"What caused the two Boston bombers to do it""

Now tell us about Shariah Law for US, why are you avoiding it?
Off topic.....start a thread about it ....if your so interested. .. :cool:
Actually not off topic as that is the religious ideology behind the attacks against the west.
So please answer the question. You are avoiding it.

Speaking about religious ideology,wasn't this thread in the religious section?
Off topic.....start a thread about it ....if your so interested. .. :cool:
Actually not off topic as that is the religious ideology behind the attacks against the west.
So please answer the question. You are avoiding it.
I'll tell you why he is avoiding it because in other threads he's admitted he wants Shariah Law for America. He also believes Muslim men should be able to have 4 wives just like back home. In fact he's told us of Muslim friends he has, who have four wives but are hiding it. SICK.

But like all enemy within fifth columners, he plays the role of a patriotic moderate Muslim American to deceive naive Americans. That's his shtick.

I'll never understand why any man would want four wives,that's just asking for an early grave ;and I'm a woman. Lol
Out of context quotes from a religious text don't prove anything. You can find the same shit in the Bible and it can be cherry picked by fanatics to support and sanction murder, killing non-believers etc.
However you cut it, slice it, or dice it, In terms of violence and terror, no other religion or its followers come even close.
Not if you include the religion of American Exceptionalism:

"Within the first two to four months of the bombings,the acute effects killed 90,000–166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000–80,000 in Nagasaki, with roughly half of the deaths in each city occurring on the first day."

Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As much as you would like to make Islam the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet, you just don't have the numbers
Only one nation garrisons its military in hundreds of bases outside its homeland, and only America ensures Israel will continue provoking Muslim retaliations from Bali to Boston (thanks a bunch, bitch)
In case you haven't noticed, George, The Peaceful Muslims in Syria have killed around 100,000 of their own Muslim citizens during the past year. That's just a drop in the bucket of all the Muslims killing Muslims around the world. What was that again about American bombs?
Spilling blood in the name of any religion has been happening since the dawn of man...what happened in Boston will happen elsewhere on this planet...in the name of 'God'.
It will be no surprise if it turns out that these boys were lead by some sort of extremist militant group bent on 'doing right by Allah'.

These boys? They were men. The question is why do men so often commit themselves to extreme measures to express themselves?

Their women drive them to madness? :D
And another who see's America as the great evil power. While enjoying the freedom to criticize it...Or is all the Jews fault too?

Un-fucking real:cuckoo:
America wasn't the only bombing victim last Monday:

"Baghdad (CNN) -- A series of bomb blasts across Iraq on Monday killed at least 42 people and wounded more than 257 others, police said."

These blasts were apparently aimed at influencing voters in upcoming elections.
Who will you blame if we suffer similar terror next November, Chechnya or Israel?

Deadly wave of bombings across Iraq ahead of elections - CNN.com
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Muslims killing Muslims. That's odd, ain't it?
This is an email I received 3 days ago from the main mosque in Boston. It was also sent to all of the local and national media outlets. But was never given any media attention.

April 18, 2013

Islamic Society of Boston Community Prayer Vigil for Victims and City

Victims from Monday’s attack remain in hospital care and we pray for their quick recovery. The ISBCC will host a community vigil this Friday, April 19 immediately after Maghrib (sunset) prayer at 7:45pm. The vigil will begin with a prayer and moment of silence followed by testimonies from Boston-Muslim first-responders who came to the aide of fallen victims. We invite all community members to attend tomorrow’s vigil to show your support for our city and its people.

We also ask community members to attend the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO)’s Senate Accountability Action on Sunday, April 21 from 7-9pm at St. Mark’s Parish (1725 Dorchester Ave., Dorchester – accessible via Red Line Shawmut Station).

The ISBCC continues to offer spiritual counseling and mental health counseling services for anyone affected by the tragedy. We are grateful for the hard work and leadership of our public officials, law enforcement officials and those who continue heal the Marathon victims. God bless you and God bless our great City of Boston.

Meanwhile rabid imams are busy inculcating the not-too-bright minds of rabid young Muslims.
How do you square that?
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They learned that behavior from the Jews.

