What are you reading?

Working my way through Jewish Supremacism by David Duke its FILLED with information and I read a few pages here and a few there. On the 5th book in the Going Home Series by Angery American. I devour one about every 3 or 4 days.

Try the TEOTWAWKI prepper books by Franklin Horton: I'm a fan. I love these prepper books, too.
I'm reading that new novel by Bill Clinton, The President Is Missing. It's surprisingly good beach reading! The prez is the protagonist and he's a combo of Bill Clinton and John McCain, with a little of Trump's disinhibition. The really surprising thing is that the vice prez, who looks like the villain in the early part of the book, as far as I've got, is definitely modeled on Hillary. Both personality and history, lightly changed to pretend it's not a roman a clef.

James Patterson shared the authorship with Clinton, but of course he's really a publishing company, not a writer -- he has a stable of authors and several different fiction classifications in his business, including a children's fiction group and a woman's detective club line. I am not a fan of mooshing together editorial and publishing roles with authorship, but that's what Patterson is doing. They heavily credit David Ellis in the foreword, so I am guessing he did some of the writing; he's a good writer. I'm guessing Ellis is the heir apparent to Patterson, age 71, in this publishing company.

However, the book DOES sound like Bill Clinton. He could never have written this book if Hillary were in the White House, and he's had time to do it since the election, so he continues to have fun and continues to surprise, good for him.
I re-started The Troop by Nick Cutter (HAS to be a pseudonym), which is an ultra-grisly horror novel. Couldn't get past half last year, but I'm trying to read it with visualization like a horror movie now. Don't try looking up the island supposedly off Prince Edward Island; it's not there. There IS a Falstaff Island in Canada, but it's way up past the Arctic Circle. I love following along with the geography on Google Earth, but in this case the venue is made up.
Almost done with Liberty's last stand by Stephen Coonts. I love this book! Have stayed up until 2 and 3 am this week reading it I couldn't put it down! It's a fiction novel but it includes EVERYTHING we thought Obama was going to try and do...suspend constitution,lock up political opponents etc...great book!
Just started Hillary's America by D'Souza this morning...I am hooked already. He has a very quick wit and grabs you with the facts to keep you interested. I am glad she lost but its NEVER too late to see just how bad America would have been screwed had she won. Its funny reading comments you can verify from allies of the Clinton's....I mean BASHING them completely over their shady dealings.
Wings of Silver
Book by Jo Petty

The best- selling companion to Apples of Gold. Over THREE MILLION copies sold. Redesigned for today's reader. Jo Petty's words of inspiration have been read, shared and treasured by millions of readers for more than fifty years. Discover gem after gem of pithy sayings, verses, poems and prayers, each highlighting the virtue of a life well-lived. Here are her thoughts on love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith and more. These thought provoking glimpses of truth will transform your attitudes and relationships. Every page inspires contemplation, revelation, and a renewed desire to cultivate your own call to character. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Proverbs 25:11
The Raven
Book by Peter Landesman

On a foggy summer day in 1941, 36 people set out in a boat for a pleasure cruise off the coast of Maine. They are never seen alive again, and their vessel, "The Raven", is never found. Landesman uses this true story as a basis for his eerie, intriguing first novel, telling the tale of a community torn apart by mistrust and tragedy.
Just finished reading the James S.A. Corey Cibola Burn book. One of the best in the series so far.

Just started a John Grisham book about a former high school football star. Doesn't seem to be a legal book.
I got bored waiting on good books to come from library so picked up Fire and Fury today simply because it was sitting there..so far its BORING as hell and just plain unbelievable...the guy LIES A LOT and I am barely through chapter 1! Oh and the damn misspelled words is annoying as hell.
I got bored waiting on good books to come from library so picked up Fire and Fury today simply because it was sitting there..so far its BORING as hell and just plain unbelievable...the guy LIES A LOT and I am barely through chapter 1! Oh and the damn misspelled words is annoying as hell.

