"What caused the two Boston bombers to do it""

And again you show exactly why we are failing. Political correctness is what these guys depend on to both get to this country, and stay in this country. To compare this to Nazi Germany is a stupid strawman argument that is laughable.
We must find and eliminate Islamic extremism in this country unless we want these kinds of attacks to dictate how we live.

That's what you are advocating. A system that rounds up folks that aren't like you.

It's been tried here..by the way. And failed miserably.
What you are advocating is letting more people like these two animals, so that they can slaughter more Americans. This is an ideology that is at war with us. To become a US citizen you have to swear that you are not a member of the communist party nor have you ever been. We have to implement something similar to this towards Islamism, and watch Islamic communities across the nation very closely. That is reality. Otherwise more Americans will be killed. This was a small bombing compared to what terrorists are capable of.

Since when?
I suppose not. As usual you see things with half your mind open.
You mentioned Westboro Church...no comparision. No doubt filled with a bunch of loony zealots - BUT THEY DON'T BOMB PEOPLE. ..and they don't believe they will go to heaven if they kill unbelievers.
These people are global. They attack society in EVERY country they are in including their own countries.

They aren't living in a country that is essentially occupied and run by foreign entities either.
Yeah, it's always someone else's fault with the terrorist appeasers. SOMEONE OR SOMETHING MADE THEM DO IT. They had no choice. It is never their fault.

Yeah..that's generally how it works. It's either that..or it's an entirely criminal act.

There's very little in between.
Iran/Pakistan/Syria/Saudi Arabia are all occupied by foreign entities?? Wow...I had no idea.

You're kidding right?

Or are you really that ignorant of history?

All of those countries were parsed up as the result of western influence and colonialism.

You are ignorant of the present.
Colonialism??? Most of the world is carved up and separated by colonialism and/or outside influence. I don't see Koreans bombing innocent people, don't see all of the people who suffered long-looooong and terrible occupation of the Soviet Union running around with bombs on their chest. Haven't seen any Mexicans bombing southern states for "occupying" their former lands....etc. etc. You go go on all day and talk about these conditions worldwide throughout history.
Yet..Islamic fundamentalist are the ONLY group of people systematically killing others because they are different.
But...go ahead...and concentrate on how they feeeeel and whyyyyyyy they are so mistreeeeeaaated people. :cuckoo:
He also forgot to mention that most of those "carved up countries" had been invaded and occupied for 600 years by Arabs or Ottoman Turks. The West simply divided those regions when the Ottoman Empire collapsed after WWI AND WWII. it wasn't an ideal division, granted. But they did the best they could considering the resources they had after fighting a major war.
That's what you are advocating. A system that rounds up folks that aren't like you.

It's been tried here..by the way. And failed miserably.
What you are advocating is letting more people like these two animals, so that they can slaughter more Americans. This is an ideology that is at war with us. To become a US citizen you have to swear that you are not a member of the communist party nor have you ever been. We have to implement something similar to this towards Islamism, and watch Islamic communities across the nation very closely. That is reality. Otherwise more Americans will be killed. This was a small bombing compared to what terrorists are capable of.

Since when?
Since I became a naturalized citizen. It is part of the documents you sign or swear. I don't recall which. I assume they haven't changed this protocol.
Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki....

...who decides who is innocent? Were the mothers and children in these cities complicit in their regimes' wrongs?

I suppose considering the mothers gave birth to the soldiers and the children grow up to be soldiers, then it might be appropriate to wipe out entire populations. Will that change anything. Who would you kill, and for what reasons?

Of course, this is just the point, and exactly the reasoning anyone can use to attack anyone they want to.

Are you asking me whom I would kill and why, or was that the general "you"?
It was a personal "you" but others are welcome to ponder the answer for themselves.
Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

I find it hilarious that all over the media the PC people are scratching their heads asking "what radicalized them?"

As if they really don't know, or they think Americans don't either.

As if its the first time a Muslim became a jihadist terrorist and decided to slaughter the infidels". Gimmi a break!