Who are the worlds first and only perpetual victims. :cool:
Nah the Jews always move forward, they dust off and get back on their feet to work and rebuild. They stop blaming and looking back. That has been their history. It's happened to them so many times its nothing unusual.

You seriously don't know the Jews. Where, exactly, do you think the word "Ghetto" comes from?

The term "Ghetto" was originally used in Venice to describe the part of a city to which Jews were restricted and segregated.
Fox News just reported that the boys posted several quotes online from a radical cleric in Chechnya, who is a known jihadist and terrorist supporter.
Its kinda obvious. Even the Russians warned the FBI about the older brother's ties to Islamic terrorist groups. Something the Russians very RARELY DO. And the FBI, true to form, decided to totally ignore them.

One would think they would at least bring the guy in and question him a little, just to make sure. But no, they want to wait until they've slaughtered a whole bunch of people before something is dine. i appears we have not learned our lessons from 9-11.

They need to fire anybody in the FBI associated with the handling of that Russian warning, from top down, because the blood of many innocent people killed and maimed for life is on their hands.

The Russians also warned us of 9/11/2001. Putin himself called Bush on 9/10/2001 & said Al Qaeda they going to attack, something is about to happen.
This is an email I received 3 days ago from the main mosque in Boston. It was also sent to all of the local and national media outlets. But was never given any media attention.

April 18, 2013

Islamic Society of Boston Community Prayer Vigil for Victims and City

Victims from Monday’s attack remain in hospital care and we pray for their quick recovery. The ISBCC will host a community vigil this Friday, April 19 immediately after Maghrib (sunset) prayer at 7:45pm. The vigil will begin with a prayer and moment of silence followed by testimonies from Boston-Muslim first-responders who came to the aide of fallen victims. We invite all community members to attend tomorrow’s vigil to show your support for our city and its people.

We also ask community members to attend the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO)’s Senate Accountability Action on Sunday, April 21 from 7-9pm at St. Mark’s Parish (1725 Dorchester Ave., Dorchester – accessible via Red Line Shawmut Station).

The ISBCC continues to offer spiritual counseling and mental health counseling services for anyone affected by the tragedy. We are grateful for the hard work and leadership of our public officials, law enforcement officials and those who continue heal the Marathon victims. God bless you and God bless our great City of Boston.

Meanwhile rabid imams are busy inculcating the not-too-bright minds of rabid young Muslims.
How do you square that?
Imams constantly dangle those 72 Virgins in front of those rabid young men too.
Fox News just reported that the boys posted several quotes online from a radical cleric in Chechnya, who is a known jihadist and terrorist supporter.
Its kinda obvious. Even the Russians warned the FBI about the older brother's ties to Islamic terrorist groups. Something the Russians very RARELY DO. And the FBI, true to form, decided to totally ignore them.

One would think they would at least bring the guy in and question him a little, just to make sure. But no, they want to wait until they've slaughtered a whole bunch of people before something is dine. i appears we have not learned our lessons from 9-11.

They need to fire anybody in the FBI associated with the handling of that Russian warning, from top down, because the blood of many innocent people killed and maimed for life is on their hands.

The Russians also warned us of 9/11/2001. Putin himself called Bush on 9/10/2001 & said Al Qaeda they going to attack, something is about to happen.
That's Very interesting. I hadn't heard of that one. Can you link me?
Off topic.....start a thread about it ....if your so interested. .. :cool:
Actually not off topic as that is the religious ideology behind the attacks against the west.
So please answer the question. You are avoiding it.

Speaking about religious ideology,wasn't this thread in the religious section?
Yup, and the terrorist lovers whined it out. Well, at least it didn't get shipped to the badlands.
Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

I find it hilarious that all over the media the PC people are scratching their heads asking "what radicalized them?"

As if they really don't know, or they think Americans don't either.

As if its the first time a Muslim became a jihadist terrorist and decided to slaughter the infidels". Gimmi a break!

This may sound like I'm biting the hand that feeds me, but I think the internet is a big factor here. I think officials will find a deep dark well that led these two brothers to build their twisted hate to getting the information on how to hurt people came directly from the INTERNET.