Isn't it ironic. The guy lies a lot about a liar.

Seems to be rather apt then.
I got bored waiting on good books to come from library so picked up Fire and Fury today simply because it was sitting there..so far its BORING as hell and just plain unbelievable...the guy LIES A LOT and I am barely through chapter 1! Oh and the damn misspelled words is annoying as hell.

Isn't it ironic. The guy lies a lot about a liar.

Seems to be rather apt then.
Trump doesn't lie. You just don't like what he says..Obama did same thing. YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PLAN! YOU CAN KEEP YOUR DOCTOR! blah blah blah....hyperbole,politics or lies....its one of the 3 for BOTH parties not just Trump.
I got bored waiting on good books to come from library so picked up Fire and Fury today simply because it was sitting there..so far its BORING as hell and just plain unbelievable...the guy LIES A LOT and I am barely through chapter 1! Oh and the damn misspelled words is annoying as hell.

Isn't it ironic. The guy lies a lot about a liar.

Seems to be rather apt then.
Trump doesn't lie. You just don't like what he says..Obama did same thing. YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PLAN! YOU CAN KEEP YOUR DOCTOR! blah blah blah....hyperbole,politics or lies....its one of the 3 for BOTH parties not just Trump.

I can prove he lies.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Here's the definitive list up to November last year.

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

But let's do things that are a little closer to today.

"....China, which is for the first time doing poorly against us, is spending a fortune on ads and P.R. trying to convince and scare our politicians to fight me on Tariffs- because they are really hurting their economy. Likewise other countries. We are Winning, but must be strong!"

4th August.

China is doing poorly against the US? Really?

Spending a fortune on ads and PR? What ads and PR would that be?

The US is winning? Really?

No, this is lies.

"....Tariffs will make our country much richer than it is today. Only fools would disagree. We are using them to negotiate fair trade deals and, if countries are still unwilling to negotiate, they will pay us vast sums of money in the form of Tariffs. We win either way......"

4th August.

Every economist you'll ever find that isn't biased will tell you that tariffs never make a country richer.

More lies.

"Tariffs are working far better than anyone ever anticipated. China market has dropped 27% in last 4months, and they are talking to us. Our market is stronger than ever, and will go up dramatically when these horrible Trade Deals are successfully renegotiated. America First......."

"China market has dropped 27% in last 4months,"

Whether this is true or not, the fact remains that tariffs against China have only been in place since July. So, he's actually misleading people into believing that if there is actually a drop in "China market", whatever the hell that means, that it's to do with his tariffs.

So, more lies.

And this is only part of yesterday.
I got bored waiting on good books to come from library so picked up Fire and Fury today simply because it was sitting there..so far its BORING as hell and just plain unbelievable...the guy LIES A LOT and I am barely through chapter 1! Oh and the damn misspelled words is annoying as hell.

Isn't it ironic. The guy lies a lot about a liar.

Seems to be rather apt then.
Trump doesn't lie. You just don't like what he says..Obama did same thing. YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PLAN! YOU CAN KEEP YOUR DOCTOR! blah blah blah....hyperbole,politics or lies....its one of the 3 for BOTH parties not just Trump.

I can prove he lies.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Here's the definitive list up to November last year.

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

But let's do things that are a little closer to today.

"....China, which is for the first time doing poorly against us, is spending a fortune on ads and P.R. trying to convince and scare our politicians to fight me on Tariffs- because they are really hurting their economy. Likewise other countries. We are Winning, but must be strong!"

4th August.

China is doing poorly against the US? Really?

Spending a fortune on ads and PR? What ads and PR would that be?

The US is winning? Really?

No, this is lies.

"....Tariffs will make our country much richer than it is today. Only fools would disagree. We are using them to negotiate fair trade deals and, if countries are still unwilling to negotiate, they will pay us vast sums of money in the form of Tariffs. We win either way......"

