What are you most passionate about politically?

I am for minority rights whether it be LGBTQ, racial and ethnic minorities, or religious groups insofar as their constitutional rights are concerned. I differ from my party in that I don't think those should be the focal point. I think issues affecting the working and middle class should be the focus of policy and legislation, not peripheral and divisive issues.

What about children and their rights?
I think children should have all the rights, lights, and benefits of citizenship once they are born.

So, only Citizens are entitled to human rights now?
We're talking about the US, no? All humans are entitled to human rights from the minute they are born to the minute they die.

Think really hard before answering this question based on your statement.

What then is the basis for a MURDER charge under any one of our more than 30 State and Federal Fetal Homicide laws?
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I call.

When does a child's life begin?
Nice try, I don't argue abortion any more than I argue guns for much the same reason, zealots control the debate while the vast majority of people just want to live their lives, make their own moral choices and tell all the moralizing assholes and self-righteous social warriors to mind their own damn business.

So you don't have any beliefs on the subject?
Of course but none of them are as absolute as yours, more of a case by case thing. You probably have a difficult time dealing with moral ambiguity but that's how the world works. As for what those beliefs are just think hard libertarian without the cold social Darwinism.

The world works through "Moral ambiguity?"

That's a new one on me.

I thought that we are a nation of laws.
Laws are for the protection of freedom, not for enforcing morality. You find abortion reprehensible, believe me I understand completely, but morality is such an incredibly subjective thing that picking one and imposing it on free citizens makes them less free, that's something I find reprehensible.

"Reprehensible" is a label based on emotions.

My position on abortion has nothing to do with emotions. I intentionally keep emotions out of it, so I can examine and consider all the facts and "sufficient contrary evidence" - objectively.

And things like biological facts are exactly the same - whether those facts elicit an emotional response from you or not.
I am for minority rights whether it be LGBTQ, racial and ethnic minorities, or religious groups insofar as their constitutional rights are concerned. I differ from my party in that I don't think those should be the focal point. I think issues affecting the working and middle class should be the focus of policy and legislation, not peripheral and divisive issues.

What about children and their rights?
I think children should have all the rights, lights, and benefits of citizenship once they are born.

So, only Citizens are entitled to human rights now?
We're talking about the US, no? All humans are entitled to human rights from the minute they are born to the minute they die.

Think really hard before answering this question based on your statement.

What then is the basis for a MURDER charge under any one of our more than 30 State and Federal Fetal Homicide laws
If you successfully turn this into an abortion thread I will never forgive you. Tell us about how you are different than all those other single issue voters saying the same thing over and over day after day.
I am for minority rights whether it be LGBTQ, racial and ethnic minorities, or religious groups insofar as their constitutional rights are concerned. I differ from my party in that I don't think those should be the focal point. I think issues affecting the working and middle class should be the focus of policy and legislation, not peripheral and divisive issues.

What about children and their rights?
I think children should have all the rights, lights, and benefits of citizenship once they are born.

So, only Citizens are entitled to human rights now?
We're talking about the US, no? All humans are entitled to human rights from the minute they are born to the minute they die.

Think really hard before answering this question based on your statement.

What then is the basis for a MURDER charge under any one of our more than 30 State and Federal Fetal Homicide laws
Bad law, IMHO. Should be charged as an assault or crime upon the mother. But this is what you're passionate about, not me. As far as abortion goes, I am OK with the status quo.
What about children and their rights?
I think children should have all the rights, lights, and benefits of citizenship once they are born.

So, only Citizens are entitled to human rights now?
We're talking about the US, no? All humans are entitled to human rights from the minute they are born to the minute they die.

Think really hard before answering this question based on your statement.

What then is the basis for a MURDER charge under any one of our more than 30 State and Federal Fetal Homicide laws

If you successfully turn this into an abortion thread I will never forgive you. Tell us about how you are different than all those other single issue voters saying the same thing over and over day after day.

The thread title "What are you most passionate about politically?"

Is everyone supposed to filter their answers through you and get your approval first , before posting?
What about children and their rights?
I think children should have all the rights, lights, and benefits of citizenship once they are born.

