"What caused the two Boston bombers to do it""

And another who see's America as the great evil power. While enjoying the freedom to criticize it...Or is all the Jews fault too?

Un-fucking real:cuckoo:
America wasn't the only bombing victim last Monday:

"Baghdad (CNN) -- A series of bomb blasts across Iraq on Monday killed at least 42 people and wounded more than 257 others, police said."

These blasts were apparently aimed at influencing voters in upcoming elections.
Who will you blame if we suffer similar terror next November, Chechnya or Israel?

Deadly wave of bombings across Iraq ahead of elections - CNN.com
Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

I find it hilarious that all over the media the PC people are scratching their heads asking "what radicalized them?"

As if they really don't know, or they think Americans don't either.

As if its the first time a Muslim became a jihadist terrorist and decided to slaughter the infidels". Gimmi a break!

You have no more knowledge about what motivated these two brothers than anyone else. The reasons will come out eventually. Why don't you wait til then to offer your stupid comments.
They had a cancer called Islam. Simple as that.
Wow they weren't death camps they were work camps where people for no other reason Hitler were rounded up,stripped off all dignity,worked and starved to death,gassed and cremated,but no they weren't death camps. Well genius I didn't see any Germans as thin as the people in those camps so WTF would you call it? The Hitler Hilton Diet? Sweating with the Nazi's? He was systematically killing them. The evidence and eyewitness accounts are overwhelming. You hate Jews that much to deny what can't be logically denied?
The germans towards the end of the war barely had enough food to feed their soldiers and the civilian population was nearly starving.

Thus, the prisoners had even less food.

So many died of starvation and disease.

Also, the gassing of the jews is a total fabrication.
Wow they weren't death camps they were work camps where people for no other reason Hitler were rounded up,stripped off all dignity,worked and starved to death,gassed and cremated,but no they weren't death camps. Well genius I didn't see any Germans as thin as the people in those camps so WTF would you call it? The Hitler Hilton Diet? Sweating with the Nazi's? He was systematically killing them. The evidence and eyewitness accounts are overwhelming. You hate Jews that much to deny what can't be logically denied?
The germans towards the end of the war barely had enough food to feed their soldiers and the civilian population was nearly starving.

Thus, the prisoners had even less food.

So many died of starvation and disease.

Also, the gassing of the jews is a total fabrication.
The "Germans" themselves have confirmed the Holocaust and the numbers, you fool.

Now admit that you also want Islamic Shariah Law for America.
Keep showing us how moderate you are Sunni. Way to show your true colors. I don't even need to comment as you keep shooting your kind in the foot.
Wow they weren't death camps they were work camps where people for no other reason Hitler were rounded up,stripped off all dignity,worked and starved to death,gassed and cremated,but no they weren't death camps. Well genius I didn't see any Germans as thin as the people in those camps so WTF would you call it? The Hitler Hilton Diet? Sweating with the Nazi's? He was systematically killing them. The evidence and eyewitness accounts are overwhelming. You hate Jews that much to deny what can't be logically denied?
The germans towards the end of the war barely had enough food to feed their soldiers and the civilian population was nearly starving.

Thus, the prisoners had even less food.

So many died of starvation and disease.

Also, the gassing of the jews is a total fabrication.
Hoss shi'ite! You still denying gas chambers? Go stand in the corner till I get back to you.
And another who see's America as the great evil power. While enjoying the freedom to criticize it...Or is all the Jews fault too?

Un-fucking real:cuckoo:
America wasn't the only bombing victim last Monday:

"Baghdad (CNN) -- A series of bomb blasts across Iraq on Monday killed at least 42 people and wounded more than 257 others, police said."

These blasts were apparently aimed at influencing voters in upcoming elections.
Who will you blame if we suffer similar terror next November, Chechnya or Israel?

Deadly wave of bombings across Iraq ahead of elections - CNN.com

How many Muslims die at each others hands protesting the great evil powers of the west. Shows how ignorant the thinking over there is.
Your illogical statements mirror theirs. However, enjoy that right to express yourself as a moron.

Wow they weren't death camps they were work camps where people for no other reason Hitler were rounded up,stripped off all dignity,worked and starved to death,gassed and cremated,but no they weren't death camps. Well genius I didn't see any Germans as thin as the people in those camps so WTF would you call it? The Hitler Hilton Diet? Sweating with the Nazi's? He was systematically killing them. The evidence and eyewitness accounts are overwhelming. You hate Jews that much to deny what can't be logically denied?
The germans towards the end of the war barely had enough food to feed their soldiers and the civilian population was nearly starving.

Thus, the prisoners had even less food.

So many died of starvation and disease.

Also, the gassing of the jews is a total fabrication.

Dude my family is from Germany( but lived in the USA at the time,)never did I ever hear growing up"it was just work camps". Considering they had family back there,and still they never denied it as far as I know.

