What are you eating right now!!!!!!!?????

Bonnie said:
I take it that it was yummy!! It's 67 degrees here today Yea!!!!!!

yummy..and numa numa too...I'm jealous about the 67 degrees though...!
Frito's Scoops, & French Onion Dip...

There's gotta be *something* healthy in there somewhere...
Shattered said:
Frito's Scoops, & French Onion Dip...

There's gotta be *something* healthy in there somewhere...

Gee I never knew Fritos and dip were part of the Atkins plan :poke: :laugh:
Easily.. I've already shoveled my entire driveway and sidewalk. :)
Shattered said:
Easily.. I've already shoveled my entire driveway and sidewalk. :)

Oh that's right you got hit with all that snow.. Well shoveling does burn many calories
<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZSXXXXXX42US' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/28/28_4_5.gif' alt='Shoveling Snow' border=0></a>
Bonnie said:
Oh that's right you got hit with all that snow.. Well shoveling does burn many calories
<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZSXXXXXX42US' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/28/28_4_5.gif' alt='Shoveling Snow' border=0></a>

How many calories are in 4 scoops?
Bonnie said:
The number you would burn shoveling out your mailbox :teeth:

Hey.. I've *had* to shovel out my mailbox in the past...and it's attached to the damned house!
Good old fashioned baked ham...with green bean casserole..a glass of wine..
too damn cold for beer! :teeth:
all this political debating made me hungry...i'm going for some pasta,red sauce,spicey meat a balls,garlic toast and a beer..outta red wine...sigh!

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