What Are Your Personal Feelings re: The Immigration Crisis:


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
While the pragmatic fact of the matter is the U.S. simply cannot begin absorbing an endless flow of impoverished refugees from depressed Central American countries, how do the utterly miserable, and reportedly menacing, circumstances these helpless children and their mothers are facing affect you emotionally? Are you coldly apathetic about their obvious suffering and concerned only with being rid of them, or have you been contemplating some way within our means to relieve their misery.

What are your thoughts about this situation?
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I'm coldly apathetic.

You think miserable and menacing circumstances are a new phenomenon?

My ancestors lived such lives overseas, yet they immigrated via the law and the process.
I don't think its a "crisis". I think that humans seeking entrance into the United States could become valuable resources if exploited wisely.

Free medical care should be free to anyone willing to blindly and unquestionably submit to the tyranny of the American Empire. Immigrant, civilian, anyone. It would be like selling your soul to the government, in a sense, in return for the best possible medical treatments.

However, if I were to speak for those that despise illegals and view them as a "crisis affecting America" I would suggest lining up the border with automatic turrets and electric fences.
There is no immigration crisis, we have an illegal alien issue, that one party likes to use for pr purposes.

if they wanted to set up a refugee camp and start the process of becoming a citizen legally, I'd support that.

But they don't want that, they want a free pass

Until they want to become Americans, fuck them, we have enough people here that hate the country but won't leave.
I'm coldly apathetic.

You think miserable and menacing circumstances are a new phenomenon?

My ancestors lived such lives overseas, yet they immigrated via the law and the process
The problem is George W. Bush signed a law mandating that any refugee from a non-contiguous country who arrives at our border seeking asylum from inhumanely oppressive conditions must be allowed to enter and remain here until afforded a proper hearing. So while the vast majority of these refugees qualify for asylum they are by no means the whole show.

If these Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Salvadorans are admitted we can expect a flood of asylum-seekers from India, Africa, and any other country where third-world conditions prevail. Our southern border could very well be swarmed and the Border Patrol overwhelmed. (I have no doubt that Bush knew exactly what he was doing.)

So what do you think we should do?
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There is no immigration crisis, we have an illegal alien issue, that one party likes to use for pr purposes.

if they wanted to set up a refugee camp and start the process of becoming a citizen legally, I'd support that.

But they don't want that, they want a free pass

Until they want to become Americans, fuck them, we have enough people here that hate the country but won't leave.

Starting with the so-called president.
I'm coldly apathetic.

You think miserable and menacing circumstances are a new phenomenon?

My ancestors lived such lives overseas, yet they immigrated via the law and the process
The problem is George W. Bush signed a law mandating that any refugee from a non-contiguous country (such as Mexico) who arrives at our border seeking asylum from inhumanely oppressive conditions must be allowed to enter and remain here until afforded a proper hearing. So while the vast majority of these refugees qualify for asylum they are by no means the whole show.

If these Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Salvadorans are admitted we can expect a flood of asylum-seekers from India, Africa, and any other country where third-world conditions prevail. Our southern border could very well be swarmed and the Border Patrol overwhelmed. (I have no doubt that Bush knew exactly what he was doing.)

So what do you think we should do?

Frankly, I don't care who started it, it needs to be stopped, NOW!
I'm coldly apathetic.

You think miserable and menacing circumstances are a new phenomenon?

My ancestors lived such lives overseas, yet they immigrated via the law and the process
The problem is George W. Bush signed a law mandating that any refugee from a non-contiguous country (such as Mexico) who arrives at our border seeking asylum from inhumanely oppressive conditions must be allowed to enter and remain here until afforded a proper hearing. So while the vast majority of these refugees qualify for asylum they are by no means the whole show.

If these Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Salvadorans are admitted we can expect a flood of asylum-seekers from India, Africa, and any other country where third-world conditions prevail. Our southern border could very well be swarmed and the Border Patrol overwhelmed. (I have no doubt that Bush knew exactly what he was doing.)

So what do you think we should do?

You didn't heed a single word of mine, did you bitch? :slap:
I'm coldly apathetic.

You think miserable and menacing circumstances are a new phenomenon?

My ancestors lived such lives overseas, yet they immigrated via the law and the process
The problem is George W. Bush signed a law mandating that any refugee from a non-contiguous country (such as Mexico) who arrives at our border seeking asylum from inhumanely oppressive conditions must be allowed to enter and remain here until afforded a proper hearing. So while the vast majority of these refugees qualify for asylum they are by no means the whole show.

If these Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Salvadorans are admitted we can expect a flood of asylum-seekers from India, Africa, and any other country where third-world conditions prevail. Our southern border could very well be swarmed and the Border Patrol overwhelmed. (I have no doubt that Bush knew exactly what he was doing.)

So what do you think we should do?

Frankly, I don't care who started it, it needs to be stopped, NOW!

