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What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Homosexuals will someday be extinct once we discover the gene that causes gay people to be gay. First we can abort them if they have that gene and later we'll flip it so they aren't gay any longer.

Problem solved.

There is no gay gene. It's a behavior that is poorly understood because it became a political weapon for the left to bludgeon christians & rational folks into submission...and they're looking in the wrong field of study to find the cure. There is nothing biological about it as far as the cause...there is evidence that the brain is effected by being homosexual, as well as skin structure & scent change.

Other than that, it's all just lies repeated over and over to you.

How can homosexuality be genetic if there are identical twins, born identical in every discernable way, except one is gay and the other is straight? If you can answer that with evidence to back your assertion with concrete evidence...I will support gay marriage today...donate to causes and everything.
Looks at watch.....
Identical twins can have different eye color or different hair color. Being identical doesn't mean a perfect match of their DNA strand.
Haha! Calm down...you might get accused of being Ashtara's sock puppet!

6. Discovered you're a stalker.

Nonsense! Once you submit a post it is on the record and anyone can access them. That is not "stalking". It is research. No one needs your permission to view your old posts. However if you are ashamed of what you posted because it exposes your obsession then you would be better advised to consider what you are posting before you submit it.

What most people don't realize is how much of themselves they reveal in their posts. Your posts are a window into your mind. They expose your influences and your way of perceiving the world. That isn't "stalking" either. It is just observations based upon what you freely provide in your posts.

Even your reaction to Ashtara tells us all something about you. Just like the people who post embarrassing pictures of themselves on Facebook can come to regret it later so can those who post ill considered words on a MB.

In other words you have nothing to support your erroneous allegation. Thank you for tactily conceding that you were wrong.
Homosexuals will someday be extinct once we discover the gene that causes gay people to be gay. First we can abort them if they have that gene and later we'll flip it so they aren't gay any longer.

Problem solved.

There is no gay gene. It's a behavior that is poorly understood because it became a political weapon for the left to bludgeon christians & rational folks into submission...and they're looking in the wrong field of study to find the cure. There is nothing biological about it as far as the cause...there is evidence that the brain is effected by being homosexual, as well as skin structure & scent change.

Other than that, it's all just lies repeated over and over to you.

How can homosexuality be genetic if there are identical twins, born identical in every discernable way, except one is gay and the other is straight? If you can answer that with evidence to back your assertion with concrete evidence...I will support gay marriage today...donate to causes and everything.
Looks at watch.....

Genes are merely the blueprint. As the process of replication and differentiation starts the manner in which genes are activated is not identical. Small variances in hormonal levels can stop and start development at different points. Even in the same uterus the two fetuses are not receiving identical levels.

So the genetic process can have an influence on the outcome even between identical twins. It is facile to only look at a single dimension and ignore all of the other elements involved during the 9 months of pregnancy.
Doesn't matter,
"Identical twins do have the same genotype. After all, they come from the same fertilized egg. Recent studies have shown that identical twins have very "similar" not "identical" DNA, but for the most part, according to basic biology it is identical. Identical twins aren't completely identical because DNA is essentially like instructions to building something, how your body decides to build that is random. This is why identical twins can have differing fingerprints. Another big factor why identical twins aren't necessarily completely identical is the environment which each of them were raised in. But for the most part, basic biology says identical twins share the same DNA. More research is being done to investigate this."

Same Genotype, same genetics. Now show me how I am wrong.
Homosexuals will someday be extinct once we discover the gene that causes gay people to be gay. First we can abort them if they have that gene and later we'll flip it so they aren't gay any longer.

Problem solved.

There is no gay gene. It's a behavior that is poorly understood because it became a political weapon for the left to bludgeon christians & rational folks into submission...and they're looking in the wrong field of study to find the cure. There is nothing biological about it as far as the cause...there is evidence that the brain is effected by being homosexual, as well as skin structure & scent change.

Other than that, it's all just lies repeated over and over to you.

How can homosexuality be genetic if there are identical twins, born identical in every discernable way, except one is gay and the other is straight? If you can answer that with evidence to back your assertion with concrete evidence...I will support gay marriage today...donate to causes and everything.
Looks at watch.....
Identical twins can have different eye color or different hair color. Being identical doesn't mean a perfect match of their DNA strand.
The closest you can find to be identical test subjects would be twins, dummies. Fertilized in the same egg...the study they use to say they found a genetic cause for homosexuality was debunked when outside scientists tried to reproduce it, with an even larger group of subjects in the study! What more evidence do you need it's junk science?

Good lord you people are thick!
5.Discovered that Lockejaw is probably obsessed with homosexuals.
Maybe we should arrange Lockejaw and novasteve meet in person and spend a little time alone together? Drink some beers and spend a little time on some innocent "research" about the evil homos.

Please keep your filthy homosexual fantasies free of my name, deviant.

Thanks in advance.
I think people that persecute them are the ones that need to be jailed.

