"What caused the two Boston bombers to do it""

And again you show exactly why we are failing. Political correctness is what these guys depend on to both get to this country, and stay in this country. To compare this to Nazi Germany is a stupid strawman argument that is laughable.
We must find and eliminate Islamic extremism in this country unless we want these kinds of attacks to dictate how we live.

That's what you are advocating. A system that rounds up folks that aren't like you.

It's been tried here..by the way. And failed miserably.
What you are advocating is letting more people like these two animals, so that they can slaughter more Americans. This is an ideology that is at war with us. To become a US citizen you have to swear that you are not a member of the communist party nor have you ever been. We have to implement something similar to this towards Islamism, and watch Islamic communities across the nation very closely. That is reality. Otherwise more Americans will be killed. This was a small bombing compared to what terrorists are capable of.

Absolutely not. We are a country based on freedom of religion and our justice system is based on what a person has done, not what he thinks or believes in.

The American Muslim community is instrumental in rooting out radicals and potential terrorists - they have cooperated and worked with the FBI. They should not be treated like suspects and second class citizens.
Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

So why haven't the millions of other devout followers of Islam launched their own terrorist attacks?

I thought Islam turns you into a terrorist, so what of the millions of Muslims sitting at home right now? Are they also terrorists in waiting?

Not everyone suits up when their warriors go to battle. That doesn't mean they don't back them 100%.
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Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

So why haven't the millions of other devout followers of Islam launched their own terrorist attacks?

I thought Islam turns you into a terrorist, so what of the millions of Muslims sitting at home right now? Are they also terrorists in waiting?

Not everyone suits up when their warriors go to battle. It doesn't mean they don't back them 100% though

Here is the main problem that those claiming to be of peaceful moderate Islam need to face. Regardless of whether fair or not they will be considered guilty of supporting the radicals by pure association of the religion. So far their silence speaks volumes. I never see images of Muslims protesting the violence done in the name of their religion, instead I see nothing out of the media including the leftist media showing celebrations through-out the Muslim world celebrating every attack upon the western world. This perception of Islam whether right or wrong needs to be fixed within their own ranks.
The American media refuses to publish anything positive about muslims or Islam.

I know for a fact that several mosques in the Boston area sent out press releases to the media strongly condemning the bombing.

Have you seen any of them on the news or in print??
The American media refuses to publish anything positive about muslims or Islam.

I know for a fact that several mosques in the Boston area sent out press releases to the media strongly condemning the bombing.

Have you seen any of them on the news or in print??
Actually I have not, which is surprising considering how leftist the media tends to be.
Personally I believe there are a majority of Islam who just wish to live in peace, but as I said the perception remains. The voices of the radicals have drowned out the voices of the moderates. Until that reverses, that perception will remain even if incorrect.
The biggest mystery for me is why more Muslim's aren't wearing black back-packs:

"Fallujah, The Hidden Massacre is a documentary film by Sigfrido Ranucci and Maurizio Torrealta which first aired on Italy's RAI state television network on November 8, 2005.

"The film documents the use of weapons that the documentary asserts are chemical weapons, particularly the use of incendiary bombs, and alleges indiscriminate use of violence against civilians and children by military forces of the United States of America in the city of Fallujah in Iraq during the Fallujah Offensive of Offensive of November 2004.

"The film's primary themes are:

"Establishing a case for war crimes against civilians committed by the United States.

"Documenting evidence for the use of chemical devices by the US military.

"Documenting other human rights abuses by American forces and their Iraqi counterparts.

"This article offers a synopsis of the material presented in the documentary..."

Fallujah, The Hidden Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the same day we experienced the terror in Boston, Iraq also had a few bombs going off. Iraq's bombers were targeting prospective voters in Iraq's upcoming elections, the first since the US "withdrawl."

Try this little thought experiment...imagine it's election day 2014 and these US chickens in Iraq come home to roost:

"Reuters) - Car bombs and blasts in cities across Iraq, including two explosions at a checkpoint outside Baghdad's international airport, killed at least 33 people on Monday days before provincial elections."

Bombs kill more than 30 across Iraq before local poll | Reuters
How does "Islam cause it?"

I have devout Muslim friends at my university that are as American and devout and non-violent and as any law abiding citizen. There are between 6-8 million Muslims in the United States. Surely if "Islam caused it" you'd here of more violence perpetrated by Muslims.
Islam causes it because Islam commands its followers to either force non Muslims to submit and become Muslims, or kill those that refuse. It also requires that all true Muslims follow Shariah Law which is the exact polar opposite of Western democracy.

These killers aren't really terrorists, they are true believers that are simply acting upon what Islam is telling them to do. Fight the non believers where you find them, be cruel and harsh, and show no mercy. Until the crescent moon and sword of Islam rule the world.

A few phrases from the terrorist manual:
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."

Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us"

Out of context quotes from a religious text don't prove anything. You can find the same shit in the Bible and it can be cherry picked by fanatics to support and sanction murder, killing non-believers etc.