So, only Citizens are entitled to human rights now?
We're talking about the US, no? All humans are entitled to human rights from the minute they are born to the minute they die.

Think really hard before answering this question based on your statement.

What then is the basis for a MURDER charge under any one of our more than 30 State and Federal Fetal Homicide laws
Bad law, IMHO. Should be charged as an assault or crime upon the mother. But this is what you're passionate about, not me. As far as abortion goes, I am OK with the status quo.

Is it fair to say that - you are in full support of children's rights. . . . but only after they live too long and develop too far for you to deny them their rights anymore?
Nice try, I don't argue abortion any more than I argue guns for much the same reason, zealots control the debate while the vast majority of people just want to live their lives, make their own moral choices and tell all the moralizing assholes and self-righteous social warriors to mind their own damn business.

So you don't have any beliefs on the subject?
Of course but none of them are as absolute as yours, more of a case by case thing. You probably have a difficult time dealing with moral ambiguity but that's how the world works. As for what those beliefs are just think hard libertarian without the cold social Darwinism.

The world works through "Moral ambiguity?"

That's a new one on me.

I thought that we are a nation of laws.
Laws are for the protection of freedom, not for enforcing morality. You find abortion reprehensible, believe me I understand completely, but morality is such an incredibly subjective thing that picking one and imposing it on free citizens makes them less free, that's something I find reprehensible.

"Reprehensible" is a label based on emotions.

My position on abortion has nothing to do with emotions. I intentionally keep emotions out of it, so I can examine and consider all the facts and "sufficient contrary evidence" - objectively.

And things like biological facts are exactly the same - whether those facts elicit an emotional response from you or not.
You still advocate that the government should stick it's nose very deeply into the most private business of half of all Americans, no way you can make that seem right.
I think children should have all the rights, lights, and benefits of citizenship once they are born.

So, only Citizens are entitled to human rights now?
We're talking about the US, no? All humans are entitled to human rights from the minute they are born to the minute they die.

Think really hard before answering this question based on your statement.

What then is the basis for a MURDER charge under any one of our more than 30 State and Federal Fetal Homicide laws
Bad law, IMHO. Should be charged as an assault or crime upon the mother. But this is what you're passionate about, not me. As far as abortion goes, I am OK with the status quo.

Is it fair to say that - you are in full support of children's rights. . . . but only after they live too long and develop too far for you to deny them their rights anymore?
IMHO, They aren't "children" until they are born. YMMV.
So you don't have any beliefs on the subject?
Of course but none of them are as absolute as yours, more of a case by case thing. You probably have a difficult time dealing with moral ambiguity but that's how the world works. As for what those beliefs are just think hard libertarian without the cold social Darwinism.

The world works through "Moral ambiguity?"

That's a new one on me.

I thought that we are a nation of laws.
Laws are for the protection of freedom, not for enforcing morality. You find abortion reprehensible, believe me I understand completely, but morality is such an incredibly subjective thing that picking one and imposing it on free citizens makes them less free, that's something I find reprehensible.

"Reprehensible" is a label based on emotions.

My position on abortion has nothing to do with emotions. I intentionally keep emotions out of it, so I can examine and consider all the facts and "sufficient contrary evidence" - objectively.

And things like biological facts are exactly the same - whether those facts elicit an emotional response from you or not.
You still advocate that the government should stick it's nose very deeply into the most private business of half of all Americans, no way you can make that seem right.

That begs the question,.... does not every government, regardless of size, have a legitimate role to play in defending children's lives and rights?
I think children should have all the rights, lights, and benefits of citizenship once they are born.

So, only Citizens are entitled to human rights now?
We're talking about the US, no? All humans are entitled to human rights from the minute they are born to the minute they die.

Think really hard before answering this question based on your statement.

What then is the basis for a MURDER charge under any one of our more than 30 State and Federal Fetal Homicide laws

If you successfully turn this into an abortion thread I will never forgive you. Tell us about how you are different than all those other single issue voters saying the same thing over and over day after day.

The thread title "What are you most passionate about politically?"