You have no more knowledge about what motivated these two brothers than anyone else. The reasons will come out eventually. Why don't you wait til then to offer your stupid comments.

Who cares how they got there? They were radicalized Muslims, out to slaughter the infidels. Which has been happening all too often. The only purpose for finding out "what caused it" is to prevent future incidents of other Muslims doing the same. :cuckoo:

In that case, we already know why they did it. The solution to the problem is not politically correct and will never be realistically considered in this country.
Yeah, it's always someone else's fault with the terrorist appeasers. SOMEONE OR SOMETHING MADE THEM DO IT. They had no choice. It is never their fault.
They learned that behavior from the Jews.

Who are the worlds first and only perpetual victims. :cool:
Nah the Jews always move forward, they dust off and get back on their feet to work and rebuild. They stop blaming and looking back. That has been their history. It's happened to them so many times its nothing unusual.
What you are advocating is letting more people like these two animals, so that they can slaughter more Americans. This is an ideology that is at war with us. To become a US citizen you have to swear that you are not a member of the communist party nor have you ever been. We have to implement something similar to this towards Islamism, and watch Islamic communities across the nation very closely. That is reality. Otherwise more Americans will be killed. This was a small bombing compared to what terrorists are capable of.

Since when?
Since I became a naturalized citizen. It is part of the documents you sign or swear. I don't recall which. I assume they haven't changed this protocol.

I married a Japanese national in 2000. She was never asked that question when she got her green card.
Yeah, it's always someone else's fault with the terrorist appeasers. SOMEONE OR SOMETHING MADE THEM DO IT. They had no choice. It is never their fault.
They learned that behavior from the Jews.

Who are the worlds first and only perpetual victims. :cool:
Nah the Jews always move forward, they dust off and get back on their feet to work and rebuild. They stop blaming and looking back. That has been their history. It's happened to them so many times its nothing unusual.

You seriously don't know the Jews. Where, exactly, do you think the word "Ghetto" comes from?
You have no more knowledge about what motivated these two brothers than anyone else. The reasons will come out eventually. Why don't you wait til then to offer your stupid comments.

Who cares how they got there? They were radicalized Muslims, out to slaughter the infidels. Which has been happening all too often. The only purpose for finding out "what caused it" is to prevent future incidents of other Muslims doing the same. :cuckoo:

In that case, we already know why they did it. The solution to the problem is not politically correct and will never be realistically considered in this country.
It is already being done. Muslim communities are being monitored very closely. I assume the govt has spies as well. Why do you think we've had such low incidents so far? Only now we need to tighten things up even more.
Since when?
Since I became a naturalized citizen. It is part of the documents you sign or swear. I don't recall which. I assume they haven't changed this protocol.

I married a Japanese national in 2000. She was never asked that question when she got her green card.
I became a US citizen in the 80's, I remember specifically that question. Maybe she doesn't remember.
Radical Islam declared war on us decades ago along with any nation or faith they deem as Infidels including those who support a modern moderate view of Islam. Americans have become so ignorant in world views due to a politically correct mind numbing view of the world. Most live in a bubble that can't accept that this is a religious war and people hate us for who we are regardless of faith.
However, the supporters of a moderate view of Islam need to become way more vocal in speaking out against the radicals within their religion. If not, all will be viewed with suspicion as their faith is hijacked by radicals. Islam needs a purge and that can only be done within their own ranks.

Here's the reason infidels have a hard time believing there are moderate Muslims,because if they exists why are they not coming out of the woodwork and saying what the uncle said? I was criticized earlier this week for telling someone,I believe it was Aristotle,for saying Muslims hate us all and would gladly watch infidels die. The proof of this is the inaction of Muslims to denounce and speak out against radicals. Their silence is in effect, sitting back and watching infidels die. Peer pressure works,standing openly in solidarity with non Muslims would help put forward this religion of peace they keep telling the world they are. I personally do see it and don't believe there are any moderate Muslims.
They learned that behavior from the Jews.

