollywood epic proportions because they won’t overthrow or kill their “evil” (by our Calvinazi standards) leaders, then so does America - which is even more evil in Muslim eyes than Muslims are in Christian eyes.

What is the difference between Ameri-Christian and Muslim terrorism? Americhristians do their terrorism on an industrial scale to helpless Lilliputian nations, whilst gutsy Muslims attack Gigantor!

There are far more [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_EKHK1C2IE]mentally disturbed, Jesus Madrassa programmed, unjustly bellicose American Christians[/ame] calling for Holy World War in G-e-e-e-zus’ Haoli Name, than there are mad-dog Muslims calling for Jihad.

Even down here at the arse end of the world Americhristians have us cringing behind closed curtains fearfully awaiting the next fanatical assault of Fundies from fly-over country, glassy-eyed slack-jawed Mormons or theie equally imbecilic rattler-bussing Bubba brethren, all accompanied by their mousy self-esteemless male masturbatory aids cum submissive Hausfrau’s, to tell us what worthless trash we are unless we accept America's money-changing John Waynish version of G-e-e-e-zus.

Naturally, like a man-eating shark is unaware of the water it swims in, these poor deluded dupes of Christo-capitalism will never believe their natural medium is a lotus-eating Lala Land, until the revengeful Hunnic hordes are howling at their Holy City-on-a-Hill’s gates

We (those who have escaped the evil Messiah Matrix) must initiate a Final Solution to the world’s American Christian problem - before this baneful bacillus puts paid to all of us.

Once they are gone, the European, Russian, and Seppo impostors in Israel; those manifestly mongrelised Zionists posing as genetic Jews, will have to drop their Biblical based ambition of becoming Nazi Germany’s replacement master race and intermarry with the true Semites that they have so superciliously slain and dispossessed.
are you comparing islamo-nazi terrorists to america,

thats pathetic.

America is the greatest country on earth, stop shi**ing on it.

Me? I'm advocating that we kill all Christians.

After all, they are the prime mover of America's self-imposed Middle East crisis.

Common justice dictates that if Muslim countries deserve death and destruction visited on them in Hollywood epic proportions because they won’t overthrow or kill their “evil” (by our Calvinazi standards) leaders, then so does America - which is even more evil in Muslim eyes than Muslims are in Christian eyes.

What is the difference between Ameri-Christian and Muslim terrorism? Americhristians do their terrorism on an industrial scale to helpless Lilliputian nations, whilst gutsy Muslims attack Gigantor!

There are far more mentally disturbed, Jesus Madrassa programmed, unjustly bellicose American Christians calling for Holy World War in G-e-e-e-zus’ Haoli Name, than there are mad-dog Muslims calling for Jihad.

Even down here at the arse end of the world Americhristians have us cringing behind closed curtains fearfully awaiting the next fanatical assault of Fundies from fly-over country, glassy-eyed slack-jawed Mormons or theie equally imbecilic rattler-bussing Bubba brethren, all accompanied by their mousy self-esteemless male masturbatory aids cum submissive Hausfrau’s, to tell us what worthless trash we are unless we accept America's money-changing John Waynish version of G-e-e-e-zus.

Naturally, like a man-eating shark is unaware of the water it swims in, these poor deluded dupes of Christo-capitalism will never believe their natural medium is a lotus-eating Lala Land, until the revengeful Hunnic hordes are howling at their Holy City-on-a-Hill’s gates

We (those who have escaped the evil Messiah Matrix) must initiate a Final Solution to the world’s American Christian problem - before this baneful bacillus puts paid to all of us.

Once they are gone, the European, Russian, and Seppo impostors in Israel; those manifestly mongrelised Zionists posing as genetic Jews, will have to drop their Biblical based ambition of becoming Nazi Germany’s replacement master race and intermarry with the true Semites that they have so superciliously slain and dispossessed.
why is it, thats liberals blame america first, and muslims are a religion of peace to them, but christians are evil. I swear some people are retarded.
are you comparing islamo-nazi terrorists to america,

No, just Ameri-Christians. If the cap fits, wear it. :badgrin:

thats pathetic.
Isn't it!

America is the greatest country on earth, stop shi**ing on it.

BULLSHIT! Oztrailya is the greatest country on earth, because I live in it! And I DEMAND your personal apology for shitting on it in 1975! :mad:

(BTW, G-d knows what those asterisks represent, you know. He speaks fluent Fundie profanity! :omg: :omg: )
what is an ameri-christian?

I love australi, and I do apologize, I meant no disrespect to your country sir.

And, im not a fundie, but why are you harping on america, youre acting like were all bad or something?

No, just Ameri-Christians. If the cap fits, wear it. :badgrin:

Isn't it!

(G-d knows what thise asterisks represent, you know. He speaks fluent Fundie profanity! :omg: :omg: )

BULLSHIT! Oztrailya is the greatest country on earth, because I live in it! And I DEMAND your personal apology for shitting on it in 1975! :mad:
what is an ameri-christian?

A rabid American style Christian, as opposed to the world's relatively normal non-American Christian. There is a light years difference between the two, you know.

I love australi, and I do apologize, I meant no disrespect to your country sir.

I don’t know why you love Australia, cause I certainly don’t! I can't stand suckholes! ;) And stop calling me "S-u-u-r" Martin, I’m not knighted, just benighted. :lol:

And, im not a fundie, but why are you harping on america, youre acting like were all bad or something?

Simple. Because Um-er-iKKKa acts like everyone except them are all bad. It's called "getting hit with a ball of your own malodorous shit."

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