They are human, they have every right that any American has.

If you don't approve of homosexuality, don't participate, it's as simple as that.

Discrimination against any human being is wrong, and certainly not Christian.


If you don't approve of homosexuality, don't participate, it's as simple as that.

Okay .... then get their agenda out of my Movies, off my television, and certainly out my Childrens Schools

They have every right to their agenda as you do yours; their strength is they are right and you are not.
The closest you can find to be identical test subjects would be twins, dummies. Fertilized in the same egg...the study they use to say they found a genetic cause for homosexuality was debunked when outside scientists tried to reproduce it, with an even larger group of subjects in the study! What more evidence do you need it's junk science?

Good lord you people are thick!

In 1993, American geneticist Dean Hamer found families with several gay males on the mother’s side, suggesting a gene on the X chromosome. He showed that pairs of brothers who were openly gay shared a small region at the tip of the X, and proposed that it contained a gene that predisposes a male to homosexuality.

This year, a larger study of gay brothers, using the many genetic markers now available through the Human Genome Project, confirmed the original finding and also detected another “gay gene” on chromosome 8. This has unleashed a new flurry of comment.

If there are male-loving and female-loving alleles of tens or hundreds of genes battling it out in the population, everyone will inherit a mixture of different variants. Combined with environmental influences, it will be hard to detect individual genes.

Gay men and lesbian women may simply be the two ends of the same distribution.
How our genes could make us gay or straight - The Washington Post

So we narrow down the genes that cause people to be gay and at first we'll have the option to abort fetuses that are gay. Eventually we'll be able to manipulate DNA so abortion will no longer be necessary and gayness will be cured.

Just need patience.
Here is an idea...I am not a fan of the idea of cloning human beings...but for the sake of ending this once and for all...Why don't you leftists find a country where cloning is less frowned upon, find yourself a gay dude, clone him, then raise the kid In a normal traditional family household, mother & a father...and see if that kid is gay at 18, do follow ups until your blue in the face....I guarantee the clone will not be gay.

I don't know of anyone who would fund this sort of thing, you loons should hit up George Soros for the money...
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Not too far from the ranch two women live who just recently traveled to California to get married. Course, here in Oklahoma, their 'marriage' is not recognized. They've got two kids, one girl and one boy, from their marriages BEFORE they discovered they were lesbian (I guess). They raise goats of all dang things. GOATS?!?!?

Last month, they asked if they could use my front-end loader to move around some hay. Wanted me to show them how to use it and they'd pay me for it. Told them, 'Nope.' But if you buy lunch, I'll drive it down and we'll move that hay. We did, only one of them made lunch and it reminded me of the misses before she passed away, it was that good.

They're good people and it don't matter to me what their sexual preference is so long as they don't dump it all over me. However, that doesn't change my mind about supporting Oklahoma's amendment to not recognize same-sex marriages. They know how I feel. We agree to disagree on that matter. But people it doesn't change the fact that they are human beings and they deserve the same respect or help that anyone deserves. I am paraphrasing here: Jesus said I knew you before you were formed in the womb. Good enough for me...
Not if the LGBTs keep antagonizing him with whimsically callous trolling, he won't.

There's a reason that idiots like Michael Moore say angry white men are the scariest voting bloc in the country right now, and I personally find it funny that self-proclaimed sage Mr. Moore doesn't have the intellectual perspicacity to see that he and his merry band of pot-stirrers—who don't even know how to load a gun, let alone fire one—are the primary piece of the problem.

Extremist groups like the KKK on the Right and the Nation of Islam on the Left don't even have to expend either much energy or money to recruit today, as today's political climate is exactly the kind of watershed moment with regard to recruiting that they've sought since their inceptions.

Keep antagonizing the far Right.

Keep thinking that you're better than them.

Keep thinking that you have some kind of privied, divine right to tell them what they can say, and how they can think.

Watch what happens.

It will not be pretty. And there will be no rainbows when it's done.

You make it sound like something bad is going to happen. :lol:

Everyone knows the KKK and groups like them have no heart and are pussies. They cant legally do anything and get away with it anymore. Didnt someone tell you already?

Well, I studied ideological extremism extensively as an undergraduate political science minor and wrote two theses on it, so yeah, I kinda think that I know what I'm talking about — more than you, at least. (No offense, but ...)

And yeah, if the rhetoric continues on both the far Left and the Right in this country, something bad probably is going to happen.

That's exactly why I made that thread about the contemporary polarized America over there in the Clean Debate Zone.

Opinions don't offend me so no worries. Thats great you wrote a thesis once upon a time but you still seem to miss the point. The KKK knows that Black people wont be passive targets as the law is no longer on the side of the KKK. The KKK wont do anything without protection. They dont have the heart nor commitment to their ideals needed to deal with people that are not familiar with stepping aside for whites. These youngsters will put some lead in their ass.

