What caused the national debt?

Yeah, actually, funny enough, I DO miss it.

Because compared to the OBAMA DEPRESSION OF 2009-2013, that big bad recession doesn't seem so bad. Man, I wish we had 6% unemployment again.

But to the point, guy, how many Wall Street Crooks have Obama and Holder brought to trial for their complicity in the collapse of the economy. I think they prosecuted Bernie Madoff and that was about it.

Where are the indictments? Where are the big bankers being frog marched out of their offices?

Oh, wait. What's that? Obama continued the bailouts, even let them pay themselves bonuses out of TARP funds?


A depression requires a negative GDP

Just like we had under BOOOOOOOOOSH

Looks like the Republicans may have killed 6% unemployment for good. Losing 700,000 jobs a month will do that

Get a grip. The Economy destroys 13 million jobs a year even when things are going well. The good news is that when times are good, when you have a president who does things to encourage growth, it creates 15 million replacement jobs.

Sadly, your boy Obama isn't doing that, and even Democratic CEO like Wynn and the Home Depot guy have said as much.

Went to Borders' Books today. You know, closing 400 stores, laying off 11,000 people. That's all on Obama's watch, buddy.

Time For Obama to pull up his big-boy pants and stop blaming the guy who left three years ago.

Oh, DULY NOTED you avoided my question. Why hasn't Obama put any of the Wall Street Crooks in prison?


I'm still pissed that Obama did not have the balls to indict Bush/Cheney for lying to start a war and ordering Americans to engage in torture
Did you somehow miss the Great Recession of 2007-2008?

I thought the deregulation began under Reagan. It was Clinton's adminsitration that sought agreement with Republicans to finish the job in 1999.

No actually Sen. Phil Gramm snuck an amendment into a spending bill on the day before Christmas recess 1999 to deregulate the finance industry.

And that amendment got rid of all finance industry regulations?
That would be the December 2007 recession that started January 20, 2009 at 12:00 PM EST. It was in all the papers.

Actually, on January 20, 2009, most rational Americans found themselves start of a massive depression that hasn't let up yet ... for some reason.

There is plenty of money in the country.

It's just concentrated in too few hands.

There is $2 trillion dollars parked in treasuries.

Let me guess, the imaginary 400 who you feel own half the country's wealth?
What caused the national debt?

The validity of the public debt, authorized by law, shall not be questioned.

James Madison wrote that under our Constitution the Federal Government is one of specifically enumerated powers. Numerous US Supreme Court rulings have acknowledged that such was the intent of the Founding Fathers. The Fourteenth Amendment, Section 4, states that the validity of the public debt, authorized by law, shall not be questioned. U.S. Constitution , Article VI, states that the Constitution and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof shall be the supreme Law of the Land.

Thus far, those who support raising the national debt have failed or refused to demonstrate that the same is authorized by the supreme law of the land. Yes, Nancy Pelosi, I am serious about that. On an average month the US Treasury takes in about $200 billion dollars. The big spenders have failed or refused to show that $200 billion dollars is not enough to cover those expenditures which are constitutionally authorized. While we ascertain the constitutional validity of the national debt , the treasury can avoid default by prioritizing payments.


Actually, on January 20, 2009, most rational Americans found themselves start of a massive depression that hasn't let up yet ... for some reason.

There is plenty of money in the country.

It's just concentrated in too few hands.

There is $2 trillion dollars parked in treasuries.

Let me guess, the imaginary 400 who you feel own half the country's wealth?


You got a lot of learn'n to do
That would be the December 2007 recession that started January 20, 2009 at 12:00 PM EST. It was in all the papers.

Actually, on January 20, 2009, most rational Americans found themselves start of a massive depression that hasn't let up yet ... for some reason.

There is plenty of money in the country.

It's just concentrated in too few hands.

There is $2 trillion dollars parked in treasuries.
So you propose that that 2 trillion be put into the economy, create jobs, build factories?

I'm still pissed that Obama did not have the balls to indict Bush/Cheney for lying to start a war and ordering Americans to engage in torture

I'm sure you are... I'm sure the day they hanged Saddam is a sad day for you.

Most sensible people thought it was a good thing.

But you, see, if he indicts Bush for starting a war in Iraq, what's to stop President Perry from indicting him for starting a war in Libya?

So now Obama is responsible for Borders inability to anticipate eBooks

No, he's responsible for creating such a weak economic situation and climate of fear amongst enterpenuers that no one saw Borders as an organization that could be salvaged and reorganized. Heck, when I think, "I need to go out and buy that new book", the first thing I think is borders. Now I have to think "Barnes and Noble". I'm an old fashioned guy and I like a physical book, not a bit of technology that can crash.

