What could possibly go wrong?

Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

Alex Jones much?
Oh fuck you. Get informed for a fucking change. This has been widely reported & the Gov of Texas has warned people close to the border.
Jesus fuck. Get a God damn education.

Put the pipe down retard, your wet dream about a bunch of rebel flag waving rednecks shooting a bunch of illegal aliens just ain’t going to happen. No matter what George Noory says, milita are not heading to the border, and if they are, they will be dealt with. You never even been to the borde. If you had, your stupid ass would know that unless they are on private property, there really ain’t allot of places your fantasy milita just couldn’t do what you are saying they are.

You are such a dumbass. There are militia members now that patrol the border & call Border Patrol when they see something.

Trump has created this. Any bloodshed will be his hands.

I have been to the border. That is how I know it is not open like you assfucks say. There are actually fences & stuff,.
The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

First you tried stealing their children. Yet they come. Now you will circumvent the law & purposefully delay their asylum request until they just leavre.

I thought we were a nation of laws. Evidently to you & your ilk that is ony when it is convenient.
You can appear for a judge within days.

Here, put down the gun & read the article at this link.

Can You Request Asylum At The U.S. Border?

OMG I can't believe you actually posted that steaming pile of horse shit.

What is not true?????

Militias are heading to the border

Trump had painted this as an invasion

It is an invasion even if your stupid ass doesn't believe it.

Oh and all that shit about stealing their kids??

A steaming pile of horse shit. Just up your alley.

Its people needing help.

Trump took away children to act as a deterrent. Hundreds have not been returned & the orange assfuck deported parents without their kids. How God damn stupid can you get. He took them & didn't give them back . That is stealing

I love it. You support the United States of America, the greatest country on this planet is stealing children from poor people seeking asylum.
The parents should have been given the option of taking their kids and GTFO. But we will be providing free educ and HC for those kids.
Hell yeah! Bring them on. When we imported them Bosnians 20 or 25 years back it went plenty well.

Remember, I'm giving them houses no one wants to buy. They'll have little barrios and raise the surrounding property values. They'll largely become citizens and do well just like the Bosnians before them, the Irish, the Ooles, even the Italians and Germans did well.

The one8s that don't work or get convicted or something Trump can do as he wishes with.

So how many neighborhoods increased in value with people of color moving in? How are those neighborhoods that are flooded with Mexicans doing where they stuff 12 people in a three bedroom home?

Property value is increased when there is a demand for people to live there. Taking poor people from other countries with no education or skills along with minimal income will not increase property values; it will decrease property values worse than they are today.

Well shucks man, don't be timid and keep that "people of color" remark all hidden inside like a cheerleader embarassdd she did something naughty. You could have saved us a dozen posts.

Well, then prove me wrong. I can show you areas where houses were right next to each other for generations. Properties that had 20 foot backyards and 10 foot front yards. Yet they were able to maintain their value because of demand.

Oh no, all the recessive whites flee and the home values go down once a "brownie" or whatever your term is moves in. Law of supply and demand.

Hahaha, a racists. I love it. This is soo quaint. Hey, are you a NAZI to? Or have a Confederste flag tattoo visible or do you hide it like a coward?
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

What could go right? We could import people, make them live in a city owned formerly abandoned house in the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit for a decade like a new version of the Homestead Act and make them citizens if they work and stay clean.
Or we could import them into YOUR hometown and let them drag your schools down, overcrowd your hospitals, increase your property taxes and lower your property values. It's all warm fuzzy goodness until they become YOUR problem.

Hell yeah! Bring them on. When we imported them Bosnians 20 or 25 years back it went plenty well.

Remember, I'm giving them houses no one wants to buy. They'll have little barrios and raise the surrounding property values. They'll largely become citizens and do well just like the Bosnians before them, the Irish, the Ooles, even the Italians and Germans did well.

The one8s that don't work or get convicted or something Trump can do as he wishes with.
You're glossing over a few details. They need EVERYTHING because they are uneducated do not speak our language they are largely unhealthy so they will need assistance of every kind. That takes a lot of tax and charity money which by the way impacts our poorest citizens in a very bad way. They will consume more and more state level resources wherever they land and will wire much of what they earn or receive out of the country. A small percentage will become productive citizens. The majority will be liabilities their entire lives. I've lived in Arizona for decades I've seen it. I doubt very seriously you want them surrounding your beautiful house as I don't want them surrounding mine.