Just for the record, his name is MikeK, not Frankley.
Dear Tea Party, America's Addiction to Illegal Drugs and Cheap Labor Causes Illegal Immigration

Why aren't Americans still talking about the abducted Nigerian school girls or the VA crisis anymore? The reason is that we have an attention span only long enough to process talking points and media driven outrage; a fatal flaw when it comes to creating solutions to complicated dilemmas. Groups like the Tea Party would rather focus on immigrants who break the law than look in the mirror and ask how our own decisions (and lawbreaking) cause the problems we face.

As for the current immigration crisis with tens of thousands of desperate children at our borders, these young people are fleeing violence and political mayhem in their home countries for a reason. We helped foment this chaos with our drug habit. They're choosing to risk death in order to immigrate to a country that hires illegal immigrants for a reason. Americans, possibly even Lou Dobbs, hire illegal immigrants. This crisis, and the entire immigration issue, rests squarely upon the shoulders of the American people. If we didn't buy the drugs that have ruined Central America or employ the illegal immigrants who represent over 5 percent of the U.S. labor force, we would not have an immigration problem. Unlike the Tea Party and Murrieta protesters who think illegal immigrants are invading the country, we caused this immigration fiasco long before courageous young people decided to flee their countries in search of political asylum.

I'm coldly apathetic.

You think miserable and menacing circumstances are a new phenomenon?

My ancestors lived such lives overseas, yet they immigrated via the law and the process
The problem is George W. Bush signed a law mandating that any refugee from a non-contiguous country (such as Mexico) who arrives at our border seeking asylum from inhumanely oppressive conditions must be allowed to enter and remain here until afforded a proper hearing. So while the vast majority of these refugees qualify for asylum they are by no means the whole show.

If these Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Salvadorans are admitted we can expect a flood of asylum-seekers from India, Africa, and any other country where third-world conditions prevail. Our southern border could very well be swarmed and the Border Patrol overwhelmed. (I have no doubt that Bush knew exactly what he was doing.)

So what do you think we should do?

Frankly, I don't care who started it, it needs to be stopped, NOW!
I have no argument against that. But I'm hoping for suggestions, because I am baffled.
The problem is George W. Bush signed a law mandating that any refugee from a non-contiguous country (such as Mexico) who arrives at our border seeking asylum from inhumanely oppressive conditions must be allowed to enter and remain here until afforded a proper hearing. So while the vast majority of these refugees qualify for asylum they are by no means the whole show.

If these Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Salvadorans are admitted we can expect a flood of asylum-seekers from India, Africa, and any other country where third-world conditions prevail. Our southern border could very well be swarmed and the Border Patrol overwhelmed. (I have no doubt that Bush knew exactly what he was doing.)

So what do you think we should do?

Frankly, I don't care who started it, it needs to be stopped, NOW!
I have no argument against that. But I'm hoping for suggestions, because I am baffled.

Everyone is baffled, that is why there are no solutions, only criticism and more illegals. It is sort of hard to find a solution with all of the finger pointing, obstructionism and nonsense arguments.

My suggestion is to start building refugee camps on the border to serve as a fence, buffer zone and deterrent. If you are caught crossing the border illegally and have some sort of legal claim...you will wait in the refugee camp until your hearing. If you are a criminal...you will go to jail until you are deported. There is no being released in the states...illegals will ALL be sent to refugee camps until their fate is decided.

In addition, force as many of these illegals as possible on canada. If they can take in 10K refugees from Syria...they can take 100K illegals from the South.
Would anyone sacrifice their family for one of them? Would you? Well..the usa is my family. I do not want to see one of us do without, suffer, go hungry, be ill and have no meds or health care....for some schmuck, kid or not, from another country that came here for a free handout. And the parents that sent them here ALONE? They need to be shot. Yet, many americans ARE suffering. All this money for those brats? What about OUR OWN?

So..I am coldly apathetic. Get rid of them.
It's another manufactured crisis, manufactured by the left. Keep your eye on this crisis while our communist president commits some other egregious act behind the curtains.

Put me in the "coldly apathetic" column (along with our POTUS).
I'm coldly apathetic.

You think miserable and menacing circumstances are a new phenomenon?

My ancestors lived such lives overseas, yet they immigrated via the law and the process
The problem is George W. Bush signed a law mandating that any refugee from a non-contiguous country (such as Mexico) who arrives at our border seeking asylum from inhumanely oppressive conditions must be allowed to enter and remain here until afforded a proper hearing. So while the vast majority of these refugees qualify for asylum they are by no means the whole show.

If these Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Salvadorans are admitted we can expect a flood of asylum-seekers from India, Africa, and any other country where third-world conditions prevail. Our southern border could very well be swarmed and the Border Patrol overwhelmed. (I have no doubt that Bush knew exactly what he was doing.)

So what do you think we should do?

And therein lies the problem. It only applies to a specific group. If you're coming from Denmark tough crap.
TANK states the facts in my opinion . ---------- My problem is not with Mexicans , or any race or nationality of people . My only problem with any immigration is with population growth in the USA and eventual political power for people that imo will never see themselves as Americans . I grew up starting in the early 1950s with smaller numbers of people in the USA and I liked it that way .
BUSH's law was about making things fair or it was a trick . Cubans have had the ' wet foot , dry foot ' law for years now . These people from noncontiguous countries were given similar help by Bush's law [imo] .

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