"What caused the two Boston bombers to do it""

Joke Of The Day, by Sunni Man:

The Constitution and Sharia Law are totally compatible and actually compliment each other in both form and content. ..
ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Marriage and divorce are the most significant aspects of sharia, but criminal law is the most controversial. In sharia, there are categories of offenses: those that are prescribed a specific punishment in the Quran, known as hadd punishments, those that fall under a judge's discretion, and those resolved through a tit-for-tat measure (i.e., blood money paid to the family of a murder victim). There are five hadd crimes: unlawful sexual intercourse (sex outside of marriage and adultery), false accusation of unlawful sexual intercourse, wine drinking (sometimes extended to include all alcohol drinking), theft, and highway robbery. Punishments for hadd offenses--flogging, stoning, amputation, exile, or execution--get a significant amount of media attention when they occur.

Honor killings, murders committed in retaliation for bringing dishonor on one's family, are a worldwide problem. While precise statistics are scarce, the UN estimates thousands of women are killed annually in the name of family honor (NationalGeographic). Other practices that are woven into the sharia debate, such as female genital mutilation, adolescent marriages, polygamy, and gender-biased inheritance rules, elicit as much controversy.

In most interpretations of sharia, conversion by Muslims to other religions or becoming non-religious, is strictly forbidden and is termed apostasy.[143] Many Islamic countries legally impose capital punishment as the penalty for apostasy.
The European Court of Human Rights determined that "sharia is incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy". It was determined that it would "do away with the State's role as the guarantor of individual rights and freedoms" and "infringe the principle of non-discrimination between individuals as regards their enjoyment of public freedoms, which is one of the fundamental principles of democracy".[184]

Homosexual sex is illegal under most interpretations of sharia law, though the prescribed penalties differ from one school of jurisprudence to another. For example, these Muslim-majority countries may impose the death penalty for acts perceived as sodomy and homosexual activities: Iran,[189] Nigeria,[190] Saudi Arabia,[191] Somalia.


Yup, clearly and totally compatible with the constitution!
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You think Allah is trying to send a message, that after about 60 years, and hundreds of millions of Arab Muslims armed to the teeth who have tried over and over to destroy tiny Isrsel with a population of only 6 million, Muslims have gotten their behinds kicked in humiliating fashion?
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Thank you, Sunni Boy, for exposing the depth and breadth of the world's Muslim problem.
This was just my personal opinion for a final solution to the jewish problem that has plagued the world for centuries.

And does not represent the views of any other people or religion. .. :cool:

You are an incredibly sick person, you know that:eusa_hand:

No he's not.
Sunni is just your typical "Irish/American Muslim." What you believe to be his disease is merely his culture and his is of the more moderate strain.
Probably off topic..but I am wondering about a few things. So the kid got shot in the mouth where the bullet exited his neck..or so they say. Which is why he can't talk. Does this mean he could not speak when asked to give up? When was he shot in the throat? During the shootout with his brother? Or, when they began firing at him in the boat? Was he is the boat already with the wound or did it happen after?
Did they surround the boat and just start shooting? Or did the kid shoot first and t hen the barrage of gunfire insue?

I know. I'm nosey.
^^^ At least I offered a peaceful solution to the Jewish problem.

Which is more than you ever did. .. :cool:

Or we can quarantine Muslims to a few countries and shoot any that try to cross into civilized society,that way the Jews can have peace in Israel and the rest of the planet will be rid of an ass backwards cult and also have peace. Muslims will not be happy but then again they never are anyway. But hey you guys will be able to beat,stone and behead as many of your own people to your hearts content. See everybody wins with my solution to the "Muslim problem" too. :D
There are 1.5 billion muslims mainly located in 59 countries.

Whereas, there are only 14 jews who basically live in either Israel or NYC

So logistically is makes more sense to round up the Chosen People and award them with their own protected private island. .. :cool:

On-the-other-hand, I see no reports of Jews bombing subways or other public events and locations all over the world, harming innocent people. Perhaps it would be far better to quarantine the rabid-dog muslims in their own enclaves and just let them at each other.
^^^ At least I offered a peaceful solution to the Jewish problem.