Krema II and Krema III at Auschwitz-Birkenau where Jews were gassed
Auschwitz Concentration Camp The Gas Chambers http://www.HolocaustResearchProject.org

There are eyewitness accounts of people being gassed. The gas chambers were found. Your denial is amazing.
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The "Germans" themselves have confirmed the Holocaust and the numbers, you fool.
Under torture and facing the death penalty by the Allied military courts.

The captured germans admitted to anything and everything. .. :cool:
Hah? Germany and a few European countries have laws against Holocaust denial. The archives and records are open for examination. The Nazis if anything were meticulous at record keeping. It's what made them such efficient killers. No need for an ignorant Muslim convert nincompoop to tell the Europeans what did or didn't happened.

Now tell us about Shariah Law for US, why are you avoiding it?
Wow they weren't death camps they were work camps where people for no other reason Hitler were rounded up,stripped off all dignity,worked and starved to death,gassed and cremated,but no they weren't death camps. Well genius I didn't see any Germans as thin as the people in those camps so WTF would you call it? The Hitler Hilton Diet? Sweating with the Nazi's? He was systematically killing them. The evidence and eyewitness accounts are overwhelming. You hate Jews that much to deny what can't be logically denied?
The germans towards the end of the war barely had enough food to feed their soldiers and the civilian population was nearly starving.

Thus, the prisoners had even less food.

So many died of starvation and disease.

Also, the gassing of the jews is a total fabrication.

Dude my family is from Germany,never did I ever hear growing up"it was just work camps".

Krema II and Krema III at Auschwitz-Birkenau where Jews were gassed
Auschwitz Concentration Camp The Gas Chambers http://www.HolocaustResearchProject.org

There are eyewitness accounts of people being gassed. The gas chambers were found. Your denial is amazing.
His mosque imam told him the Holocaust never happened so that's what he's going with. LOL
Now tell us about Shariah Law for US, why are you avoiding it?
Off topic.....start a thread about it ....if your so interested. .. :cool:
Ha ha. Nice try. You had no problem discussing the Holocaust though.

And you wonder why "the media gives Muslims a bad rap?"

Keep in mind, this guy calls himself "a moderate Muslim". Islam is like a magnet for retards and criminals.
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Roudy we get it. You hate Muslims, now end this fucking thread cause you're obviously not interested in dialogue
Roudy we get it. You hate Muslims, now end this fucking thread cause you're obviously not interested in dialogue
Did you miss the topic of this thread? It was about the bombers. And no I don't hate Muslims, I have some Muslim friends (by birth only). I do hate Islam though, it is nothing but bad news and evil.

So you think just because you know a few Muslims you know what Islam and all Muslims are all about? Ha ha ha. The blind leading the blind.
Now tell us about Shariah Law for US, why are you avoiding it?
Off topic.....start a thread about it ....if your so interested. .. :cool:
Actually not off topic as that is the religious ideology behind the attacks against the west.
So please answer the question. You are avoiding it.
I'll tell you why he is avoiding it because in other threads he's admitted he wants Shariah Law for America. He also believes Muslim men should be able to have 4 wives just like back home. In fact he's told us of Muslim friends he has, who have four wives but are hiding it. SICK.

But like all enemy within fifth columners, he plays the role of a patriotic moderate Muslim American to deceive naive Americans. That's his shtick.
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You seriously don't know the Jews. Where, exactly, do you think the word "Ghetto" comes from?
How do you think they've survived thousands of years of persecutions, genocides, and expulsions?

The Indestructible Jews
Max Dimont.

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Indestructible-Jews-Max-I-Dimont/dp/0451075943"]Indestructible Jews: Max I. Dimont: 9780451075949: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.

Again..you seriously don't know what you are talking about.

There were Jewish ghettos all over Europe with "kindly" Christians that couldn't wait to clean them out of their respective countries. They had very much the same attitude about the Jews, you have about Muslims.
Christians who worship the King of the Jews, Jesus Christ, did no such thing as harm innocent Jews. ;)

The main cheerleader for the European genocidal mania against Jewish people was Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem. He enabled Germany to procure oil for this ignominy. The Mufti and the Fuehrer

The Nazis made a talkie of the meeting which is how we know the discussion was for al-Husseini to "inspire" the SS to quadruple the daily oven haul until all the Jews of Europe were dead. In return, when Hitler won WWII, the Fuehrer agreed to send his "helpers" to the Middle East and decimate the Jewish population from the entire region.

When the Third Reich fell, al-Husseini fled back to Jerusalem, determined to kill Jews anyway. We all know how that worked out.

If you read the story, which is backed up by videos of the meeting which are just everywhere, you will know the story is accurate in every way. Innocent Jews were doomed by Axis alliances against them in Europe and in the Middle East. They endured anti-Semitism on a pandemic basis.

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