That's fine. These Bosnians were uncomprehendable, had "different" hygiene and seemed drawn to work in metal recylcing.

Don't forget them Dagos, some of who who all lived in their barrios.

Or them Shanty Irish.

Or them dumb Pollocks.

Or them Catholics who are going to defer to the Pope.

"They" are going to be in downtown St Louis or Cleveland at first in the free city owned houses that I "give" them for being productive and living where no one wants to even buy a house for last year's taxes. Not in your compound, don't worry, you'll probably only see them from the hwy if you drive to a Lions, Cardinals or Browns game.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.
It's all theatre staged by the Orange Con, but someone may get hurt. I don't see any innocents amongst Trump thugs or the aliens trying to get here. I suspect the cops andmilitary have so many guns that nobody will be able to cause injuries to them.
I don't believe the troops will even be issued live ammo.
I doubt they'll need it. LOL

But Trump is getting UUUUUGE headlines.
The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

First you tried stealing their children. Yet they come. Now you will circumvent the law & purposefully delay their asylum request until they just leavre.

I thought we were a nation of laws. Evidently to you & your ilk that is ony when it is convenient.
You can appear for a judge within days.

Here, put down the gun & read the article at this link.

Can You Request Asylum At The U.S. Border?

OMG I can't believe you actually posted that steaming pile of horse shit.

What is not true?????

Militias are heading to the border

Trump had painted this as an invasion

It is an invasion even if your stupid ass doesn't believe it.

Oh and all that shit about stealing their kids??

A steaming pile of horse shit. Just up your alley.

Its people needing help.

Trump took away children to act as a deterrent. Hundreds have not been returned & the orange assfuck deported parents without their kids. How God damn stupid can you get. He took them & didn't give them back . That is stealing

I love it. You support the United States of America, the greatest country on this planet is stealing children from poor people seeking asylum.

People can get help somewhere else. How many countries did they pass through to get to our border??

They could have stopped at any of them and ask for asylum.

Unlike you I have no wish to make their problems my problems.

No one stole their kids you jackass.
The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

First you tried stealing their children. Yet they come. Now you will circumvent the law & purposefully delay their asylum request until they just leavre.

I thought we were a nation of laws. Evidently to you & your ilk that is ony when it is convenient.
You can appear for a judge within days.

Here, put down the gun & read the article at this link.

Can You Request Asylum At The U.S. Border?

OMG I can't believe you actually posted that steaming pile of horse shit.

What is not true?????

Militias are heading to the border

Trump had painted this as an invasion

It is an invasion even if your stupid ass doesn't believe it.

Oh and all that shit about stealing their kids??

A steaming pile of horse shit. Just up your alley.
An "invasion"?

Like every other caravan (there have been many) the numbers are declining as they walk. The LAST caravan began with 4,000 and dwindled to 200 by the time they got to the border. Most were refused entry.

Some "invasion" huh?

And yes...the Trump admin (ICE actually) DID kidnap children (some of whom have STILL not been returned to their parents) as a PUNISHMENT and to deter asylum seekers.

NOot only was it blatant disgusting cynicism...it didn't fucking work...obviously

Just because you want to make their problems your problem doesn't mean the rest of America does.

Oh and some of those kids parents weren't their parents at all.

Jesus your a jackass.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

Didn't bring enough handcuffs?

View attachment 225995

Our federal military can't do that.

The Posse Comitatas Act makes it illegal for any of our federal troops to enforce any of our domestic laws and policies.

So they can't even legally put handcuffs on anyone at the border.
The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

What could go right? We could import people, make them live in a city owned formerly abandoned house in the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit for a decade like a new version of the Homestead Act and make them citizens if they work and stay clean.
Or we could import them into YOUR hometown and let them drag your schools down, overcrowd your hospitals, increase your property taxes and lower your property values. It's all warm fuzzy goodness until they become YOUR problem.

And when your kid comes home from school and dies from some disease we wiped out years ago, tell us how great immigration is.
Small pox no longer exists. Anywhere. If you're talking about polio or measles, vaccinate your own kids and you won't have to worry about it.

So lets see, to accommodate these people, we need to spend billions of dollars on lawyers, courts, and child care. We need to become a bilingual country, and now we have to immunize our children. Gotcha.

Anything else we can do for these people because somehow that doesn’’t seem like enough?

