What common denominators can be found in Democrat run communities, cities and states…and are voters paying attention?

No you don't. You're in your Breitbart Fox fucked up world, yet you live in the Democratic stronghold of Washington. If you really believed it you would move to Mississippi.
I live on the east side of Washington right next to Idaho. The democrat majority is on the coast. You know, the area where the democrats allowed the filthy anarchist trash to take over the city in 2020. A bunch of them came over here and tried that shit and got their asses kicked and ran out of town within minutes. Idiot.
It also full of poor white racists.

The Klan was always bigger in places like California, Indiana, and Long Island, NY. than in the South. Again you don't know much about anything that hasn't been pre-packaged for the socially promoted.
Says someone who lives in his basement or is a zrussobot and never been there.

Lived in the Bay Area for two years, then Portland Oregon. Sorry, dumbass, but you really don't know squat, and it's you who is still living off his parents, which is obvious from your lack of what workers are going through.
And they're stuck here, since if they quit the companies won't pay for them to get back home. That should be against the law, since it's clearly just another form of slavery.
Many of them somehow get mortgages and after they get their Green Card, they get fired.
They have the highest rate of mortgage default in Nassau County and are usually kicked out of their houses by the 3rd year.
High crime rate
High poverty rate
High cost of living
Huge homeless populations
Huge illegal alien populations
Broken legal system
Broken public school system
Broken healthcare system
Poor emergency response
Poor quality of life
Divided citizens
Trash and filth on roadways
Rat infestations

High crime rate
High poverty rate
High cost of living
Huge homeless populations
Huge illegal alien populations
Broken legal system
Broken public school system
Broken healthcare system
Poor emergency response
Poor quality of life
Divided citizens
Trash and filth on roadways
Rat infestations

Now prove cause ad effect...

Poor areas vote Democrats because they look after them more...

You have still to prove they poor because they vote Democrat?
Many of them somehow get mortgages and after they get their Green Card, they get fired.
They have the highest rate of mortgage default in Nassau County and are usually kicked out of their houses by the 3rd year.

Vietnamese refugees got a lot of big mortgages back in the day; never looked into it but probably some govt program and Catholic Charities involved in that. OF course regular citizens never get that sort of help.
I have been to most of our major cities

I have also been to 40 states including most Republican run shitholes

I would rather visit one of our Democratically run cities
Not even close
Name one Republican run shithole.
Refuting your idiotic stuff?

Waste of time.

Yes, it is impossible for uneducated trolls like you to refute anything; that would require you knowing what you're talking about, and you're too lazy to do anything like research. Keep being a good parrot though, and then those DEmocrats will give you a Big Important Government Job N Stuff. Hold your breath while you're waiting to hear from them.

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