MaryL----I think you are right----so much information and so easily obtained----its
not just news and recipes
Off topic.....start a thread about it ....if your so interested. .. :cool:
Actually not off topic as that is the religious ideology behind the attacks against the west.
So please answer the question. You are avoiding it.
I'll tell you why he is avoiding it because in other threads he's admitted he wants Shariah Law for America. He also believes Muslim men should be able to have 4 wives just like back home. In fact he's told us of Muslim friends he has, who have four wives but are hiding it. SICK.

But like all enemy within fifth columners, he plays the role of a patriotic moderate Muslim American to deceive naive Americans. That's his shtick.

Sunni's played "the role" pretty well. Since he is a war veteran.
Fox News just reported that the boys posted several quotes online from a radical cleric in Chechnya, who is a known jihadist and terrorist supporter.
Its kinda obvious. Even the Russians warned the FBI about the older brother's ties to Islamic terrorist groups. Something the Russians very RARELY DO. And the FBI, true to form, decided to totally ignore them.

One would think they would at least bring the guy in and question him a little, just to make sure. But no, they want to wait until they've slaughtered a whole bunch of people before something is dine. i appears we have not learned our lessons from 9-11.

They need to fire anybody in the FBI associated with the handling of that Russian warning, from top down, because the blood of many innocent people killed and maimed for life is on their hands.

The Russians also warned us of 9/11/2001. Putin himself called Bush on 9/10/2001 & said Al Qaeda they going to attack, something is about to happen.

Well. Not exactly.

CNN.com - Putin: Russia warned U.S.*of*Iraq terror - Jun 18, 2004

"I can confirm that after the events of September 11, 2001, and up to the military operation in Iraq, Russian special services and Russian intelligence several times received ... information that official organs of Saddam's regime were preparing terrorist acts on the territory of the United States and beyond its borders, at U.S. military and civilian locations," Putin said.

In any case, Bush was picking fights with China and Russia at the time.
How do you think they've survived thousands of years of persecutions, genocides, and expulsions?

The Indestructible Jews
Max Dimont.

Indestructible Jews: Max I. Dimont: 9780451075949: Amazon.com: Books

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.

Again..you seriously don't know what you are talking about.

There were Jewish ghettos all over Europe with "kindly" Christians that couldn't wait to clean them out of their respective countries. They had very much the same attitude about the Jews, you have about Muslims.
Christians who worship the King of the Jews, Jesus Christ, did no such thing as harm innocent Jews. ;)

The main cheerleader for the European genocidal mania against Jewish people was Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem. He enabled Germany to procure oil for this ignominy. The Mufti and the Fuehrer

The Nazis made a talkie of the meeting which is how we know the discussion was for al-Husseini to "inspire" the SS to quadruple the daily oven haul until all the Jews of Europe were dead. In return, when Hitler won WWII, the Fuehrer agreed to send his "helpers" to the Middle East and decimate the Jewish population from the entire region.

When the Third Reich fell, al-Husseini fled back to Jerusalem, determined to kill Jews anyway. We all know how that worked out.

If you read the story, which is backed up by videos of the meeting which are just everywhere, you will know the story is accurate in every way. Innocent Jews were doomed by Axis alliances against them in Europe and in the Middle East. They endured anti-Semitism on a pandemic basis.

Something which will be really hard to argue with:eusa_whistle:
Again..you seriously don't know what you are talking about.

There were Jewish ghettos all over Europe with "kindly" Christians that couldn't wait to clean them out of their respective countries. They had very much the same attitude about the Jews, you have about Muslims.
Christians who worship the King of the Jews, Jesus Christ, did no such thing as harm innocent Jews. ;)

The main cheerleader for the European genocidal mania against Jewish people was Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem. He enabled Germany to procure oil for this ignominy. The Mufti and the Fuehrer

The Nazis made a talkie of the meeting which is how we know the discussion was for al-Husseini to "inspire" the SS to quadruple the daily oven haul until all the Jews of Europe were dead. In return, when Hitler won WWII, the Fuehrer agreed to send his "helpers" to the Middle East and decimate the Jewish population from the entire region.

When the Third Reich fell, al-Husseini fled back to Jerusalem, determined to kill Jews anyway. We all know how that worked out.

