What could possibly go wrong?

Or we could import them into YOUR hometown and let them drag your schools down, overcrowd your hospitals, increase your property taxes and lower your property values. It's all warm fuzzy goodness until they become YOUR problem.

And when your kid comes home from school and dies from some disease we wiped out years ago, tell us how great immigration is.
Small pox no longer exists. Anywhere. If you're talking about polio or measles, vaccinate your own kids and you won't have to worry about it.
More indoctrination I see... You need to stay the fuck out of other people’s personal lives.
???? Whatshisface is into the "personal lives" of these supposedly disease-ridden people trekking thousands of miles (sure--they're really sick) and he's not only "into" their lives, he's making up bullshit about them.
Vaccinating them is the simple answer that 90+ percent of Americans do routinely, anyway.
We already have far too many illegal aliens in country....
---------------------------------------------------- had too many when ' reagan - bush' gave them amnesty .

Actually, no. As of 02/21/2018, the SPLC claims the number has jumped by 20% since 2014. They have identified 689 groups associated with the anti-government “Patriot” movement, with about 40 percent of them armed militias.
All in Texas patrolling the boarder?

I have serious doubts about that.

The border stretches across more than one state. Did you sleep through geography class or something?
Oooh nice deflection! You gave the appearance of addressing my question without actually doing so!

To bad I'm not gonna fall for it.

Would you like to try again?

Don't be obtuse. I never stated that "all of them" were patrolling the Texas border. You asked a silly question that the answer of which even a ten year old could find online.
Lol, even a ten year old? You don't seem to be able to find it.....
Actually, no. As of 02/21/2018, the SPLC claims the number has jumped by 20% since 2014. They have identified 689 groups associated with the anti-government “Patriot” movement, with about 40 percent of them armed militias.
All in Texas patrolling the boarder?

I have serious doubts about that.

The border stretches across more than one state. Did you sleep through geography class or something?
Oooh nice deflection! You gave the appearance of addressing my question without actually doing so!

To bad I'm not gonna fall for it.

Would you like to try again?

Don't be obtuse. I never stated that "all of them" were patrolling the Texas border. You asked a silly question that the answer of which even a ten year old could find online.
Lol, even a ten year old? You don't seem to be able to find it.....

No, I'm not bothering to find it for you. Your ability to use basic internet search tools is obviously stunted. I'm not doing your homework for you, zipperhead.
All in Texas patrolling the boarder?

I have serious doubts about that.

The border stretches across more than one state. Did you sleep through geography class or something?
Oooh nice deflection! You gave the appearance of addressing my question without actually doing so!

To bad I'm not gonna fall for it.

Would you like to try again?

Don't be obtuse. I never stated that "all of them" were patrolling the Texas border. You asked a silly question that the answer of which even a ten year old could find online.
Lol, even a ten year old? You don't seem to be able to find it.....

No, I'm not bothering to find it for you. Your ability to use basic internet search tools is obviously stunted. I'm not doing your homework for you, zipperhead.
Lol, you got nuthin'.
The border stretches across more than one state. Did you sleep through geography class or something?
Oooh nice deflection! You gave the appearance of addressing my question without actually doing so!

To bad I'm not gonna fall for it.

Would you like to try again?

Don't be obtuse. I never stated that "all of them" were patrolling the Texas border. You asked a silly question that the answer of which even a ten year old could find online.
Lol, even a ten year old? You don't seem to be able to find it.....

No, I'm not bothering to find it for you. Your ability to use basic internet search tools is obviously stunted. I'm not doing your homework for you, zipperhead.
Lol, you got nuthin'.

Dumbshit. I have everything. All you have is yourself standing there with your dick in your hand and a bushel of lame excuses.
Oooh nice deflection! You gave the appearance of addressing my question without actually doing so!

To bad I'm not gonna fall for it.

Would you like to try again?

Don't be obtuse. I never stated that "all of them" were patrolling the Texas border. You asked a silly question that the answer of which even a ten year old could find online.
Lol, even a ten year old? You don't seem to be able to find it.....