As you liberals are happy to point out, there is plenty of money out there. The Wall Street guys DID recover by about 2010. But what they haven't done is start hiring again. They are still squeezing the last bit of blood out of the turnips they have.

Who wants to add 11,000 mouths to feed when you got ObamaCare ready to dump down on them and increase their costs? Or maybe having a few malcontents use Card Check to form a union and drive up their costs? Who needs that crap? Obviously, not investors who could have reorganized Borders, but didn't want to take the chance.

I'm still pissed that Obama did not have the balls to indict Bush/Cheney for lying to start a war and ordering Americans to engage in torture

I'm sure you are... I'm sure the day they hanged Saddam is a sad day for you.

Most sensible people thought it was a good thing.

But you, see, if he indicts Bush for starting a war in Iraq, what's to stop President Perry from indicting him for starting a war in Libya?

What war was that?

How many american soldiers were killed? I must have missed it
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So now Obama is responsible for Borders inability to anticipate eBooks

No, he's responsible for creating such a weak economic situation and climate of fear amongst enterpenuers that no one saw Borders as an organization that could be salvaged and reorganized. Heck, when I think, "I need to go out and buy that new book", the first thing I think is borders. Now I have to think "Barnes and Noble". I'm an old fashioned guy and I like a physical book, not a bit of technology that can crash.

As you liberals are happy to point out, there is plenty of money out there. The Wall Street guys DID recover by about 2010. But what they haven't done is start hiring again. They are still squeezing the last bit of blood out of the turnips they have.

Who wants to add 11,000 mouths to feed when you got ObamaCare ready to dump down on them and increase their costs? Or maybe having a few malcontents use Card Check to form a union and drive up their costs? Who needs that crap? Obviously, not investors who could have reorganized Borders, but didn't want to take the chance.


We barely escaped another Great Depression and now we are trying to pull out of it.

We have had 16 straight months of job growth and a growing economy.

The problem is lack of demand. That's what happens when you have a deflationary spiral.
U.S. companies are reluctant to hire—but not because of uncertainty over government policies, as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke mentioned in his testimony before Congress last week. A majority of the 53 economists surveyed from July 8-13 by the Wall Street Journal say it is the lack of demand that is keeping hiring down.

The U.S. economy added just 18,000 jobs in June, less than one-fifth of consensus estimates, as unemployment rose to 9.2 percent. Asked by the Journal to name the main reason for employers not hiring more readily, sixty-five percent of the 51 economists who responded said it was due to lack of demand. Twenty-seven percent said it was uncertainty over the government, and others cited the appeal of hiring overseas.

WSJ Survey: Lack of Demand, Not Uncertainty, Keeps Hiring Down - Catherine Hollander - NationalJournal.com
What caused the national debt?
Johnson's "Great Society"
Not such a great idea, was it?

Nonsense, they were excellent ideas, the cornerstone of modern late 20th, early 21st Century America. If the programs were unaffordable, we’d not have a budget surplus in 2001.
No, he's responsible for creating such a weak economic situation and climate of fear amongst enterpenuers…

He did all that, in just two and a half years – my goodness…

Try some facts for a change: the ‘weak economic situation’ is a consequence of the December 2007 recession, Obama wasn’t president yet for another 13 months. As for a ‘climate of fear,’ that’s a consequence of the House playing chicken with the debt ceiling and failing to put forward a viable plan to address an economic recovery. Instead they’ve wasted the Nation’s time investigating ‘scary Muslims’ and trying to ban abortion. What idiocy.
What caused the national debt?
Johnson's "Great Society"
Not such a great idea, was it?

Nonsense, they were excellent ideas, the cornerstone of modern late 20th, early 21st Century America. If the programs were unaffordable, we’d not have a budget surplus in 2001.
No, he's responsible for creating such a weak economic situation and climate of fear amongst enterpenuers…

He did all that, in just two and a half years – my goodness…

Try some facts for a change: the ‘weak economic situation’ is a consequence of the December 2007 recession, Obama wasn’t president yet for another 13 months. As for a ‘climate of fear,’ that’s a consequence of the House playing chicken with the debt ceiling and failing to put forward a viable plan to address an economic recovery. Instead they’ve wasted the Nation’s time investigating ‘scary Muslims’ and trying to ban abortion. What idiocy.


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