What are you reading?

Petals On The Wind

Finished with Flowers In The Attic, started the second of the four books. Creepy though. Lots of incest going on...me thinks Virginia Andrews was fucked in the head.
Recently finished reading Winters Tale...
They are making a movie of it now and filmed some scenes in Brooklyn,NY.
The Dome - Stephen King...and I am struggling. I doubt I finish it.
It is a great story theme - but for Christ sake...it is so overly verbose that it gives you a headache.
Have finished reading 'Seeds Of Yesterday', the final book in that Virginia Andrews trilogy. I grew to love the books. I shed a tear when Carrie killed herself in the second book, and I had to blind away tears when Cathy decorated the attic of Bart's mansion with the same paper flowers she and her siblings hung up in the attic all those years ago, and went up there to die, after the death of her brother Chris.

I admit I didn't like Chris much. He seemed to be the forceful one, the one who refused to find any other woman but his sister, while she tried to move on from him but he always pulled her back.

I couldn't stand Bart, and I didn't much like Jory either. Joel (in the forth and final book) was just an evil old man, but I was disappointed that we never discovered what his true intentions were. He left straight after Chris died - I thought he was going to stick around to try and get the fortune?

Oh well...
"Zeitoun" by Dave Eggers


Want to get a glimpse into what your Federal Gov't was up to in the days following Hurricane Katrina? Read this book! All you people (especially conservatives) who are always screaming about the Constitution and our Constitutional rights should read this book. It's not a difficult read. It's a straightforward retelling of what happened to one man in the aftermath of the Hurricane thanks to FEMA and the Dept of Homeland Security.
Just finished reading Don't Give a Damn, by Dr. Bill Chun - again. Great guide to living.
Currently reading Overmodeled Skulls by Arthur C. Aufderheide. It's a reference about tribal cultures as they pertain to ancestral reverence and the treatment of their skulls after death.
Currently reading...

1) "Coolidge" by Amity Shlaes

2) "Lions of the West" by Robert Morgan

3) "The Fall of the House of Dixie" by Bruce Levine
I was trying to read "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey. But I set it aside and haven't wanted to pick it up again. I find myself longing for a fiction novel instead.

Perhaps it is because I am lacking some of the key habits of highly effective people. : (

I don't know, the book was just dragging. I'll probably force myself to read it anyway.

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