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We've always needed to immunize our children. That's how we and the rest of the world eradicated small pox.
Spending billions to vet immigrant applications, refugees and asylum applications is what we have always done. As a matter of fact, there is quite a hefty fee associated with all of those, so I'm not sure how many billions we're out.
Yeah, I get it; you don't like foreigners, legal or illegal. Your argument to completely do away with new people coming to these shores is not gonna happen, though, so you can keep howling at the moon. No one is taking you seriously.
The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.
That's okay, except it shouldn't take anywhere near 3 to 4 years to complete an asylum case. Actually, most of these are fast tracked and take six months, max, if the people are in detention.
More personnel to handle these cases. We don't just say "Gee, we're too busy" and shut the door.

That's exactly what we should do.

Shut the damned door.
It isn't up to us how many people apply for asylum. The number of folks wanting to get in is because of factors in their own homes, not ours. I suppose we could (we shouldn't, but we could) arbitrarily say that we are only going to process the first _______ however many applications for asylum that we receive in any give year, regardless of their worth or whatever. Then we wouldn't need to send more judges and paper pushers to the border to handle the increase in demand.
But that's a rinky-dink response not worthy of the wealthiest country on earth. I am not saying that we should let everyone in. I am not supporting those who are border jumping. But when there are a lot of asylum applications (there will NOT be thousands, in the end, when this caravan reaches the border) it only makes sense to increase the resources to handle them.

I disagree.

Those folks could have asked for asylum in any of the countries they went through but will wait till they get to America.

We have enough people here and we sure don't need any more uneducated, unskilled folks who don't speak our language.

We shut not only shut that door. We should slam the damned thing.

If they are uneducated, they could qualify to be Trump supporters.
There's always a silver lining, right? LOL
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

Didn't bring enough handcuffs?

View attachment 225995

Our federal military can't do that.

The Posse Comitatas Act makes it illegal for any of our federal troops to enforce any of our domestic laws and policies.

So they can't even legally put handcuffs on anyone at the border.
They're constructing the tent cities and stringing barbed wire, spelling the border agents so they can go out more on patrol. It could give an imposing optic, though, having all those uniforms milling around.
That's okay, except it shouldn't take anywhere near 3 to 4 years to complete an asylum case. Actually, most of these are fast tracked and take six months, max, if the people are in detention.
More personnel to handle these cases. We don't just say "Gee, we're too busy" and shut the door.

That's exactly what we should do.

Shut the damned door.
It isn't up to us how many people apply for asylum. The number of folks wanting to get in is because of factors in their own homes, not ours. I suppose we could (we shouldn't, but we could) arbitrarily say that we are only going to process the first _______ however many applications for asylum that we receive in any give year, regardless of their worth or whatever. Then we wouldn't need to send more judges and paper pushers to the border to handle the increase in demand.
But that's a rinky-dink response not worthy of the wealthiest country on earth. I am not saying that we should let everyone in. I am not supporting those who are border jumping. But when there are a lot of asylum applications (there will NOT be thousands, in the end, when this caravan reaches the border) it only makes sense to increase the resources to handle them.

I disagree.

Those folks could have asked for asylum in any of the countries they went through but will wait till they get to America.

We have enough people here and we sure don't need any more uneducated, unskilled folks who don't speak our language.

We shut not only shut that door. We should slam the damned thing.

If they are uneducated, they could qualify to be Trump supporters.
There's always a silver lining, right? LOL
campin under the stars with no rain!

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First you tried stealing their children. Yet they come. Now you will circumvent the law & purposefully delay their asylum request until they just leavre.

I thought we were a nation of laws. Evidently to you & your ilk that is ony when it is convenient.
You can appear for a judge within days.

Here, put down the gun & read the article at this link.

Can You Request Asylum At The U.S. Border?

OMG I can't believe you actually posted that steaming pile of horse shit.

What is not true?????

Militias are heading to the border

Trump had painted this as an invasion

It is an invasion even if your stupid ass doesn't believe it.

Oh and all that shit about stealing their kids??

A steaming pile of horse shit. Just up your alley.

Its people needing help.

Trump took away children to act as a deterrent. Hundreds have not been returned & the orange assfuck deported parents without their kids. How God damn stupid can you get. He took them & didn't give them back . That is stealing

I love it. You support the United States of America, the greatest country on this planet is stealing children from poor people seeking asylum.

People can get help somewhere else. How many countries did they pass through to get to our border??

They could have stopped at any of them and ask for asylum.

Unlike you I have no wish to make their problems my problems.

No one stole their kids you jackass.