No, I'm not bothering to find it for you. Your ability to use basic internet search tools is obviously stunted. I'm not doing your homework for you, zipperhead.
Lol, you got nuthin'.

Dumbshit. I have everything. All you have is yourself standing there with your dick in your hand and a bushel of lame excuses.
Lol, step back and look at this, who is making excuses here?
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.
You know what happened last time we sent troops to the border.
Last time, there was not a caravan that has been hyped by Trump to be criminasls, murderers, middle eastern terrorists that will invade America.
What is not true?????

Militias are heading to the border

Trump had painted this as an invasion

It is an invasion even if your stupid ass doesn't believe it.

Oh and all that shit about stealing their kids??

A steaming pile of horse shit. Just up your alley.
An "invasion"?

Like every other caravan (there have been many) the numbers are declining as they walk. The LAST caravan began with 4,000 and dwindled to 200 by the time they got to the border. Most were refused entry.

Some "invasion" huh?

And yes...the Trump admin (ICE actually) DID kidnap children (some of whom have STILL not been returned to their parents) as a PUNISHMENT and to deter asylum seekers.

NOot only was it blatant disgusting cynicism...it didn't fucking work...obviously

No, that’s a lie. The children were placed with people from their own country or family members. Because some are illegal themselves, they are not answering the door or phone when authorities check on them.

Well, the crying left did work. Now Trump won’t even let them into the country so he doesn’t have to deal with that nonsense anymore.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Wow, you believe everything that orange POS says.

As of the first of October, hundreds of children still were not reunited with their parents. A lot of these parents were deported without their kids.

So what's your point? If they can't get in contact with their kids, what do you want Trump do do about it?

And no, Trump didn't tell me anything. It was reported by USA Today.

The fat assed piece of shit took their kids. Wny the fuck doesn't he know where they are & can't reunited them?
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

Didn't bring enough handcuffs?

View attachment 225995

Our federal military can't do that.

The Posse Comitatas Act makes it illegal for any of our federal troops to enforce any of our domestic laws and policies.

So they can't even legally put handcuffs on anyone at the border.

Okay - light 'em up.

Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

Didn't bring enough handcuffs?

View attachment 225995

Our federal military can't do that.

The Posse Comitatas Act makes it illegal for any of our federal troops to enforce any of our domestic laws and policies.

So they can't even legally put handcuffs on anyone at the border.

Does it say anything about letting police and military dogs go wild on them?
It is an invasion even if your stupid ass doesn't believe it.

Oh and all that shit about stealing their kids??

A steaming pile of horse shit. Just up your alley.
An "invasion"?

Like every other caravan (there have been many) the numbers are declining as they walk. The LAST caravan began with 4,000 and dwindled to 200 by the time they got to the border. Most were refused entry.

Some "invasion" huh?

And yes...the Trump admin (ICE actually) DID kidnap children (some of whom have STILL not been returned to their parents) as a PUNISHMENT and to deter asylum seekers.

NOot only was it blatant disgusting cynicism...it didn't fucking work...obviously

No, that’s a lie. The children were placed with people from their own country or family members. Because some are illegal themselves, they are not answering the door or phone when authorities check on them.

Well, the crying left did work. Now Trump won’t even let them into the country so he doesn’t have to deal with that nonsense anymore.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Wow, you believe everything that orange POS says.

As of the first of October, hundreds of children still were not reunited with their parents. A lot of these parents were deported without their kids.

So what's your point? If they can't get in contact with their kids, what do you want Trump do do about it?

And no, Trump didn't tell me anything. It was reported by USA Today.

The fat assed piece of shit took their kids. Wny the fuck doesn't he know where they are & can't reunited them?

HE doesn't handle those types of things, the Department of Health and Human services does. What do you think took place, that Trump took the kids and then delivered them personally to these families? Did he stuff them all in the presidential limo or something?

rolling eyes.gif
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

It'll be fun to watch.
Oh fuck you. Get informed for a fucking change. This has been widely reported & the Gov of Texas has warned people close to the border.
Jesus fuck. Get a God damn education.