Yes, almost all religions can be grouped into the irrational and childishly unbelievable. It shows the unfathomable quality of humans to associate themselves with the absurd.
The American media refuses to publish anything positive about muslims or Islam.

I know for a fact that several mosques in the Boston area sent out press releases to the media strongly condemning the bombing.

Have you seen any of them on the news or in print??

Then let's look to Egypt for the truth:

An Egyptian magazine has declared that Muslims connected to the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the Obama Administration and have persuaded the White House "from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood in the world."

The article alleges that six men in the current administration have extremist ties. Arif Alikhan, the assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development, is also one of the founders of the World Islamic Organization, called a Muslim Brotherhood "subsidiary" by Rose El-Youssef.

Mohammed Elibiary was raised in Texas and is now a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council. Elibiary has been involved in advising federal, state and local law-enforcement on homeland security. In late 2011, Elibiary was accused of leaking sensitive documents to the liberal media to promote stories of Islamophobia. He has denied any involvement in the Muslim Brotherhood, yet the magazine claims he was chosen by President Obama to write his speeches to the Arabic world, including the speech calling for Hosni Mubarak to step down two years ago.

Eboo Patel is said to be close to Hani Ramadan, the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna. He is also a member of the Muslim Students Association, which has been identified as a Muslim Brotherhood front organization. Patel is a member of President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

The magazine also names Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Salam al-Marayati, a Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) co-founder, and Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has translated the Rose El-Youssef article into English, raising widespread concern about the loyalties of Muslims close to the U.S. government.
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There is, of course, no defending Islam, though it is not much further along than what so-called Christians have done. Still, as a man, thinker and promoter of ideas, Jesus was by far the superior founder.
The American media refuses to publish anything positive about muslims or Islam.

I know for a fact that several mosques in the Boston area sent out press releases to the media strongly condemning the bombing.

Have you seen any of them on the news or in print??

Then let's look to Egypt for the truth
Why do we need to look to Egypt??

The bombing took place in America and the thread is about American muslims.

Please try to keep up and stay on topic. .. :cool:
The American media refuses to publish anything positive about muslims or Islam.

I know for a fact that several mosques in the Boston area sent out press releases to the media strongly condemning the bombing.

Have you seen any of them on the news or in print??

Then let's look to Egypt for the truth
Why do we need to look to Egypt??

The bombing took place in America and the thread is about American muslims.

Please try to keep up and stay on topic. .. :cool:

Because you and I finally agree on something. The American media cannot be trusted, and what they aren't telling us trumps a few mosque's faux outrage.

This thread is about cause. The cause is protocol like this:

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael T. McCaul and six subcommittee chairmen want Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to explain why Saudi Arabia is being added into a program for trusted travelers.

In a letter dated Wednesday, McCaul, R-Texas, and the subcommittee leaders point out that 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia. "More recently, following the plot to blow up an international flight over Detroit in 2009, the Department saw fit to increase scrutiny for passengers coming from countries like Saudi Arabia. This must be a factor in determining who to admit into the Global Entry program."

It also permits American Muslims to study abroad.......

IPT Report on Saudi Travel Benefit Prompts Congressional Questions :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
Why would anyone believe somebody who is the only testimony to his/her own veracity concerning something so important as what one gives one's life to?

Credulity is the downfall of humanity, whether ideological or religious.
I married a Japanese national in 2000. She was never asked that question when she got her green card.
I became a US citizen in the 80's, I remember specifically that question. Maybe she doesn't remember.

Then you should be able to link it.
Don't you know how to use a search engine? This is not the subject of this thread at all, however, in addition to it being a requirement during the citizenship process, anti communist loyalty oaths are also required for many Federal and State govt employees.

Bars to Naturalization

Advocacy for, affiliation with, or membership in any organization opposed to organized government (e.g. anarchists).
Membership or affiliation with the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party.
Advocacy or affiliation with any organization that sanctions the use of force or violence against the Government.
Desertion from U.S. military forces or claimed exemption from service due to alienage.
Commission of any aggravated felony and certain other crimes, even those that may be minor under State criminal laws.
Final removal or deportation orders; or current removal proceedings pending. This may be waived for active members of the U.S. military.

I don't see why you can't just add "membership or affiliation with any Islamic Jihadist organization" to this oath.
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Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

I find it hilarious that all over the media the PC people are scratching their heads asking "what radicalized them?"

As if they really don't know, or they think Americans don't either.

As if its the first time a Muslim became a jihadist terrorist and decided to slaughter the infidels". Gimmi a break!

The type of explosives used was meant to maim and rip their victims apart. The older brother was recently in Russia for 6 months and purportedly he was a first class scumbag. It seems they fed off of one another. I am sure their religious beliefs fed into their maniacal actions, but I do not believe that was the sole cause.
It's never the sole reason, but it is where you go to get a religious permit to slaughter people.

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