Who are the worlds first and only perpetual victims. :cool:
Nah the Jews always move forward, they dust off and get back on their feet to work and rebuild. They stop blaming and looking back. That has been their history. It's happened to them so many times its nothing unusual.

You seriously don't know the Jews. Where, exactly, do you think the word "Ghetto" comes from?
How do you think they've survived thousands of years of persecutions, genocides, and expulsions?

The Indestructible Jews
Max Dimont.


A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.
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Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

I find it hilarious that all over the media the PC people are scratching their heads asking "what radicalized them?"

As if they really don't know, or they think Americans don't either.

As if its the first time a Muslim became a jihadist terrorist and decided to slaughter the infidels". Gimmi a break!

The type of explosives used was meant to maim and rip their victims apart. The older brother was recently in Russia for 6 months and purportedly he was a first class scumbag. It seems they fed off of one another. I am sure their religious beliefs fed into their maniacal actions, but I do not believe that was the sole cause.
Let's not mince words here:

Islam caused it.

And the danger is that there are likely a huge number of similar dormant terrorists waiting patiently for an opportunity in the US and other Western countries to impose their Jihad on everybody.

Muslims, Christians, Mormans and Jews are ALL indoctrinated into stupid ideas and actions.

You all think everyone else is wrong. I agree ...ALL organised religion is wrong. The world will be a better place when all willfully ignorant nonsense isn't passed on without question.

While I don't entirely disagree with your thoughts regarding religions, I see no recent evidence that Christians, Mormons, or Jews are wreaking wholesale murder, mayhem, and destruction on a global scale that Muslims do.
Since I became a naturalized citizen. It is part of the documents you sign or swear. I don't recall which. I assume they haven't changed this protocol.

I married a Japanese national in 2000. She was never asked that question when she got her green card.
I became a US citizen in the 80's, I remember specifically that question. Maybe she doesn't remember.

Then you should be able to link it.
Nah the Jews always move forward, they dust off and get back on their feet to work and rebuild. They stop blaming and looking back. That has been their history. It's happened to them so many times its nothing unusual.

You seriously don't know the Jews. Where, exactly, do you think the word "Ghetto" comes from?
How do you think they've survived thousands of years of persecutions, genocides, and expulsions?

The Indestructible Jews
Max Dimont.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Indestructible-Jews-Max-I-Dimont/dp/0451075943]Indestructible Jews: Max I. Dimont: 9780451075949: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.

Again..you seriously don't know what you are talking about.

There were Jewish ghettos all over Europe with "kindly" Christians that couldn't wait to clean them out of their respective countries. They had very much the same attitude about the Jews, you have about Muslims.
Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

So why haven't the millions of other devout followers of Islam launched their own terrorist attacks?

I thought Islam turns you into a terrorist, so what of the millions of Muslims sitting at home right now? Are they also terrorists in waiting?

So why haven't the millions of other devout followers of Islam not stepped forward and condemned terrorism carried out in the name of their religious preference?

Standing dumb and remaining silent makes you an accessory to the crime (terrorism), at the very least.
Let's not mince words here:

Islam caused it.

And the danger is that there are likely a huge number of similar dormant terrorists waiting patiently for an opportunity in the US and other Western countries to impose their Jihad on everybody.

How does "Islam cause it?"

I have devout Muslim friends at my university that are as American and devout and non-violent and as any law abiding citizen. There are between 6-8 million Muslims in the United States. Surely if "Islam caused it" you'd here of more violence perpetrated by Muslims.
Islam causes it because Islam commands its followers to either force non Muslims to submit and become Muslims, or kill those that refuse. It also requires that all true Muslims follow Shariah Law which is the exact polar opposite of Western democracy.

These killers aren't really terrorists, they are true believers that are simply acting upon what Islam is telling them to do. Fight the non believers where you find them, be cruel and harsh, and show no mercy. Until the crescent moon and sword of Islam rule the world.

A few phrases from the terrorist manual:
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."

Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us"

Out of context quotes from a religious text don't prove anything. You can find the same shit in the Bible and it can be cherry picked by fanatics to support and sanction murder, killing non-believers etc.

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