Put the pipe down retard, your wet dream about a bunch of rebel flag waving rednecks shooting a bunch of illegal aliens just ain’t going to happen. No matter what George Noory says, milita are not heading to the border, and if they are, they will be dealt with. You never even been to the borde. If you had, your stupid ass would know that unless they are on private property, there really ain’t allot of places your fantasy milita just couldn’t do what you are saying they are.

You are such a dumbass. There are militia members now that patrol the border & call Border Patrol when they see something.

Trump has created this. Any bloodshed will be his hands.

I have been to the border. That is how I know it is not open like you assfucks say. There are actually fences & stuff,.

You are a bigger fucking retard then I ever thought. Next thing you say will be that neighborhood watch are milita to. You ar an even bigger retard saying Trump created them. Stupidest thing I have ever heard. Add to that, you are a liar. Watching Rick Bayless on food network isn’t going to the border. To stupid to carry on with.
Neighborhood watch are not armed you stupid fuck.
These people call themselves militias you stupid fuck.
Trump created this because he lied about the caravan. And you were dumb enough to believe it.
----------------------------------------------- tell 'tray tray trayvon martin' that neighborhood watch ain't armed RDave and Crixus.

Apples and oranges.
Alex Jones much?
Oh fuck you. Get informed for a fucking change. This has been widely reported & the Gov of Texas has warned people close to the border.
Jesus fuck. Get a God damn education.

Put the pipe down retard, your wet dream about a bunch of rebel flag waving rednecks shooting a bunch of illegal aliens just ain’t going to happen. No matter what George Noory says, milita are not heading to the border, and if they are, they will be dealt with. You never even been to the borde. If you had, your stupid ass would know that unless they are on private property, there really ain’t allot of places your fantasy milita just couldn’t do what you are saying they are.

You are such a dumbass. There are militia members now that patrol the border & call Border Patrol when they see something.

Trump has created this. Any bloodshed will be his hands.

I have been to the border. That is how I know it is not open like you assfucks say. There are actually fences & stuff,.

You are a bigger fucking retard then I ever thought. Next thing you say will be that neighborhood watch are milita to. You ar an even bigger retard saying Trump created them. Stupidest thing I have ever heard. Add to that, you are a liar. Watching Rick Bayless on food network isn’t going to the border. To stupid to carry on with.
Neighborhood watch are not armed you stupid fuck.
These people call themselves militias you stupid fuck.
Trump created this because he lied about the caravan. And you were dumb enough to believe it.

Um, as was pointed out already, yes they are you dumbass. You are telling lies. Bad ones at that. Stop getting your info from “Mayans”. It only highlights your ignorance.
The timing is exquisite. It takes years to plan an assault on the United States like this in time for an October surprise. Is it another CIA blunder or was the Agency part of it? No doubt democrats are hoping that something goes wrong within days before the mid terms. .
The timing is exquisite. It takes years to plan an assault on the United States like this in time for an October surprise. Is it another CIA blunder or was the Agency part of it? No doubt democrats are hoping that something goes wrong within days before the mid terms. .

Nothing has to. All the illegals have to do is stop at the border. What is already a humanitarian crisis will get bigger with all their third world country diseases spreading like wild fire, and CNN will be right there to put dead baby’s on TV. CNN loves dead children. Fox to. Shep Smith and Anderson Cooper would jizz in their pants. In the end, no matter how it go’s the USA will foot the bill.
It is an invasion even if your stupid ass doesn't believe it.

Oh and all that shit about stealing their kids??

A steaming pile of horse shit. Just up your alley.
An "invasion"?

Like every other caravan (there have been many) the numbers are declining as they walk. The LAST caravan began with 4,000 and dwindled to 200 by the time they got to the border. Most were refused entry.

Some "invasion" huh?

And yes...the Trump admin (ICE actually) DID kidnap children (some of whom have STILL not been returned to their parents) as a PUNISHMENT and to deter asylum seekers.

NOot only was it blatant disgusting cynicism...it didn't fucking work...obviously

No, that’s a lie. The children were placed with people from their own country or family members. Because some are illegal themselves, they are not answering the door or phone when authorities check on them.

