What choices left?

Because it’s batshit to not realize the danger to America that Trump is
The danger isn't Trump. It's the anger and frustration propping him up. That won't go away if Biden wins. It will fester and boil over. If we don't elect a President who can unite us, we're fucked.
The danger isn't Trump. It's the anger and frustration propping him up. That won't go away if Biden wins. It will fester and boil over. If we don't elect a President who can unite us, we're fucked.

I agree, but that person won't be a Libertarian Child.

Our best hope would be for Trump to be soundly defeated, and have the GOP do some serious soul-searching about how it's 50 years of race-baiting and obstructionism led us to this point.
Quite the contrary, I think the GOP will finally start to confront how they let a con artist take control of their party. It will be a cathartic moment, like when Nixon resigned or when Joe McCarthy was finally exposed as a fraud.
And the GOP will lose more voters as it becomes more of an arm of the DemoCRAP party. Sorry, but we need a party to fight against Democrats.
No, we need two parties that will debate and govern.

The GOP stopped being that some time ago. Probably when you all shit your pants after the Negro got into the White House.
It was long before that, but that made them go batshit

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