What common denominators can be found in Democrat run communities, cities and states…and are voters paying attention?

It also full of poor white racists.
You racist fucks should be ashamed of your filthy selves for exposing such truths.
See Unkotare I’m not the only racist here.

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I live in Washington State and retired. Minimum wage is $14/hr, and in 3 months it goes up to $15.75/hr. Gasoline tax will double from $0.48/gallon to $0.96/gallon. I'm 10 miles from Idaho. Guess where we go out to eat and buy gasoline?
You have the best of both worlds I guess:
  • Washington - a great place for people to work
  • Idaho - a great place to have people work for you
You have the best of both worlds I guess:
  • Washington - a great place for people to work
  • Idaho - a great place to have people work for you
Both states are beautiful, but the cost of living is less in Idaho. People from California are flooding both states.
No they are shit GDP, education, and healthcare states.

Mostly minority run. That's the reason Yankees made sure few blacks migrated out of the South, until they needed scabs to bust strikes and drive trucks during the World Wars. Over 90% of blacks stayed in the South up until 1910 or so, yet Yankees keep telling us they 'liberated the slaves n stuff'. lol what a joke. CAlifornia still had literacy tests for voters until Nixon busted that up, and Harlem had about the same percentage of black voters as Mississippi, also until Nixon busted that up as well. So, be careful what spin you parrot, especially when you're only half assed educated and just sucked up to commie professors. Black migration is decidedly back to the South, has been for a couple of decades or more.
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High crime rate
High poverty rate
High cost of living
Huge homeless populations
Huge illegal alien populations
Broken legal system
Broken public school system
Broken healthcare system
Poor emergency response
Poor quality of life
Divided citizens
Trash and filth on roadways
Rat infestations

Decent places for people to actually care about each other and our country.
No they are shit GDP, education, and healthcare states.
I don't agree with that. I see a lot of so called educated people from elite schools in the east who believe men can get pregnant and that the earth is being ruined by people. That's kinda stupid. They're usually the ones we see in Yellowstone walking up to bison to take a closeup and get gored and tossed in the air like a dog toy.
Both states are beautiful, but the cost of living is less in Idaho. People from California are flooding both states.

And they're ruining them; Oregon as been Californicated into neo-shithole status now, especially in Portland.
The funniest fact is that Java, a variant of C++, was mostly adapted by Indians for Oracle which undercut Microsoft's development environment which caused Gates to hate Ellison.
Java is the most convoluted piece of shit programming language because Indians can't speak English.

Foreign Registered Nurses are less expensive than American Registered Nurses and hate the restrictions placed on them by the ACA and the business people who own virtually all medical practices.

And they're stuck here, since if they quit the companies won't pay for them to get back home. That should be against the law, since it's clearly just another form of slavery.

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