Yes something bad may happen for the extreme right but not everyone takes the chicken little approach. What you may view as bad I may view as good. The rhetoric will die down once the Black POTUS leaves office. Watch and see.
Nice story and all, but that isn't the kind that I have a beef with. I have a beef with the ones spreading lies to further their radical agenda. That's it. Other than that, I am fine with mindin' my own if they mind theirs.
too far from the ranch two women live who just recently traveled to California to get married. Course, here in Oklahoma, their 'marriage' is not recognized. They've got two kids, one girl and one boy, from their marriages BEFORE they discovered they were lesbian (I guess). They raise goats of all dang things. GOATS?!?!?

Last month, they asked if they could use my front-end loader to move around some hay. Wanted me to show them how to use it and they'd pay me for it. Told them, 'Nope.' But if you buy lunch, I'll drive it down and we'll move that hay. We did, only one of them made lunch and it reminded me of the misses before she passed away, it was that good.

They're good people and it don't matter to me what their sexual preference is so long as they don't dump it all over me. However, that doesn't change my mind about supporting Oklahoma's amendment to not recognize same-sex marriages. They know how I feel. We agree to disagree on that matter. But people it doesn't change the fact that they are human beings and they deserve the same respect or help that anyone deserves. I am paraphrasing here: Jesus said I knew you before you were formed in the womb. Good enough for me...
What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

I wonder, what are your attitudes about gays. How many dicks did you suck while you were in prison? Convict.

As for me, it is a poor lifestyle choice. Nonetheless, they are people and deserve to be treated as such when it comes to interpersonal situations. When it comes to the political issues like gay marriage, my attitude doesn't change, but I can still disagree with them without being homophobic, hate, personal or generalized attacks.

Seeing as he is still running that bullshit sig I go with a lot.
God created us all, yes, but I don't believe that people being homosexual are of his doing. Why would he go against his own word?

It's not his "word". The "word" you are referring to was written by men not god. If you believe in god, then your god created the gays just like everyone else. Either he's all powerful or he's not. Which is it?

The Landlord and the Gays
I believe that the Lord created us all, but I don't believe that he had anything to do with our preferences being whatever they are. I believe that was all left up to us. Why would he have us go against what his word is?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If homosexuality was God's intention, why is a male and a female the only duo that can reproduce the natural way? Why will a homosexual couple never be able to do such a thing all on their own without any help?
God created us all, yes, but I don't believe that people being homosexual are of his doing. Why would he go against his own word?

It's not his "word". The "word" you are referring to was written by men not god. If you believe in god, then your god created the gays just like everyone else. Either he's all powerful or he's not. Which is it?

The Landlord and the Gays
I believe that the Lord created us all, but I don't believe that he had anything to do with our preferences being whatever they are. I believe that was all left up to us. Why would he have us go against what his word is?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If homosexuality was God's intention, why is a male and a female the only duo that can reproduce the natural way? Why will a homosexual couple never be able to do such a thing all on their own without any help?

Natural population control.
No, the christian God gave us free will...we are our own population control if we make bad decisions & go against what God says. Ofcourse that God also said to go forth & multiply...so I don't this He would be too concerned with population control. We haven't overpopulated...this is a myth that really takes hold in urban areas because of how crowded those areas are. We are not overpopulating the earth...city folks just want their cake & to eat it too.

Hope that was helpful...
It's not his "word". The "word" you are referring to was written by men not god. If you believe in god, then your god created the gays just like everyone else. Either he's all powerful or he's not. Which is it?

The Landlord and the Gays
I believe that the Lord created us all, but I don't believe that he had anything to do with our preferences being whatever they are. I believe that was all left up to us. Why would he have us go against what his word is?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If homosexuality was God's intention, why is a male and a female the only duo that can reproduce the natural way? Why will a homosexual couple never be able to do such a thing all on their own without any help?

Natural population control.
Not too far from the ranch two women live who just recently traveled to California to get married. Course, here in Oklahoma, their 'marriage' is not recognized. They've got two kids, one girl and one boy, from their marriages BEFORE they discovered they were lesbian (I guess). They raise goats of all dang things. GOATS?!?!?

Last month, they asked if they could use my front-end loader to move around some hay. Wanted me to show them how to use it and they'd pay me for it. Told them, 'Nope.' But if you buy lunch, I'll drive it down and we'll move that hay. We did, only one of them made lunch and it reminded me of the misses before she passed away, it was that good.

They're good people and it don't matter to me what their sexual preference is so long as they don't dump it all over me. However, that doesn't change my mind about supporting Oklahoma's amendment to not recognize same-sex marriages. They know how I feel. We agree to disagree on that matter. But people it doesn't change the fact that they are human beings and they deserve the same respect or help that anyone deserves. I am paraphrasing here: Jesus said I knew you before you were formed in the womb. Good enough for me...

If only the media would put the microphones in front of them instead of the militant gays this nation would be much better off.

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