Is everyone supposed to filter their answers through you and get your approval first , before posting?
The title and the body of the post are rather contradictory aren't they? Oh well, if you have nothing interesting to talk about I guess I will just go to bed.
So, only Citizens are entitled to human rights now?
We're talking about the US, no? All humans are entitled to human rights from the minute they are born to the minute they die.

Think really hard before answering this question based on your statement.

What then is the basis for a MURDER charge under any one of our more than 30 State and Federal Fetal Homicide laws
Bad law, IMHO. Should be charged as an assault or crime upon the mother. But this is what you're passionate about, not me. As far as abortion goes, I am OK with the status quo.

Is it fair to say that - you are in full support of children's rights. . . . but only after they live too long and develop too far for you to deny them their rights anymore?
IMHO, They aren't "children" until they are born. YMMV.

Thanks for adding that - that is only your own "humble OPINION."

What do you think about idiots who hold opinions that are 180 degrees out of phase with the actual facts, truth, etc.?
So, only Citizens are entitled to human rights now?
We're talking about the US, no? All humans are entitled to human rights from the minute they are born to the minute they die.

Think really hard before answering this question based on your statement.

What then is the basis for a MURDER charge under any one of our more than 30 State and Federal Fetal Homicide laws

If you successfully turn this into an abortion thread I will never forgive you. Tell us about how you are different than all those other single issue voters saying the same thing over and over day after day.

The thread title "What are you most passionate about politically?"

Is everyone supposed to filter their answers through you and get your approval first , before posting?
The title and the body of the post are rather contradictory aren't they? Oh well, if you have nothing interesting to talk about I guess I will just go to bed.

Sleep tight.

Try not to think too hard on the facts that you are being intentionally oblivious to. Mmmmkay?
We're talking about the US, no? All humans are entitled to human rights from the minute they are born to the minute they die.

Think really hard before answering this question based on your statement.

What then is the basis for a MURDER charge under any one of our more than 30 State and Federal Fetal Homicide laws
Bad law, IMHO. Should be charged as an assault or crime upon the mother. But this is what you're passionate about, not me. As far as abortion goes, I am OK with the status quo.
I'm an engineer. I try to form opinions based upon facts rather than emotionalism and hysteria. I am not so wedded to opinions
Is it fair to say that - you are in full support of children's rights. . . . but only after they live too long and develop too far for you to deny them their rights anymore?
IMHO, They aren't "children" until they are born. YMMV.

Thanks for adding that - that is only your own "humble OPINION."

What do you think about idiots who hold opinions that are 180 degrees out of phase with the actual facts, truth, etc.?
I'm an engineer. I always try to base my opinions upon facts, evidence, and reason rather than emotionalism and popular hysteria. I am not so wedded to my own opinions that I can't be swayed to change my mind upon receiving information contrary to my beliefs.
Think really hard before answering this question based on your statement.

What then is the basis for a MURDER charge under any one of our more than 30 State and Federal Fetal Homicide laws
Bad law, IMHO. Should be charged as an assault or crime upon the mother. But this is what you're passionate about, not me. As far as abortion goes, I am OK with the status quo.
I'm an engineer. I try to form opinions based upon facts rather than emotionalism and hysteria. I am not so wedded to opinions
Is it fair to say that - you are in full support of children's rights. . . . but only after they live too long and develop too far for you to deny them their rights anymore?
IMHO, They aren't "children" until they are born. YMMV.

Thanks for adding that - that is only your own "humble OPINION."

What do you think about idiots who hold opinions that are 180 degrees out of phase with the actual facts, truth, etc.?
I'm an engineer. I always try to base my opinions upon facts, evidence, and reason rather than emotionalism and popular hysteria. I am not so wedded to my own opinions that I can't be swayed to change my mind upon receiving information contrary to my beliefs.


An Engineer!

An engineer who concludes that a "child" is not a child unless and until it lives too long and looks too much like a child to be denied anymore.

That's quite a display of logic there, Sparky.

Tell me, Mr. brainiac engineer. . .