Well, the crying left did work. Now Trump won’t even let them into the country so he doesn’t have to deal with that nonsense anymore.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Wow, you believe everything that orange POS says.

As of the first of October, hundreds of children still were not reunited with their parents. A lot of these parents were deported without their kids.

So what's your point? If they can't get in contact with their kids, what do you want Trump do do about it?

And no, Trump didn't tell me anything. It was reported by USA Today.

The fat assed piece of shit took their kids. Wny the fuck doesn't he know where they are & can't reunited them?

Could you be more of an idiot??

I think not.
An "invasion"?

Like every other caravan (there have been many) the numbers are declining as they walk. The LAST caravan began with 4,000 and dwindled to 200 by the time they got to the border. Most were refused entry.

Some "invasion" huh?

And yes...the Trump admin (ICE actually) DID kidnap children (some of whom have STILL not been returned to their parents) as a PUNISHMENT and to deter asylum seekers.

NOot only was it blatant disgusting cynicism...it didn't fucking work...obviously

No, that’s a lie. The children were placed with people from their own country or family members. Because some are illegal themselves, they are not answering the door or phone when authorities check on them.

Well, the crying left did work. Now Trump won’t even let them into the country so he doesn’t have to deal with that nonsense anymore.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Wow, you believe everything that orange POS says.

As of the first of October, hundreds of children still were not reunited with their parents. A lot of these parents were deported without their kids.

So what's your point? If they can't get in contact with their kids, what do you want Trump do do about it?

And no, Trump didn't tell me anything. It was reported by USA Today.

The fat assed piece of shit took their kids. Wny the fuck doesn't he know where they are & can't reunited them?

HE doesn't handle those types of things, the Department of Health and Human services does. What do you think took place, that Trump took the kids and then delivered them personally to these families? Did he stuff them all in the presidential limo or something?

View attachment 226178

You can't tell that idiot anything. He believes what he WANTS to believe and that it.

Never saw him putting up a threads about Obama's administration doing the same thing. In fact those picture that these lefty loons showed were all from 2014. Guess who was POTUS then??

RD is a hypocrite and an idiot.
The timing is exquisite. It takes years to plan an assault on the United States like this in time for an October surprise. Is it another CIA blunder or was the Agency part of it? No doubt democrats are hoping that something goes wrong within days before the mid terms. .

Nothing has to. All the illegals have to do is stop at the border. What is already a humanitarian crisis will get bigger with all their third world country diseases spreading like wild fire, and CNN will be right there to put dead baby’s on TV. CNN loves dead children. Fox to. Shep Smith and Anderson Cooper would jizz in their pants. In the end, no matter how it go’s the USA will foot the bill.

No matter what the outcome, there is no benefit to America. These people are bringing nothing but problems for us. They already believe they have every right to be here:

Migrants traveling to US sue Trump, government; claim violation of constitutional rights
No, that’s a lie. The children were placed with people from their own country or family members. Because some are illegal themselves, they are not answering the door or phone when authorities check on them.

Well, the crying left did work. Now Trump won’t even let them into the country so he doesn’t have to deal with that nonsense anymore.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Wow, you believe everything that orange POS says.

As of the first of October, hundreds of children still were not reunited with their parents. A lot of these parents were deported without their kids.

So what's your point? If they can't get in contact with their kids, what do you want Trump do do about it?

And no, Trump didn't tell me anything. It was reported by USA Today.

The fat assed piece of shit took their kids. Wny the fuck doesn't he know where they are & can't reunited them?

HE doesn't handle those types of things, the Department of Health and Human services does. What do you think took place, that Trump took the kids and then delivered them personally to these families? Did he stuff them all in the presidential limo or something?

View attachment 226178

You can't tell that idiot anything. He believes what he WANTS to believe and that it.

Never saw him putting up a threads about Obama's administration doing the same thing. In fact those picture that these lefty loons showed were all from 2014. Guess who was POTUS then??

RD is a hypocrite and an idiot.

It's a common trait among liberals. It's called Selective Memory.

Don't let Dave get to ya. He's nothing but a flamer that comes here when he has nothing better to do.

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