What Comes After Donald Trump

Since every repub is Hitler I assume Hitler
comes again
everyone of them?....
Of course....As soon as they run they morph Into Hitler.....I don't know how it happens thank God Dems do
thats as stupid as the stuff some righties call all democrats....this is the reason i cant stand you fucking party people...you assholes are the reason this country is falling apart...
Who was last repub candidate for President that was not id'd as Hitler by democrats
Donald Trump will only serve 1 term, after which he'll hand the reins over to Ivanka who will be the first female and Jewish President in a 57 state sweep
Comrade Frankie boi, I doubt that Trump will serve one term. I think that his ego will bring him to do things that will have even the GOP House and Senate to impeach him. But if he does, I think that by the end of 2019, he will have us in economical straights that will make 2008 look like a minor affair.

You doubted Trump would get the nomination, you doubted Trump would beat Hillary, you told us the Arctic was 50 degrees above normal, I think your crystal ball is way overdue for an oil change
In his first term, Trump will put an end to voter fraud which will end the Democrats as a national party. They might still control the coasts but that too will end

We will put an end to the EC and believe me , people will be voting straight dem in the mid term elections.
If California suceeds, you wouldn't come close to winning the popular vote.
In his first term, Trump will put an end to voter fraud which will end the Democrats as a national party. They might still control the coasts but that too will end

We will put an end to the EC and believe me , people will be voting straight dem in the mid term elections.
If California suceeds, you wouldn't come close to winning the popular vote.

And the US would say bye to the worlds 5th largest economy. Lets see CA or Tx, CA wins for me.
Not a happy future for bitter old uneducated ones

Trump’s victory, which he secured despite losing by 2.8 million actual votes, marks a new chapter in the American culture wars, a story of sharp turns.

Yet the picture of diversity is also now hegemonic, and it has produced two paradoxical and opposite reactions.

First, Trump used it to mobilize a declining white majority. This decline is effective: an emotional miasma in which real economic woes conjoin with an existential dolor, seen in tragically rising rates of opioid addiction and suicide, and the zero-sum logic of American meritocracy, where a gain for communities of color signals a loss for whites. But the decline is also demographic. In less than a decade, all Americans under the age of 18 will be numerical minorities. From this perspective, Trump’s election is a step back from the onrushing apocalypse.

What Comes After Donald Trump

Hey goono, you ignorant hick in NC how'd that election turn out for you? :ahole-1:

In his first term, Trump will put an end to voter fraud which will end the Democrats as a national party. They might still control the coasts but that too will end

We will put an end to the EC and believe me , people will be voting straight dem in the mid term elections.

Nope. Those voting in Cali, NY and a few other places will decide every election.

That's why the FF put the EC in place so that every ones votes will count. Not just the heavily populated areas like Cali, NY and a few other states.

The EC will be here long after your sorry ass is dust.
Since every repub is Hitler I assume Hitler
comes again
everyone of them?....
Of course....As soon as they run they morph Into Hitler.....I don't know how it happens thank God Dems do
thats as stupid as the stuff some righties call all democrats....this is the reason i cant stand you fucking party people...you assholes are the reason this country is falling apart...
Who was last repub candidate for President that was not id'd as Hitler by democrats
i guess what i said was wasted on you.....but then you are one of them party people....
Trump was elected by Republicans who always vote GOP no matter what and by under- or unemployed voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and North Carolina.

Whether or not Trump can deliver anything to them by 2020 is what is yet to be seen.

Meanwhile we will at least get 4 years of excellent strict constructionist SCOTUS justices, no national gun bans, and maybe in that time Ruth Bader Ginsberg will finally die of old age. She is already the most decrepit judge on the High Court.
Trump was elected by Republicans who always vote GOP no matter what and by under- or unemployed voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and North Carolina.

Whether or not Trump can deliver anything to them by 2020 is what is yet to be seen.

Meanwhile we will at least get 4 years of excellent strict constructionist SCOTUS justices, no national gun bans, and maybe in that time Ruth Bader Ginsberg will finally die of old age. She is already the most decrepit judge on the High Court.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg will finally die

imagine the lengths the left would go through to keep her on life support --LOL
US Constitution Article II Section I

No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.

Mrs. Trump won't be the first lady president unless the interpretations are changed and I doubt they will be, I doubt she's much interest in it.
After 8th years of Trump come 8th years of Ivanka Trump ( or his sons ).

The crooked dynasty, I do believe people are too smart for that. Right now they can kick themselves for voting for Trump.
Not a happy future for bitter old uneducated ones

Trump’s victory, which he secured despite losing by 2.8 million actual votes, marks a new chapter in the American culture wars, a story of sharp turns.

Yet the picture of diversity is also now hegemonic, and it has produced two paradoxical and opposite reactions.

First, Trump used it to mobilize a declining white majority. This decline is effective: an emotional miasma in which real economic woes conjoin with an existential dolor, seen in tragically rising rates of opioid addiction and suicide, and the zero-sum logic of American meritocracy, where a gain for communities of color signals a loss for whites. But the decline is also demographic. In less than a decade, all Americans under the age of 18 will be numerical minorities. From this perspective, Trump’s election is a step back from the onrushing apocalypse.

What Comes After Donald Trump
One small correction. Trump won, he didn't lose.

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