When/ how did your own biological father first become YOUR biological father..... if you were not his child until you emerged from the womb?
What are some positions you have that fall outside the norm for your chosen (or chosen for you) affiliation?

This says it all..


Bad law, IMHO. Should be charged as an assault or crime upon the mother. But this is what you're passionate about, not me. As far as abortion goes, I am OK with the status quo.
I'm an engineer. I try to form opinions based upon facts rather than emotionalism and hysteria. I am not so wedded to opinions
Is it fair to say that - you are in full support of children's rights. . . . but only after they live too long and develop too far for you to deny them their rights anymore?
IMHO, They aren't "children" until they are born. YMMV.

Thanks for adding that - that is only your own "humble OPINION."

What do you think about idiots who hold opinions that are 180 degrees out of phase with the actual facts, truth, etc.?
I'm an engineer. I always try to base my opinions upon facts, evidence, and reason rather than emotionalism and popular hysteria. I am not so wedded to my own opinions that I can't be swayed to change my mind upon receiving information contrary to my beliefs.


An Engineer!

An engineer who concludes that a "child" is not a child unless and until it lives too long and looks too much like a child to be denied anymore.

That's quite a display of logic there, Sparky.

Tell me, Mr. brainiac engineer. . .

When/ how did your own biological father first become YOUR biological father..... if you were not his child until you emerged from the womb?
I was his zygote, his blastula, his embryo, his fetus, and once I was born, his child. Your mind seems to caught in this childish delusion that a fertilized egg is equal to a fully developed living human. Do you also think an acorn is the same thing as an oak tree?
I'm an engineer. I try to form opinions based upon facts rather than emotionalism and hysteria. I am not so wedded to opinions
Is it fair to say that - you are in full support of children's rights. . . . but only after they live too long and develop too far for you to deny them their rights anymore?
IMHO, They aren't "children" until they are born. YMMV.

Thanks for adding that - that is only your own "humble OPINION."

What do you think about idiots who hold opinions that are 180 degrees out of phase with the actual facts, truth, etc.?
I'm an engineer. I always try to base my opinions upon facts, evidence, and reason rather than emotionalism and popular hysteria. I am not so wedded to my own opinions that I can't be swayed to change my mind upon receiving information contrary to my beliefs.


An Engineer!

An engineer who concludes that a "child" is not a child unless and until it lives too long and looks too much like a child to be denied anymore.

That's quite a display of logic there, Sparky.

Tell me, Mr. brainiac engineer. . .

When/ how did your own biological father first become YOUR biological father..... if you were not his child until you emerged from the womb?
I was his zygote, his blastula, his embryo, his fetus, and once I was born, his child. Your mind seems to caught in this childish delusion that a fertilized egg is equal to a fully developed living human. Do you also think an acorn is the same thing as an oak tree?

CDZ - Chuz Life's list of (Abortion related) questions that abortion proponents can't or will not answer.
CDZ - Question for abortion proponents
IMHO, They aren't "children" until they are born. YMMV.

Thanks for adding that - that is only your own "humble OPINION."

What do you think about idiots who hold opinions that are 180 degrees out of phase with the actual facts, truth, etc.?
I'm an engineer. I always try to base my opinions upon facts, evidence, and reason rather than emotionalism and popular hysteria. I am not so wedded to my own opinions that I can't be swayed to change my mind upon receiving information contrary to my beliefs.


An Engineer!

An engineer who concludes that a "child" is not a child unless and until it lives too long and looks too much like a child to be denied anymore.

That's quite a display of logic there, Sparky.

Tell me, Mr. brainiac engineer. . .

When/ how did your own biological father first become YOUR biological father..... if you were not his child until you emerged from the womb?
I was his zygote, his blastula, his embryo, his fetus, and once I was born, his child. Your mind seems to caught in this childish delusion that a fertilized egg is equal to a fully developed living human. Do you also think an acorn is the same thing as an oak tree?

CDZ - Chuz Life's list of (Abortion related) questions that abortion proponents can't or will not answer.
CDZ - Question for abortion proponents
I'm not an abortion proponent. I'm a proponent of minding my own business and leaving such difficult decisions to the prospective parents.

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