If you read the story, which is backed up by videos of the meeting which are just everywhere, you will know the story is accurate in every way. Innocent Jews were doomed by Axis alliances against them in Europe and in the Middle East. They endured anti-Semitism on a pandemic basis.

Something which will be really hard to argue with:eusa_whistle:

Well no.

There is no "argument". The move by Christians to push Jews out of Europe has been long running history culminated by the Holocaust. The history shows that Pope Pius signed a Concordat with Nazi Germany. The Nazis were extremely rooted in both Christian and Norse mythology. And Hitler saw himself as a Christian Warrior carrying out the work of Christ.

The Holocaust was so damning that Pope John Paul had to apologize to god and "recognize" that Jewish people were not an enemy.

Pope John Paul II and the Jews | Jewish Virtual Library
Actually not off topic as that is the religious ideology behind the attacks against the west.
So please answer the question. You are avoiding it.
I'll tell you why he is avoiding it because in other threads he's admitted he wants Shariah Law for America. He also believes Muslim men should be able to have 4 wives just like back home. In fact he's told us of Muslim friends he has, who have four wives but are hiding it. SICK.

But like all enemy within fifth columners, he plays the role of a patriotic moderate Muslim American to deceive naive Americans. That's his shtick.

Sunni's played "the role" pretty well. Since he is a war veteran.

Then how come he is such a coward here?
Christians who worship the King of the Jews, Jesus Christ, did no such thing as harm innocent Jews. ;)

The main cheerleader for the European genocidal mania against Jewish people was Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem. He enabled Germany to procure oil for this ignominy. The Mufti and the Fuehrer

The Nazis made a talkie of the meeting which is how we know the discussion was for al-Husseini to "inspire" the SS to quadruple the daily oven haul until all the Jews of Europe were dead. In return, when Hitler won WWII, the Fuehrer agreed to send his "helpers" to the Middle East and decimate the Jewish population from the entire region.

When the Third Reich fell, al-Husseini fled back to Jerusalem, determined to kill Jews anyway. We all know how that worked out.

If you read the story, which is backed up by videos of the meeting which are just everywhere, you will know the story is accurate in every way. Innocent Jews were doomed by Axis alliances against them in Europe and in the Middle East. They endured anti-Semitism on a pandemic basis.

Something which will be really hard to argue with:eusa_whistle:

Well no.

There is no "argument". The move by Christians to push Jews out of Europe has been long running history culminated by the Holocaust. The history shows that Pope Pius signed a Concordat with Nazi Germany. The Nazis were extremely rooted in both Christian and Norse mythology. And Hitler saw himself as a Christian Warrior carrying out the work of Christ.

The Holocaust was so damning that Pope John Paul had to apologize to god and "recognize" that Jewish people were not an enemy.

Pope John Paul II and the Jews | Jewish Virtual Library

Well, that's not exactly the point, but if that makes you feel better, saying that, then ok.

The issue discussed was the 'Palestinian' leader, Hajj Amin Al Husseini's, role in supporting and helping the Nazi beast.
Christians who worship the King of the Jews, Jesus Christ, did no such thing as harm innocent Jews. ;)

The main cheerleader for the European genocidal mania against Jewish people was Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem. He enabled Germany to procure oil for this ignominy. The Mufti and the Fuehrer

The Nazis made a talkie of the meeting which is how we know the discussion was for al-Husseini to "inspire" the SS to quadruple the daily oven haul until all the Jews of Europe were dead. In return, when Hitler won WWII, the Fuehrer agreed to send his "helpers" to the Middle East and decimate the Jewish population from the entire region.

When the Third Reich fell, al-Husseini fled back to Jerusalem, determined to kill Jews anyway. We all know how that worked out.

If you read the story, which is backed up by videos of the meeting which are just everywhere, you will know the story is accurate in every way. Innocent Jews were doomed by Axis alliances against them in Europe and in the Middle East. They endured anti-Semitism on a pandemic basis.

Something which will be really hard to argue with:eusa_whistle:

Well no.

There is no "argument". The move by Christians to push Jews out of Europe has been long running history culminated by the Holocaust. The history shows that Pope Pius signed a Concordat with Nazi Germany. The Nazis were extremely rooted in both Christian and Norse mythology. And Hitler saw himself as a Christian Warrior carrying out the work of Christ.