But, you see, we have this statue u just won"t man up and tear down.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

Didn't bring enough handcuffs?

View attachment 225995

Our federal military can't do that.

The Posse Comitatas Act makes it illegal for any of our federal troops to enforce any of our domestic laws and policies.

So they can't even legally put handcuffs on anyone at the border.

Not if those troops are National Guard.
Do you think the number of armed militias have dwindled since 2016?

Actually, no. As of 02/21/2018, the SPLC claims the number has jumped by 20% since 2014. They have identified 689 groups associated with the anti-government “Patriot” movement, with about 40 percent of them armed militias.
All in Texas patrolling the boarder?

I have serious doubts about that.

The border stretches across more than one state. Did you sleep through geography class or something?
Oooh nice deflection! You gave the appearance of addressing my question without actually doing so!

To bad I'm not gonna fall for it.

Would you like to try again?

Don't be obtuse. I never stated that "all of them" were patrolling the Texas border. You asked a silly question that the answer of which even a ten year old could find online.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

OMG!!! A sovereign nation defending it's borders! How dare the President actually do his job.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

OMG!!! A sovereign nation defending it's borders! How dare the President actually do his job.
I think a lot of the taunting is because of the disproportional response. It's overkill to send thousands of troops to the border for that caravan. It's got folks twitching their trigger fingers and dreaming of a fight against unarmed people. It's just crazy. Sure, send down some extra help if you need it, but thousands?
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

OMG!!! A sovereign nation defending it's borders! How dare the President actually do his job.
I think a lot of the taunting is because of the disproportional response. It's overkill to send thousands of troops to the border for that caravan. It's got folks twitching their trigger fingers and dreaming of a fight against unarmed people. It's just crazy. Sure, send down some extra help if you need it, but thousands?

Oh please.

From what I've been reading some of these people are armed and have stolen all along the way.

Its not overkill to send thousands of troops to face thousands of invaders.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

OMG!!! A sovereign nation defending it's borders! How dare the President actually do his job.
I think a lot of the taunting is because of the disproportional response. It's overkill to send thousands of troops to the border for that caravan. It's got folks twitching their trigger fingers and dreaming of a fight against unarmed people. It's just crazy. Sure, send down some extra help if you need it, but thousands?

The Southern border is 1000s of miles long. The caravan has 1000s in it and there are reportedly more behind it. If you want law and order and things done in a humane way you need numbers on your side. Otherwise it'll be a cluster-F***.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

OMG!!! A sovereign nation defending it's borders! How dare the President actually do his job.
I think a lot of the taunting is because of the disproportional response. It's overkill to send thousands of troops to the border for that caravan. It's got folks twitching their trigger fingers and dreaming of a fight against unarmed people. It's just crazy. Sure, send down some extra help if you need it, but thousands?

Well then how many troops do we need? Mexico sent several hundred federal officers with riot gear to their border with Guatemala, but the caravan swamped them and forced them to withdraw. More than several of the illegals are armed, having already fired on Mexican police. Some of them are even acquiring molotov cocktails and likely, more weapons as they travel through Mexico.
The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

First you tried stealing their children. Yet they come. Now you will circumvent the law & purposefully delay their asylum request until they just leavre.

I thought we were a nation of laws. Evidently to you & your ilk that is ony when it is convenient.
You can appear for a judge within days.

Here, put down the gun & read the article at this link.

Can You Request Asylum At The U.S. Border?

OMG I can't believe you actually posted that steaming pile of horse shit.

What is not true?????

Militias are heading to the border

Trump had painted this as an invasion

It is an invasion even if your stupid ass doesn't believe it.

Oh and all that shit about stealing their kids??

A steaming pile of horse shit. Just up your alley.
An "invasion"?

Like every other caravan (there have been many) the numbers are declining as they walk. The LAST caravan began with 4,000 and dwindled to 200 by the time they got to the border. Most were refused entry.

Some "invasion" huh?

And yes...the Trump admin (ICE actually) DID kidnap children (some of whom have STILL not been returned to their parents) as a PUNISHMENT and to deter asylum seekers.

NOot only was it blatant disgusting cynicism...it didn't fucking work...obviously

No, that’s a lie. The children were placed with people from their own country or family members. Because some are illegal themselves, they are not answering the door or phone when authorities check on them.

Well, the crying left did work. Now Trump won’t even let them into the country so he doesn’t have to deal with that nonsense anymore.

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