Which is more than you ever did. .. :cool:

Or we can quarantine Muslims to a few countries and shoot any that try to cross into civilized society,that way the Jews can have peace in Israel and the rest of the planet will be rid of an ass backwards cult and also have peace. Muslims will not be happy but then again they never are anyway. But hey you guys will be able to beat,stone and behead as many of your own people to your hearts content. See everybody wins with my solution to the "Muslim problem" too. :D
There are 1.5 billion muslims mainly located in 59 countries.

Whereas, there are only 14 jews who basically live in either Israel or NYC

So logistically is makes more sense to round up the Chosen People and award them with their own protected private island. .. :cool:

Well now sunshine you forget I've been to Israel,much more than 14 Jews. Also allow me to point out that by your own admission that there are 59 muslim countries but there is only ONE Jewish state and your brethren would wipe that one state from the earth. Kinda points out the selfish nature of Islam.

You can keep your 59 countries with my plan so no logistic problem. You can also send out any people of other religions to make room for those who we would be giving the boot too. Then if one of you enters one of our countries uninvited you get shot on site. We'll keep Israel for the Jews seeing how you don't need a country the size of New Jersey. We will be happy to dismantle the Dome of the Rock and ship it to Mecca free of charge,not like the Jewish,Christian,Buddhist,Hindi,etc etc will need the monstrosity. Oh and who gets what of your lands between Sunni and Shite,that's your problem. We got the rest of the worlds religions,you two can learn to get along or kill each other for all we care.Lol

see my plan works well.
Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

I find it hilarious that all over the media the PC people are scratching their heads asking "what radicalized them?"

As if they really don't know, or they think Americans don't either.

As if its the first time a Muslim became a jihadist terrorist and decided to slaughter the infidels". Gimmi a break!
maybe there Muslim Brotherhood Imam has something to do with it.:eusa_eh:
Or we can quarantine Muslims to a few countries and shoot any that try to cross into civilized society,that way the Jews can have peace in Israel and the rest of the planet will be rid of an ass backwards cult and also have peace. Muslims will not be happy but then again they never are anyway. But hey you guys will be able to beat,stone and behead as many of your own people to your hearts content. See everybody wins with my solution to the "Muslim problem" too. :D
There are 1.5 billion muslims mainly located in 59 countries.

Whereas, there are only 14 jews who basically live in either Israel or NYC

So logistically is makes more sense to round up the Chosen People and award them with their own protected private island. .. :cool:

On-the-other-hand, I see no reports of Jews bombing subways or other public events and locations all over the world, harming innocent people. Perhaps it would be far better to quarantine the rabid-dog muslims in their own enclaves and just let them at each other.
I think that's the only non genocidal solution to the "Muslim problem". All the rest of the earths population can get along reasonably well. Jews (stereotypically) are into making bank, not blowing up the bank lol.

Still true of Ishmael' s ancestors. Genesis 16:

11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
Still true of Ishmael' s ancestors. Genesis 16:

11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
You do realize that often misquoted verse only applies to Ishmael and says nothing about his descendants........ .:cool:
Still true of Ishmael' s ancestors. Genesis 16:

11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
You do realize that often misquoted verse only applies to Ishmael and says nothing about his descendants........ .:cool:

Perhaps, yet what has become undeniable is the fact that while from one side of your Muslim community's mouth comes rejection of the violence of Islamists, from the other comes the nurturing of those that perpetrate that violence. It seems clear that you and yours are taking advantage of the free and open society America offers to all her inhabitants to plot, plan, preach and teach hate and violence.
I held my breath after the Boston bombing, hoping it would not be another Muslim attack. I do not want my country to have to take extraordinary actions to protect peaceful, productive Americans from rabid Islamic dogs but I do expect and require this country to do so and if that requires extrajudicial action then so be it.
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Still true of Ishmael' s ancestors. Genesis 16:

11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
You do realize that often misquoted verse only applies to Ishmael and says nothing about his descendants........ .:cool:

Apples don't fall far from the tree. Lol
I held my breath after the Boston bombing, hoping it would not be another Muslim attack. I do not want my country to have to take extraordinary actions to protect peaceful, productive Americans from rabid Islamic dogs but I do expect and require this country to do so and if that requires extrajudicial action then so be it.
LOL, you really are quite full of yourself...... :cuckoo: :lol:
I held my breath after the Boston bombing, hoping it would not be another Muslim attack. I do not want my country to have to take extraordinary actions to protect peaceful, productive Americans from rabid Islamic dogs but I do expect and require this country to do so and if that requires extrajudicial action then so be it.
LOL, you really are quite full of yourself...... :cuckoo: :lol:

And you really are quite empty.
Still true of Ishmael' s ancestors. Genesis 16:

11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
You do realize that often misquoted verse only applies to Ishmael and says nothing about his descendants........ .:cool:

True, yet what has become undeniable is the fact that while from one side of your Muslim community's mouth comes rejection of the violence of Islamists, from the other comes the nurturing of those that perpetrate that violence. It seems clear that you and yours are taking advantage of the free and open society America offers to all her inhabitants to plot, plan, preach and teach hate and violence.
I held my breath after the Boston bombing, hoping it would not be another Muslim attack. I do not want my country to have to take extraordinary actions to protect peaceful, productive Americans from rabid Islamic dogs but I do expect and require this country to do so and if that requires extrajudicial action then so be it.
Sad but true.
Still true of Ishmael' s ancestors. Genesis 16:

11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
You do realize that often misquoted verse only applies to Ishmael and says nothing about his descendants........ .:cool:

True, yet what has become undeniable is the fact that while from one side of your Muslim community's mouth comes rejection of the violence of Islamists, from the other comes the nurturing of those that perpetrate that violence. It seems clear that you and yours are taking advantage of the free and open society America offers to all her inhabitants to plot, plan, preach and teach hate and violence.
I held my breath after the Boston bombing, hoping it would not be another Muslim attack. I do not want my country to have to take extraordinary actions to protect peaceful, productive Americans from rabid Islamic dogs but I do expect and require this country to do so and if that requires extrajudicial action then so be it.
Why do "peaceful, productive Americans" find it necessary to garrison the globe? Only one country has hundreds of military installations outside its homeland, and it doesn't seem coincidental that same country has been the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet for generations.

Why have citizens of this "peaceful, productive" state murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated millions of Muslim civilians since 911? How peaceful or productive are US drone strikes, and would you feel differently if Arab drones were murdering an proportional percentage of Americans every year?

Those getting rich from the War on Muslims will certainly approve of your support for extrajudicial actions; I wonder if you realize they will use those same actions to vaporize your rights as well as Muslim children?
You do realize that often misquoted verse only applies to Ishmael and says nothing about his descendants........ .:cool:

True, yet what has become undeniable is the fact that while from one side of your Muslim community's mouth comes rejection of the violence of Islamists, from the other comes the nurturing of those that perpetrate that violence. It seems clear that you and yours are taking advantage of the free and open society America offers to all her inhabitants to plot, plan, preach and teach hate and violence.
I held my breath after the Boston bombing, hoping it would not be another Muslim attack. I do not want my country to have to take extraordinary actions to protect peaceful, productive Americans from rabid Islamic dogs but I do expect and require this country to do so and if that requires extrajudicial action then so be it.
Why do "peaceful, productive Americans" find it necessary to garrison the globe? Only one country has hundreds of military installations outside its homeland, and it doesn't seem coincidental that same country has been the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet for generations.

Why have citizens of this "peaceful, productive" state murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated millions of Muslim civilians since 911? How peaceful or productive are US drone strikes, and would you feel differently if Arab drones were murdering an proportional percentage of Americans every year?

Those getting rich from the War on Muslims will certainly approve of your support for extrajudicial actions; I wonder if you realize they will use those same actions to vaporize your rights as well as Muslim children?

Whose kids are the next victims of your terror-rat comrades, Princess?
The choices are not easy but at some point you will force America to make a choice.
I say we do it before you get to strike again as most surely you will.

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