The Holocaust was so damning that Pope John Paul had to apologize to god and "recognize" that Jewish people were not an enemy.

Pope John Paul II and the Jews | Jewish Virtual Library
Well no. While Hitler allowed the church to remain he discouraged his followers from following Christianity and encouraged them to follow a more Traditional German Paganism of the past.

Hitler and Christianity

by Edward Bartlett-Jones

What were Hitler's religious beliefs?

It is sometimes said that Hitler was a believer in God and specifically that he was a Christian or at least was brought up as a Catholic. After all, weren’t most Austrians, certainly in the late 19th century, nominally Catholics? And what about the frequent references to “God” and “Providence” in his speeches, or to immortality, or the quasi-religious imagery of Nazism?

In contrast to his adult life, relatively little is known about Hitler's childhood and upbringing, and what we do know sheds only dim light on his religious persuasion. His mother was apparently a pious Catholic, according to Hitler's biographers, but Hitler’s own connection with the church during his early youth was not strong. We know he attended a nearby monastery for singing lessons, probably at his father’s behest (Ian Kershaw, Hitler: 1889 – 1936 Hubris, WW Norton, 2000), and that the young Hitler was impressed by the grandiose architecture of great churches. It can reasonably be said that, because of the region in which he was brought up, and the religious faith of at least one of his parents, Hitler was nominally a Catholic. Among his biographers, however, none assert that the boy was even baptized, although it is likely, and there is no evidence of any particularly strong religious element in his upbringing or of feelings of faith like those held by his mother.

So much for Hitler’s early life. What about his attitude to religion and the Church later on? In Mein Kampf (1925) Hitler criticized the Catholic Church in its political form, which he said failed to recognize Germany’s and Europe’s “racial problem”. His Party Charter for the nascent Nazional Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei demanded in Article 24, in contrast to strong Christian control of German’s spiritual life, “complete freedom of religion” (in so far, of course, as that was not a “danger to Germany”) (William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Arrow, 1991). Indeed, the official “Nazi Party Philosopher”, Alfred Rosenberg, (later to be hanged at Nuremberg), appointed of course with Hitler’s consent, was totally opposed to Christianity. However, Hitler the politician was also aware that to achieve power he would need to win votes from the Catholic Centre Party and could not afford total alienation.

Upon attaining office and enjoying a free hand, what line did Hitler take on religion and the Church? Five days after becoming Chancellor in 1933, Hitler allowed a sterilization law to pass, and had the Catholic Youth League disbanded (Shirer, The Rise). The latter was a measure applied to other youth organizations too, in order to free up young people to join the Hitler Youth. At the same time, Hitler also made an agreement with the Vatican to allow the Catholic Church to regulate its own affairs. (It is probably worth noting here the low value that Hitler placed on written agreements.) Parents were pressured to take their children out of religious schools. When the Church organized voluntary out-of-hours religious classes, the Nazi government responded by banning state-employed teachers from taking part. The Crucifix symbol was even at one point banned from classrooms in one particular jurisdiction, Oldenburg, in 1936, but the measure met with fierce public resistance and was rescinded. Hitler remained conscious of the affection for the Church felt in some quarters of Germany, particularly Bavaria. Later on, though, a wartime metal shortage was used as the excuse for melting church bells (Richard Grunberger, The Twelve Year Reich, Henry Holt, Henry Holt, 1979 and Richard Grunberger, A Social History of the Third Reich, Penguin, 1991).

Hitler’s references to providence and God and the ritualistic pageantry of Nazism were more than likely pagan than Christian. Earthly symbols of German valour and Teutonic strength were to be worshipped - not the forgiving, compassionate representative of an “Eastern Mediterranean servant ethic imposed on credulous ancient Germans by force and subterfuge” (the phrase is Burleigh’s own, in Michael Burleigh, The Third Reich: a New History, Pan, 2001). A Hitler Youth marching song (Grunberger, A Social History) illustrates it:

We follow not Christ, but Horst Wessel,
Away with incense and Holy Water,
The Church can go hang for all we care,
The Swastika brings salvation on Earth.

There's more but my kindle won't allow me to copy it.. here's the link
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