4th August.

Every economist you'll ever find that isn't biased will tell you that tariffs never make a country richer.

More lies.

"Tariffs are working far better than anyone ever anticipated. China market has dropped 27% in last 4months, and they are talking to us. Our market is stronger than ever, and will go up dramatically when these horrible Trade Deals are successfully renegotiated. America First......."

"China market has dropped 27% in last 4months,"

Whether this is true or not, the fact remains that tariffs against China have only been in place since July. So, he's actually misleading people into believing that if there is actually a drop in "China market", whatever the hell that means, that it's to do with his tariffs.

So, more lies.

And this is only part of yesterday.
So his opinions vs others opinions..doesn't mean he lies.Oh and yes I watch the news and according to many people China's economy is starting to hurt because of the tariffs.
I got bored waiting on good books to come from library so picked up Fire and Fury today simply because it was sitting there..so far its BORING as hell and just plain unbelievable...the guy LIES A LOT and I am barely through chapter 1! Oh and the damn misspelled words is annoying as hell.

Isn't it ironic. The guy lies a lot about a liar.

Seems to be rather apt then.
Trump doesn't lie. You just don't like what he says..Obama did same thing. YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PLAN! YOU CAN KEEP YOUR DOCTOR! blah blah blah....hyperbole,politics or lies....its one of the 3 for BOTH parties not just Trump.

I can prove he lies.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Here's the definitive list up to November last year.

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

But let's do things that are a little closer to today.

"....China, which is for the first time doing poorly against us, is spending a fortune on ads and P.R. trying to convince and scare our politicians to fight me on Tariffs- because they are really hurting their economy. Likewise other countries. We are Winning, but must be strong!"

4th August.

China is doing poorly against the US? Really?

Spending a fortune on ads and PR? What ads and PR would that be?

The US is winning? Really?

No, this is lies.

"....Tariffs will make our country much richer than it is today. Only fools would disagree. We are using them to negotiate fair trade deals and, if countries are still unwilling to negotiate, they will pay us vast sums of money in the form of Tariffs. We win either way......"

4th August.

Every economist you'll ever find that isn't biased will tell you that tariffs never make a country richer.

More lies.

"Tariffs are working far better than anyone ever anticipated. China market has dropped 27% in last 4months, and they are talking to us. Our market is stronger than ever, and will go up dramatically when these horrible Trade Deals are successfully renegotiated. America First......."

"China market has dropped 27% in last 4months,"

Whether this is true or not, the fact remains that tariffs against China have only been in place since July. So, he's actually misleading people into believing that if there is actually a drop in "China market", whatever the hell that means, that it's to do with his tariffs.

So, more lies.

And this is only part of yesterday.
So his opinions vs others opinions..doesn't mean he lies.Oh and yes I watch the news and according to many people China's economy is starting to hurt because of the tariffs.

There's a difference between an opinion and a lie.

An opinion would be "today is hot". A lie would be "Today is ten degrees hotter than last year".

Okay, according to some people China's economy is starting to hurt. What are these people basing this off of?

Where are your facts, where are Trump's facts to base this off?

China GDP Growth Rate | 2010-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

Let's try this.

Since July 2015 China's HIGHEST GDP rise was 1.9%. In the last quarter it was 1.8%. The previous quarter before that is was 1.4%.

Also, the tariffs have only been in place a few weeks. You won't be seeing an impact just yet.

China - Economic Indicators

Unemployment rate is lower than the previous quarter, inflation rate at a slightly higher level, but probably more due to the country advancing than anything else.

Government debt to GDP is rising, and that's the scary thing with China, has nothing to do with tariffs.

You basically don't have anything to go on other than "some Trump supporting political analysts who live in the US say something".
The Trump White House by Ronald Kessler. Learning a lot about Melania I never knew...very informative but fair...hits Trump when he should be and praises him when he should as well.

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